Dubs thread

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if dubs we all get a big tiddy goth gf

I will die peacefully in my sleep tonight. Please give me blessed digits.

if dubs this user gets to die and everyone will reply to me with more basedjack images so i can fill my folder

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Godsdamnit ;_;

If dubs this user gets to die and you will reply to THIS post with more soijack images

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The world will end on August 23, 2019.

Dubs thread over, everybody go home


If dubs this user gets to die and you will reply to THIS post with more soijack images

Dubs and I get banned for 3 days


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If dubs this user gets to die and you will reply to THIS post with more soijack images

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I will win the lottery.

J.K. Rolling

dubs and i fuck my own ass



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I will win the lottery tonight.

I will win the lottery this Saturday.

I will win the lottery next week.

Only one user ITT gets dubs and he gets banned.

We will all get rich, young and handsome bfs.

are you illiteriate you fucking dumb as?
that is's two you fucking moron

If you think about it, one in every 10 posts is dubs.

damn..... i guess that's true

>If dubs this user gets to die
Thank you, kind user, for granting my wish.

Oops. I have dishonored my family. The shame requires that I kill myself now. Sayonara, anons.

now where did my wife put those dubs?

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Let's try again: The world will end on August 23, 2019.

what a tragedy

I will win the lottery two weeks from now.

Based and Megapilled Opinion


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I will win the lottery three weeks from now.

The jannies actually did it, damn.

The absolute madman

Miawok the meow meow.

I will be granted three wishes.

I will be granted two wishes.

I will be granted one wish.

Check these

If you want wishes you should post six post after this one, cause you’ll get doubles and I’ll grant you a wish
and to prove it, I’m going to get singles and it’ll probably be a 6

I had a conversation with a good friend last night. The shutting down of infinitechan was a small item in mainstream news. He asked me about it. He asked me about Yea Forums too. The dude is a fucking journalist. He should've known about Yea Forums from the year 2002 at least. But it's not his field of interest. Fuck that. How lazy can you be when you still don't know about Yea Forums and cripplechan in the year 2019. Yea Forums(nel. I beg your pardon) is about as mainstream as it gets these days. This tool comes to me for information when this stuff is three google searches away.) I'm a tourist. I told him I come one here because it's an interesting site at best. I always know about news a couple of hours before he does. Shouldn't he be interested in that way. But he's too disgusted with the racism. Writes for a libtard paper too. But if you're a true journalist, you want to get news as fast as you can and you want to check your sources. Yea Forums is still a good place for that. Then I started to think about it and how kiddie porn used to be used as a normie deterrent. And gore.

It lead me to the conclusion that pederasts are not that dumb. In all my time I've been browsing this site, I've never ran into a picture of an adult performing penetration on a kid.
There's a lot of lolitaposting and naked kids, but actual kiddieporn I've never run into haphazardly. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to see it. But I've seen some pretty disturbin shit when it comes to killings and torture, etc. .
And it's all allowed. It's detrimental to the soul, but you're allowed to see it. Real footage of grown man raping a child is never on here.

So the edgyness is only allowed up until a certain extent. You can post a guy being put in tires and burned alive or you can post a guy being cut with a chainsaw no problem. Either padderasses are resourceful and smart or this whole thing is one huge cointainment for people to vent.

Go dilate tranny

Sad to see the lack of repeating digits itt dedu

Again, I do not wish to explore it, but it's funny for a site that has the reputation of 'anything goes' in mainstream media is so 'censored' when it comes to stuff like that. It's a fucked up standard. But opinions should never be censored. I had a discussion with my friend about 'cyber bullying' too. To me it doesn't exist. But I tend to forget the part of people that are 'digital natives' is becoming bigger than people who lived without. To them it might be just as real as real life.


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Nice try, guy

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I'm trying to make a point. Not sure where I'm going with this. But maybe Yea Forums is the new normal and is as mainstream as you'll get.

pictures of kids and gore were used as a deterrent for normal people. Sort of a 'Barb Wire' or 'Keep out' sign. But nowadays the standard of what people have seen and have become accustomed to has shifted so much.

'The Filth' remains, but it's lost all purpose. It used to be something to scare people away. Now it's on here and we are one generation away of people who will have know this kind of degeneracy all of their lives. Degeneracy used to be something spectacular and mindboggling ( Like bukakke: fucking disgusting shit). Not going to say it's the new normal, but it just doesn't faze people anymore in the way that it did.) No one in their right mind should know about bukakke or hentai or tranny or torture. it's for the birds. You kill people with shit like that, you destroy their soul.

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dubs dubs

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Dubs and everyone must admit Mean Girls is better than The Godfather

dubs and holocaust didn't happen but it should have


I read somewhere (and this was 15 years ago), that 70% of the net consisted of porn. That's pretty fucking crazy right? 30% ideas and original content. I reckon nowadays its 94% shit, I try to stay positive.

trips and sneed

Dubs and the mods ban your IP

dubs and we have sex

Evidently not faggit



Nobody gets doubles anymore

I should've known better than to post a genuine opinion in a dubs thread. But it's part of the game. You're completely reliant to the undercurrents. But if I had a truly, genuine opinion, I believe it would get picked up upon. Or I would push it harder. I don't have a faith or an opinion right now. This place is purgatory for me. Until I regain my faith and I can move mountains again. My chances are slim to none. But I want to keep Hope and Faith.

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this thread is cursed

Jesus fucking christ

So is the thread cursed? Or is it blessed? I'm so confused.



If dubs america will be communist by 2050

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If dubs America won't exist by 2050

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China will own America by 2050.

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Mustache is for shit. There's your dubs.



If dubs, England all out by lunch

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If dubs, titticaca for my bunghole

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if dubs earth explodes today




Holy shit

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Gentlemen, observe

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check these


your get is EPIC !!

If dubs we all lose our virginity

nice quads
very cool

If dubs I cancel this.

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this thread is shit




If dubs i get milkies

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witness these trips

in for digits of death.

Dubs and everyone itt gets a cute gf

If dubs all singles count as trips


Check em

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dumb fuck chuck

Don't just stare at them. Eat them.

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it really should say 'go go gadget get'
like this
but "dubs" isn't a get, a get is significant.

not liking cunny is...immoral

i hate black people

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For the love of got just let me have some digits for once

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wait where'd they go

fuck dubs

>go to atm
>insert card
>see this
>what do?

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Give somo dubs

no u

NOW this is the time where a get the DUBS

Dubs and we all dinner on Dorsia tonight

so so suck my toe all the way to Mexico


How do I get dubs?

like this

but these are trips

hey, uh, guys, could you all just stop for a moment to quickly take a look at those numbers right there?

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trips are also dubs. the last two digits are the same. like this post

what was that, buddy?

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more than a year ago I got sexts on this board but since then, my power has diminished and I haven't been getting any repeating digits anymore

such a pity

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give me those digits now

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Check 'em

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Check these digits.