What are some essential Jet Li kino??

What are some essential Jet Li kino??

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Meh, Donnie Yen is better..


This pic makes me sad errytiem


Aged like milk



It's just unfavorable lighting and a shaved head.

Attached: be919c1c-1880-11e9-8ff8-c80f5203e5c9_1320x770_141858.jpg (1320x770, 135K)

The Legend of Fong Sai Yuk

That makes me sadder. I hate Jack Ma.

Jet Li turned into a s o i b o i? wut

Jesus christ, does having hyperthyroidism really do that to you?

>Herro, yes, state your favorite CCP’s member and actor Jet Li kinos for better social credit score

Attached: D5383162-5358-478C-ABBC-3364F4C5EE6E.jpg (702x460, 24K)

Why are chinese so deformed looking?

Jackie Chan is the worst CCP Shill by miles, way ahead of Li.


He's a chink. S o y and fish are literally all they eat.

Fuck off the CCP is based af you imperialist American pig

Attached: 94A8FACF-D18D-4527-9E7E-B7172D41CD1B.jpg (960x958, 159K)

What did he do?

Theres no such thing as lighting that makes you look like an old person. It's because he does.

Kung Fu Hustle

Shit vascularity

>is from HK
>tells people from HK to stand down and accept the chink dick

Fearless was literally propaganda made to promote Xi Jinping in the mind of people. He went back working in the rice fields after reaching the top of the communist party.

I see.

You're so fucking stupid it hurts. Lighting literally can emphasize wrinkles, etc. It can't make a young person look old, but it can definitely make an old person look much older.
The fucking pic you replied to proves that.

>implying HK has any chance against China

It’s like a 5 ft 100lbs guy trying to fight a 6’4 250lbs guy 10%bf.

Can you translate that for those of us who aren’t homosexual?