So what actually happened to /ourguy/? Is his wife still draining him of 900k a year? Has he landed any new roles?

So what actually happened to /ourguy/? Is his wife still draining him of 900k a year? Has he landed any new roles?

Attached: ourguy.jpg (989x1250, 70K)

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>So what actually happened to this literally who?


>900k a year
don't fall for the marriage meme kids

He is resting. Imagine getting fucked in the ass for 10 years straight all day everyday until its a gaping mess. Let his ass heal.

Divorce was only one of his problems. Serious spine injury, together with massive amount of critical or commercial flops (for each hit he had like 4 misses) eliminated him from action movies. In addition he claims that some high level producers abused and harassed him.

He is some metal face in some capekino series. Alimony is over.
He also spoke out about his metoo story.

>In addition he claims that some high level producers abused and harassed him.

I'm convinced that a lot of hollywood stars had to do weird sexual shit in the 80s and 90s.

Jean Claude Van Damme's second accredited role;

>Gay karate man

Cameron Diaz is confirmed for having nudes from the early 90s floating around, and this isn't even getting into the Weinstein stuff.

Jews treat their actors as if they were cattle.

honestly he used to be the only guy who could pull of that haircut and still look handsome af
no homo

Uhm actually the golden globe ass. found out he only touched him AS A JOKE you antisemite.

his alimony is over

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He is recuperating. Turns out you can only get away with doing your stunts if you're Tom Cruise. His body got rekt and had to have several surgeries. I hope he gets good roles from now on. That bitch wife of his truly deserves to burn.

Alimony should be illegal, it's not like women aren't able to work anymore.

Dubs and he shoots himself in a years time

Why in the fuck did she get that much?

>alimony comes from a time when women did not work and were fucked if they left their man
>women are now equal but still want alimony
Marriage is a scam.






You must be 18 to post here son

I'm gonna stick my finger in ya butt and call it joke.

FEMINISM is a scam.

That's why I have some doubts about the legitimacy of him doing all or even most his own stunts

Umm excuse YOU shitlord???>

By the skin of your fuckin teeth

They're starting to put practices in place that will fuck you even if you aren't married. For a while now in certain states if you lived with your girlfriend for a certain period of time (6-12 months) you were considered a "legal union" or whatever for the purposes of the state being able to make you pay support. Now, they're starting to even do shit like if you've just been in a long relationship where the woman believed it was committed then you have to pay. Not incredibly common but it has happened and its a sign of where we're headed.

>MARRIAGE is a scam.


women trying to suck wealth from men is as old as time. here is just one example from the 1800's:

>Jews treat their actors as if they were cattle

Tbh they just treat everyone and everything like that. Look up the details of kosher slaughter. It's not some esoteric Nazi complaint. It's outright an barbaric and subhuman practice.


Just give the kids to the husband then lol

See that cheesy looking robot in the center of the picture? That's what he's been up to lately.

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>subhuman practice
>to kill and eat animals
Pol are virgins and vegans lol

t. schlomo goldenshekel

Such a shit IP

All me

>I will call you by your name and you will feel insulted or else
What lol

that explains the way he was walking in Doom Patrol

2019 is the year of the Brenaissance
Alimony is cancelled, Brendan looks better than ever, he walks with confidence and has a bunch of good roles, like being a lead in Doom Patrol
He is honestly one of the reasons why i haven't an hero'd, if he can unjust himself, then we all can too, you just gotta keep on fighting

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you sure do know a lot about jews... schlomo.

Last I heard ;__;

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Kosher slaughter is a Rabbi torturing the animal and chanting to his Saturnalian volcano god while the animal slowly bleeds out in extreme fear and anguish. They used to have laws about killing the animals ethically, but the laws were axed literally because they were deemed anti-Semitic. If you can honestly defend that you are an actual sub human.

Brendan would be a fine Russian mobster

Fuck off anti-Semite.


>this delusional
Lol psychopaths

This shit should be illegal.

oy vey

Oh cum eating cuckold yummy white milk for white cuck!

Wow good point


His wife is the devil

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I hope he plays the judge in the inevtiable Blood Meridian adaption

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