I didn't enjoy this film

I didn't enjoy this film

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Good, it wasn't meant to

Why? I liked it. Everyone did great with what they were given.

What movie is it?

Is it sexy or just miserable throughout? What was the Marquis such an asshole? Why couldn't he just write about boys and girls enjoying sex?


It was a bit sterile for such a heated premise.

documentary about abu graib

>haha dude poop


God why are the french so fucking edgy? It's sickening.

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it's a vile, misanthropic exposé of human depravity written by a madman while rotting in prison

idk but they are on a race to the bottom. Martyrs is one of the worst films I've seen. Blue is the Warmest Color is basically just pornography with a 3-hour plot.

>american education

It is easy to mask a lack of skill with edginess and shock


damn who'd a thunk a frog would get salty over nothing

they are the most vile people on the planet and their shitty fucking revolution is the root of evil in the west. go figure

What movie?


Problem Child 2

Son of the Mask

120 Days of Sodom

this movie pisses me off because so many people act like it's a masterpiece

50 shades of gray

It's hot nihilistic garbage. It pissed me off because there's zero point to all the suffering.

Only sick fucks do

sound like life

de sade was just your typical liberal

snow dogs

I'd tell you but you're obviously incapable of fucking reading

Enlightenment era edgelord trash revived by degenerate Italians


The scene where the Duke gets super horny recounting killing his own mother and hearing how his soldiers killed a kidnapped girl's mother was funny as fuck.

No. To live is to say fuck you to that sick death cult. What they did was rob living from people. Instead of killing them outright they stole their life from them for their insane belief.

Just be a good user and tell us

if they say it's a masterpiece then they're lying to themselves. It has absolutely no fucking meaning, it's the most pretentious shit ever made.

69 Days of Saddam


literally true though

Your trying to explain space to a fish user, he doesn't have a life

true, it's the equivalent of putting a pile of shit on display at an art exhibit. im glad pasolini got murdered 2bh

We are all alive. Even the user that feels dead inside. If only he would go to the park, feel the sun upon his face, hear the bird in the tree, feel the wind in the air.

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it's fucking 102F everyday now with 70% humidity, unless my house is burning i wouldn't set foot outside for shit

>what was the Marquis such an asshole? Why couldn't he just write about boys and girls enjoying sex?
this is the important question
I can't masturbate if it's not happy. vanilla is optional, happy is not.

Salo was not de Sade.
Yeah he definitely fits neatly into the current political paradigm retard. For one thing, he was fiercely classist, which is very far from the liberal egalitarian sentiment. Inb4 hurr durr no he was attacking the upper classes—no retard, he himself was upper class (note the marquis) and again, Salo is not de Sade. What de Sade relished in writing Paolini turned into a political statement of opposite sentiment.

egalitarianism and liberalism are not related. liberals have always been classist.

In Arizona we have the dry heat. Higher temps but less humidity except right now, fuck the monsoons.

ill take the boy on the top right and love him forever, please

>Salo was not de Sade.
It's literally based on de Sade.

Is this Charlie Kirk? Next you’ll tell me dems are the real racists!!1!
No retard, liberals are pathologically egalitarian. This is very obvious and basic. Social justice is egalitarianism on steroids.

You’re so correct about that, congratulations.

liberals absolutely despise the poor. always have. always will

It's a pretty loose adaptation with the context switched from the aristocrats' free reign of terror over peasants to the fascist leadership's perversion under the guise of fifth column purge.

He’s saying Pasolini’s take on 120 Days of Sodom is completely different from the source material. Pasolini used it to attack Italian fascism, de Sade’s is French, has nothing to do with fascism (which it predates) and is unironically immoral, whereas Pasolini is using it as a caricature to make a moral point.

Thank u user this means alot

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sorry Cletus they don't hate you because you're poor but because of the innate immorality of your sibling nuptials

Wow I guess it really do be like that, nevermind then

there is literally nothing morally wrong with incest though

Its not like people in the south inbreed on purpose. Some very small amount of inbreeding in extremely remote rural areas hardly seems like a problem. There are 300,000,000+ people in this country.

Cute image redeems you


FPBP as always

Critical theorists Horkheimer and Adorno wrote that De Sade was the dark, seedy underbelly of the Enlightenment. They also believed that fascism was the culmination of instrumental reason, so from a Marxist perspective (Pasolini was a Marxist) it makes sense to make a film adaptation of De Sade and replace nobles with fascists.

As for the movie itself, it is probably the only film that I couldn't finish (I was 17 at the time) and it traumatized me.

They hate white proles though.

They favor lumpenprole foreign leeches because they're brown and exotic.

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>Critical theorists Horkheimer and Adorno wrote that De Sade was the dark, seedy underbelly of the Enlightenment.
I haven’t read that, but I’d fiercely dispute it. Fascism is actually the ideology that is most de Sadean. He was a wolf, Enlightenment values don’t suit him at all. He was all about power at the expense of others, and not begrudgingly, but with relish. If he were alive during WW2 he probably would have written a novel sexualizing the Holocaust and praising the Nazis.


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>They also believed that fascism was the culmination of instrumental reason, so from a Marxist perspective (Pasolini was a Marxist) it makes sense to make a film adaptation of De Sade and replace nobles with fascists

That's a cartoonish mis-characterization of fascism, though.

Many fascists, such as the Spanish Falangist Party, were literally in favor of syndicalism; and fascist states had lots of benefits for the working class, including paid vacations in Nazi Germany (Strength Through Joy). Some fascist regimes favored corporatism or meritocratic elitism more than proles' benefits, but it wasn't their defining characteristic. Rivera was ironically killed by Bolsheviks and anarchists, which allowed Franco to take-over the Falangist party and make it more capitalist - so thanks for nothing.

Marxists were just obsessively butthurt about fascism being nationalist - which is ironically more realistic and materialistic (immediate benefit for white proles via defending the value of their labor and their national resources from foreigners) than Marxists' idealistic globalism.

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you're dope

Nice quads. I don't remember how their reasoning went (the Dialectic of Enlightenment is very dense), but it had something to do with using one's reason as a tool of domination over nature and other human beings.
Ie. Instead of seeing another person as an individual valuable and dignified in his self, a person under the thrall of instrumental reason would see that person, well, as an instrument to his own ends, be they financial, sexual or whatever.

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Yes, you did.

Martyrs is a pretty good horror/thriller up until we meet the cult and the main character is imprisoned. Then we're subjected to a tedious torture sequence that has little purpose other than to shock the viewer.

some of the young actors were 17 at the time of filming per imdb. Everyone's lookin' real good and smooth there; Pasolini knew how to pick 'em.

In the book the victims were much younger.

that's a nice kot

They are Italian ya dingus

I thoroughly apologise for throwing the wrong country under the bus

I guess he's talking about De Sade.

If that was true, they would despise Arabs.

Reminder the Marquis de Sade was almost executed by the French Revolution for being too much of a "moderate" because, in his capacity as a revolutionary judge, he tried to spare as many people as possible from the death penalty.

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Fascists are the true libertines. Fuck off, retard.

no one said he wasn't a professional

Oh god...what have the jews done this time...?
Is this...this is "art" according to jews...? Oh god i think i'm gonna throw up...! The wrong side won ww2...!

The most famous examples of the European erotic impulse predate all markers of "Jewish infiltration". It is the Jews who were subverted by white civilisation, not the other way around.

fuck off go rim Abascal's asshole
he is as gay as Primo

Salo by Pier Paolo Pasolini

Italians, much like the Germans and French, reached the apex of Bourgeoisie and got to the degeneracy phase earlier than others.

>the tribe that literally killed Christ learned it from white Europeans

lol at believing christ was real

What distinguishes the Jews eliminating what they perceived to be a blasphemous heretic and the burning of unrepentant heretics/schismatics by the Church?

Christ was jew

>What distinguishes the Jews eliminating what they perceived to be a blasphemous heretic
Matthew 27:25
>and the burning of unrepentant heretics/schismatics by the Church?
The Church wasn't meant to be a political institution. Worldly men crafted it for political means.

>I didn't enjoy this film
>Good, it wasn't meant to

He was french.

I live in the south. The south is a problem. All of it.

Its a commentary on degeneracy, how over exposure to sexual acts desensitises you and causes you to explore further and further depraved and degenerate sexual behaviour. Particularly if you are in a position of authority and have power over people.

One day you are forcing a slut to give you a blowjob, the next you are murderfucking a virgin, slitting her throat covered in faeces.

See Epstein for real world current comparison.

>were literally in favor of syndicalism
Yeah, syndicates controlled by the party
>benefits for the working class
Reminder that Franco used war prisoners as slaves until 1948. No benefits for them.
>fascist regimes favored corporatism or meritocratic elitism
What? Where?

If it's not consensual murderfucking I can't stay hard.

>>fascist regimes favored corporatism or meritocratic elitism
>What? Where?
Austria and Italy.
>Reminder that Franco used war prisoners as slaves until 1948. No benefits for them.
Franco wasn’t a fascist and communists did the same thing see Gulags.
>Yeah, syndicates controlled by the party

De Sade wrote in the introduction to 120 days that you could really set these events at any point in time.
The most disturbing part about the book and the film is that such things actually do take place among the decadent and corrupt elites (the Epstein case, instathots trips to Dubai etc).

It's a movie of another time.

Pasolini wanted it to be a critical view of both fascism and capitalism, but most people of his day to today don't understand it.

>Yeah, syndicates controlled by the party
The OSE was founded in 1940, established in a January 1940 Law of "Syndical Unity", while its structure was developed through a December 1940 law, in which the OSE was defined as subordinated to the (single) party.Its ideological fundamentals date back to the 1938Fuero del Trabajo[es]law.

The shit-eating is supposed to represent fast food or something like that.

de Sade and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

>all films must be made to be enjoyed and not conflicting

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it represents the viewer

You mean their revolution heavily inspired by the constitution of the United States of America?

Everything is about dehumanizing people, turning people into rootless objects. Its higher form being capitalism, not fascism.

(i don't have it in english, you have to understand either italian or french)

really shines a light on tranny /pol/ degenerates.

The movie is literaly based on de Sade’s writings, with the title of one of de Sade’s works, with scenes literaly taken from that work.
For an earlier version, that is less accurate and which takes more artistic liiberties, see ‘L'Age d'Or’ directed by Louis Bunuel and Salvador Dali.

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Euros are self loathing cucks

yeah, and the worst of them founded America so...

>Liberté Equalité et Fraternité
>Compared to le 3/5 rule


Feudal societies had benefits given to peasants as well, including numerous religioud feast days in which bear and food were provided by the feudal lord.
It’s been estimated that peasants under the feudal system worked way less hours than modern workers, even in countries like France which tend to have many worker benefits.

>You mean their revolution heavily inspired by the constitution of the United States of America?
In the United Stated, we just tared and feathered a number of tax collectors and army soldiers, as well as some wealthy British loyalists.
Tarring and feathering is highly unpleasant, but you would recover after a couple months or so.
Otherwise we killed Brutish soldiers and German mercenaries, while starving and freezing ourselves at Valley Forge.

The French went off the deep end and stated cutting off heads like there was no tomorrow.

600 Nights of Poo (and no Loo)