22 Jump Street

I dropped out of high school. is this what college is really like?

Attached: who's the girl with the pink socks in the front row.png (1920x804, 1.96M)

No, there’s way too many whites.

How does it feel to drop out of an American high school? You do understand how fuciing retarded you have to be to flunk high school, right? What a fucking failure. Are you even employed? Are high school dropouts employable? How do you plan to survive once your parents die? Holy shit just kill yourself already.

Too many VAIO laptops, too little Macs

I dropped out of canadian high school. I can still get into university

Obvious troll.

But not everyone went to some push well-funded, well staffed, dindu free suburban high school.

I was involuntarily committed in a psych ward and didn't finish my schooling.

why don't you get your GED and enroll at Directional State U and find out?

my name jeff

an auditorium with 100+ people on their macbooks, not listening to a word the professor is saying and instead browsing facebook and twitter?


this. my middle of the road public university looks like if you sat everyone in your high school in a movie theater, allowed them Macbooks, and you had an overpaid too little fucks given teacher.

i majored in aerospace engineering so there was only two girls in that same sized room

>The two football jocks are the only two not on a laptop and listening attentively.

do you make bank?

Yeah, basically. At least for freshman classes. It's just a professor lecturing and autistic retards frantically typing away on their laptops making the most annoying clicking cacophony as a result.
But once you're finished with general ed classes and start taking classes for your major the classes are smaller and more intimate.
But yeah, OP's pic looks exactly how most freshman classes are.

Speak for yourself. My school is overwhelmingly white.


Fucking hell, freshman are so annoying.

Do you work for Spacex? I hear Muck underpays engineers

i completed college. what is a job really like?

spacex doesnt underpay but overworks
basically silicon valley startup culture in an industry that is used to have an older culture (big enormous lumbering companies like lockheed and northrop)

I used a notebook in college. a laptop would be too distracting, plus I enjoy writing.

I went to community college so the class rooms were just normal sized rooms with like 12 students. I think there were a few lecture rooms like this but they were only for nursing classes which are really popular.

Same. I remember things much better when I write them down. And I write in cursive so speed isn't an issue that much.

Interesting. I was considering aerospace engineering for a while a few years ago. The math weeded me out, I'm seriously bad at it and the classes only get harder and harder.
But yeah, I read that Spacex underpays but "lol you're changing the world, working for a vision" and all that to justify it. Like "be grateful for the opportunity" kinda thing. But overworked makes sense too

I'd lose interest in every lecture I sat in within 10 minutes and either nap or shitpost. It's not like the material was uninteresting either, I was in electrical engineering.
I would just binge study a week before every exam and it worked out fine for me.

Not like any of it mattered though because I got work through networking anyway. You're wasting your time if you go to college/university and don't make any friends/connections.

>getting this mad over someone not finishing high school


It depends on the course. If you're taking a basic course like Bio 101 that everyone needs then you'll be in a lecture hall like this one. If you're in something more specialized based on your major then it'll be a regular classroom or a smaller room depending on how many people are taking the course. Thermal Dynamics had only 8 students in it. It was in a classroom made out of part of the applied research lab.

living off welfare aka your tax money. you mad, nigger?

My general education classes looked like this. I had a biology class in an auditorium for 500 people and would sleep in the back row every day since they took attendance with this "clicker" devices that were a device that allowed you to select A-F or something. I got an A in the class and would chuckle to myself when idiots in front of me would complain that they spent "hours" studying for the last test and they only got a C. Big waste of time.

My in-degree classes were sometimes the size of a large high school class down to 10 students. Depended on how specialized the subject was and how well liked the professor was. In those classes you typically had 90% to 100% of the class paying attention. Generally I enjoyed what I was learning in this classes, even if they were boring.

Ah yes, iclickers. I remember I had a professor who did that shit. You had to go out and by the damn thing and the service to use it. We used it maybe 5 times the entire semester and never again, not once, have I touched it since. What an absolute fucking joke

My first class used them like 5 times (what an amazing $100 purchase).
This bio class used them 5 times a day.

And after that we used some service known as "Tophat" where you could use it on any device you wanted. I had a class that used Tophat to take attendance and for that class I would stay home since the questions would appear on your desktop.

They take attendance in a 500-person class? thats ridiculous. Every class I took had optional attendance, even one with only 5 students. One day only 3 of us showed up.
I dont even understand the point of going to such a large class, can you even ask questions?

You could but you would have to yell them out. The class was a university requirement and everyone at the university who wasn't a bio-major had to take this class.

I think it was designed for freshmen so they would supposedly learn they had to show up to class every day. I was taking it as senior after I realized I forgot to take it. I don't think I learned anything in the class that I didn't already know from high school, reading Wikipedia, or watching animal planet.

Sort of. This teacher still isn't nailing anyone

the women to men ratio is off and yes sprinkly some more shitskins. the guy holding a football is unrealistic. lastly people don't buy sony vaio laptops. they're all macbooks or ultralight win10 lappys from best buy if at all. most of the time nobody is breaking out a laptop.

There is literally free websites where you set up a room and put your questions and answers in and give your students the link to the room and they do it from their phones or laptops.
There is absolutely no reason professors make you buy a 100 dollar meme device.

>most of the time nobody is breaking out a laptop.
Sure gramps, maybe when you were in school. Nowadays it's all laptops.

You had to buy it? In the UK we were just given this cheapo ~£5 plastic clicker remote and kept it for the year. Used it quite a lot, too

>your tuitions are paying for this

Attached: leftist college in 2018.png (791x553, 451K)

The jewish higher education system in the US will do literally anything for a buck. Yep, it cost 90-100, can't remember.

who's the gramps here? laptops aren't even necessary these days with phones. get with the times kiddo. we get it tho you're in your thirties and haven't done shit with yourself. gotta feel like you still know what's hip son.

who is she?

Attached: 1565846484115.png (333x475, 220K)

That's Glee Club Brandon. A Paragonklian, I believe she is of the Third Daan.


of course we did. American universities are a scam 90% of the time.

Nice. Same here, except it was my first year of college.

fucking nutters, stop going out and shooting people up

>taking notes on a phone over a laptop
Opinion discarded. You clearly are retarded and I don't talk to retards.

who the fuck does this? even a tablet is better

My experience with psychosis taught me I have zero capacity for this sort of violence. I think you just have to be a bad person for mental illness to have the spree-shooter effect on you.

Convalent bond

>you are a retard
>I don't talk to retards
Pick one

Attached: Reallynigga.jpg (1035x1121, 338K)

Uni is a boomer meme and only serve as indoctrination centers

It's covalent, nice try.

not him btw - maybe not phones, but about half the shit I see in the classroom ain't a laptop. Lots of tablets with bluetooth keyboards, or the hybrids that are becoming more popular

I took notes on my laptop. Faster than writing by hand.

I also got a 4.0 for 6 straight semesters.

You're not wrong, but you're not right either. There are many things you can only do with a university degree.


I dropped out of highschool in 2008 due to immense bullying that started in 9th grade from former friends who really wanted to make me suffer and went to great lengths to make it happen. I did eventually get my GED and go to college though.


>Speak for yourself. My school is overwhelmingly white.
You must go to a pretty shit school if it's not half asians

It's the largest public school in my state, so yeah, nothing special. But honestly, undergrad is a meme and where you study is literally pointless.
Grad school is all that matters and it matters where you go

Swear to God, if I end up wanking to this shit in the future, I'm blaming you...

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