Would it have been wrong if he caved and did it? I mean she was technically older than him
Would it have been wrong if he caved and did it? I mean she was technically older than him
What flick?
Orphan by Jaume Collet-Serra
There is literally nothing wrong with wanting to fuck kids and our desire to do so is backed by science.
I say 10 and up
no, the movie should've ended with him banging her on the couch while the cops busted in.
Oh fuck, my mum and sister were obsessed with this fucking film and another one called Case 39, both featuring deranged fucking girls.
I bet that actor had something awaken in him that can't go back to sleep now
Just because you want to do something doesnt make it right. You have instincts to become violent if people offend you, dorsnt mean you should act on them.
but little girls have instincts for older men too so it's all good
morally yes, legally no
>legally no
What country are you from?
>morally yes
Doesn't he do it in the script or am I thinking of a different flick
You're probably thinking of Leon. Another very kino movie featuring a sexy little girl.
hello paki
Wanting to fuck someone prepubescent has no biological basis
eli vs esther
who is the better spooky cutie?
pretty sure they shot a very explicit sexual scene, but it had to be edited out to avoid a comercially inviable rating
for me, it's 11.5
We are social creatures. Are ancestors began courting at a very early age with sex as soon as puberty took place. So while we are not meant to fuck 10 yr olds per se, having an attraction is normal and healthy.
female maturity goes commonly from 9 to 13, so 10 years old is only prepubescent in exceptionally rare cases
this. pair bonding with girls approaching puberty is entirely natural
Yes, he's married.
That film, while I really enjoy it, has some insane blue pill shit in it.
>all males are useless and can't do shit
>women should never trust any non-familial females, even children
It does have some accidental small red pills, tho. Fucking dumbshit mom can't even stay focused in traffic and almost gets destroyed by a semi, because she's an emotional woman. Fucking dumbshit mom would have died if it was at all realistic at least 3 times while speeding home at night during a snow flurry while taking her eyes off the road, because she's a dumb bitch and women shouldn't be allowed to drive. Fucking dumbshit mom does 30 minutes of googling and thinks she's now an expert at diagnosing personality disorders, because she's a myopic woman.
You just made the list.
Having said all that, I've never seen another character in any film which I sympathize and empathize more with than Esther/Leena.
The day of the rope is coming soon
>You just made the list
sounds based. can i get in there too?
user we're discussing lgs. Take your schizo dribbel somewhere else
more like day of muh dick
no way she isn't enjoying that thing rubbing against her c*nny
Can't wait to be chocked by a little girl
Sorry user, i dont do bondage to cunny. I prefer vanilla sex.
As primates we establish social bonds sexually. Hunter gatherer groups have no timing or exclusion around sexuality. The desexualization of modern society is causing great mental harm.
>vanilla sex
>he doesn't want to urinate on Maisie
especially on children.
this. sexually degenarate shit is only required for old hags, to try and put a little interest in their long past their prime, decrepit, sexually uninteresting bodies
What if he pulled her panties off and she had the pusy of a 37 year old?
gross. just ruined the whole movie for me
What happened to Epstein will be on the low end of what will happen with you monsters when the legal guardrails are lifted from society. You’re playing into your own demise and don’t even realize it.
i'm more of a butthole and mouth guy anyway
He's still married, and God does not like cheaters.
poor epstein was literally the man who knew too much. regular people shouldn't worry
Seems obvious to me that it's naturally sought out by children.
take a break from /pol/
i suggest looking at cute pics of lgs
wouldn't even phase me
I’ll be looking for you when things go sideways. I hope we cross paths.
>I mean she was technically older than him
I doubt that. She was 33, actor was 37..
nonsense. her medical condition prevent her from aging. she had perfectly cute tight labia and no hair
Based Obama
why are non cunnyseurs always so violent and filled with rage?
am I supposed to think they're morally superior?
Is dis nigga real, holy shit.
>go to 8ch
>post cute little girl
>anti permabans me for inappropriate content
>anti proceeds to go on a killing spree
Every fucking time
They're complete mentalists.
>tfw im /pol/ and pedo
still remember when 8 was supposed to be an oasis of freedom against 4 oppresive moderation or something
Interesting how when political stress increases, the greater the pressure against pedophilia,.
Epstein is alive. His living right now with his cunnies
if she wanted so bad to fuck the dad why didn't just told him the whole story?
no straight man could resist a legal loli
Jesus H. Christ, I thought /pol/ had shitlib shills. Yea Forums is a goddamn cesspit.
He bathes in the juices of his 72 cunnies
Have sex
>if you like sexy little girls then you must be a shitlib
The absolute state of this user
I'm a cunyseur and a kaczynskian