Is being in your 60's with no wife or kids a worse feel than being in your 20's with no gf?
Is being in your 60's with no wife or kids a worse feel than being in your 20's with no gf?
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Both are a blessing.
>imagine having to deal with women on daily basis
Of course, even if you squander it just having the potential is a big psychological deal
Or to put it another way no longer having the potential for the things you realise too late in life are truly fulfilling makes people come apart at the seams
You don't sound like someone in his 60s.
Have sex
Yes. At that age you have so many medical problems and unless you have really really good friends or close relatives, you have no one to take you to appointments if needed. If you have animals, you have no one to feed and water them if you have to stay in the hospital.
You have a heart attack or stroke? No one there to call you an ambulance.
Even having a wife's son is better than being truly alone.
Remember when this show confirmed that Pizzagate is real multiple times?
>"How many times you post 'Have sex' as a reply in a week, user?"
If you're a pussy, then yeah
If not then you toughen up as you age and stop giving a shit about sissy fucking feelings
>no one to take you
We're pretty close to being able to buy self-driving cars. Also if you have enough money you can just pay for all that shit you mentioned.
I live alone. It would be nice to get regularly pussy but it's not really worth it imo. I don't stress going home. I love to go home because no one fucks with me there.
I'm in my 20s without a gf and it's bearable.
My main issue is that I won't be giving my parents grandchildren and I honestly feel like am I a disappointment to them, despite being relatively successful in other stuff that isn't women and kids.
People in their 60s commonly have their lives focused on their family. If I don't have a family by the time I'm 60, o don't know how I'm going to feel. But it's probably gonna be really shitty. That is, if I manage to live that long.
It's weird seeing this thread when it's 3AM here and I just woke up due to a disturbing nightmare involving my family. I just wish I could make them happy
Will you stop trying to live your life for other people? You shouldn't feel obligated to produce children for your goddamn parents.
They made you. Who gives a shit why. You are not required to make humans for them.
If you aren't going to have a family then there's no point to living past 50 tbqh.
Did you ask to live? Why do you care if your parents are disappointed? They brought you into a world that bombards you with nihilism.
You don't owe them anything.
>no point in living for yourself
grow a spine
Maybe if you're a brainlet. Isaac Newton did okay.
What makes you think your kids will be any less disappointing than you?
just have sex with a different 18yo every day to give your life purpose
>What makes you think your kids will be any less disappointing than you?
My father banged a lot of bitches and travelled, but I spent less time in jail and contracted less STDs. Verified.
Maybe I just want to? They don't pressure me, but I care about them and I know they like kids. And there's also the fact that when I'm old, a family is probably the only thing I will have left since by then everything I love probably won't exist anymore.
I know I don't owe them anything, but it sucks failing the only people who you love and who loved you back. It hurts user, really hard.
>What makes you think your kids will be any less disappointing than you?
Then I will be suffering, not my parents. At least I will have done my best and die without (as many) regrets.
yeah fuck kids, fuck society. Im going to go on vacations and fuck bitches till im 80!
Dude just ignore bitches and family and if you hit 60 and still want a family then find a young childless women and start one. Your seed never goes bad. Just hope you don't do that and die at 65 and leave your kid to grow up without a father and end up shooting up a Walmart.
Listen to this dude. As a man you are a the biological master race. Women have a clock on their fertility but you can sire children in your hundreds, and they will be just as healthy as kids in your 20s.
must be fucking lonely as fuck. i still keep my grandparents company on the weekends because sometimes they get bored and lonely. and my parents obviously see them too now and then. beats dumping them at some shitty old folks home.
Why would you want a family when WoW:Classic is about to come out?
10 years ago I would think that my future self would be looking back on that life and laughing, but now it's 10 years later and I've realized nothing's going to change, I'm gonna be this guy in 30 years easy.
How does it feel living in the backseat and never actually doing anything?
I'm more scared about what happens when they die, after you take care of them for decades into their old age, and now you have no one to take care of you because you never had kids, have no real family, etc.
>How does it feel living in the backseat and never actually doing anything?
>spawn children and spend 2 decades raising them correctly or you fucked up
well which one is it you fascist fuck? can i just learn guitar and never have kids?
seething rent free coping discorder
just pay someone to take care of you, it's the same thing as having family
>implying me, a NEET will have anything left to pay anyone with
unless we get UBI I'm fucked
Are you scared for them or scared for yourself?
FWIW I am going into old age with no hope of children. I am infertile. I could always adopt.
Don't call people fascist as an insult. Someone's gonna get triggered by your bigotry.
If I'm still a loser on my 40th birthday I'm going to kill myself
based comfy home user. fuck the others, people aren't decent anymore
fucking retarded advice. You want to be dealing with little kids when your 65? When you are in your 70s your kids would be teenagers and start going full nigger because their dad is a senile old tard with back problems who cant take them out or do anything with them. And just LOL ASSUMING any even decent woman is going to want to reproduce with some 60 year old man, like they are just going to appear out of nowhere. Literally on the same tier as retard 35 year old women who assumed "I dont need a husband now, some chad will show up magically eventually and everything will be ok!". Either have kids at the proper age or don't have them at all.
Guys assume that things are just going to get better or easier as they get older for some reason. Like if you are in your 20s and you are already bitter and miserable and nihilistic, its going to get so, so much worse for you.
This is the attitude most prevalent among mentally ill internet denizens who are terrified of any responsibility for themselves and thusly warp their minds in as much toxic sludge as possible to cope and reaffirm their wretched outlook on life and covort among themselves in their twisted echo-chambers. Do NOT get caught up in this. Only doom lies down that road.
Well I'm glad to hear this advice from a paragon of mental soundness like yourself.
Hopefully VR is in a really good state by then if western society makes it that long. I think living is a huge burden so I would never bring a life into the world without their consent, which is obviously impossible to determine. Thankfully the copes keep getting better and better.
get a load of this retard
everyone knows all men age like the finest of wines and that all fertile women crave old cock
Based and redpilled
How old are you now? I'm assuming you missed 30.
>your seed never goes bad
lmao. Impregnate that woman with your inferior semen to create a schizophrenic or potential psychopath. Truly a great idea.
i smell roastbeef
There are no women on Yea Forums and I assure you I'm not a trap.
>After controlling for several confounding factors including maternal age, the relative risk of schizophrenia increased from 1.84 to 4.62 in offspring of fathers with an older age of fatherhood. Mother's age showed no significant effects after adjusting for paternal age.
Other studies found the same for autism.
Have a nice life.
nice citation, roaster
I get to retire at 50 so there's that
>retarded and lazy newfag can't Google for himself
boo boo baba
I understand you likely haven't graduated high school yet but the person making the claim is the one that is supposed to provide the proof to back it up.
Psychopaths are the future, nigger.
past a certain age a man without alzheimers can be a good thing
Autism is literally humans evolving.
>falling for the wife and kids meme
Having a family is a massive time and resource drain to the point where you'll have to stop doing the things you once enjoyed doing. Your wife will turn into a miserable cunt who'll take half your shit in the inevitable divorce and kids are almost always shitheads in one way or another (and once they move out of the house you'll barely see them anyway).
It's not worth it.
I understand you are another lazy retarded faggot who doesn't know he can select what is obviously a quote, right click or tap on the selection and Google it.
Here's another source to prove my claim
I do know that correlation does not imply causality, but still... Now kindly go fuck yourself.
Infinitely worse. The difference is if you're in your 20s you still have 15-20 years to get your shit together. Of course the earlier the better but even if your life is a mess at 35 its not too late, shits just gonna be really hard for you. In your 60s its fucking over.
I'd much rather live with dogs like that dude did than live with a woman
All that being said if the choice was either that or no kids I would definitely pick kids. If you don't have kids at some point in your life you have failed in the only real game there is, everyone hates to hear or say it but its true. It's why unmarriageable women blow their brains out in their 40s once they realize they'll never have kids and its why men who have never had kids become vapid or bitter.
2bfair 60 is the new 30
Sour grapes
>Having shitty genetics
In case you've somehow managed to never notice this, there is a reference list at the bottom of every single Wikipedia page that lists the sources for the information present on the page. If you don't believe what's written on Wikipedia you can just check the sources. Only high school teacher and uni lecturers pretend Wikipedia is a bad source of information and only dorks like you actually believe them lol.
Do you really need your own kids? Can you not be a father to your wifes kids?
Like it or not, Isaac Newton was far from a failure.
Not even close bruv. 30s are the new 20s but 40 is still 40, 50 is still 50, 60 is still 60, old as fuck is still old as fuck and dead is still dead
People like Isaac Newton, who were true geniuses, are the exceptions who prove the rule. You aren't Isaac Newton. The 40 year old slag who never got knocked up by mistake while whoring isn't Isaac Newton either. Neither is the mid 30s male sexual reject.
Smartest person in this thread.
To hell with all the conservative contrarians telling people to have sex, marry and have kids. Your gloomy obsession over the white race is not my problem. If it was a real emergency people like you would be trying your hardest to play matchmaker and support families through social programs. But you don't really care. You just post memes to irritate a website that's typically male, single and alone. Projection? Probably.
The fact is that I've been single and with someone for years and there's always a tradeoff. Going home and dealing with someone else in your sanctuary isn't great for some people. Nobody has the right to judge how you live your life. Only you can decide what is right for you. Have a good day.
>Roland... i don't remember
>exceptions who prove the rule
That’s not what that means.
Yes it does. It's a figure of speech that in this context means that the sheer fact that the person you needed to whip out to try and disprove me, no less than Isaac fucking Newton, who is debatably the smartest man to ever exist based on our closed knowledge, shows that unless you are an incredibly remarkable person like he was, then not having kids does indeed make you a failure. Another person who comes to mind is Alexander the Great, who did have a son but he died before he could give old Alex grandkids, so his genetic legacy is gone.
>finally have sex
>stay together for 3 years
>realize women are a meme
>now I only want to be alone but I'm trapped
Probably 60s is worse, as there is definitely no way out.
That said, being terminally single in your 20s and 30s (etc) seems almost inescapable these days, if you are not Chad.
I know I will die alone. I have accepted it. As an unemployable misanthrope bald manlet, I knew the die was cast. I take the positives, in that I am 'free' to live as I want, poverty permitting. Both my folks died in their 50s, so I hope I have a couple of decades left. I'll be glad when it's over and I see them again.
Only person in this thread who isnt a delusional incel
How old are you? Tell us your tale.
I used to feel like this when I had my gf of 3 years but now she dumped me and I miss her more than anything. Theres no winning anons.
i am 39 and still virgin, never had any real relationship with a woman, fuck my life I AM a WORTHLESS old man now
>there is definitely no way out
My mom is in her 60s, she got a 60 year old dude, he died a few years later, she got another one. Doesn't seem to be that hard
You were too onions and beta.
Japan is going to fix that, cuck.
Kys pajeet, you’re the only person in this thread that shouldn’t ever breed at all. You cockroach.
söyböy detected
real men go their own way