Amazon's Wheel of Time adaptation announced the main cast today
Wheel of Time
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wow the two rivers is really cosmopolitan and progressive
So are those the actors names or the characters?
they hate white people.
character names. all of the actors are literally whos.
Jordan rolls in his grave
the best we can do right now is not talk about it, we're only bringing attention to this show right now, no one really cares about it just yet
>A remote village tucked away within Andor so isolated that even tax collectors don't bother going there
yikes and cringepilled
What this user says, just walk away, just walk away.
reading twitter and reddit comments is both hilarious and sad. Even these people see that this casting doesn't make sense but they're so mentally castrated that they think having an issue with the POC cast is absolutely not acceptable
>God is a white man, how dare you make Him black!
Kek, my sides
Perfect, looks just like I imagined them
I don't understand what you're getting at. Are you saying Manetheren didn't exist after the breaking?
>Wheel of time
what is this garbage and why should i care?
I picture Lan as black when I read the first book.
Its another epic fantasy adaption thats been blacked so get used to hearing about it
casting obviously white characters as niggers or mutts or whatever the hell those two vaguely female things are just reeks of amateurishness and low quality, like something you'd see on the cw
>Jordan rolls in his grave
Would he have been mad about this?
Considering who he chose as his ideal cast, I'd wager yes.
Perrin literally looks like a 56% mutt. Why not cast a handsome guy at least?
>ben affleck
i think i prefer niggers
Oh sure, he has his own ideas of what the characters look like. But he also said this:
Considering the man volunteered to stay in Vietnam for two extra tours just to kill minorities, yes
Shit cast for a shit book, yawn
but if he was a racist, why include any non white characters in his books then?
i don't know what you're trying to say with this video. Jordan merely says that the world he created was influenced by many great cultures and mythologies, no one argues about that here
because some twat decided to ruin the amazing world he created with his retarded identity politics
To show their inferiority, same as he did with women
I've never read these books and I won't watch the show but FUCK this shit.
Cool, hope they do a good job but I have a feeling we're gonna end up with a (thankfully) sexless GoT
shut up schizophrenic user
>that min
dropped, fuck jordan
Deja vu. These cunts ruin everything they touch.
Not true though and he's light skin.
I fucking hate how disingenuous the people pushing for this are.
>i-it's not forced! this is all supported by the books!
It's not, you know it's not.
>w-well we're just casting the best actor for the job! s-skin color doesn't matter!
Obviously not. Considering the sheer amount of white actors it's far more likely that they get cast for black roles instead of the other way around. Tuon will never be a white girl and Mat would have never in a million years been a Chinese dude.
This thread for the 100th time.
Two Rivers folks were not white. You can't even find a passage in the books that states they were white. Robert Jordan has not said they were white. We however can know they are at the very least tan.
Kek-a-rino! It's one mans magical bdsm realm.
lol he looks like black kit harrington
ok there's some kinky bonding sex but it's not grotesquely written like grrm's
>Rand ends up with three women
was he planning on cloning audrey hepburn or something?
It is true. Find me a light skinned black man blushing red if you do not agree or shut your incel mouth
Except Robert Jordan personally approved the eye old the world comic book, and they were all white
I'll bite
Show me a passage showing there was a single black person who wasn't from shara, the sea folk, or seanchan
Just read the books bro
Wait, you CAN read through 9000 pages yes?
when they remark, even in inner monologue, on how dark the sea folk and some tairens, seanchan, and taraboners are, they're white.
He looks like black Billy Zane
He had an idea of what the characters looked like in his mind when he was writing the books, and these actors came closest to that look. Whether they were dead or alive or even talented was didn't factor into it, it's purely a visual aid/guide. The takeaway is that none of them are African.
see perrin is also described as having long curly brown hair, not afro black hair, there's a huge difference
in the original art that Jordan had a say in they were all white
The cast that Jordan chose was all white Besides literally all of this, two rivers folk lived in a very isolated area for hundreds (likely more but im not sure) years, they should all be genetically close, it makes absolutely no sense that one guy from the same village is black and the other one is a pale blue eyed dude
None of these announced cast members are dark skinned. They are quite light skin in fact. But you idiots are still buttmad. The races you mentioned are actually noticeably dark.
>Elaida had put down her knitting, Rand realized, and was studying him. She rose from her stool and slowly came down from the dais to stand before him. “From the Two Rivers?” she said. She reached a hand towards his head; he pulled away form her touch , and she let her hand drop. “With that red in his har, and gray eyes? Two Rivers people are dark of hair and eye, and they seldom have such height.” Her hand darted out to push back his coat sleeve, exposing lighter skin the sun had not reach so often. “Or such skin.
I’m now more convinced than ever that Min will be either a gay male or transgender.
>pillow friends out the wazoo
That’s a big yikes from me. I assumed this would be a piece of garbage because of CURRENT YEAR. Amazon LotR will get the same treatment.
>books are basically anime
>especially with all the corny drama and the whole chosen one story
>the mormon turns the last few books into DBZ fights
>jordan seemed to be a mild weeb with all the seanchan wankery
>jordan declined the chance to have it animated
>now we have this shitty show with tall moiraine and multi racial two rivers
Just make it an anime already jesus fuck amazon stop
I'm so tired. When will the pendulum swing back?
Soon as you kill yourself.
No, they are quite fucking dark, you colorblind retard.
Also see
Oh yeah man they are SOOOO dark.
How does Two Rivers being a melting pot of a society even make sense?
Never. It’s too late. This will be a part of Western culture forever.
Nice lighting tricks reddit.
Well the original Queen of Andor was black. Races end of mixing all throughout the lands. Some how or another Andor turned into the only white nation but the Two Rivers blood still runs older than most. They should be tanned at the least.
I see no issues with it. Them being white has 0 bearing on the story. Rand being a red head has more bearing than anything and they got it right.
I like how you had to cherry pick images with different lighting to the point where one of them is like 100x100.
Also debunk this, stop avoiding it
This is a dark skinned black man. None of the cast is dark skinned. This is what we should see with the Sea Folk for example.
Every great civilization has collapsed. What makes you think the west is any different?
How fucking dense are you redditors?
Besides the fact that they're obviously dark skinned when compared to mat, RACE ISNT SKIN DEEP. Look at their fucking hair and face structure
based autistic user
2016 with trump. Now a lot of other countries have also started electing far right leaders.
The West has never been a great civilization. We had only the Romans and Greeks, early medieval ERE and Frankish empire, and afterwards - a sea of degeneracy and self-guilt.
>The West has never been a great civilization.
You're fucking retarded
this. heres the real version
Oh man look at how DARK he is guys. What will we ever do.
Forgive me for not thinking that a civilization that decided to import non-whites in it and then let jews take control over is great.
A mixed nigger is still a mixed nigger. It's not really about skin color, but skull shape and features.
kek, incels keep getting btfo
see I like how you literally just ignore every post that proves you wrong
This is rough for me. Because on one hand, I would like to see a faith adaptation. But on the other hand, I also felt like it was in bad taste that female villains got the endings they did. One being implied rape, even if the scene ended before it actually happened. You know it happened. And the other being almost cartoonishly ironic. Like, was I supposed to cheer when a morally gray character gets hauled off to become a slave? It plays out like the big bad is finally getting their comeuppance. But honestly, she was a very sympathetic villain, who did what she thought was good for the realm. Arguably her methods made the most sense in a world where the stakes are the end of all existence. But she simply lacked the knowledge that the good guys were protected by fate. So when she finally meets her end, it's actually kind of fucked up. I didn't get any joy out of it.
I do want that plot point changes, just to fit my sensibilities. But I hate the bluster about being a feminist, and conforming the show to feminism. He didn't say anything regarding the art. Only his ideology.
in fairness, there's like 5 books that are literally just filler. I couldn't even finish the books because I just burned out on the slog of a series of 500-page books where exactly one thing happens per book to drive the narrative forward.
think i got to knife of dreams before i tossed mt hands up in frustration which sucks because the first 3 were legit great books and the series has some fucking awesome shit in it.
"Asha man KILL!"
"The Caged Shadow killer"
are two of the high points for me
Pic unrelated
>quite fucking dark
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the White Tower, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Asha'man, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in one power warfare and I'm the top sitter in the entire blue Ajah. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this World, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over Tel'aran'rhiod? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the Westlands and you are being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to all the sa'angreals of the Aes Sedai and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
Eye, those moles up close.
What's the budget of this series? 5 dollars? You can pick better looking gypsy hookers than that here in Eastern Europe for less than that.
>this is egwene
oh fucking lawd i'm done i'm out nope holy fucking kek DONE
you sound upset, dont worry those big racist meanies wont hurt you here
>Sir, the audience wants a conventionally attractive actress, what do we do?
>Ummm... I think you mean "actor", I'm a feminist and will not tolerate gendering in my presence. Conventional beauty is harmful for women, as it sets an unrealistic standard that they can never attain. Therefore, we must hire this woman with a huge mole on her nose. There... One more small victory for the emotional wellbeing of women everywhere.
>What I like is what everyone likes
>This is why Wonder Woman failed
>Bringing up an unrelated argument from some time ago that you're still fuming about.
>Implying anyone prefers a women with a mole on her nose.
They're so close to an Irish white in skin tone that they needed to compare their untanned skin to see a difference, you disingenuous fuck.
I like how you prove yourself wrong with the quote, but you're too stupid to even realize it. She had to reveal untanned skin, meaning that a tanned Irishman would be so close to the two rivers complexion that you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
First off lol. Second of again non of the cast is super dark.
>First off lol
So you admit you didn't even read the books?
>Second of again non of the cast is super dark.
But still too dark when the difference in skin tone is so obvious. Elaida would have to just point at him if the rest of TR were actually this dark, but she had to reveal untanned skin to see the difference. You have no argument.
Not him. But maybe Elaida was prompted to check his untanned skin, because his tanned skin was already a lighter shade than she expected.
He isn't Irish he is based on Irish. Stop using real world shit. Guess what the Aiel cultural is based on Japanese, and various Native American tribes too.
They are pale skin but dark tan due to where they live. It still implies that the Two River folks are naturally darker than Rand. So they at the least a darkish Mediterranean.
irishmen don't tan they burn
meant for
Yeah but he isn't Irish he is an Aiel which do tan and they get quite dark tans due to where they are from.
That line implies that even with his tan Rand did not match a two rivers person.
Jesus you guys care too much. Just go re-read the books.
I've never read the book or even heard of it I'm just telling this guy tanned irishmen don't exist
Yeah I saw your post.
>I’m now more convinced than ever that Min will be either a gay male or transgender.
Que Tranny using Saidin rather than Siadar becasue "She's a real woman"
Fuck this fucking planet
Actually this was somewhat brought up. The power is linked to your soul so if the soul of a trans was legitimately female or whatever they would use that power assuming they could channel.
Oops meant for
>soul of a trans was legitimately female
Protip: its not
It know there was that one villan who got merked and had is soul stuffed into a female body as a punishment was throwing siadar around as a result, but that aint the same thing as a tranny
>this is white in AmeriKKKa
There wasn't any hope in the first place. Cant wait to see Elayne.
>Elayne and Aviendha are bisexual nigs
>Min will be trans
Can we get an alternate ending where the Dark One wins please
If the show does really poorly then they'll just end it with The Dragon Reborn and pretend Ishamael was the Dark One. It'll gives them an excuse to end gracefully without calling it cancelled. They can then revive it later on if fantasy series start becoming more profitable.
Kingpin and Fury were actually good castings though.
They can pretty much end it at The Great Hunt too
So are the Saldeans still going to be brown or will they become white so Faile can fall for the BBC?
First three books pretty much end with "the Dark One" getting stabbed so they can finish whenever. I heard they were doing two books per season but if S1 fails they could stretch TDR over S2 to save costs before the end.
>Showrunners favorite character is Egwene
Lads it was always doomed to fail
>Kirsten Dunst to Zendaya
Thanks, Trayvon.
A young Kirsten could've been the perfect Elayne
Man, I want to hit him in those stupid teeth with hammer
>Idris Elba as Lan
>Farquaad Shaped Rand
>Stick Black Perrin
>Dreadlock Tugging Nynaeve
>Hag Nose Egwene
>Drug Addict Mat
I hope it gets cancelled before the first season
Ayo, sup Rand
*smacks lips*
You be sayin
*sags pants*
Dis hoe up here
*rapes Moraine*
be some finna
*steals shoes*
this rand is a qt.
we wuz wolves n shit
Why do black people always do that scrunched forehead shit?
Fucking dropped.
>I hate blacks and kikes and minorities.
I hate blacks and kikes and minorities.
>I hate blacks and kikes and minorities.
I hate blacks and kikes and minorities.
>I hate blacks and kikes and minorities.
I hate blacks and kikes and minorities.
>I hate blacks and kikes and minorities.
I hate blacks and kikes and minorities.
>I hate blacks and kikes and minorities.
I hate blacks and kikes and minorities.
>I hate blacks and kikes and minorities.
I hate blacks and kikes and minorities.
>I hate blacks and kikes and minorities.
Ayo this here ma nigga Hopper, dat his name cos he always da first one to hop away from the pigs
>perrin meets Queen elYASS SLAY
Less prominent foreheads. It add definition.
have sex
Have you seen how lightskinned this guy is? His face looks flushed 24/7, he can blush with no problem
>A mixed nigger is still a mixed nigger. It's not really about skin color, but skull shape and features
Oh, I forgot the parts where RJ described the skull shapes and facial features of the Two Rivers gang. That was around the same chapter where he atarted talking about the average IQ of their haplogroups, right?
no he can't. He's still way too dark
Knife of Dreams was one of Jordan's best books, the only one I'd consider bad is Crossroads of Twilight.
Pretty sure Vietnamese are a supermajority in Vietnam.
Why does all the offical artwork show them as white, then?
>Oh, I forgot the parts where RJ described the skull shapes and facial features of the Two Rivers gang.
His features are distinct compared to the rest of the cast with doesn't make sense in terms of the plot.
You have a Pajeet, you have one white guy, you have a mixed nigger, you have another mixed nigger and you have another (it appears to be at least) a white guy. How does this make any sense when it comes to the Rivers and the story?
zendaya is unuronically beautiful
I'm a mutt so maybe its just eye of the beholder
WoT is literally diverse as fuck, and actually happens later in the series when brown people escape to the Two Rivers over the mountains. So I really don't get why they don't use that, instead of diversifying the starting cast.
>calling Vietnamese people in Vietnam ‘minorities’
Have sex
>The West has never been a great civilization
>Except for well over a thousand years of its history
They can end at the end of any of the first three, as Rand thinks he's killed the Dark One in all of them.
After that, there's no off-ramp, but I don't see it getting that far.
Female villains getting raped is realistic though.
apparently the casting crew and target audience realize that it's literally impossible to have substantial phenotypic variation in an isolated, remote, and sparsely populated region like the Two Rivers
Incel freak
Perrin really let himself go
Considering the Aiel Waste will make locations and filming more expensive, I think Amazon's plan A is to finish at The Dragon Reborn. Up until Shadow Rising most places could be filmed withing walking distance of each other.
Kys racist
>they hate white people.
Why are white incels such fragile snowflakes?
What's the audience for this shit? Muttos don't read fantasy books by Vietnam vet boomers, they like replaying animal torture videos on Twitter
In stead of pointing out that this is pointless heterogeneity, a HUGE affront to the source material, a betrayal of the fanbase to appeal to people who aren't interested & basically a vehicle for people with an agenda instead of passion, I'm going to post the people they SHOULD have cast.
First up, Eqwene
piss off sjw cunt
Dylan O'Brien is the only one that has any business playing Mat
>oh so predictable shit casting
>oh so predictable shit adaptation by shitty "woke" writers.
my kingdom and the hand of my eldest daughter for a modern day Saint Patrick to drive (((them))) from Hollywood.
This guy from Riverdale, KJ Apa would be a better Rand
I prefer pic related as Egwene
Taylor Lautner as much as I don't want to force him into another wolf man role, is a perfect Perrin
And Idris Elba as Lan
Whose that? She looks good too
Here is a Nynaeve that fits the author's vision & would pull of a fierce performance
It weirds me out that everyone uses Idris as the go-to for black washing roles
This casting is fucking God tier and only zoomers will disagree. P Stewart as Thom is a great choice
Diana Silvers.
good choice for Nynaeve. almost like i picture her in the books
i would be okay with this as long as the other characters were white
Amazon is gonna fuck this up aren't they
This is pretty uncanny
Sonny Landham would have made a great Lan
haha same
have children
It's just after the Bond thing. People got defensive about an ok actor. Now he's your go-to if you want to look like a moral movie buff.
Lan is almost confirmed to be Asian or white now imho. Nyneave is black so it's more interracial
I could maybe see this guy pulling off Rand. He's gotta be tall though.
Zoomer here and I like Jordan's ideal cast
When will you fags die of AIDS already?
The Aiel are where we're gonna get the majority of our lesbian/gay characters. As they are, they'll piss some people off. Having the whitest group be the strongest, fastest and most supremacist people around is just trouble. They're going to hamfist some scenes where Aiel say that love is free or they'll use the sweat baths to segway into a rant about repressive Wetlanders.
It´s just a fucking nigger.
>whitest group
Really? you think they're still gonna be "Irish outcasts inna desert" now?
Only a mutt would be doing somersaults defending this trash
Not one drop.
This would have been great. But I guess they don't have the budget for that considering the absolute no-namers they've casted.
>Muttos don't read fantasy books
They don't care if niggers will watch it, they know they won't. What matters is to brainwash the white population that watches it by inserting their propaganda in it. GOT was one of the most popular things in the past 10 years, plenty of niggers watched it,and it had 0 niggers in it
It's an Amazon Prime show, directed by a guy only known for being a contestant on Survivor
They all have angular features. It's disgusting.
Fuck off this board and back to plebbit you fucking libtard degenerate
Makes you think
Cause they’re perpetually confused
Was Game of Thrones the last television show to have a majority-white cast? Will it ever happen again?
Consistently lower IQ
Books and artworks are for white people, user. Television is for the muddled masses.
>Will it ever happen again?
the question you should be asking is "will white people become 90+ % majorities in their own countries ever again?"
>when you just have to completely ignore all of Hollywood now that they’re ruined literally every franchise and studio with SJW diversity meme
Guess I need hobbies like hiking and shit, cuz it’s not worth it. Every adaptation from things I’ve enjoyed turns to absolute shit because of it
>Love Star War 1-6 as a kid (born 1990), know Disney fucked it up with the first TFA trailer, still saw it in theaters in a moment of weakness and knew 20 minutes in I would just drop Star Wars completely
>love LOTR as a kid, hobbit movies are absolute dogshit thanks to greedy studio jokes rushing and stretching the book into 3 movies, amazon show will have nigger numenoreans who dab on evil white umbar corsairs, and black elf women who are superior to the white elves
>love my dads old marvel comics, enjoy the MCU for bringing these character to life and having some respect for source material. Then pandering via black panther (rotten tomatoes all time greatest movie for a 4/10 at best), Captain Marvel, Valkyrie’s a nigger Mary Janes a nigger, Black women is now KWEEN of Asgard, FemThor incoming
>game of thrones books are great, jews (((adapt))) it for tv and it’s pure dogshit season 2 onwards because they take (((artistic liberties))) and continue to completely fuck it up through the end (virtue signaling with my KWANE SANSA YAAAASSS nonsense)
>spend 2 years reading the wheel of time books, absolutely love them even though the middle books are awful (‘coincidentally’ when Elayne and Egwene get their terrible POVs and faggot Perrin becomes obsessed with his bitch wife)
>literally ignore one of the main plot lines of the first book and make the two rivers basically fucking Harlem
>can never watch late night shows because god forbid we get a Johnny Carson, instead we get those retards crying about trump literally every fucking night
It’s all so tiresome
>Rand al'Thor
>al'Lan Mandragoran
>Egwene al'Vere
Love me some Jordan but holy shit, some of his character names were just awful. Literally random syllables put together.
Rand looks like such a chad on the CoS cover
Yeah but GRRM is HUGE
>Rand al'Thor
Pendragon Arthur
>al'Lan Mandragoran
Lancelot du Lake
>Egwene al'Vere
except the real shocker was killed in the movie.
The black dude is just some rando
Hey, Zabini is a character introduced in the 6th HP book and the only reason he swaps with Crabbe in the 8th movie is because the actor got arrested
>I like how you had to cherry pick images with different lighting to the point where one of them is like 100x100.
Yeah, he should have just used photoshop to lighten their complexions.
>in fairness, there's like 5 books that are literally just filler.
Yes. Read the first one or two books and the last one or two. That'll give you almost all of the important parts of the story.
It’s amazing how poorly the covers match the descriptions in the books, even simple stuff like hair color is mostly wrong. Is that supposed to be Perrin on the KoD cover? It looks like a middle aged fat manlet inn keeper.
Ur-/wot/ autist here. I'm not going to ask why, but... *sigh*
Seda died for this?!
I read every book and re-read each one before the next one would come out. I was excited for this. Now, I'm not even going to watch it. Not watching a single frame.
In some countries the books were divided into two or three books when translated, and while the extra parts usually had good cover art, there are some weird ones like Jabba's palace here (Finnish edition of part 2/3 of The Fires of Heaven, though the cover art originates from some other country iirc).
I've always hated those covers. I'm glad I got the black minimalist ones.
Who's the last qt?
I quite liked the updated covers, shame I didn't get these versions, 14 books I wanted to save money.
Minimalism is so lazy though.
The Darrell K. Sweet cover art is an ancient meme, and anyone who proclaims that they prefer the ebook/foreign covers only marks themselves as a child
Who cares? WoT was stupid and long winded and nobody will watch it anyway because GoT shit the bed. No normies, no normie bucks, so we'll only get one half-hearted season before it goes in the trash.
Well I'm 31 and it's not a foreign cover to me so you're just wrong all over.
this isn't even close to being out and I already find these threads tiresome.
ITs just really petty on your part and nobody is being fooled here cause we can all see your malicious intentions when you blackwash
Can we add “who cares”? And “why do you care”? To the lefty starter pack?
Another one of my favourite franchises ruined by niggers/blackwashing
>Why yes, I DO come from the multicultural center of the world, the Two Rivers. How could you tell? least Rand is white... and Mat kinda... so 2/5 is almost passable?
never cared much about Egwene, but yikes Nynaeve being butchered like that is wrong.
why yes, right in the middle of nowhere away from other dark tanned people, Illian Tear Altar, and genetically isolated for last 2000 years since fall of Manetheren, is a multiracial mixing pot, yes...
Andor is supposed to be like England so I guess "corner of England" basically can be "random ghetto in London".
You got me, that's an airport cover. Still...
Did nothing wrong list:
Why ruin this in this way when the author went to great lengths to put every race and culture in a blender to begin with?
Lord of the Rings next, bros.
They all did lots of things wrong though. Still love Asmodean though, RIP.
Ishy just wanted to be free.
Fuck off mutt.
>we need to make the next Game of Thrones!
>that show with the mostly white cast?
I was gonna say he did some nasty stuff too, but skimming his wiki page as a refresher I'm actually not finding much. He was a dick to the other Chosen but they deserved it, and he fucked up Rand's side but that was part of the prophecy anyway.
Peter Jackson already corrupted that with hippie tropes, a direct snub to JRRT
Your thoughts on ends and means? He did create darkfriends.
Ishy was and never will be free, actually less free than most souls considering he becomes the "oil" in the grinder known as the struggle between the Dark One and the Avatar of Creator. Most souls end up doing whatever, living normal lives, but poor Elan Morin is always a catalyst between the agelong struggle and most likely gets killed in the crossfire age after age, going so far as just ending as a backup body for Dragon to take over.
Maybe having seen 10000 such scenarios play Age after Age was enough to convince him to end it all.
This is going to bomb anyway, not really because of the diversity, but because they are trying to make it a safer Game of Thrones, which just doesn't work, people liked GOT because of how violent it was & with all the sex/rape scenes too, it was a guilty pleasure
Amazon's LOTR will probably be a big hit though, Tolkien estate is making sure they don't go full retard with it
I consider him the true protagonist.
>not really because of the diversity, but because they are trying to make it a safer Game of Thrones, which just doesn't work
Also because of the diversity.
>Isolated village deep in the woods
>Farmers look like cosmopolitan New-Yorkers
Forgot that part. I don't think creating wordwide suffering for thousands of years isn't worth his own sweet release. Still not as bad as the others, especially Semirhage and Aginor.
You really think women didn't get raped in medieval like times huh?
Didn't the Tolkien estate get taken over by women?
Aginor did what... created monstrous hybrids which plagued the lands for thousands of years? Did he do anything worse? I think crafting a secret society with an anti-Light purpose is a bit more harmful than that, but I'm just freestyling here, I'm not going to check any wikis
Name one (1(single)) thing Galad did wrong, you literally can't.
1. Did nothing wrong
Galad v. Eamon Valda in Knife of Dreams is lowkey my favorite moment in the series
Darkfriends are one thing but without shadowspawn the DO wouldn't have a chance. Aginor is quietly the worst of them all imo.
Secret allies or obvious monsters; that's a philosophical question, isn't it?
>No Demandred
He would have been the #1 world all-star if not for that meddling Lews Therin
You're a mutt so you should kill yourself.
>Why ruin this in this way when the author went to great lengths to put every race and culture in a blender to begin with?
Read Atlas Shrugged. It's just how the World is.
Sanderson-Demandred just spewed balefire and yelled about Lews moronically whilst consoling his African slave empire.
Taimandred was a pretty cool plan.
>Read Atlas Shrugged
Extremely poor advice
This isn't a Goodkind thread
It was her turn
>Aginor is quietly the worst of them all imo.
I mean that technically still Lanfear. She and Beidomon opened the Bore at Collam Daan to being with. Without her the Dark One would still have been sealed.
What if men had opened the Bore, and learned to utilize the force within?
Why is Matt white? If they were going to make the Emmonds felid folks dark skinned why the fuck is Matt a white dude? This show already sucks.
Why didn't they just open another Bore after the Last Battle?
>loves fat asses
>gambles and drinks 24/7
would have been an acceptable compromise
They do user
The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again
>gets hanged
father of lies pls go
How do we open the maximum possible Bore in this reality? I want the Dark One to save us.
Yes, but like, immediately after. It would have been the perfect contingency but apparently it didn't occur to anyone
>Wont include rape in the show
>Rapes the show
Fuck this dude.
It's deep in the blight
Even Jordan's world was less diverse and beautiful than future America!
That's a good point, although I suppose most of their dreadlords got killed in the last battle. The Dragon is still alive so he would just close it again, although I suppose they don't know that.
I find forced heterogeneity tiresome
I am 100% white and I agree Zendaya is fine. But it's still a forced casting choice for her to be MJ.
i am one, i noticeably blush
What a racist.
>t. token whitey
Witcher tv any one lel
How long will this show even exist?
Demandred not dueling and losing to Mat is still the biggest bullshit choice Sanderson made, followed by the Shadar Logoth's plot thread having a totally anticlimactic ending.
Who's in charge now?
I really hope they come up with an actual ending for Fain.
Then why the fuck is Matt so fucking white?
Same voice spoke in all caps throughout the series. It's obviously the dark one but everyone thinks it's the creator. That's hilarious.
>mat is a complete mutt
the one character i cared about. fuck.
>amazon wheel of time
this , I dont understand why we dont see it all being ruined nowadays
Shadar Logoth was America and Padan Fain was George Washington
too good-looking.
Christopher Tolkien is directly in charge of the lot
This bugs me. Like, sure. Cast that dude as Rand and make the Two River's people darker skinned. Whatever. But Mat standing out from his own ethnicity just highlights the fucking calculated boardroom demographic push (80% ethnic is too ethnic guys, we don't want to alienate more series purist customers than we pull in from the diversity lovers).
Could you please explain in detail the hierarchy?
The Tolkien family are very Precious of the Family name , Rightly So.
>pull in from the diversity lovers
they won't actually watch the show though, they'll just post YAASSS on twitter and then move on.
Any boardroom worth its salt would have rejected this in the first place. WoT IP has been bandied around since the 90s when it was actually popular and, besides Seda's tragic opus, hasn't been picked up.
>ben affleck
They have set up a company in their name and are very Protective of the Name Rights and any one trying to steal his works they will make you penniless , theres a page somewhere about dos an donts lol
Are FEMALES in charge of this company?
What, you don't like fictional names with multiple apostrophes in them?
I'll have to rename my protagonist, Jev'akan"yon'ma'alek
Heres the Tolkien page read some of the things ,
No its this Christopher guy
>Shaniqua Tolkien, CEO
holy shit
No idea who she is , Christopher is CEO
All I'm finding from searches is that this Chris fellow did not like the movie adaptions, which imo is pretty stupid.
You arguing about dark skinned and light skinned blacks? Rwandan genocide wasnt enough for you mutts?
He is a based old guy and he was right to stop them ruining his dads works .
He's not that old. Also, he didn't manage to stop anything, he just complained about it a posteriori. In fact, after his complaints were issued, it got worse.
Six posts left, gents, and it's getting tense in here
Like a huge plot point is how Rand looks different from the other Two Rivers folks. With Matt and Rand both being white it just makes no sense. The people who bitch about diversity in shows wont even watch it, they just always look for something to bitch at.
If you take a look over at the reddit they are all gobbling the casting choices dick. God I hate reddit fags.
They also selected ugly actors for some reason..?
Christopher John Reuel Tolkien was born 21 November 1924
he retired as the tolkien estates CEO last year lives in Northern France , he sued the film companies and won.
I've known since they announed some woman who allgedly read tWoT over two dozen times would be responsible for casting. Can't find her name anymore.
I had no hopes for this series (the books are my absolute favourite fantasy series of all time) from the beginning but still it hurts seeing a now hollywood-standard blackwashed cast.
Pic is very much related.
This is the problem though. Jordan’s books have a ton of fetish fuel & smut in them. Characters are constantly naked, getting spanked, etc. The main character loves three different women & bangs them all, sometimes while the other women get vicarious orgasms because of mindlink magic! It’s relatively bloodless at the start, & is much more of an adventure & intrigue story, but when it does do the darker stuff it goes really dark. If the show runner were patient they would have plenty of PoCs to play with as well as genderbender trannies
Adam and Racheal , an his estranged son Simon are the CEOs now
One Final Point was That Tolkien was a REAL WAR Hero , who saw the futility of World Wars but didnt let his Class stop him going back to Fight with his Troops , even after badly wounded , he saw the Hun as the Monsterous Orcs
He knew it was going to get cancelled before it got to that point. So he figured he'd pack as many minorities in the start as he could to get diversity points.
i'm more upset about this than the Witcher casting, more diversity for diversity's sake, i actually read all of those fucking books and enjoyed them, even the slow as fuck ones, fuck Amazon.
Everywhere else I go on the internet they are sucking the shows dick already.
This is the only place I'm gonna talk about this shit show now.
Remember folks. The guy making this adaptation of a beloved novel series that played with myth & legend is only know for being a contestant on Survivor
Why do you project twenty-four hours a day?
Ironically his changes are what do a disservice to the books.