What movies do Chads usually watch?
What movies do Chads usually watch?
Whatever netflix recommends
Americans are a disgusting breed. They're the pugs of the human race.
is being a tyler even better than being a chad?
Poor little black boys
Based 2pbp
> Tyler
> Chad
disgusting rootless muttnames
>americans actually brag about having sex with spider monkeys
rent free
>gigantic parking lot
>gigantic shoebox structure on the horizon that is either a mall, a school facility, a prison or military barracks
>jesus freek societal obligations warped by the hasidic rulers of the landscape
yep, that's burgerpunk
Attende Domine, et miserere, quia peccavimus tibi.
Attende Domine, et miserere, quia peccavimus tibi.
Ad te Rex summe,
omnium Redemptor,
oculos nostros
sublevamus flentes:
exaudi, Christe,
supplicantum preces.
Attende Domine, et miserere, quia peccavimus tibi.
Dextera Patris,
lapis angularis,
via salutis,
ianua caelestis,
ablue nostri
maculas delicti.
Attende Domine, et miserere, quia peccavimus tibi.
Rogamus, Deus,
tuam maiestatem:
auribus sacris
gemitus exaudi:
crimina nostra
placidus indulge.
Attende Domine, et miserere, quia peccavimus tibi.
Tibi fatemur
crimina admissa:
contrito corde
pandimus occulta:
tua, Redemptor,
pietas ignoscat.
Attende Domine, et miserere, quia peccavimus tibi.
Innocens captus,
nec repugnans ductus;
testibus falsis
pro impiis damnatus
quos redemisti,
tu conserva, Christe.
Attende Domine, et miserere, quia peccavimus tibi.
Only kinos that require +150 IQ such as pic related
You niggers realize this is a under armor viral designed for normalfags?
>They're the pugs of the human race.
based and redpilled
under what?
>europoors in charge of collecting rent
Why are incels so spastic?
Humongous what
Stay mad Jamal
only proving the point with your niggerspeak
>tfw completely wasted my high school years because i was a socially awkward loser with no sense of fashion or social skills
>tfw i would give everything i have to go back in time
Hardest battles are the ones against yourself
You can still go back to r9k, failed normie.
>words with more than 6 letters make euroniggers seethe
>dat jelly
Use correct spelling, nigger.
I'm not american my virgin friend
> no stop being racist!
lmao shitskin
Dial 8
Dude just send me a bill. I can spare a rupee or 2 for your retarded pajeet ass. That’ll feed your family for years and I’m living full time in your head anyways
Don't forget to leave a tip
Every time
>bruh yall crackas finna deadass jelly n shit
imagine raging this hard
imagine what kind of arab tries this hard to appear white
>n-no don’t say the n word!
>Ahmed will fuck me in the ass instead of my sister if he sees it!
> arabs bad
Nobody thinks you're white brownfham
> islam bad
lmao dilate
Niggers don’t think at all, nigger. That means you, shitskin.
They cute!
He looks like a based wigga unlike Yea Forums posters who are Bobs and Bills.
> post muttbait
> mutts immediately start spamming racemixing propaganda
Imagine being a young negro, raised fatherless listening to shitty trash music that tells you you can make it big in life by being a thug and making shitty mixtapes, and how you'll get hot girls that way. And then reality hits you in the face this hard. Gotta feel bad for them, honestly
>based wigga
Nice unnecessary spaces, muhammad.
Way to out yourself as a Muhammad shitskin, friend.
Absolutely brutal
They’re not unnecessary if I post them. Cope.
Not an argument.
Nice try, have sex and never use meme arrows again, mutt
>American niggers in the OP
>call them out as American niggers
Trans fats have rotten your mind to a sludge.
>black women want white men to lynch black men
I have no problem with this.
>They're the pugs of the human race.
I already fucked your mum
A post that bland and unoriginal would never be allowed
>implying there is anything wrong with white man colonizing
It's next level cucking, I tell you
>prefer men comfortable using the N-word
>tfw no anaconda in my pants
>have an anaconda
>have been dumped before because it’s too big
Honestly a worse feeling than you’d think
Go fuck yourself Thundercock! I'll go make AUgs a reality and then I'll give meself a bloody RoboCock and THEN we'll see who's laughing!
does this actually happen
Need to fap to some black girls after this thread
>human race
God damn
Why must you disrespect the noble pug in such a way?
>that tiny wrist
what? i thought women didn't like men with small wrists. did incels lie to me?
Women prefer confident men who can make them laugh.
MCU. Arthouse is for beta cucks, incels and edgelords.
I hope god smites us all.
There is no other choice
The universe isn't kind enough to give us a just God
Thus, we suffer
They don't watch movies. They're too busy drowning in all the pussy who won't even fuck us average-cels anymore.
a shocking amount of black women have this fetish.
Marvel and DC spam.
Just confident, and by confident I mean tall and good looking.