Was Disney able to give a satisfactory explanation for hyperspace ramming that was able to avoid destroying the...

Was Disney able to give a satisfactory explanation for hyperspace ramming that was able to avoid destroying the entirety of Star Wars lore?

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Star Wars lore: exists
Disney: Imma ruin this man's whole career
But unironically

In episode 7, Han gets the Falcon through Starkiller's shielding by jumping out of hyperspace inside the shield. Why didn't they do that in episode 6? Why don't you autists complain about that too?

it's literally a film series for babies and you are reaching unprecedented levels of autism

isn't that like a super precise thing, and it can only be done because its han, and hes that good?

>why don't the rebels use kamikazes more often
because they aren't evil japs?

Cringe meme

Death Star is way more thick

because I don't remember what happened in that stupid movie

It's been a bit, but in my immediate recollection wasn't it that their only shot was to jump inside where the shield would manifest before they get a chance to raise said shields?

Oh, so Han had to pull them out of hyperspace inside the shields but before they hit the surface.
Why are a human's reflexes better than just having the computer do it?

Are you saying Disney's Star Wars logic is not wrong due to Disneys Star Wars logic?

dude, just turn your brain off and have fun

SW computers are shit

hey OP, maybe use all this energy for something worthwhile instead

Why don't they have some droids do it? It wouldn't be any different than a large guided missile.

this bu

That's literally the entire point of Han's character, that he's unusually skilled at piloting the Falcon.
As for computers, remember that no matter how it looks, it takes place a long time ago.

>it's made for children duh
At this point it's the only plausible explanation for this kind of lazy script writing.

In ANH, The Falcon's computer calculates trajectories through hyperspace around stars and planets. I could give you a thousand other examples of Star Wars computers doing computationally intensive things. Are you saying it's slower than a human's reaction time, which is a significant fraction of a second?

The Death Star is the size of a moon. You'd need a huge ship to ram it with. Also you'd need a crew who'd be willing to sacrifice themselves. Also the maneuver is really hard to pull off because you have to hit the target right on the threshold of going into hyperspace.

Nu-wars completely ignores how hyperspace works. They enter hyperspace within the atmosphere of planets, can instantly leap into hyperspace without any calculations, and it takes almost no time to get to their destination. And now it requires fuel for some reason. Except sometimes it still works like the old hyperspace when it is beneficial to the plot.

But if I turned my brain off, how am I supposed to process the movie's deep feminist message?

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>You'd need a huge ship to ram it with.
Not even close. If light speed travel is possible, all you would need is a grain of sand to delete the moon sized area from existence, including the volume of space it occupies.
>Also you'd need a crew who'd be willing to sacrifice themselves.
No, droids exist moron.
>Also the maneuver is really hard to pull off because you have to hit the target right on the threshold of going into hyperspace.
There is nothing to support this.

It's a movie for children
It came out years ago
It did good at the box office
It had decent reviews
Most people were okay with it
Normal people - people with friends, partners, hobbies - moved on

Pic related is you.

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>rig a giant asteroid with a hyperdrive
>install a droid brain and program it to hyperspace right next to the Death Star and then instantly hyperspace again
Or you could do the same thing with hundreds of smaller asteroids or crappy ships

There's a theory going around that Han is also a latent Force user albeit untrained, on account of him being way way way too good a pilot.

Are Disney shills always this obvious?

Supposedly the novel makes it out to be a combination of precise spacing and timing with experimental shields on Resistance ship, basically causing it to nearly make the jump to lightspeed right at the moment of impact which made the shields hotter than a sun and a gravity tunnel pull through the First Order ship. I haven't read it personally, so I can't comment on if it sucks Holdo's dick and makes her out into a genius, or if it's treated as dumb luck that'd be hard to replicate; though I'd imagine it's the former.

>Supposedly the novel makes it
The shills are here guys.

>hAn Is A lAtEnT fOrCe UsEr!!!
>that explains it, it's not that JJ is a moron!

The theory predates your existence, user.

That sounds incredibly retarded but par for the course for Disney wars.

This novel?

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my jewdar is going nuts with this projection. I feel like it's the piucture that really puts it over the top

Imagine having that facial structure. Sad

Don't listen to this fucking idiot.

is right in that that was retarded, but wrong in thinking no one had an issue with it. Nu-Wars shat on the lore since its very inception.

Nothing they say will fix it. To trade one of your capital ship to destroy a dozen of the enemies capital ships is a deal any competent commander would take. There is zero reason it wouldn't have been used previously

yeah taking the technology seriously in a sci fi movie is fucking gay. You should be able to destroy fucking galaxies with a blaster rifle.

or if that tactic works you could just build a giant ship with a rail gun. they didn't think it through

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Yea Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Yea Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...

>Doesn't even try to refute the fact that he's a friendless incel

>defending a shit starwars movie on 4chin

You have to go back.

Which assmad redditor wrote this lmao

No the logic was the shields are renewed cyclically and there's a milisecond downtime between cycles, so they jumped in through that gap.
Of course this makes no fucking sense because you'd have to know exactly how long those cycles are and when the last one started, which they couldn't have.

I should fucking KILL YOU for wasting those digits with a shit post

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>In episode 7, Han gets the Falcon through Starkiller's shielding by jumping out of hyperspace inside the shield

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How about a bunch of ships and a handful of droids. There's no getting out of this, user.

Man. talk about wasted quints. Loses defending basedwars by ignoring arguments and just spouting "incel". Fucking Ghostbusters (2016) tier.

I swear to god if I was Bob Iger checking in on how KK was building the new star wars canon and saw that she'd hired pic related to write the novels I wouldn't even need to see anything else, I'd fire her just for that

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He wrote the farting novel didn't he?

>not recognizing one of the older pastas that still gets passed around
I keep forgetting it's fucking summer


No you wouldn't. You'd grit your teeth and do your best to "re-assign" her quietly since firing her would lose x% in stock financing. Kind of how they stealth fired pic related.

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good bait
classic pasta
bad post

No but he rapes the franchise in more subtle ways
Like making it so that the New Republic fell because muh womyn leaders think having a military makes you a right wing fascist even though they're fully aware that the Empire is actively rebuilding to come back and fuck their faces.

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Was she the story board leader?

It would have made 100% perfect sense if Leia was the one who did it like in the original script. Force powers plus HYPERSPEED = mega explosion makes sense.

Yeah. hired a bunch of her friends and fucked everything up. Kathy Kennedy is the one who hired her so the problem remains. but we're working toward a solution.

The new Thrawn novels are based upon Gravity Projectors and the effects of the Gravity Well of planets. So I don't understand how Rogue One ignores that, but Zahn completely still lives within the old EU.

>just be a mindless NPC
Nah brah.

It's... so much easier if you don't fight it, user. Just go with the flow...

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why did they need to build a death star at all when they could just space magic ram an old ship into any planet they want to destroy?

What the fuck are droids? And why weren't they used as kamikaze pilots?

Don't ask questions. Just consume product, and then get excited for next product!

Honk Honk.

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Why the fuck would you build a weapon that eats suns in order to destroy five planets at a time when that's so fucking ludicrously energy inefficient it's comical?

you know this quote is meant in the context of politics not in the context of questioning internal logic in regard to the lore of a children's franchise ? right ?

Based and redpilled

it's the same mentality basedboy
Thinking critically is not a switch you turn on and off - yes you can suspend disbelief in service to a good story, but when the story is shit or when the universe's logic is inconsistent even within the course of a single movie anyone with over 100IQ checks out.

You know you're not supposed to have a space in front of a question mark, right?

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If they could hyperspace ram some starship why not hyperspace ram the whole galaxy?

Why not hyperspace ram the whole fucking franchise?

I complained. Or rather, I facepalmed in the theater going "That's so convenient".
Beacause they introduced that threat like 8 seconds before they resolved it, so the shield might as well not even have been there. Feels like it wasn't, and then someone said "Hold on, didn't both Death Stars have shields?" so they made a pickup shot.

Someone hyperspace rammed her asshole for this role.

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this is how the force manifests itself outside of the jedi and sith cults

is no one gonna mention just eating the sun would kill the solar system

>the size of a moon
Is not actually, is not even 1/1000th our moon. Starkiller base is not even 1/10th our moon. No astra body that small has even been considered as moon.

Yeah just that part would make it an absolutely insane weapon, wouldn’t even need the somehow way faster than light guided super lasers

>Aim to the death star's dish
There, you don't even need to destroy it entirely, just targeting the dish will blow up everything

I agree with this. We should also start complaining about that.

But we did

>the Venn diagram for people that care about this and virgins is a circle

We did, newfag, we actually intensively did back when it got released.

Pastas have original authors you stone-cold retard

What I hate about Star Wars is that it's so limited in its setting
A galactic empire with thousands of inhabited planets?
Fuck you, planets are all one-biome, and never explored in depth, the enemy weapon is the same recycled thing (death star) three times in 9 movies
At least the prequel trilogy tried to expand on it, sequels are just peak capitalism

im certain that she only got the role through the casting couch. her acting is awful, she never closes her mouth and her audition tape is just her crying. someone high up wanted to bang her and now you got a fuckwit who cant act as the main character of the largest franchise in history

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They should do a SW film on your galaxy sized brain after figuring out that Disney are making money from ot

makes sense since they actually care about star wars

and here you are

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there's difference between making money and being so creatively bankrupt as they are

>eat the sun of a core system
>watch and broadcast to the galaxy as billions of people in the system absolutely lose their minds with fear and begin either zerg rushing the nearest ship or tearing each other to pieces
>have your fleet shoot down the helpless evacuation ships as they try to flee
>planets now go slaanesh and degenerate into sick bloodbaths as the giver of life for their worlds has been snuffed out
>entire galaxy shits themselves and surrenders due to the morale shock from seeing this
Is this not more compelling than muh bigger death star?

>n-no you
Epic comeback bro you sure showed me

I honestly don't understand how this of all things is such a major issue for people. It was literally the least of TLJs problems
1. The Death Star is spherical while snokes ship was super thin. It would withstand far, far more damage
2. Considering the above, maybe the attack would damage the death star. So what? It wouldn't destroy it
3. Congratulations you just gave away your biggest ships to commit this assault
I honestly don't understand peoples issue with the hyperspace ramming like at all.
Let's imagine Return if they used Hyperspace ramming
1. you have fleet. You go to death star. You launch your biggest ship at it. Let's assume it sustains enormous damage
2. you now have no fleet
3. they rebuild quickly
4. you have no ships and have lost

I can't think of one scenario in any of the star wars movies, at all, where hyperspace ramming would have done anything, at all. Like what scene in what movie could have incorporated this tactic?
The best you can say is people should make hyperspace warp-missiles. This was a plot of SWTOR so it's been done. I guess it could be a thing, but the resistance and the rebels didn't have that kind of production at all. Maybe the Empire could use them if anyone, but where? Why when they have the deathstar and the entire point is putting on a big show? Again, where could this have changed the story?

Also, obviously that kind of thing doesn't fit what star wars is about at all, which is fun action. Dumb complaint all around.

how many times do we have to go through this again? the only reason it worked was because it was perfectly timed from a short distance and convenient that snoke's ship didnt give a fuck about the rebel ship turning around since it was focused on the escape pods

disney has some explaining to do.

Something about experimental engines or something in one of the books

1) It's the force I don't have to explain shit
2) Computers are shit, especially the Falcon computer that we now know is not even a ship computer but some retarded droid

This was painful to read

t. can't disagree with any single point raised

why did the resistance use bombers that require gravity for the bombs to fall? why did they risk so many lives when they could just shoot fucking lasers? why?

>You launch your biggest ship at it. Let's assume it sustains enormous damage
A single grain of rice could destroy the moon at hyperspace you fucking mongrel

>Congratulations you just gave away your biggest ships to commit this assault

Just attach a hyperdrive and guidance computer to a meteor or piece of giant space junk and you're golden.

You dont need to waste a fully functional ship on anything.

>you launch your biggest ship at it
>you now have no fleet
Excuse me nigger what?

lmao how do you measure hyperspace you dumb nigger

Considering everything you wrote was already debunked in the thread you didn’t read it seemed unnecessary

Until they admit they fucked up and stop making new movies

for you

The Last Jedi is a big fuck you to Star Wars nerds and people who write in wookipedia and it's a very good thing. These guys ruined the lives of many people and need to grow up.

Yeah sure, just like you can attach a nuclear powerplant to a rock and move that around the ocean. That's how this works.
Ps. Where are the rebels getting these hyperdrives and computers to attach to these asteroids? Do they just have them lying around lol?

I won't bite a second bait

t. blown the fuck out

I’d assume an organization that could get together a large fleet of capital fleets would be able to find some hyperdrives and computers.

>nuclear powerplant

Kek. Hyperdrive is as common as a junkyard chevy small block in the star wars universe, it's not some exotic technology.

It's literally everywhere thats why them doing it for that movie ruins everything.

>snokes ship was super thin
It's 4 kilometers thick, and 13 kilometers from nose to ship arse which the ram plowed through like it was nothing.

Uhh, what the fuck why?

>and convenient
When something happens like that entirely for plot convenience it's fucking terrible writing, so you are hardly defending the movie with such an argument.

Cool, the radius of the deathstar was 60km and it is a spherical shape, literally not comparable. A thin ship was cut in half, best you'd do to the deathstar is punch a hole through it. Minor, maybe major damage at best, that cost you your ships while they rebuild. You lose.


Because you touch yourself at night

new as fuck

It's amazing how dumb the people who think the hyperspace ram ruins star wars are.

>As for computers, remember that no matter how it looks, it takes place a long time ago.

Are you legit retarded, or just pretending?

I hate you

How? They literally can destroy death star with singles rock just attaching a hyperspace motor to these

Uhh, what the fuck why?

How is it even TLJs fault?
you literally don't need TLJ or that scene to make this case. You can still make this exact same argument without having seen TLJ

>launch tiny ship with a pilot Droid and in the worst of cases you just destroyed the 40% of the death star

Tinyship wouldn't do anywhere near enough damage. Look at the damage done to snokes ship.
Also, again, this has nothing to do with TLJ. If your issue is that hyperspace ramming could have killed the deathstar, why didn't they do it in new hope or empire? TLJ is literally irrelevant.

Except before TFA and TLJ the hyperspace didn't worked like that?

>Uhh, what the fuck why?

Because they necessarily have to have the means to obtain sparte parts, in order to mantain the fleet in working condition? Hyperspace engines is old tech and 100% commonplace in the SW universe.

Somewhat well crafted bait

What do you mean "didn't work like that" lmfao

I don't get what you fags are mad about
is it The science, it's star wars, if they can travel the speed of light this is possible.
is it consistency between movie, because sounds like the original movies are poorly written if they had access to light travel and didn't experiment with the physics.
or are you just autist who can't get over a literal children's movie

>literally not comparable
It absolutely is. You'd at least make a 13km deep cylinder shaped hole with a 4km diameter, I if you do this a couple of times I imagine you'd hit something important. Or, if the Deathstar is actually immune for some reason, you just nuke the Executor and destroy the Deathstar the old fashioned way.

>not knowing hyperspace is another dimension
What a LOSER!

Where the fuck is your math on this?

i agree. i was just pointing out that the hyperspace ram per se is not the problem. the lazy writing is.

>that single autist posting bait posts to get (yous)

Still waiting for someone to explain where hyperspace ramming could have been used in the original 6 movies to change the story in any meaningful way

The math is literally BIG HOLE YO nigger. The Supremacy, which is 13km deep and 4k high was sliced in half.

Not enough radical space jihads to perform isolated incidents to the empire.

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Then use more ships?

But both are a problem? Except the hyperspace ram is a problem that doesn't affect just the movie but the entire setting

>be faction with extremely limited amount of ships, no production, rag tag fleet on the run that has to steal ships and can't replace them
>'just throw your ships away pointlessly lol'

Pick any large structure, ship, station or planet, that hinder our heroes. Delete it with hyperspace ramming. The story is now changed in a meaningful way.

>Look at the damage done to snokes ship.

The damage wasn't just on Snoke's ship, all the fleet got hit and wrecked (we saw onscreen several normal star destroyers cut in half) which means the amount of kinetic energy liberated was massive. If anything, the hyperspace ram would be much more efficent against a huge target like the Death Star, because all that energy would be focused on a single target.

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Did he post his diarrhea shit or hospital trip that followed this?

In literally all the batlles with spaceships?

>deathstar in a new hope
>rebels lose their fleet destroying the deathstar
>empire rebuilds it
>rebels have no fleet

Yeah doing exactly that but not destroying your target its a better use of assets

>be faction with extremely limited amount of ships
>there's a simple tactic that will let you exchange any small ship with a hyperdrive for an enemy capital ship
How can you not see how this is beneficial? You lose ships in war anyway, why not lose them in a way that give you an insane kill ratio?

Did you even watch the movies? They had specific plans, and they worked

>ramming every piece of pic related as a light speed bomb

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>grab random asteroid
>put hyperspace engine on it
>launch it against stuff you want to fuck up


Maybe read one single military or war book you absolute fucking brainlet

You don't need TLJ to make this argument

all of star wars is retarded you mongrels
>Let's make only two bad guys who are destined to kill each other
>let's drop off our only chance to win the war with known relatives
>lets leave the only weakness of the death star exposed
god i hate you cunts

I complained about that trash since day one.

How many (you) you already got posting baits?

TLJ is the one movie that introduced hyperspace ramming, so you are wrong.

Use objects, satellites and so on instead?

Is this guy a complete dunning-Kruger brainlet or a failed Disney shill? Really makes you think

no, because you cant just hyperspace ram from anywhere you please. you have to set it up from a short distance.
as soon as the death star would notice that they would just shoot down said ship

Kind of like how we put nuclear reactors onto rocks and then drive them around the ocean?

>defending nuwars

Imperial japan found that during ww2, due to being so hopelessly outgunned, that it was mathematically correct and beneficial to use their planes to ram ships in “kamikaze” attacks.
In TLJ the kamikaze attack is a lot more powerful than something the Japanese ever had, and yet this was something that was worth it for them.

I think rebels doing kamikaze, ESPECIALLY if they are losing the war, is worth it.

Rebels are constantly on the run, they don't just have 50 hyperdrives sitting around you fucking idiot

Also this is entirely irrelevant to TLJ, if you want to make this case, why didn't they do it in the original movies? You don't need TLJ for space travel or hyperspace to exist. Literally could always have been done and now it has been at a time that makes sense. There's zero point in the previous movies where this makes sense.

Nevermind thematically. The movies are about fun, not some weird realistic geopolitical cold war

>I think rebels doing kamikaze, ESPECIALLY if they are losing the war, is worth it.

So like how it was done in TLJ? Lol. What are you whining about

What would the point be? You are being obtuse.
Driving a “rock” around the “ocean” is good in Star Wars because we can use this to blow up an american carrier battle group. If that was the case
Chinese and russian rocks would float around this very second in our oceans

Who's more dumb? The "hyperspace ramming came out of nowhere and ruins star wars" crowd
Or the "hurr durrr how the bombs fall gravity not exist in space!" retards?
For me? It's the gravity bomb dungholes. But it's really close.

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Kek this guy is awesome

>Maybe read one single military or war book
Thanks for the advice. It says in here that you're a retard and that trading a freighter for a death star or even a star destroyer is hugely beneficial. Especially when employing gorilla tactics.

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sounds to me you are arguing the original trilogy was shit because they were retarded strategist

Nigger said it wasn’t militarily viable, I retorted.
Now you’re weaseling out of the argument again like the coward you are.

>gorilla tactics

Blow it out your ass hoe

>chink shit

>no, because you cant just hyperspace ram from anywhere you please.
retard Han literally did that in TFA

Does this explanation satisfy you?

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That's literally what you're advocating though. This is the equivalent to Iran (who has like 9 ships) putting a nuclear reactor onto a rock and launching it at a US carrier. it's ridiculous and nonsensical on so many levels. Where are these hyperdrives? How did they get them? Where do they keep them? How would they bring them to asteroids? When do they have the time to install them? Where is the fuel considering they're almost out in the movies? They're being tracked - is the empire/first order going to just let them sit around asteroids installing all this shit? How do you even install a hyperdrive system into a rock? It's nonsensical. How do you apply thrust (Which you still need! A MASSIVE amount considering the density of asteroids compared to ships which already maneuver slow!)

Like the entire thing is so fucking absurd you have to be a complete child with zero understanding of physics to even contemplate it. It falls apart immediately. It's hilarious watching people who think they're smart talk about it.

got em

>massive super stardestroyer in ROTJ gets FUBAR after one tiny A-Wing rams the bridge

Perhaps Star Wars has always been retarded shit for children with zero care for what's logic. Perhaps nothing on the franchise, old or new, is really good.

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How did they end up calling Maz? I thought they couldn't call anyone.

>implying star wars is not chink shit

>shoots your ship before hyper drive
literally ended these retards argument

They used their one collect call

>they don't just have 50 hyperdrives sitting around

But they do you retard. X-wings have hyperdrive. It's everywhere.

>the movies are about fun
>Nu Wars
you fucking nigger the Rebels are backed by entire fucking System like Mom Calamari of course they have 50 hyperdrives and even more, TLJ destroyed any space battle sense because it introduced a way to destroy all your enemy fleet with a single tiny ship

Like they did in TLJ?
Not respond

How do you thrust the asteroids? With the xwing engines? lol.

You realize you need an extreme amount of thrust to move an extremely dense asteroid right, and that thrust is REQUIRED to both aim and enter hyperspace?

I wonder how expensive it was.

Why didn't the rebels just fly into the bridges of all the star destroyers? The OT killed star wars..

Putting a engine (and one that accelerates at FLT speeds at that) on a rock would work perfectly fine as a weapon in space as there is no atmosphere and thus no need to make stuff in arodynamic shaps.

You had me for a while but this is too much. :^)


Literally ends all arguments.
>death star have a fatal weakness
>rebels launch their desperate final assault
>empire just shoots their ships lmao it wasn't a weakness after all

If only they had somekind of computers capable of doing these calcules or some kind of metal humans with a computer brain

The whole point of hyperspace is that you don't need trust. Without hyper space you can't travel at or over the speed of light regardless of your trust to weight ratio.

You literally have no argument and got blown the fuck out. Pathetic.

this is the intelligence of the people I'm arguing with. Some retard who doesn't know mass exists and thinks that "stuff can move instantly in space because there's no air resistance!"
Fuck me guys. Analyze the intelligence of people on your side and reconsider your position.

>Where is the fuel considering they're almost out in the movies?
you mean in THE MOVIE aka TLJ before TLJ they didn't use fuel

How do you enter hyperspace without thrust? Do you just teleport into it? How?
How do you aim the asteroid?
etc etc

retarded. Literally brainlet.

>stuff can move instantly in space because there's no air resistance
>I'll take what is a hyper drive for 500 Alex!

>tfw ywn be able to collect this many ((you))s with blatant trolling

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just go to Yea Forums and bait people with evangelion

I don’t think this guy has seen any Star Wars movie besides TLJ, that or he’s baitin

you have to actually enter hyperspace. Hyperspace works by moving in a different dimension. If you don't move.. you don't move.
Also if you have 0 velocity, but somehow enter hyperspace, you will have 0 velocity when you leave hyperspace.
Dunno why I'm arguing basic physics with highschool dropouts who think they know space because they watched Stargate lol

They obviously don't accelerate into hyperspace as going from stationary to FTL in a couple of seconds would turn your ship and everyone in it into PUDDI PUDDI.

I tried that and got banned very quickly, maybe off hours I should try again

>How do you aim the asteroid?

How do we aim spaceships and satellites? Becase we do that just fine. I reckon the SW people could at least match our technological prowess in ship-aiming.

literally what the fuck are you talking about. Explain your logic, it makes no sense at all. Are you saying ships stop before they enter hyperspace? What are you even talking about?

>How do we aim spaceships and satellites?

using thrusters
with the amount of thrust required
based on the mass of the object?


Well Yea Forumsutist are more prone to just report instead of feeding

>hyperspace works by moving in a different dimension
And yet, you can ram Mega-class Star Dreadnoughts into submission in this dimension.

Holy shit this is literally the worst argument possible.

Rebels lose like 90% of their fleets every fucking time.


nigger it's late go to bed or is youre Australian, go fuck yourself


It's funny how I present arguments, people don't refute them, their arguments are just personal insults

one side presents actual arguments, logic, facts, physics
The other side doesn't know mass exists and thinks that you can accelerate infinitely in space because there's no air, and personally insults me


really makes me think

To be fair, back in the OT it was clear that a ship going to hyperspace still had some interaction with normal space, or else Han wouldn't be so worried about the Falcon's computer calculating the trajectory.

>216 post
>only 67 IP's

I'm saying that ships don't accelerate to light speed in ordinary space since that would subjugate everything on board to bazillions of Gs. The only way it makes sense is if they enter a separate dimension/plane/whatever and then accelerate.

Lurk moar newfag. But think yellow chink meme Jell-O.

Hey man don't worry, you aight, not your fault that you are a dumb nigger.

You calculate your trajectory so you don't exit hyperspace inside a star, a black hole, an asteroid field or Jabba the Hutt's asshole.

That would be 3 post a person, it's possible. Most likely is it's a couple of people just people falling for bait.

>shills still trying to damage control this shit
>after Solo bombed
>after Galaxy's Edge bombed
It's over, Star Wars is dead and that's a good thing

>Traveling through hyperspace isn't like dusting crops, boy! Without precise calculations we could fly right through a star or bounce too close to a supernova and that'd end your trip real quick, wouldn't it?

Those are his words, and he is clearly talking about the risks of flying through hyperspace, not what happens after you exit it.

>>The only way it makes sense is if they enter a separate dimension/plane/whatever and then accelerate.
And then accelerate



Ps: you're double wrong since hyperspace doesn't just take your ship into another dimension, you have to accelerate into it in-universe lore. But even if it DID just take you into it, YOU LITERALLY PROVE MY POINT - "and then accelerate"

"and then accelerate"


I’d gloat as a trek fan but trek got similarly fucked in the ass

What fucking point? Learn to read. And calm down.

I asure you that the baiter already made like 40 post alone

Stop smoking so much weed so you can actually keep up with what you're arguing, holy fucking shit. You literally don't even know what point you're trying to make. My entire point was that you need thrust. That's what you replied to. You replied saying no you don't need thrust. And then went on to say "and then accelerate" without realizing you were blowing yourself the fuck out, because you are a complete fucking moron, literally unable to keep up with a 3 post long debate, unable to have even a basic grasp of physics while thinking you know what you're talking about.

Don't ever @ me again. You're done. Just leave in disgrace.

>My entire point was that you need thrust
An my entire point was that you don't need thrust, you need hyper drive magic. You have yet to explain how you can explain to near light speed without killing yourself with mad g-forces. Fuck man.

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>An my entire point was that you don't need thrust
You literally said "and then accelerate"

"You have yet to explain how you can explain to near light speed without killing yourself with mad g-forces"
The entire point of hyperspace is that the points in hyperspace correlate with points in regular space, and you travel at regular speeds through hyperspace to get to the point you want to exit faster, without breaking FTL laws. This is basic shit user. You even understand it subconciously because like you said, "and then you accelerate". Yes. Because you move in hyperspace. To get to a point in real space faster. Which requires thrust.

I don't know how much easier I can spell this shit out for you dummies.

out of the shitty things in this movie this was the worse?
>what about yoda
>force projection
>dumb coke bitch surviving
>rey not getting blacked

How about the fact that it's literally a fever dream visualization of communism

The entire movie is communism.

Maybe I should have been more obvious. When I say accelerate I mean accelerating in relation to ordinary space, not accelerating in ordinary space. I imagined a 200 iq poster like you would be able to infer that from the fact that since we're talking about forces and thrust.

That they didn’t put those milk aliens in the Star Wars land

Based redditor

Remember that we got the EU completely wiped out (20+ years of story telling) and had it all replaced by chuck fucking wendigs 200 page novel.

This retarded argument made me look up on the star wars wiki out of curiosity because I honestly did not have any idea of how the hyperdrives actually did their thing.

From what I reading, the hyperdrives actually do launch the spaceship to FTL speeds, which is a requirement to enter hyperspace. The hyperspace itslef provides the "magic" solution for matter not fucking up accelerating to such speeds and of course the pretty much infinite energy that would beneeded to achieve the feat in normal space, but it is the drive itself that provides the acceleration.

Attached: magical realm giger.jpg (630x417, 69K)

fuck the EU and fuck those autist, Trek will always be your daddy pleb bitch nigga

Those things make the movie bad as a movie, hyperspeed ramming makes the entire franchise retroactively retarded

Based and trek pilled

that's because the franchise is retarded...

Admiral Hoxa forgot to turn on his flagship’s anti-hyperspace ramming shield. Obviously the Death Star had its anti hyperspace ramming shield up.

You’re comparing ramming your car into a semi truck at 200 mph to ramming your car through a fucking fortress the size of a moon.

From what I remember the Star Wars universe would literally put you into another dimension and you'd jump in and out of it to move around space faster.

Indeed, but that's why people talk about this. Everybody agrees TLJ is one of the worst movies ever made, but now the entirety of Star Wars cannon is just as bad

>at 200 mph
No, at near light speed. And at that velocity the mass of your car literally does not matter, it'll obliterate the moon as easily as a semi truck.

>tantive iv being chased by star destroyer
>eject crew in escape pods
>ram star destroyer
>vader is now dead

Never gonna make it bro

The real question: Was Disney ever able to explain why they had such a hard on for Han’s dice?

Hmmmm... as I keep reading through the related wiki entries, it seems that in a ROTJ artbook a mention is made of a republic capital shit accidentaly collided with a separatist planet while travelling through hyperspace, and completely tearing it apart down to the planet's core. It's a 2005 book, so way before Disney's acquisition of the brand.

Fuuuuuuuck I can't believe that I came up with prequel material that validates the retarded hyperspace ram, I feel dirty.

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ROTS, I mean. But seriously, fuck this shit I am out of here.

So many yous jesus christ

Its a childrens movie. Children don't care about internal consistency because they are too stupid to notice it

>As for computers, remember that no matter how it looks, it takes place a long time ago.