The rugrats takes place in angelica's head!!

>the rugrats takes place in angelica's head!!
>ed, edd and eddy are in purgatory!!
>garfield is actually dying of starvation!!
>ash ketchum is really in a coma!!
>charlie brown has cancer!!
>donald duck has ptsd!!
>courage is really a normal dog, just the people he sees through his perspective seem like monsters!!

Holy toothpaste and spaghetti batman, this list really fucked me up. That's enough internet for today.

Edit: Wow, this really blew up!

Attached: 1525553922793.gif (452x371, 59K)

How does the gigachad behind this thread keep doing it? Weebs and incels BTFO

How does the gigachad behind this thread keep doing it? Weebs and incels BTFO

How does the gigachad behind this thread keep doing it? Weebs and incels BTFO.

How does the gigachad behind this thread keep doing it? Weebs and incels BTFO.

How does the gigachad behind this thread keep doing it? Weebs and incels BTFO

fucking retard

OMG thing I knew from my childhood was actually a super dark and gritty bone chilling slow burn!

>How does the gigachad behind this thread keep doing it? Weebs and incels BTFO.

Attached: 096.gif (800x371, 193K)

>Die hard is my favorite Christmas movie

t. Ryan Hollinger

God I hate the Irish.

How does the gigachad behind this thread keep doing it? Weebs and incels BTFO

How does the gigachad behind this thread keep doing it? Weebs and incels BTFO

>The Shining is about Indian genocide!

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Based thread. Jannies are kikes

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the only fan theory i like is that the world of the Truman Show is a dystopian hellhole which is why people watch a boring show about a guy living in a quaint little town, it doesn't exist anymore in real life

Posting feet in epic thread
Fuck the jannies

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>the only fan theory i like is that the world of the Truman Show is a dystopian hellhole which is why people watch a boring show about a guy living in a quaint little town, it doesn't exist anymore in real life

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is Gremlins an acceptable answer, user-kun?


oh ok

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>Edit: Wow, this really blew up!
This one got me. Why the fuck do people do this? They make some innocuous comment with some shitty joke or even just agreeing with the post/video, get 3k likes and then feel the need to edit in a thank you letter like they've just received a prestigious award.

The paradox is normies pretend to be humble just so they can get praised for it

thanks for this thread.

>garfield is actually dying of starvation!!
>courage is really a normal dog, just the people he sees through his perspective seem like monsters!!
These two are actually true though

Based. These theories were interesting when I was 12. There are some good creepypastas out there, but they never have to do with preexisting material like these.

this thred isnt funy

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Dogs are great but this shit pisses me off

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I know they're true. That's why I said them?


Because zoomers are taught that your online presence is equal to your real world presence. They feel genuinely grateful for what they perceive as praise.
It's different than when we were growing up.

>33 replies
>24 posters

>Dogs are great
Cats are better

Surprisingly diverse tbqhwy

Dogs aren't terrible but their owners are the worst

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But they do this even when the likes don't equate to praise just agreement, when their comment is nothing but praise for the original material
>my favourite part was at 7:25
>4k thumbs up
>EDIT: Omg thanks so much guys never realised I'd get this big! Wow!

>Cats are better

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The ones who actually take time to train them and treat them like dogs instead of retarded babies, are cool.

Unironically the best thread on Yea Forums right now

>tfw not a numale

Attached: 1560748799757.png (633x758, 81K)

How does the gigachad behind this thread keep doing it? Weebs and incels BTFO

Hang all nu-males.

I wish Yea Forums was a good board like Yea Forums

i actually really like this thread because i relate to the hate of retarded numale "theories" about commercial media

So are cat owners.

How does the gigachad behind this thread keep doing it? Weebs and incels BTFO


>like Yea Forums

Why the fuck are you on reddit in the first place?

>>donald duck has ptsd!!
that one's actually true though

Attached: A9S7BM8.jpg (696x975, 261K)

>donald duck has ptsd!!
This one is true though, he has Vietnam flashbacks in the comics that get triggered from firecrackers.

WW2, not Vietnam. My bad.

>tfw ch/a/d and only come here to shitpost
Heh... Nothing personnel, kid

>watches animu
kek, not even in your wildest dreams

This really says a lot about our society.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-15 Trump’s prison plan to release thousands of inmates.png (791x655, 804K)

Duck comics are fairly disconnected and don't have a 'canon' except for Rosa's stuff.
Donald duck is a fucking batman tier superhero in the future in Italy but luckily numales don't know italian to infect this too.

How does the gigachad behind this thread keep doing it? Weebs and incels BTFO.

Barks is pretty much the strongest "canon" you can get, even Rosa was just building on the foundation Barks laid out.

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Anonymous 08/15/19(Thu)10:58:31 No.119567964▶ >the rugrats takes place in angelica's head!!
>ed, edd and eddy are in purgatory!!
>garfield is actually dying of starvation!!
>ash ketchum is really in a coma!!
>charlie brown has cancer!!
>donald duck has ptsd!!
>courage is really a normal dog, just the people he sees through his perspective seem like monsters!!

Holy toothpaste and spaghetti batman, this list really fucked me up. That's enough internet for today.

Edit: Wow, this really blew up!

Anonymous 08/15/19(Thu)11:00:21 No.119568005▶

How does the gigachad behind this thread keep doing it? Weebs and incels BTFO

Anonymous 08/15/19(Thu)11:00:52 No.119568013▶

How does the gigachad behind this thread keep doing it? Weebs and incels BTFO

Anonymous 08/15/19(Thu)11:02:26 No.119568047▶ How does the gigachad behind this thread keep doing it? Weebs and incels BTFO.

Anonymous 08/15/19(Thu)11:03:26 No.119568063▶

How does the gigachad behind this thread keep doing it? Weebs and incels BTFO.

Anonymous 08/15/19(Thu)11:04:19 No.119568086▶

Because its the exact same thing as an award. Biologically, you get the same brain drug just on a lower level. And its something people should spend a lot more energy controlling and eliminating from their lives. You wanna fix world problems? Fucking get people to stop making their whole fucking lives about THAT feeling. Im not religious but religion does this. And without it, we're circling the fucking drain while becky takes a selfie with jamiriquoi as he rapes her baby so she doesnt look racist.

y the best thread on Yea Forums right now

Anonymous 08/15/19(Thu)13:08:30 No.119570930▶
File: 1560748799757.png (81 KB, 633x758)
81 KB

>tfw not a numale

Anonymous 08/15/19(Thu)13:12:21 No.119570997▶

How does the gigachad behind this thread keep doing it? Weebs and incels BTFO

Anonymous 08/15/19(Thu)13:13:43 No.119571029▶

Hang all nu-males.

Anonymous 08/15/19(Thu)13:13:53 No.119571036▶ I wish Yea Forums was a good board like Yea Forums

Anonymous 08/15/19(Thu)13:15:11 No.119571070▶

i actually really like this thread because i relate to the hate of retarded numale "theories" about commercial media

Anonymous 08/15/19(Thu)13:18:23 No.119571137▶

How does the gigachad behind this thread keep doing it? Weebs and incels BTFO

Anonymous 08/15/19(Thu)13:18:59 No.119571151▶


u)13:23:47 No.119571234▶

Why the fuck are you on reddit in the first place?

Anonymous 08/15/19(Thu)13:27:15 No.119571307▶ File: A9S7BM8.jpg (261 KB, 696x975)

Anonymous 08/15/19(Thu)13:33:18 No.119571416▶ (OP)
>donald duck has ptsd!!
This one is true though, he has Vietnam
WW2, not Vietnam. My bad.

Anonymous 08/15/19(Thu)13:39:25 No.119571538▶ >tfw ch/a/d and only come here to shitpost
Heh... Nothing personnel, kid

Anonymous 08/15/19(Thu)13:48:03 No.119571716▶
File: Screenshot_2019-08-15 Tru(...).png (804 KB, 791x655)
804 KB


Duck comics are fairly disconnected and don't have a 'canon' except for Rosa's stuff.
Donald duck is a fucking batman tier superhero in the future in Italy but luckily numales don't know italian to infect this too.

Anonymous 08/15/19(Thu)13:58:51 No.119571970▶

How does the gigachad behind this thread keep doing it?

Attached: femjak_cute.jpg (1024x1024, 119K)

He's said he didn't have in mind to create a coherent story and he didn't really like what Rosa did either, and rosa was completely butthurt over his idol telling him this iirc from an interview.

>that issue where Donald cooks a jap pillbox on Saipan as "payback for our boys in Baatan
how did they think several pages of charred japs would be acceptable?