

Attached: virginchad.jpg (2560x1035, 856K)

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Kim is best girl. But you are right Ramona is worst girl.

Having sex makes you a virgin?

Checked. How do I get a knives gf?

>wanting a gook

Attached: 1563359484801.webm (202x360, 1.87M)

what did they mean by this?

Tell me about Toronto women. I heard they're crazy skanks.

There's a filter that turns Chinese into Korean?

go and live in asia. Plebs and normies go to south korea while patricians go to japan.

>Art Hoe but anti-social so she knows when to shut the fuck up
Bros, Kim is the ultimate choice. Plus she's a drummer.

Stop fucking shilling this movie.
You keep making the same SP threads over and over. Holy shit.

Sluts are the virgins of women

Welcome to Yea Forums now go the fuck back.

Knives for wives.

Attached: 1519361322703.jpg (450x660, 126K)

yes exactly


Wait, wasn´t Knives literally not a virgin, and didn´t Ramone have a cadre of exes whom she dumped?

aaaaa fucking disgusting

You're obviously a nerd from Yea Forums. Nobody in Yea Forums likes this garbage movie.

Because American women are soooo much better, right?

Attached: dog3-10-752x501.png (752x501, 489K)

Who the fuck are these ugly bitches.

Of course not, which is why i'm thankful i'm not a filthy mutt.

Attached: whitest american woman.png (407x405, 222K)

I liked the part where it ruined an entire generation of women

They look you straight in the eyes and they tell you they love you. Then when you turn your back they go fuck a stranger, and say they just don’t feel it anymore

narcissism will be the death of humanity.

based (and blackpilled)

Only gay people will pick chink over the sexy romana

>reddit spacing
Checks out


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>asian girls
Choose one and only one.


Attached: 1559579821944.jpg (440x351, 9K)


The Chad Envy
The Incel Knives
The tranny onions Ramona

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So Brent Spinner was supposed to be a robot, but you can clearly see that he has nipples. Why would you give a robot nipples?

Your movies gay and you're a faggot

Ramona = Envy > Powergap > Knives

>muh blue hair girl
>muh awkward protagonist
>muh vidya
Literally kys if you like this trash

>Tell me about Toronto women. I heard they're crazy skanks.

100% true. Was in TO on Tuesday!!!FACT!!!

You're a dumbass. FACT!!!!!

literally all of these women look fine (except the asian one in the top right), you can clearly see that they are more attractive

asian women just aren't that attractive

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Wasn’t the point of this movie that you had to overcome the grief of being with a girl who fucked all her ex’s a lot and you’re moving in to used up burnt out pussy territory

to make him as human as possible

I don't know, #1's passable, and I'd say #4's pretty.

mew feet

Loving Every Laugh.

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Choose your destiny

Attached: Average Asian.jpg (1802x944, 1.24M)

based brieposter

Attached: 1564875012113.gif (268x151, 2.07M)

>doesn't know about the chad virgin and the virgin chad

No, they aren't, which is exactly the point. Women are simply primitive, self-absorbed, and vain, but some faggots pretend like chink women are somehow better.

What do you think is the first thing we'll use human-like robots for?

Asian schools look more orderly and disciplined. UK schoolkids dress like this too but they act like dickheads.

>how that filter couldnt even fix the last ones fucked up face

Attached: 1522706353293s.jpg (159x250, 5K)

The one with the yellow shirt looks pretty good without makeup.

those retarded dog filters are not changing the entire facial structure of las muttas, that's the most retarded comparison i've seen on here

Holy shit

If you pick Knives you are a pedo. Scott is 23 years old. You're that scumbag pedo that couldn't get any woman close to his age so is going after high schoolers. You are the lowest of the low and are a joke to everyone in your life

Kim was best girl but Scott didn't deserve her. He and Kim deserve each other.

too big, user