what happened?
Remember when this guy was kind of a big deal?
He got horny and lonely.
Seems like he's trying to be another DiCaprio, "more than a pretty boy" career, picking a few prestigious roles rather than starring in mainstream shit. Or maybe hes just not in demand anymore, who knows.
I guess not everybody can be a DiCaprio/BradPitt/TomCruise.
He’s working on the ultimate arthouse kino with Refn right now.
I'm not an American so this is unbiased but I have to point it out since I'll be accused of being one.
>stars in a movie about an American pilot who becomes an astronaut in an American mission to go to the moon using American money
>trashes American flag and claims that it was a global mission
The moon landing was a historic act done by one nation. That American flag would've shown authenticity but they not removed it and then insulted the potential ticket payers.
I hope he hangs dong before he gets too old and ugly.
He has been making better movies lately so who cares
But also nazi technology and nazi scientists.
i never understood the rationale there. the movie is a deeply personal story about neil not about the mission itself and american glory etc. how would it add anything to that moon scene by highlighting the american flag? it'd just take the emotion away desu. i definitely see the degenerative shit in film now but i don't think this is an instance of it.
He’s been in big movies for like 5 years in a row: la la land, first man, blade runner, big short, nice guys
Just a year off
Hahahahaha NO
No, I do NOT want to suck cock. EVER. Watching some webms will not change this. Do you comprehend? Do you unnastan' the words that is comin' outta my mouf?
Now that I've dispensed with that little rant, perhaps you could take heed of this and simply title your threads with "blowjobs" or something efficient. Unless you're targeting them exclusively at women, which I can understand.
How about,
>Webms that make you fine, fine women want to receive some cock. Guys welcome too, if you're into that.
Let's learn from this, shall we?
based samefag trying to /pol/ up discussion
Based Goose
The focus of the movie was clearly personal and not about the space race and cold war competition. You might notice that the title is "First Man" not "First Nation"
This is from /gif/ right?
He's relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss him relentlessly.
is it just you or are there more relentlessly handsome posters
He takes a year off from movies and people pretend he's dead or something. Fucking amazing how hard this board turned on him after First Man. Just shows the only person you people are loyal to is Trump. Fat retard feels the need to chime in on a movie he hasn't watched and you guys suck his dick.
that's the first time I've posted it
The thing about the whole debacle which proves that people don't actually know American history and are just trying to stir up shit, is that Buzz Aldrin was the one who planted the flag on the moon, not Neil Armstrong. So of course the movie didn't show Neil Armstrong planting the flag.
Furthermore, is a retard who hasn't seen the movie because the American flag actually is shown on the moon. It's a shame that all this misinformation probably harmed the movie's performance. But it won an Oscar so whatever, it will always be remembered for that.
had a dream about him last night
Has two kids now I think, so I guess he's spending more time with his family. He made it fairly big with La La Land and Blade Runner 2049 and those are his two most popular movies at the moment. Drive is still pretty high up there. I didn't care for La La Land or Blade Runner 2049 but I enjoyed him in First Man and The Nice Guys the most out of the last ten years or so. Before that I really liked him in Lars and the Real Girl back in 2007.
There were rumors that Ryan Gosling was going to be in Hideo Kojima's video game called Death Stranding, alongside Mads Mikkelsen, del Toro, Nicolas Winding Refn and so on. I guess he declined. Hideo Kojima is pretty good friends with Refn and I suppose he talked to Refn to get in touch with Mikkelsen and Gosling, since those two actors worked with Refn in a few films. But only Mikkelsen will be fully in the game. Refn is in the game at least, but only his likeness and his voice in the game is handled by some other actor. Kind of weird. But it was also funny to see Kojima show up in Refn's recent show on Amazon too.
how does refn look so smug all the time
Woah, he actually has 0 upcoming projects. What happened??
Hollywood has an unofficial 3 flop strike which some actors avoid by taking long breaks, like Michael Fassbender.