1.Aquila Rift

1.Aquila Rift
2.helping hand
3.sucker of souls
4.secret war
5.good hunting
everything else

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Threads about this become repetitive quick, but I like seeing them.


1. Aquila Rift (Best Plot)
2. Good Hunting (best 2d Animation theme)
3. Three robots (funniest one)
4. Zima Blue (engaging story)
5. The secret War (Best 3d Animation)

>three robots
only if you're a retard

1. Zima Blue
2. Good Hunting
everything else ranges between meh (Aquila Rift) or absolute shit (Fish Night).

So where's season 2?

Attached: good-hunting-2.jpg (640x640, 64K)

What was the one with the space ranchers and their mechs called?



To the uneducated mind sure.

My favorites were Lucky 13, Zima Blue, Secret War, Aquila Rift.

Definitely one of my favourites. Really liked the art style.

they were the only good ones, you missed out the Witness though

I didn't enjoy Aquila Rift. But the one with the garbage dump and the mecha samurai cat lady was good.

the garbage one had a really cool style, but was just total shit, like most of them.
Aquila rift was great except for the music

the yogurt one was actually quite funny

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Not a huge fan of that one. The artstyle is not my favorite.

>3. Three robots (funniest one)
Ask me how I know you're a redditor

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1. 3 robots
2. the one about hitler forgot name idk
3. yogurt

Am I the only one who enjoyed this (mostly the animation)

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Zima Blue > The Witness > Aquila Rift

The rest was garbage imo.

funny how you mention reddit. you must have a list of pre filled out reddit responses. pathetic.

Decent animation, terrible writing. The entire series was a swing and a miss that suffered for being aimed at/written by the wrong demographic.

You know what I realized? This is a metaphor- the West turned China into their base for technological consumer products, only now their hunting us.

He is right though.

I liked Fish Night desu. Great story, great score, interesting concept, great visuals. Very underrated.

Alternate histories was the worst. Interesting concept (although cliche) and they ruined it with shitty random humour.

>The ones I like:

>The ones I don't like:

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