It's going to be a shitshow isn't it

It's going to be a shitshow isn't it

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Does it matter at this point?

The whole movie is going to be a backpedaling, nostalgia-fueled mess.

>Fuck it!
That's the spirit

If Kylo's tiddies aren't on full display again, I'm out.

>Letting JJ conclude a series
Yes, it's going to be shit

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Someone on Twitter brought up a good question, has Abrams ever done a Third Act?

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It'll make money thats all that matters to Disney.

Yes. Even if JJ did episode 8, his mystery box bullshit means the ending will be dumb because he never thinks ahead to how the mysteries will be solved.

no, by that time he's already started 3 more projects

Super 8 definitely had a definitive ending, it's just forced as fuck.

>Alien savagely murders and eats several innocent people due to anger from decades of experimentation
>MC tells him he thinks he's really a good guy
>Suddenly turns into ET
>Cue sappy Spielberg ending

Also what more of an ending to Cloverfield do you need? Main cast tries (and fails) to escape the city), the military executes Hammerdown, and the surviving main cast is blown up. Typical "Who is the real monster?" Night of the Living Dead ending.

When does this even come out? There is zero buzz around that movie

It will be the final chapter in the sky walker saga yet it will end on a cliffhanger without having answered most of people’s questions. Screen shot this

Also I still laugh at the fact they made a new trilogy and brought back all the old actors for their beloved characters from movies where they were all together on screen going on fun adventures, yet they didn’t think of making a single scene with them all back together again lmao the amount of incompetence baka there is bad fan service and essential fan service, Disney Star Wars are obviously not fans of their property.

I'm thinking it won't just be bad (like the first one), but will be even further in the direction of the second one, i.e. a hot mess of random fucking garbage. Kind of looking forward to it at this point.

I'm more interested how they tackle the marketing this time after "fuck the fans" did not play out so well.

This. For some reason they seem hell bent on doubling down on their bullshit.

The fact that there's still zero marketing or hype is pretty funny. I kind of thought they'd get it together for this movie because they absolutely need to. Also it's the most boring possible timeline, so that's what usually happens. But then again we did make a timeline shift recently, so it's possible it's a big fat mess. I hope so.

Anyone in the higher echelons of Hollyowood etc live in bubble worlds of their own making. They don't understand shit and try to play on statistics instead to make money. When those stats don't add up it puzzles them and annoys them and they lash out at those who attack their bubble world.

I think it's funny people defended it by saying "oh this is okay because they learned not to hype it months in advance." I knew there was a problem the moment where Kathleen Kennedy and Pablo Hidalgo were saying they didn't know what the title was in early 2019.

Who cares. Disney wars is just bad fanfiction.

I'm still gonna watch some camrip. It's like a car crash, you cant just look away

Between Solo flopping, the merchandise failing hard enough to indirectly kill Toys R Us, the video game being a PR nightmare, the cartoons being cancelled, and the newly-opened theme park already in danger of being rebranded into Aladdin Land, they've been hit in the pocketbook, and HARD.

I suspect TRoS, Mandalorian, and The Clone Wars to be huge walk back apologies for the way Disney has treated the franchise up to this point, but it's going to be a case of way too little, way too late.

They figured out that antagonistic marketing doesn't work and try now to find a new angle

Here's the thing
Even if they did a complete 180, entirely turned the franchise around and tried to make it appeal to us again, I don't actually think they're competent enough to do it. They never will, but let's assume they tried to just make good Star Wars movies, tried their absolute best, knowingly took out the blatant communism. I don't actually think they can do it. They're too fucking terrible.

That, and I don't think they'll give up their political agenda. They might try to make it more subtle, but ultimately, they kind of can't undo it. They made the entire universe, that. And they're always going to push their politics and their politics is fundamentally the root problem with all of nu wars. You can't make a good series with their vision as the foundation.

That, and they're just retarded from a basic universe building perspective. The state of the galaxy, the first order, the rebellion, none of it begins to make any sense at all if you even slightly think about it. Worse than not making sense, it's fucking BORING. It's just the same shit. Like it's so fucking incompetent on so many levels it's absolutely staggering. Staggering.

>I don't actually think they can do it.
It's okay to admit that only one man on this planet can make Star Wars movies that at the very least feel like canon Star Wars movies. Good or bad, at least we can all accept them and keep enjoying the universe they portray.

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You all are going to hate it no matter what so its quality is immaterial

Not true, I liked R1.

The only thing that gives me slight hope is that the real next big push is going to be Mandalorian, and that's being run by people with actual talent, and actually care about the lore and universe (Favreau and Filoni). I get the feeling that they're just trying to quietly pinch off TRoS, forget that the ST happened, and push Mandalorian as their flagship for the franchise, at least for the time being.

They've got to really be rethinking those Johnson/D&D trilogies right about now.


>muh lore
>muh universe

Why do you people think movies should be live action wookiepedia articles?

universe aside the characters themselves are terrible have no growth, never face any doubts, overcome those doubts, and finally succeed at the end. That's literally every fantasy story. The only person in this zombie franchise that close to this is Rylo. And he's basically the same as the start of the movie 1.

Because when you don't do that, you end up with The Last Jedi, for starters.

The last Jedi is kino though

Let me guess the prequels are good because they explained space taxes and had W O R L D B U I L D I N G right

As long as he lets Finn and Rey behead that emo bitch, I will be satisfied.

>The last Jedi is kino though

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you are absolutely right user, get ready to be attacked by true fans

>movie with a your mom joke



OT had multiple incest kisses, I will take lame jokes over incestous shit any day

it's called narrative fiction, fuckass, it's the genre Star Wars is part of

Not sure if regular troll, or actual zoomer attempting to make a comparison

Let me guess, TLJ is good because themes and triggers I N C E L S right.

>being written by the same person who wrote Justice League
dont bother watching

I stopped caring.

I'm old. Do zoomers actually like these new movies?

Hell no, all they care about is Marvel. That's why absolutely everything is flopping. Godzilla and Alita were by no means masterpieces, but they didn't deserve to flop.

>I don't think they'll give up their political agenda. They might try to make it more subtle, but ultimately, they kind of can't undo it.

Lucasfilm's problem is that it's staffed with SJW's who only hire and promote other SJW's.

Look at the Storygoup: mostly filled with liberal women and pliant basedboys. How exactly, does one get a spot on the Storygoup? Let's ask group member Kari Beck: [Open]
Instead of giving a standard, nothing-answer about being passionate about Star Wars and excited about working with a creative team of dynamic and diverse writers, both Kari Beck and Kiri Hart get weird and evasive. Do they make Storygoup members sign NDA's? Why would they do that?

Look at pic related. A big red X over Luke Skywalker photo at her desk. How can Star Wars prosper when it is managed by people who actively despise it?

For anything to change, Kathleen Kennedy would have to go, and there would need to be a thorough purge of a lot of her loyalists.

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It just needs more lensflare so it'll remind people how bad he fucked up Trek 2009

Yap, including the Shit-troopers.

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Notice how they don´t hate Darth.
The fucking EVIL incarnate of the series.

Yep, women ARE evil.

The Mandalorian is going to be set in Disney's post RotJ universe, which will be dragging it down

>having themes is bad

Absolute state of brainlet prequelbabies

new armor who dis

The elite Kit Kat Trooper.

That was Joel Schumacher and that okay movie is better than anything JewJew has ever done, especially Super 8.

...We'll see!

Technically this is his second act, mostly ignoring TLJ

Next summer.

Fuck me, it's real, a red cross over Luke's face.
That SJW shit-eating grin.
Seriously, stop caring about Star Wars you stupid shits.

Correct. The only idea JJ’s ever had is *pretending* he has ideas.


Sounds right to me.

It'll still make over a billion

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>"Fuck it"
Who are you quoting?

Absolute fucking retard right here

If he jumps the shark and goes over the top full retard it’ll automatically be way better than TFA

JJ's work ethic.

Looks completely different to me, don't know what you guys are talking about