Last Christmas

84 days until kino lands


Thread Theme:

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Other urls found in this thread:

>x days until

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>Why me?
>It was always gonna be you

Puts his hand on "HER" heart, 100% donor ghost

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>‘Luv Elfmilia
>’Luv George Michael
>‘Luv da Norf
>’Ate tha Lannistas
>’Ate Sansa
>’Ate Rose
>Simple as

>keeps on randomly appearing throughout the film
yeah he's a donor ghost

>everyone gets the twist only by watching the trailer
Bravo Paul

Attached: 11_sick.webm (1200x948, 1.95M)

how do you know its not a double bluff checkmate libtard

Attached: 15_elfkino_recap.webm (800x758, 2.97M)

>tfw will never have a conversation looking into each other's eyes and while you're talking she grins and says "exactly!"

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I want to hear Emilia noises in it

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How is it possible for a 30 year old woman to be this cute

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>Asked which dead characters she would bring back on GoT
>Said she would bring back Drogo, Viserys, and Ygritte so she could hang out with all her buddies on set again.

She's so sweet.

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Brain damage

>Best friend is the wife of the man who is obsessed with her
Very Sadistic Emilia

>ywn be with her

Don't be jealous, user.

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>I put fish in his socks


also I got the parking meter captcha

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>also I got the parking meter captcha
Congrats. She's just so smol

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No. You're wrong

damn shes fucking cute hated her in got tho she dany was ass

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And you'd know how? Spill the insider information, what's Emilia like, what does she smell like, we need to know, liar I don't believe you, TELL ME

>dany was ass
>being this wrong

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>character has a previous career as a singer

Emilia better be singing “Freedom 90” and “Careless Whisper” on this soundtrack.

>be emilia
>finally pick a nice job after years, put you heart in
>they spoil everything in the trailer and nobody go watch

why do things always go wrong with Emilia?

t. emma thompson running damage control

Not everybody is as autistic as Yea Forums. I’m sure the normies will have no idea.

Adversity builds character and strength. She'll keep acting no matter what the box office says, what the theater revenue is or royalties and one time payments are and she'll do it because she loves acting. So long as there's an audience and men like us continue to support her no matter what

half of youtube commenters already know

This shit is more forced than George Michael on the toilet cubicle

That soundtrack better be nothing but Emilia singing covers of all the best Christmas songs

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so what is the global consensus about her?

Cia Psyop? she made a pact with a demon? God's gift to the world?

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Literally the goddess Venus vessel

genetic anomaly (in a good way)

>I think I figured the ending out so I can't enjoy it or watch it now
Shit like this is why we got Arya killing the night king

>Shit like this is why we got Arya killing the night king
No, we got that because D&D are literally retarded and can't follow storytelling
Also who cares about the plot lmao i Just want to see Emilia doing cute shit and singing George Michael

>film title spoils the whole movie

>please, user. go watch my movie and help me to get hired again

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story sounds kino. im looking forward to it

No. Not unless you're watching it with me

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no ones gonna go see my movie:(

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Good morning Emilia, a little lewd on the IG for my preference but she does what she wants.

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what's happening there

I think I need to get an Instagram and just post my nieces and nephews in hopes of some Emilia likes. Should probably get a dog too

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Her brother lost the genetic lottery didn't he

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>the most perfect woman in all of creation is your sister
>being one of the few capable of not being emiiapilled
In more ways than one

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Thats a tranny

The lads will be there. We swore a vow

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I guess Emiia really is Christpilled. Likes and accepts anyone so long as they're nice. Maybe this means even a normie like me has a chance, feels good man

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A drag actually, i consider them less degenerate than trannies

>thinking the God of the Bible would accept a tranny even though he wants gays to die

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>thinking emilia genuinely gives the slightest fuck about the bible

yeah but trannys aren't saved anyway because none of them believe so it does not matter anyway

Then she isn't "Christpilled".

the day will come and none of us will be there

You don't have to be a nutty religious to have faith in something my dude

Maybe you won't. Some vows are writ in ink, and some in blood

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>t. american

not him and not a burguer but what's wrong?

No, one just has to be intellectually dishonest and a hypocrite.
I am. I also don't believe in God or cherry pick his teachings that I want to follow.

Its really weird how people hate her for no reason

Nigga i almost turned into a priest once. You literally just gotta have faith, be good and act good

She's an alpha female so roasties are intimidated by her

Yea Forums are just fags

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>Nigga i almost turned into a priest once.
That's stupid.
>You literally just gotta have faith
Why would I want to do that?
>be good and act good
Kill gay people as per the teachings of the Bible.

Watch this. Trips and I marry Emilia

k im not discussing religion on a colombian basket weaving forum

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> Hears Christmas Bells a-ringing.

> Goes mad.

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They aren't able to separate Emilia from Daenerys. They hate Daenerys and consequently they hate Emilia

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Looks absolute wank dogshit m8

Emilia is still the cutest though. None can compare. And she can actually act. A bit.

only quads can kill him

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digits aren't honored by scripters

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Nah people hated on her for me before you, they'd always find a reason

congrats user

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it would be nice if they hadn't revealed the twist in the trailer

This. Real gets or nothing at all

Cue Millennials pretending to remember Wham! and making comments about Andrew Ridgeley and Pepsi & Shirley [1]. You're too fucking young and the version of Freedom you remember is really the Robbie Williams one.

You'd need to be in your early 50s realistically.

[1] Which gives them away, usually the person they think its Pepsi is actually Dee C Lee who left to join the Style Council.

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lmao i was born in 2000 and my mom used to put me to sleep singing George Michael songs

>i was born in 2000

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embarrassing to go see it alone

Yeah, Emilia is marrying someone 14 years younger than her soon, check TMZ in 3 months

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>lmao i was born in 2000
excuse me?

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If you go alone you need to scope out the female Emilia fans

The wall fears this woman

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She's mad lol

> “Last Christmas, I gave you my heart…”

> Literally.

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do this with that BAFTA picture

Witnessed, Kek wills it

Scripted gets don't count.

which bafta pic

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He probably means the MET Gala ones where she has the odd makeup

He has a nice face, but its ruined by his ugly jew hair.

Yah i mean MET Gala

If he could script he'd have done it in one of the last twenty odd threads where he tried to get trips. The roll is legitimate

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Cope harder friends

>he could script he'd have done it in one of the last twenty odd threads where he tried to get trips
Not if he only now finally decided to use a script. You get it all the time for the big gets for example. The poster never replies after and most certainly doesn't have the (you)s. It's bogus

lmao the bottom left

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Boredatworkfag BTFO. Emilia is eternal


Even with shit makeup an AI still thinks she's almost 10 years younger


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Emilia has gotten rather ... thicc

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She's always been packing T H I C C

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Someone photoshop an emmy into that picture

>those curves
>the thighs peeking out


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Absolutely H E A L T H Y

>mfw she will win the Emmy and somebody will finally fund Above Suspicion release

Don't say healthy, it upsets her

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this is true
>She said: "There were a number of very public discussions about the size of my derriere. One article said it was refreshing to have such a 'healthy-sized' bottom on television. You hear that and immediately hear, 'I'm fat.'

>"So I just wanted to save myself from any future eating disorders that may emerge. And the comments were the worst! Like, 'I'm gonna tap that big fat ass.'"

>Emilia recently joined Instagram but has been horrified by the graphic comments left on her pictures.

>She told GQ magazine: "You can't help but see the comments. One was just a list of all the sexual acts he wanted to do to me. In text speak."

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>In text speak
What did she mean by this?

No grammar or punctuation or correct spelling like when you are texting

>I'm gonna tap that big fat ass

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its not based you fucking degenerate, she is upset

>liking a nice ass is degenerate
Imagine being this gay, you white knight cuck.

whoever pulled me out of that would be the king of westeros by every right in the seven kingdoms

Not him but have sex unironically

assfags out

hips/thighfags in

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>made a pact with a demon to suffer through life

Nigga what?

>not wanting both
What are you, gay?

Hah, I made this months ago. I’m glad it’s still getting some use.

Drag queens are actually fun people. They know who they are at the end of the day. Trannies have no clue who or what they are, ever.

>"You can't help but see the comments. One was just a list of all the sexual acts he wanted to do to me. In text speak."

that was me. sorry emilia. i'll try not to be so graphic next time.

>Not wanting it all in one smol package

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Someone do the age app on this pic.

Perfect pic if the goblin wasn't in it.

>Dany why did you burn down the city?
>I didn't do it daddy, cersei did it!

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Where are Kit's hands in this pic?

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Emilia > smirk >>>>>> powergap >>>>>>>>>> all

Emilia > Natalie > Rose > being hit by a train > Maisie

Damn Emilia looking BUSTY af

wish she would bust my balls in that outfit and make me smell those big elf shoes after

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Not bad, pretty close to accurate

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I agree

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gib christmas interview now, fuck this august heat

I want an Emilia gf so bad lads

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>paul feig
>emma thomspon
>the joke is shes always drunk and goofy- women aren't supposed to do that?! HAHAHAHAHA
jesus christ, I'd rather kill myself


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Give it up for my wallfags obsessing over 6/10 hobbit

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God I want to sqeeuze those arms

Is Emilia literally the only good looking anglo?

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Jesus christ what is that creature doing the peace sign

Las creaturas del norf fc

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Holy shit her brother is a clone of her father

when is she gonna get fat like a hog?

wow 2nd video really shows how emotive she is, I can see how that scares away guys with no sense of humor
Excellent defense mechinsm against creeps too, they'll drop their spaghetti immediately

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>I can see how that scares away guys with no sense of humor
Scares away faggots you mean

How can she be unironically so perfect bros
>inb4 brain damage
She was pure even before that

Elfmilia is way cuter than I expected

Is Feig dare I say it, /ourguy/

Only if she gets a happy ending


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She's not. You're in love with her and everything she does your brain automatically process as "awesome" and "cute"

awww she's sleeping

Have human contact

Point one (1) flaw



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*Hapa male octoroon female. FTFY

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>Henry gon' give it to ya
>Fuck waitin' for you to get it on your own
>Henry gon' deliver to ya
>Knock knock, open up the door, it's real
>With the non-stop, pop pop of a devoted heart
>Go hard, getting busy with it
>But I got such a good heart
>That I'll make emilia wonder if she can take it
>Damn right, and I'll do it again
>Cause I am right so she gots to win

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I don't get it

>born in 2000
Mfw lost my virginity 4 years before this shit was born..

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She's been hiding the bum for years

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She doesn't like to show her powerlevel

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31 days until she takes what is rightfully hers

How can a girl who did nude scenes dress and act so conservative irl

So i watched Killing Eve and the both nominees can act, also that Ozark girl is very good too

It will be hard bros, she probably will lose

why is she so chubby, bros?

>sandra oh
>can act

Cause that was art

Because its her work and this So she can achieve perfection

She has the ideal fat distribution and she's not mentally ill so she doesn't starve herself half to death

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Its like a inverted Pablo

>now that they failed with the blacked agenda they new something fucking new to kill the white race
What is this shit? Riced?

They wont even kiss nigger, chill

They will kiss in the movie

He's a ghost, they will get "interrupted" everytime they try like in the trailer

When women dress low key Mom jeans, they really are hiding a nice ass.
t. Someone now dating mom jeans chick with a fantastic ass
Fucking power level hiding

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She lost a lot of weight since last year, she's not that chubby anymore

Still has a nice body

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>now dating mom jeans chick with a fantastic ass
We're still waiting for that picture btw

>be will
>can't move
>see this
>everyday you move a little more
>start improving

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Take that dress off

imagine not being able to touch this hahah i would kill myself too

But user, how would he exercise his broken dick?

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Hallmark channel? That's what this feels like. Also, why do all Hallmark channel movies have the same plot? Weird isn't it? Is it Jews?

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If It is, would be based. Hallmark movies are extremely comfy

didn't see any references hanukkah or any other holidays so I don't think so
it's the same plot cause it's comfy, not too sure about the ending though

>Also, why do all Hallmark channel movies have the same plot? Weird isn't it? Is it Jews?
If it ain't broke, don't fix it

People like to watch feel-good movies. An emotionless incel like yourself wouldn't understand.

I'm not. I was just curious. I hope Jews aren't involved or we'll get a (((white men are evil))) special. Jews are vermin.

back to /pol/ dude, too much negativity

Sign of fertility to draw men in

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tldr no flaws gotcha

please go outside and enjoy you day. I promise you can learn a lot from things besides autistic youtube videos.


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Jews surely are involved but isn't a propaganda is just a romcom my dude

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where is this from faggot

Bros, im feeling it

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Excellent, keep up the meme magic lads, support your soon to be Emmy Winning Queen

>George: All it takes is one bad day, That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
>George: You had a bad day once, am I right? Oh I know I am. I can tell. You had a bad day and everything changed. Why else would you dress up like a that? You had a bad day, and it drove you as sad as everybody else... only you won't admit it! You have to keep pretending that life makes sense, that there's some point to all this struggling! Gods, you make me want to puke.
>George: I mean, what is it with you? What made you what you are? gf cheated on you, maybe? brother carved up by some traitors? Something like that, I know. because something like that happend to me...
>George: Sometimes I remember it one way, sometimes another... if I'm going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice
>George: My point is, I went nihilistic, and I'm smart enough to admit it, why can't you?
>George: By clinging to reality, you're denying the reality of the situation.
>George: I mean, Do you ever think about how many times we've come close to World War III over a flock of geese on a computer screen? mummer's farce, it's all a joke
>George: Everything anybody ever valued or struggled for... it's monstrous! So why can't you see it? Why aren't you suffering?

>Emilia: Because I've read it before, and it wasn't good the first time.
>Emilia: I spoke with Kit before I came in here, he told me he stands by Daenerys and would die for her because that's true love, you know what that means?
>Emilia: It means that despite all your sick, cruel, vicious little games, I'm as happy as I can ever be, so ordinary people don't crack.
>Emilia: Maybe... it's just you.

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checking those dubs

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She smacked off on Botox. Should have started light injections at age 24z Her otherworldly eyebrow muscles are irreparably damaging her forehead.

this is a fucking open poll, critics use different methods

You just posted cringe

>wanting to ruin perfection with plastic surgery
Fuck off dude

2 sessions of chemical peeling would fix that

She was having aneurysms with 24yo

Oh no women who aren’t soulless and show emotions get wrinkles, better have surgery to stop such a fatal disease!

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>likes a photo of literally just her own face with no context

Yea I’m thinking she’s based

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>Most of the comments praising Emilia's acting and shitting on D&D's script

Fucking based.

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A competent actress can make a good script better but it takes genuine talent to make the shit Dabid scraped together anywhere near watchable. Emilia and a few others carried that shitty season and no one doesn't know that.

imagine how much time she spends looking at herself and thinking she's perfect

She doesn't though. He appearance is the one thing she had trouble feeling good about.

The Jew really cucked the white man. Thank you based Jews

>”Somehow, almost crawling, I made it to the locker room. I reached the toilet, sank to my knees, and proceeded to be violently, voluminously ill. Meanwhile, the pain—shooting, stabbing, constricting pain—was getting worse. At some level, I knew what was happening: my brain was damaged.”

>”Every day, I miss my father, who died of cancer in 2016, and I can never thank him enough for holding my hand to the very end.”

She needs one of you to hold her hand forever, who could hoist such a heavy burden?

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>Gets many more likes on her entertainment-based instagram posts than the ones where she's going about her normal life or promoting her charity

Maybe there's not as much competition as we initially thought, lads.

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>I reached the toilet, sank to my knees, and proceeded to be violently, voluminously ill.

She is or was insecure as fuck tho

Imagine the emotional baggage

>appearance is the one thing she had trouble feeling good about
>no normalfag asks her out
Literally how is this possible

They probably do, but you never hear about it because she doesn't advertise her entire life online like everyone else.

She said they don't tho

Maybe when she was just starting out. She's too big not to be noticed now.

they're afraid

Well, all i know is that If i had the opportunity, i wouldn't waste it

care to share you battle plan user?

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This looks comfy as fuck. I'm in.

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Based ruskies


Post OST songs

>I made a little bit of money, I paid my bills
>I paid this cover, I wont stand still
>Let me see you
>Wop, Wop, Wop, Wop, Wop, Wop, Wop
>Now let me see you
>Wop, Wop, Wop, Wop, Wop, Wop, Wop, Wop, Wop, Wop, Wop, Wop, Wop, Wop, Wop, Wop, Wop, Wop,
>Wop If you let me get lost, if you don't


just imagine emilia saying Wop over and over again, then you'll get it

6. Congratulate her on winning the Emmy, ask what she's doing on my country, show appreciation on SameYou and ask her out

>Kate is the one thats actually dead
>the hospital scene is actually when she died and donated her heart to the gook
Expectations = subverted

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completely based


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I hope she doesn't sing that song because I CANT HANDLE IT ANYMORE

>Emilia Clarke looks at you like this
>cucks her
Whats his endgame


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Oh shit

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gib happy GoT stage play now

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Spread HIV through Tinder

>smiling, but still forced

Yeah, this was never going to last

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>185cm+ height
>somehow less than 30cm of biceps


yeah yeah
I won't let you down

Emilia's signing will break the wheel

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some1 post the clip of her spazzing out about this faggot the day after she dumped him

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>barely taller than her

This fucking guy

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Even seething she's cute

And he interacted with her far more than anybody in these threads ever will. Funny how that works.

She's English... Why is she putting on a weird fake generic middle class English accent instead of her normal voice?

Go fight with Emilia fangirls on Twitter Charlie lmao

And yet he's nowhere near her these days, is he?

Why did you cheat on her?

Doesn't matter. The point still stands.

>GROGNAK, I have a mission for you. Kill Charlie McDowell

Funny how you can predict the future, my dude.

>GROGNAK THE DESTROYER was never seen again
Is this the power of the clockwork orange?

Having had the chance to make your Emilia gf happy and destroying it for your own sin and inequities is worse than never having a chance. He's lower than the lowest of us, he's lower than the lewdposter, he is lower than may R'hllor forgive me for uttering this word, the Albino.

Attached: snivelry.jpg (1280x720, 158K)

You think you are going to enter into a relationship with Emilia? I know this is a waifu thread, but get real, you psycopath.

Attached: 1565402030471.jpg (1000x418, 60K)

Lol wot? She's right there

Attached: Emilia courtside.webm (854x480, 2.82M)

Never underestimate the power of autism.

oh shit, never noticed It

I love her

What's this meme referring to?

Because she is middle class

I saw film last spastic kid an nite an wanted say before I caughten Post my green lights were on My modem , an I did viriros spent ages , Im ok .. no probs unlike lad lad last , I Thought that was Lovely .. But highly improbabble wheres the Records check an that but looking like slut .. no worries bet his imaginary sex was brill an then choking the life out of her .. an bricking her up in the cellar like all sluts

Attached: 123.png (680x683, 722K)

Emilia is mine by rights. All those who deny that are my foes

Attached: Me Before You kino tracking shot for kino legs.webm (1120x640, 2.99M)

are you okay, man?

Attached: wibbly.png (316x234, 177K)

You delusional user, do you even know her? If you met her would you be able to stop yourself sperging out? She will never be yours.

Man, Kit's really in a drunken rage tonight, eh lads?

Attached: derpsnow.jpg (500x434, 31K)

This, i do think everyone in this thread should absolutely give up on trying to get her

The whole board denies it, from rollposter to the sonnetanon. Gadotfags deny it with their bone rattles and Brieanons deny it in their capeshit threads. You never wanted to talk to girls, brother, but a man without girlfriends is a man without charisma.

>ITT fags take shitposting and waifuposting seriously

I agree, everyone give up now. You will never have my wi-... i mean Emilia haha, so yea dont get yourself hurt!

Attached: FIPOKkB.png (1225x836, 2.15M)

its just banter m8

No man, cmon, give up. Im not trying to lower competition

I wonder if the albiano really got arrested, no posts since he said he fucked up

That's unironically a great use of a long take

Lets hope he did and got locked up on a asylum

Who is this albino people keep talking about? Spoonfeed me

Good. Fuck him. I hope he dies in prison.

He disappears every few days because one of his other personalities takeover, hes probably either Kit posting, Jonerys posting or Brie posting right now.

Attached: 1558840995887.jpg (1242x1236, 133K)

First time director, brah

Mentally ill croatian albino that says he goes after celebrities

these fags
she goes jogging on this park every sunday .. richmond park . with Lisa L .
Listen snatch Dragon ok
I did met by accident an was there , an we jogged , it was a while an I get chance I Nah .. she went off her doggie , slow crying , she Im I dickhead .. am T. psycho . But listen she left from our her doggie /jog . dates , an I told her str8 , even though she told me Wow You Have Gorgeous Blue Eyes .. Nudged her an said Give over , Listen I expect a Date Blue Eyes , Old enough to be your Dad , dont .. she said Listen Next week we go out Cos you make Laff an Fan , an then I said /think Its some osisis film an I dont Petal , I love that Steve..
Never met spoke again .. Im scum ..

idiots pics here are GOT Guards .

>hes probably either Kit posting, Jonerys posting or Brie posting right now.
Literally trying to invent boogeymen for no logical reason.

Upset me I was Up there .. But NEVER THERE IN THAt
Life ....
why I let her down , she wanted to see my cats .. < this why she Based

Time for bed, Kit. You're not making any sense.

What? Is he confirmed real?
Taylor Swift's security team intercepted a Croatian that attempted to infiltrate her party through a night time swim across several miles of water a while back, was that him?

Never sperged in my life so I'd do just fine

*sends Emilia meme magic to kill you*

Attached: Emiliaverse is real.webm (1800x576, 2.23M)

Oh shit.

Attached: 1338773285341.gif (300x229, 497K)

Albinos have red eyes. Liar. Albinofag confirmed fake


Hopefully yes

Listen ask Her an her jogging Mate

It was Absolutelute Charming Banter that Got me ,Alert , to that Older Guy ..

Go back 22 months an see her .. an this !
the creepy fags here

I did not date her an Upset her on her frens page theywanted me to date her, her page .I really Liked cheeky Guy an Blew me out, He Put me in my Place :(
SHE didnt ..
I Psycho Scum Killer .. she didnt deserve me .

Her frens are on my closed kike book .. so if fake .. lol