The Boys

Was this rape?

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she started it, implied she wanted his D.

the sad thing is that if deep played it better, he could have had her as a girlfriend. what a dumbass.

He likes blowjobs

he was in a position of power and coerced and threatened her with her future, of course it was rape you incel

who actually watches this garbage?

No, you can't force someone to suck your dick.

All she had to do was say no.

Not really, just lazy writing.

You can with a knife or a gun, not with a vague "You won't be part of the cool club" threat.

Posting “WEBM” Google tm. Should be considered rape. Stupid android poors.

What did the Deep mean by this ?

Only if you knock out all their teeth or make them wear a mouthguard

what she says is irrelevant, he raped her. he used his position to coerce sex: its text book. have sex

There's a reason sexual harrasment cases are tricky civil issues and not classified as rape.

Sexual coercion isn't rape.

Was this rape?

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No she could have walked away but women are retarded.

she didn't even have to say no she just had to walk out of the fucking room lmao

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netflix shills

She was never forced to suck his dick you fucking tranny faggot. He didn't hold her down and shove his cock down her throat. She did it because she thought it would help herself.Every woman sucks cock to further her career.

yellow underwear really sells the costume

The Deep is relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss him relentlessly.

This shit makes me cringe in pain every time. Fuck off.


Women are so schizo, one minute they want you to treat them as equal adults with agency and the next, they're pretending to be helpless as children. Truly the niggers of the sexes


>literally every woman with a job has sucked her bosses cock at one point

Even that pure virgin maiden you thought you were marrying sucked the 40 year old mcdonalds manager when she was 16.

Do you think being an adult means dealing with somone extorting you for sex?

Proofs? Your mom doesn't count.

Sorry bro your gf that swore she was a virgin has sucked several cocks. I know the truth hurts you will learn this with time.


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Animes don't count either. Though you shouldn't take doujishins as canon.

why did they make him white

Didn't realize I was talking to a weeb basement dwelling virign. Well if you ever manage to get with a real woman don't belive her when she says she's only been with 3 guys before. I'm just trying to help you.

what? this is so detached from the comic I don't even know what to think. What the fuck is starlight's motivation if all that happened was seeing deep's benis?




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God, what a cutie!

good show. But the ending kind of fell off for me at the end. second session n won't be as good. the whole wife and son angle was pretty meh. And Annie flipping so early kinda ruins the dynamic. Also I get what they were trying to do with the whole "huey goes from wanting revenge at any cost to trying to save A-train" but his progression prior was basically as a killer.

Deep forced her to suck his dick not just look at it. Also the chick who fingered his gills is not starlight or related to starlight at all it's a random girl deep hooks up with.

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>superheroes but they're actually bad

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She consented but only after he blackmailed her so I think it's just sexual harassment.

This is closer to traditional rape, although Deep could have easily stopped her physically, but he didn't because he knew she would start another scandal if he did anything. So it might also be sexual harassment because the blackmail is implied

You say he forced her but if you watch the video he actually convinced her. She thought it was better to suck cock and advance her career than do the right thing. That's not force, she had many options and picked the one that would get her fame and money.

you're all a bunch of rapists

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she was already in the seven

>hey if you don't suck my cock you'll lose the job of your dreams, the chance to gain wealth and fame, the one that your mother has raised you since birth to aspire for
It's the equivalent of you having to blow a guy in order to claim your $1,000,000 scratchcard winnings

No it wasn't, you absolute cumdumpster. She agreed to it. Even she accepted this.

Did I miss something with this scene?
It was never talked about again and the movie continues on without the deep showing any kind of change from it

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based rape-comprehending user

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He wasn't at any higher ranking than she was. No one takes the Deep seeiously. Her powers were significantly stronger than his and she threated him with them. All she had to do was make a stink about exposing this to the media and the company would have given her anything she wanted since they are so PR focused. Yet she went ahead and sucked the dudes dick and cries about it.

No matter how much you incels would like to pretend otherwise, this is text book rape (or at the very least sexual assault).

Deep lied and told her he was number 2 in the Seven, and if she didn’t suck his dick she would get kicked out. There is no ambiguity here.

No it was sexual harassment but then she sucked her dick therefore it's no longer sexual harassment just her being a dumb whore

bad bait. get actually raped.

If she didn't suck his cock she'd still get the money. You have no point.

He convinced her that she'd lose her place in the seven if she didn't, so yes I do have a point.

Not true

He shaved himself and started crying.

I think its more about it being a contribution to the deeps descent into the realisation that he's a joke. Remember after that and the fact the seven weren't coming to get him meant he took to the clippers.

Dude she didn't know he was a clown at the time
That's the point, same scene but with homelander, now what? Is Homalander not number 1?Is it still not rape?

stop rationalizing that time you forced your sister to touch your dick

Yes. It's still not rape because that's not what rape is.

My step sister was 18 and I was 12. She's the one asked to play with my cock because she was curious what they looked and felt liked.
Was nice tbqhfam

No of course, men are angels incapable of any wrongdoing!

You dont even know what rape is you imbecile

Thats the climax of him finding out they had no plans to bring him back.


They really improved this from the comics.

At least in the show he threatened her. In the comic she just sucked the entire team only to get the job. Hard to feel sorry for her that way.

You aren't supposed to
She's a stupid cunt

Goddamn faggots

so she cared more about money, why does she deserves anyone's sympathy again?

To be honest? No. He gave her the choice between losing the job or blowing him and she picked blowing him. Under current definitions its sexual assault, but it isn't rape. I don't know why the focus is taken off of women who make this choice though. Your sexuality or whatever the fuck is worth so much for you, but if someone forces a material choice on you, you give it away faster than you can blink? If the same choice was given to me - do some sexual shit you don't wanna do in order to keep this job - I'd tell them to go fuck themselves.

Ahh, that's the classic Weinstein maneuver. Technically not rape because she/they have to agree to it.

The deep show his dick but she refuse his advance
At his point if the Deep had stop everything would be good
But instead he insist and start to threaten her to ruin her life, basically blackmailing her to suck his fish stick, that's rapey, nothing subtle about it

actually, all she cared about was making controlling mommy happy and helping people, but you keep being stupid.

>she's a stupid cunt for wanting to keep what she thought was her dream job
The only thing she's guilty of is being naive and a mama's girl.

Its creepy and wrong but no, it isn't rape. Rape is forced sex, not exchanging something for sex. With what you're saying prostitution is rape.

Will he be ok?

Guy shows up claiming hes God and if you dont suck him you'll go to hell. Doesnt need to prove anything to you cause you're a retard and will suck him off on his word and then claim its rape.

He was fine afterwards. He later on had a mental breakdown though and shaved his head while screaming at mirror naked.

Ruin her life? He just said she would be off the team because he would claim she attacked him. That isn't exactly ruining her life and she could always deny it and claim what really happened.
It's also clear that this isn't how Annie interpreted the events either. When she talks about it later she's most ashamed of how she was willing to do it to get on the team. That shows that she understood the encounter as an exchange.

I was waiting for when highlander ate the baby. But that never came

You're right it was an exchange, it was her life, her dignity and her reputation as a hero against some succ
But you're wrong on something, it wasn't just about her leaving the team, it was about the perception people have of her as a sup ruined by Deep and the possibility being a seven would give her to help people

>don't even get to see her breasts
Fucking horseshit

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>You're right it was an exchange, it was her life, her dignity and her reputation as a hero against some succ
Bullshit. The way she thought of events, it was an exchange to "get the job". You're basically trying to claim that Annie believed that the Deep was going to ruin her actual life and that it was more than just the job at stake, but Annie's own dialogue indicates that this isn't true. Grow up and stop being a fucking bullshitter.

>dude attacking one of the most famous superheroes in the world totally wouldn't have killed her career lmao
Imagine being this simple minded

I have adjustment disorder and autism!!

my favorite troll thread is here

The actress doesn't want to go nude, so there wasn't any breastfeeding.

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>The actress doesn't want to go nude
So why hire her? Plenty of other bitches that want a paycheck right? Why not hire one that will take it off?

Not my word
It's the deep words rewatch the scene

>homelander just wanna be a good boye
>no one will let him

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Must be the acting ability and the cost associated with the actress. Don't know if there are any 50+ year old women out there who would be comfortable being nude on camera or getting their breasts sucked.

>Don't know if there are any 50+ year old women out there who would be comfortable being nude on camera or getting their breasts sucked
Oh how ignorant you are

>Don't know if there are any 50+ year old women out there who would be comfortable being nude on camera or getting their breasts sucked.
I'm led to believe there are lots of them. And that they're in my area and single.

Name some GILFy titty actresses.

Find your own damn masturbation material

>could have had her as a girlfriend
He didn't want one since he was banging weekly according to the series, I think ep 7.

All that matters in this context is what Annie believed about the situation you low IQ subhuman
Reread my post and think
Just so we're clear what the Deep did is reprehensible as fuck and he absolutely should get fucked for it

If she was willing to prostitute herself then thats her deal. You dont get to cry afterwards if you were in control of the entire situation.

Of course on the show aquaboy threatened to claim she assaulted him. Thats a different story and makes her a victim.

I tried shaving like this once and the following week was just ingrown hairs and pimples.
Don't know how to avoid that.

>your favorite childhood supes
>finally in front of you and get a chance to work with him
>find out he's a fucking prick and probably a democrat
Eugh.. cringe. If I was her I would've chopped of his dick and stuck it into his gillhole.

Women often shave off all thier hair after a traumatic experience (see Britney spears), it was showing the start of The Deeps breakdown.


Probably irritated the fuck out of the skin. You don't remember your first shave at 13-15? You get razorburn at first but the skin gets used to it.

I just trim it real short instead.
Avoids all the breakouts and it's faster.

Funny, that's the same thing I do to my face now too. Electric razor in the morning for a minute or so. Faster and easier.



>reeing this hard to defend rape
hi rapist


>this low shit tier bait

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Can someone explain how Vought has a monopoly on superheroes? You're telling me no one else has thought to start a business picking their own 7 in such a lucrative industry?

And don't say Vought just beats them up when they start, there must be an actual explanation in the comic or something.

She sucked dick for personal gain. It wasn’t rape, it was prostitution.

>You're telling me no one else has thought to start a business picking their own 7 in such a lucrative industry?
watch the show

Only Vought has the Compound V serum.

Starlight is a slut.

Homelander was right about everything.

Can someone explain why Frenchie and MM follows Butcher and his insane plans? Butcher lost his wife, what reason does Frenchie and MM have to follow him to the death? Frenchie said Butcher owed him $40k, and with how Frenchie lost all his hideouts and all his weapons by blowing it up, why does he still keep following?

are u a wimmen?

can't wait for the Deep's redemption arc

Why did based Roddy team with the angry negro after they just tried to kill eachother?
Because sometimes, when you see wrong in the world, ya gotta bro-up and right that wrong together.

The Boys just all see capes for what they are and put aside their differences because they share the same desire to take them down and they cant do it alone.

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Yeah but they don't make everyone they give V to a 7. They are literally saying that it's a random mutation and the heroes are none the wiser, there's no reason one wouldn't sign with a rival business.

this was retarded as fuck lmao, the show already established deep's superhuman strenght in ep2, he could just push her

>she started it, implied she wanted his D.
this is how incels think, lol

no, rapists actually rape...those are incels who are basically no danger to society because nobody goes near them

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legitimately kill yourself you waste of space

what the fuck was his problem?
At first I thought that she was his og mother and he needed affection badly since he grew up in a lab but at the end she's actually just his mommy gf? is that a 'problem' ?

he's one of those delusional types. no problems, everything is normal. prays and thinks society is just fine. you know the sort.

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The comics explain this bit better. Essentially, Vogelbaum was a Nazi scientist who was trying to develop Compound V. He defected and came to the Americans and Vought swooped him up. He succeeds in developing Compound V. After Vought's success, other companies see the writing on the wall and one of them tries to kidnap Vogelbaum and force him to make Compound V for them. He responds by killing himself. After that everyone accepted that they couldn't get into the superhero market.
Vought makes deals with the parents while the heroes are on the up and up. For surprise heroes, they also have the most resources so they tend to get their first with the best deals. Capitalism is a lot like that old saying about the biggest guppy in the pond, or that old Biblical adage - "To whom who has, even more shall be given, but to whom who has little, even what little he has shall be taken away."
In MM's case in the comics though, the Boys manage to beat Vought to the punch.
In the comics Mother's Milk also has a personal reason to despise supes, and Frenchie is just a weird guy who likes to fight and threw his lot in with the Boys. I think in the show they try and justify it with comradery because they used to work together and in Frenchie's case with him seeing killing supes as an interesting problem to work on. I'm sure MM has personal beef that just hasn't been explored yet.

was eating when he showed off the gills and it was so fucking disgusting to me to look at that shit made me lose my appetite

there are anons itt who would claim that your appetite was raped.

The Boys isn’t on netflix it’s only available on Amazon™


Homelander is created by Vought, anyone trying to seduce a supe into leaving Vought, let alone start their own seven has Homelander in their asses

superman should put it in homelander's ass

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Probably because you're shaving opposite the direction the hairs grow in. Shaving in the same direction avoids that issue.

yet won't get as close a shave unless dat exfoliation

>Swallow my tadpoles or I'll ruin your entire life
Was that a promise or a threat? Either way he got raped himself later so whatever lol

neither case was actual rape, you insignificant nothing. lel

ITT: edgy pol-cels and co-fags who will never have s e x without rape/coercion


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>can get literally any girl you want with full consent
>rape some 6/10

fuck me everything i hear about this comic just makes it seem worse and worse

>I'm led to believe there are lots of them. And that they're in my area and single.
Fucking kek.

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You have shit genetics. I can shave in any direction or place I want, and will never get ingrown hairs or pimples.

its cool, imagine having superpowers and being shot by a .50 cal bullet and still walk it off, but being forced to suck cocks and service your co workers lol

>brony with a skullet

Imagine being an attractive female and always get this kind of attention.
God... i just need a man in my life

>blowjob for seven position
>gets on her knees
>gives gobbies

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For the comic readers, how far into the adaptation is S1? 25% through the source material? 50% through the source material? How far have they segued from the story? Will the show have an original ending?

Not quite. Vogelbaum made V, and Vought (and the US Government) both managed to refine it to the point where it was stable and created predictable supes. But enough of it got into the wild that every single person on earth has been exposed to it at some level, and it triggers random superpowers in susceptible people (see Mother's Milk's backstory). That backstory is also why MM would NEVER work for Vought and would rather work with Butcher, even though he doesn't really trust (or even like) Butcher that much.
Remember that Godolkin was also developing supers, and virtually every country has some kind of Super program, normally based off the random supes being recruited.
Frenchie is a combat vet with severe PTSD and nothing to live for (at least until The Female came along). There is literally one panel in the whole run of the comics that shows the truth about Frenchie's backstory.

That's not a panel from the comics, that's just three hours of drawing instead of jacking off to pornhub.

It's actually taking elements from various parts of the comic and throwing them together out of order.
It's probably 10-15% of the way through but not in order, and yes, much of the book story has been raped in the ass (worst being entire groups of superheroes deleted, huge chunks of backstory missing, and character backgrounds changed to the point that their motivations no longer make sense.
I always tell people to watch the show first, THEN read the comic, that way you can enjoy both. Because they've mutilated the comic so badly to make the show that I don't really like the show that much.

>being a supe means you have a supe cock as well

Fuck, who WOULDN'T want to risk their lives for this?

Nigga, the show is much better than the comic. Sorry that the characters aren't paper thin shitheads and that a three dozen more lame parodies of superheroes weren't introduced yet.

It’s sexual battery and blackmail/extortion.
Rape requires vaginal or anal premetratiom

>Not quite. Vogelbaum made V, and Vought (and the US Government)
What? The US Government never got it. That's exactly what Mallory successfully prevented. Yes, some of it got into the atmosphere and such and Vogelbaum worked the government, but they never got it past the "shot in the arm for temporary strength" point. All this is explained by Mallory. He purposely had Vogelbaum dupe the government by failing to recreate the original formula because neither Vogelbaum or Mallory wanted supes in the military.
The only thing I said that was wrong was that Vogelbaum didn't really kill himself.

>blowjob or loss of gained seven position
>told that she should be grateful that she is given the opportunity
>told that if she doesn't, everyone will be told how she is crazy and attacked him

Is the blowjob shown? Post it, fags.
This girl is perfect.

have sex

Like a typical Brad, he got a whiff of pussy and immediately went from 0 to 100 instead of trying for any subtlety or long term plan
He's too simple for her to have wanted to be his girlfriend but he absolutely could have banged her instead of just getting an angry blowjob

Jezzus those wrinkles. I though Starlight was supposed to be young?

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Going by the comic I always thought she was old and a little dim.

by all that is holy what the actual fuck is this shit

>it was so fucking disgusting to me to look at that shit made me lose my appetite

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Are you retarded or just a woman?
Every time a woman hits on you and asks for sex, if you reject her she will 100% start spreading bad rumors about you. On your logic, wouldn't this be considered rape too? Of course not, because you like to bend things your way so you can get away with everything.

Fuck off.

>be literal famous as fuck superhero chad
>lets an ugly 5/10 rape him

Wow, so poetic! The writers did an amazing job!

Only victims turn sex act into a rape.

haha rape

Why can't amerilards into words? "Rape", "liberal", "right-wing". Words don't mean anything over there. It's just random noises.

This actually was rape

How hot would that scene have been if he was a well hung BBC like the comics?

She shaved her hair because she was in a custody battle and needed to get rid of the possibility of drug testing it. She was a bit of a drama queen about it but it wasnt a breakdown.

Is prostitution coercion as well? I mean, customers are threating sluts with their future by not paying them for sex so I guess that is rape as well by your logic.

Does no one in the world think it's strange that all super heroes are born in America, and that there are no villains?

Nearly all of them. Once a woman hits the wall they'll be more than willing to do incredibly degrading things on camera to feel like "they've still got it."

i`ll never understand this position of power bullshit, i thought rape implied in someone stronger than you forcing you to have sex

i mean, how the fuck can someone rape that nigger?

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No threat, just the implication.

There is always a bigger nigger

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>come into work at your 1 in a billion dream job
>guy asks you to suck his cock
>refuse because you don't want to suck his cock
>he makes you do it against your will by threatening your job and reputation
do anons really think this isn't rapey or is it just bait?

>power = big muscles!
And that is why scrawny Jews with glasses fuck your women.

>he makes you do it against your will by threatening your job and reputation
>He makes you do it against your will
>against your will
You can still say NO. Or are you saying you literally have no willpower to do that? Are you a mindless cocksucker?

Sounds like she's a retard who doesn't verify vital information. Hey user, you need to blow me or your mom dies.

I'm waiting

calm down schlomo
did the scrawny jew held him at gunpoint and sucked his dick?
if not terry crews could`ve just stomp the motherfucker to death
>b-but that would end his carreer
boo fucking hoo

You should read you text book again. This is a very standard case of quid pro quo sexual harassment in the workplace, not rape. You'd know that if you ever held a real job in a corporate environment where they force annual sexual harassment training.

Yeah, because we don't have cameras literally recording everything that happened, dipshit.

The anons in question have just spent a few minutes actually reading/understanding how sexual violence categorization works and know the difference between sexual harassment and rape. That's why they don't use idiotic terms like 'rapey'

>Girls were made to like cock
>A cock is offered to her so she can fulfill her destiny

Of course it's not.

You're an absolute retard if you think muscles and strength matter at all in our current society, compared to actual hierarchical power through authority. Get back to playing 40k you goddamn teenager.

jesus christ dude why are you taking it so seriously? not only you outed yourself as a jew now you admitted you`re a weak fuck
what are you going to say next? that your dick is small?

Kevin Nash. ‘92.

Not rape and not sexual assault because she could have easily left but yes its sexual harassment

Nah. The second she turned around and walked back up to him it was consensual. He did not even threaten to hurt her he threatened to /keep her away from him/ for the rest of her life most likely. She made a choice.

lol this is what people who don't exercise say
please stay like you are to out yourself from the gene pool


Not an argument, in the show she is still in shock of getting into the seven and falls for his lie.

Bro they're actresses. They're the most degenerate people on earth. Most of them eat producer cum for breakfast and are literally shit on by Arab billionaires on a weekly basis

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So it's no longer three of them forcing it?

Shut the fuck up, it's perfectly average compared to most Asian countries.