Should I give it another chance?

Should I give it another chance?

I turned it off 20 minutes into the first episode because of that whiny faggot nu-male that wont shut the fuck up about his dead girlfriend. Not to mention it looks like a marvel porn parody and they are already making jokes about muh conservatives on the first episode.

Attached: the-boys-1-1564564650.jpg (480x480, 42K)

The protagonist is a despicable whiny loser, but everything else about the show kind of makes it worth it.
Ironically, the superheroes that we're supposed to hate are actually more well-rounded and interesting than the normie hero vigilantes we're supposed to be rooting for. Even the more despicable superheroes are entertaining as well.

think of it as making fun of all the numale fans of capeshit--because that's what it is
they're telling them to grow a pair

Nah, stick with gay porn.

I'm not trying to defend Hughie (he's an annoying, beta faggot) but does anyone else get the sense that his father is a despicable piece of shit and the reason why his son is such a weakling?

Hughie's actor is the problem. The actor can never, ever make the character likeable no matter how strong, confident, etc. they make the character. Same thing with Starlight.

>his son is such a weakling
Who's 6'1" and literally btfos everybody who crosses him? What do you think an alpha is? Somebody who complains about capeshit on the internet?

>Who's 6'1" and literally btfos everybody who crosses him?
The only person he 'btfoed' was Transluscent, and he immediately went back to the stuttering, PTSD-ridden beta male loser after killing him in cold blood.
The guy's a woman. He does something with conviction one second then immediately regrets it afterwards. Indecisiveness is a womanly trait.

I know you're the beta here, considering you're the one getting pent up over me criticizing a beta male faggy fictional character on your favorite show.

>nooo don't make fun of my invisible universe king
this might not be the show for you

Yeah, he even admits it when Hughie first starts talking about fighting the NDA and suing, his dad says he's not strong enough for that and that neither was he. He just admits that he's a spineless coward and that it's his fault Wee Hughie is too.

Was he a chef or something? Why was he so obsessed with soups?

Attached: tfw when your bolognese explodes.jpg (1200x800, 131K)

But Starlight is at least a cute

You literally have nothing better to do besides shitpost on Yea Forums so put that shit on autoplay and then you can brag to all your Yea Forums friends that you watched it.

It's clearly written by leftist hipsters, and that vibe is present throughout. You'd HATE the episode about christ camp. But if you can pull through that, it's got some decent twists.

I would say give it another go. I was really iffy during the beginning of the first episode, the whole lawyer gf thing kinda drags on. Once Butcher shows up it gets a little better, but honeslty, the show doesn't really take off in my opinion until the second episode, although the very end of the first had me hooked.

Hughie never really gets better and he continued to irritate me throughout the entire season but the other members are pretty based, especially Butcher.

>The only person he 'btfoed' was Transluscent
And Ezekiel, and A Train with the help of Kimiko. It's just like Butcher said, Huey is useful and if he wasn't the boys wouldn't have him around

>anything special
Let me guess, you're from South America?

The worst thing about that scene is that the father outright acknowledges that he's a weakling, but instead of trying to teach his son NOT to end up like him, he seems intent on bringing his son down to his level because he can't stand the idea that his own blood could surpass him in any area. Peak boomer move.

Hughie's father's just an all around scumbag. It's really fucking sad that a borderline sociopath like Butcher has been a better father figure to Hughie in just a few days than his own dad has been to him his entire life.

You're dad will never be proud of you. Just move to West Hollywood where you can suck all the dick your heart desires and nobody will ever judge you.

Lmao which response got you the most riled mate?

This. The problem is not that they were shitting on Christ-fags but conservative corporatism is completely out of place in 2019 during woke corporate era of month long rainbow flag logos.
Gen-X boomers are the worst of all straw man battling faggots.

The only 'conservative' corporation off the top of my head I can think of is Chik-fil-A.

99.999% of corporations are left-wing or at the very least, lolbertarians like the Koch brothers.

I'm just encouraging a trio of misguided fags to follow their dreams of gobbling cock and slurping loads.

first episode is the weakest

You're forgetting gun and fossil-fuel corporations.

Did you want them to wait to adapt it until American culture looped back around to how it was 13 years ago?

I'm just imagining Seth Rogen in a Nirvana T-shirt and a Pulp Fiction poster taking a bong hit and finishing the script with a smug look on his face:
"Wow this is really transgressive! Bill O'Reilly is gonna loose his shit, once we take down his idolized version of America, I'm basically Hunter S. Thompson right now."

In-n-Out has gadsden flag flying at their corporate hq, and they have bible quotes on their cups and fries container. they're one of the few "conservative" companies along with chik-fil-a. i don't really give a fuck though because christcucks aren't aware of the JQ.

>You're forgetting gun and fossil-fuel corporations.
Exxon Mobil and rest of the petrols signal like everyone else during Pride. Gun Lobby is tiny compared to Silicon Valley and literally every other major company.
>Did you want them to wait to adapt it until American culture looped back around to how it was 13 years ago?
That's never happening

>two conservative fast food companies
>their food and service quality put the rest of the fast food industry to shame

I'm thinking we need more conservative fast food companies.

Yeah, that's why I thought the scene of Hughie leaving home was hilarious, especially the line about the pizza rolls.