What films do they like?

What films do they like?

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Other urls found in this thread:



Falling Down


Good ones

>4th from the bottom right

You can't convince me that these aren't all the same person
Protip: You can.

End of Evangelion

Taxi Driver
Kung Fu Panda series

why do people keep calling ugly people incel? it just keeps proving their shitty point

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Master and Commander

you tell us

How long before we get incel wojacks to compliment the basedjak

>"Chinks have no individuality, they all look exactly the same."

The upcoming Joker film

these are the people telling you to dilate

This is true, White People are infinitely more diverse than ALL Asians.

Enders game

Anything starring Ryan Gosling or Mel Gibson (this also includes any movies Mel directed).

Don't forget spics, sand niggers, regular niggers and poojeets. All you subhumans look the same.

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Why did you crop my full pic? Stop tampering with my creations dickhead

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you know if you dropped these people off in europe people would just assumes from the get go they are either american or Canadian tourists even before they open their mouth

>low facial masculinity
>genetic affinity for thin framed glasses
>lack of skeletal bone
>easily propagandized
I know it must have been fun writing (poorly) all this bullshit, but next time get an education before you try to pretend you're smart.

Superhero movies. Christopher Nolan shit. Star Wars and Star Trek and other pop sci-fi stuff. Probably cartoons.

Son of the Mask

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why do they even bother when they're all blind?

That last one is true

>your average incels demanding a woman to have sex with them

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If Adam Friedland can get pusy, any of these guys can get pussy if they put work into their personalities.

Anything by BLACKED.com

This video convinced me that everybody is equal and that there shouldn't be national borders.

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The numale phenotype

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"I am easily propagandized". How is that proper English, you huge faggot?

Reminder that every single person in that photo is under six feet tall

Why do they all have that exact same haircut? Is there something about that buzzcut that attracts incels?

based virtue signaling user

Attached: name the incel.png (547x350, 281K)

Actual movies popular with incel/alt-right/whatever you want to call them:

>Nazi propaganda films (usually have only seen youtube clips of it)
>Das Boot
>Lord of the Rings
>Passion of the Christ
>Kingdom of Heaven
>Alita: Battle Angel
>Star Wars Prequels
>Anything anime/lolicon

They also praise birth of a nation a lot but usually have never watched it

>fear grimace

loving this new engineered meme

Reminder that the jewish media pushes the myth of the white incel shooter

>tfw you realize you look like almost all these guys

Capeshit, star wars and other manbaby garbage.

why they like an idelogy who value strenght
and power ?

they are weak as fuck

>point out that the j people rape kids
>hundreds of le incel threads get made
touched a nerve there lol

reminder that you were bullied for a reason

obsessed tranny

it's old as fuck dumb newfag

>tfw you look like this
i'm just trying to get by.
i never asked for this.


>"If Hitler had won we would be living in utopia and I would have a gf and be an SS officer!"
>looks exactly like the kind of subhuman his idols would have ordered to be gassed

LMAO the "master race"


White shirt with the guitar doesn't belong in this picture, have sex you mongoloids

you forgot one

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It is true even though that user can't spell for shit, but hey don't go shooting up any public areas because of this.

/pol/ feels very targeted rn

>projecting s*yboy

They all look like average liberal reddit cuckolds

these dumb fuck probably dont know
that if hitler have won,america would be still the same
he didnt give a fuck about outside the lebensraum

They are the Sons of Sam (Hyde)

Attached: 1526731782330.jpg (3316x2487, 1.16M)

>most pictures taken at unflattering angle
Incel behaviour is such self feeding cycle

>Lord of the Rings
I'm still fascinated that alt'ers think tolkein was a believer of white superiority even though he's written and bitched plenty of times in publications about him being opposed to it.

But on a seriously note, how do we deal with the myopia epidemic? Why hasn’t universal LASIK operations been provided to all?

The Holy Mountain
Event Horizon
Blade Runner
Aliens trilogy
Star Trek
Predator movies
Total Recall
and of course all capeshit

i could go on and on. worst taste in movies ever

Why don't they just get an Asian or black gf? Don't those women love BWC?

This is why you should buy thick rimmed glasses

>its always americans

LOtR, Star Wars and Marvel trash

>yeah lets just forget about german u boats that attacked and even stationed themselves on the gulf of mexico just to sink american merchant ships that were supplying the allies
Honestly wonder how many ww2 veteran grandads are spinning in their gaves over posts like these

americans aren't White

>Honestly wonder how many ww2 veteran grandads are spinning in their gaves over posts like these

Not as many who spin over america becoming a jewish run commie shithole with their granddaughters fucking niggers

they're all busy burning in hell for betraying the white race

But user, Wojak has always been an incel.

Is this considered white in the US?

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>this cope
So its probably just you two, you guys are still alive though. So hurry up and kys.

This pic is pretty good but the incel term also covers the hideous and smelly pajeet and fugly hapa

Fuck off kike

What did each of these people do? I really hope you didn't just put pictures of random innocent people on an image associating them with terrorist attacks because of their looks alone.

how do you call that face shape?

>eat well
>take care of my body
>get regular haircuts
>work out
>dress nice

>still look like that

Fuck you jews and the chemicals you put in my water

jesus christ those hairlines

bodyshaming is ok when its white men

Most of the people in that image are in relationships dude. They're not literally incels, they just look like that one that shot up the Walmart.

>it's the jews's fault if I have shit genes

Communism isnt about valuing strength or power though

theres too much estrogen in the water and products due to plastic

>>it's the jews's fault if I have shit genes

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Someone add this one

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>none of my ancestors look like this
>no man looked like this 50 years ago
>now they are 40 % of all men

Yeah dude it's just genes

it literally is when your parents are jewish, moron

I really want to be proven wrong and shown that these people did do incel things. I don't want to believe that even this website is so pussywhipped that it's now associating ugly men with literal terrorists.

What kind of absolute betas shit on their fellow men because of the dating preferences of women? Do they also judge men who don't have a "big enough" penis?

Communism is about killing gentiles

I keep expecting to one day see myself in an image like this.

Most of them are probably in this thread shitting on the "other incels"

You were mouthbreathing during your childhood and got a shit jaw in result. That's it.

50 years ago people didnt mutilate their infant sons, put their kids on anti depressants / hormones and didnt live on a high carb high sugar diet because mommy was at home cooking a well balanced meal

not to mention people got exercise and werent glued on to screens 18 hours of the day

If Hitler won there would have been a lot less jews in power so america would definitely not be the same

I guess that makes sense if user is a kike but that wasn't his point.

If you do look like that then it's more likely than you think. Most of the people featured in the image are just random dudes that happen to have an unfortunate resemblance to that one guy that shot up Walmart.

Weird how attractive men didn't become associated with being serial killers after Ted Bundy.

>I don't want to believe that even this website is so pussywhipped that it's now associating ugly men with literal terrorists

It is the site has been going downhill for years now and MSM has made it clear they want it gone before the 2020 election.

There are always been ugly guys. This is not a modern invention, you're in denial.

Fuck off.

Marvel probably

And Israel wouldnt exist so less problems in the middle east

>keep thinking I'm some sort of ugly incel
>post face pic to group of friends
>all say I look like a chad
Pretty sure it's my mindset that I don't succeed in the pussy market

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This website is full of men that are basically women now.
>male celebrity has grey hair
>"JUST omg fucking JUST!! This fucking faggot needs to die, LOOK AT THE TOP OF HIS HEAAAD!!"

>denying a obvious pattern
guess how i can tell that you are a leftist

>Weird how attractive men didn't become associated with being serial killers after Ted Bundy.
Ted Bundy himself got more associated to actors and supposed high IQ genius than to serial killers. It's funny how much your looks set you up for life.

como estas, la abominacion?

Kek they literally have no argument against this except lashing out

>This website is full of men that are basically women now.

Men of the west are basically just women now this is why their women are fucking third worlders

Luckily I got rid of my glasses about a year ago, which seems to be a more or less foolproof way of not being labeled an incel by appearance, but there are definitely images and videos of me online with wire-framed glasses just like those.

Yeah, sure is weird isn't it?


definitely explains why they all want open borders and mass immigration

The only proof of being a Chad is girls lining up wanting to fuck you
If you don't have that you are no chad

Problem is they dont get chad mc thundercocks they get creepy skinny manlet niggers/arabs

You're ugly because you have always been. No little girls saw a Chad in you when were 6 years old, plastic didn't change anything in your life. There's a pattern between ugly people just like there's a pattern between models, you just share undesirable features with other guys.
I vote for far right in my country btw.

I'm sure it was a Yea Forums user who made this image ironically, but it still triggers me to see so many people who are clearly still teenagers in this picture. They're probably not even jaded to the world yet in any capacity, but if this image gets around, they sure will be.

bros just get a job to afford plastic surgery


>I vote for far right in my country btw.

Doubtful no conservative denies facts especially not when its about the decline of men

>words words words

im talking about right ideolgies and thats a good thing
strenght and power are good values if you are strong

This kind of shit makes me realize how dangerous the Internet is. The more this gets around (and images like this are already being circulated a lot on Twitter) the more likely it is for people to actually consider every average/below average male who wear glasses a likely shooter. The only logical endgame from that point is genocide of people who look like that.

t. glasses-wearing man

I'm conservative not mentally ill, I won't adhere to your delusions only because you think they're related to politics. Look to a mirror and accept what you see because that's all you will ever have. That's the only fact.

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Start wearing contact lens, retard.

I already have, but there are images of me online where I'm wearing glasses from before the shitstorm, which could easily be used in images like this. Why should glasses become an indicator of "dangerous shooter"?

>"we have to address mental illness in this country!"

Attached: 1469833260547.png (400x420, 9K)

There will be blood

contacts are reddit tier

Ask google to remove them, you have the right to do it - at least in Europe.
If you're a a man, you don't need an instagram account to exist in society by the way, the less pictures of yourself you have on the internet, the better it is. I have literally no photo of me on the internet and I fucked 6 hotties at my uni only in the past year.

You'd better get used to them, or get Lasik surgery, because in five years you'll be attacked on the street for being a glasses-wearing, average-looking white man.

>contacts are reddit tier

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Most of Europe isn't, either.

Your average chapotard looks just like this though

Then explain this

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No loser will ever be a real white for poltards.


Incels created that term you moron.

how long before we get an incel word filter? this is like when everyone was using nigger speak.

chapotard ?

both commies and poltards deserve the rope
nazis probably gassing poltards if they were seeing them
but for commies, they just deserve the guillotine

Shhh, he still thinks the incel community is mostly white people

It's best if Yea Forums DOESN'T adopt any left-wing sympathies because the kind of chan autism required to make images like this is what would help progressives more than anything they themselves have done up to this point tbqh. Images like this are apparently powerfully persuasive, I can't deny that.

Show me a pic of you so I can see how much of a nigger you're.

Isn't it only white people? I thought they were white supremacist and all that.

baka desu

The Reddit incel community is mostly posts whining about how easy white people have it.
I'd say it's about 75% Indian/asian

Don't know if you're meaming but I've at least seen images of r9k users who identify themselves as incels, and at least half of them are black/Asian/Indian. I can only assume that number is growing too.

Varg and his followers are the only real White people.

>nazis probably gassing poltards if they were seeing them
If nazis were as excited as them to circlejerk for days about the same news, they would've gone nowhere. Internet was a mistake.

this but unironically

you cannot be white if you're a christcuck. you have the soul of a semite. furthermore, if you live in a city, you cannot be white either. you are a product of your environment and cities engender soulless metropolitan mystery meat bugpeople. white people do not exist in cities.

>despite being only 25% of the incel community, whites commit the majority of incel terrorist attacks

Really makes me think.

All these 3/10 guys would become 6/10 if they just wore some fashionable glasses instead of nerd-frames

>The Reddit incel community is mostly posts whining about how easy white people have it.
Pretty retarded statement since only a small part of the most attractive whites has it easy these days. Women are more picky than ever, the dating market is fucked for every race, they need to admit it and spend less time thinking about women.

Elliot Rodger and Alek Minassian are the two incel terrorist attacks that put incels on the map. I always find it weird how normies only found out about incels due to non-white ones killing people yet instantly started claiming incels are a white thing.

Would they feel guilty if they thought they were attacking depressed minorities?

None of these shooters have self-identified as incels afaik

I mean, just look at them. Do they really look like they get laid?

You're a political dead end.

Normies are literally too stupid to think, they just believe what they are told to believe

tbf I'd rather be an incel than bang some of the women that soiboys date. yeesh

Yeah they talk about hypergamy and then say "just be white" which contradicts each other since whites are still the majority

But we have to ask them what they identify as, what are their preferred pronouns etc
Maybe they identify as chad

Hypergamy is real since less and less males have sex and the stats don't go down for women, the rest is bullshit.

yeah, and? politics is reality television for bugpeople who think they're too intelligent for reality television.

Usually they mean it as in "To get Asian women you have to Just Be White". They're not talking about white men having it easy with white women.

It completely falls apart if you live in a majority white country without any Asians in it though. I'm sure I probably could get an Asian qt if I lived in Cuckifornia but there's literally none to get in my country.

>politics is reality television for bugpeople who think they're too intelligent for reality television
Politics exist the start of civilization, fucking retard.

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how is the jews fault that you look like malformed goblins?

just import one and keep her confined to your house and with no internet so that she won't leave you for someone better

Which team do you cheer on, team red or team blue

Those Hebrew genes ain't no joke

they control everything including how you look

I almost did at one point, kinda. I've had one long distance relationship in my life and it was with an Asian woman so I'm kinda hesitant to completely dismiss their whole "Just Be White" thing even if I don't get to benefit from it personally.

And no, I'm not doing a LDR again. That shit is doomed to crash and burn.

Literally look like me.

Not even american but you already have to realize how wrong you are before replying again, the greeks didn't have fucking television for god's sake. Humans are political animals, it's fact.

At least a quarter of this thread believes this unironically. I hate kikes as much as everybody else but this is crazy.

>tfw live in US but find Asian women ugly
I hate myself.

Yeah I usually vote for the red team but this coming elimination round I'll vote for team blue

I want to clarify that I meant that I allmost imported one, not the whole confining to the house with no internet thing. We were genuinely in love and if the circumstances were different then I'd have had a partner for life.

But we were 14 at the time and there's just no way to make that shit work. I basically got cucked by the sheer distance between our countries and our age making it impossible for things to work out.

Here is an actual white incel from Yea Forums: youtube.com/watch?v=7THEghOUxHY

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I'll leave you here.

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Politics is only worth being serious about if you're making that your career. No one living a successful and fulfilling life cares about political matters other than what will benefit them financially or help boost their public image. Getting invested into politics is a hobby for incels and soi bugmen living sad, empty, lives.

I made the idiot move of buzzing my head

I look like a combination of the 2nd and 3rd photos from the left right now.

This post speaks the sad truth that most anons will never understand, and its also based.
Shame because next year is an election year, so Yea Forums will probably become 10x worse.

Everybody is invested in politics in small societies. You make the promotion of small societies composed by countryside individuals and you don't realize how important it would be for these people to act together. On your own, you're not so much better than an animal. It's not a coincidence if you had to be a soldier to be a citizen in Athens. Then again, I'm talking to a guy who only uses memethinking like "soi bugmen", so nevermind.

This is what I look like. This is who I am. I am the virgin walk, I am the soi boi, I am the white incel. I'm ashamed of how I look. I'm sorry for being who I am. I know that I'm fucked in life and I know that the game was rigged from the start. I'm just killing time until I die

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Yeah alot of farmers and indigenous people who live in these small societies are usually the first ones lining up at the ballet lines.

Clearly a good guy. Pisses me off that people in the comments, people form Yea Forums who should be on his side, continue to decry him for various reasons. The reason robots and incels may not make any progress is that they insist on eating their own.
>inb4 just like he eats things

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You're not talking about politics, you're talking about the mundane society from the start. A political decision is made to organize society at any level, no matter how small that's. Savages don't have ballets and they still somehow operate as a group.

but muh elves are white and the orcs are not user

>Yea Forums who should be on his side, continue to decry him for various reasons
Losers don't want to be associated with other losers, they're a worse threat to themselves than normal people. I got that when my only real HS friends were far more successful than me.


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>incels build a whole ideology around "lookism"
>now normalfags are recognizing the incel phenotype
>and shunning the incels further, rather than giving them the sympathy they desired

It’s perfect English you dumbfuck ESL streetshitter, now go back to /int/

Normalfags are shunning incels since 2008 and Facebook anyway. You don't want to be seen with "that" guy. Lookism is sort of a weird allergic reaction from the social rejects.

wait... aren't these just jews?

These all remind me of Chris Ray Gun and James from Cinnemassacre

there are some hapas/asians but I don't see any jew in that picture
if any guy with brown hair is a jew, jews are a vast majority in most west countries

>>none of my ancestors look like this
getting good genes is like rolling a dice

in your case it was a bad roll

>Lack of skeletal bones

>kung fu panda series

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master and commander

These are all just soiboys with their beards shaved off. I think what's happening here is certain people are trying really hard to associate incelibacy with right-wing beliefs even though it has been proven time and time again that having far-right views is correlated with being muscular, attractive, and having high testosterone.

>right wingers can't read

truly a english specialist

That was true in the past when right wing beliefs were dominant and associated with maintaining current hierarchies.

Now that the left is dominant the genetic shit is using right wing beliefs to dismantle the current hierarchies. The genetic vermin of the past used to use left wing beliefs to do that. Now you get 5’4” 120 lb twigs calling men twice their size cucks.

>"my incel mentality cannot fathom other people actually having empathy for others and not just looking for sex"

Attached: 1562954320788.jpg (785x1100, 62K)

>complain that women only want Chad and the dating market is stacked against the average man
>just fix yourself bro, no woman wants to fuck a gross neckbeard!
>get ridiculed for "lookism"

It says bone, as in singular, as in a quantity. They lack bone, they lack bone in their wrists and jaws and clavicles and and tibias and chins and all the other areas they need to it in order to be physically attractive to women. My English is perfectly fine on that image and I’ll defend it against all criticism.

the first one from the left on the second row is a famous russian comedian

Lookism is an autistic expression of a bigger problem namely women rights and how a good part of men became useless to them. It's more the way incels talk than what they say that gets mocked.

why does society have such a hard time just stating some people are ugly instead of inventing character flaws for them?

the autism is high in this post


Nice book, faggot.

Because they fear ugly people would stop trying to be productive and become a burden to society.

>have zero personality
>have no interesting hobbies or skills
>have abysmal social skills
>have a poor sense of humor
>be overly sensitive, paranoid, and resentful
>support extremist political ideas
>"Clearly they hate me because of my jaw line"

Kill yourself

too late

Attached: pep.png (561x561, 328K)

I don't think you know what you're talking about. What you just said was incredibly stupid and honestly sounds made up on the spot.

If this guy could get to Reichsfuhrer SS then everything is possible

Attached: Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-S72707,_Heinrich_Himmler.jpg (551x800, 90K)

>trying to put the blame on soiboys
Not so fast, grimace! You know full well there's a difference between that and an alt-right incel

You're avant-garde for now.

wtf was his problem

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>america would've been the same
Quality american education everyone.

Imagine living in an era of unprecedented promiscuity where free prime pussy is literaly few taps on the phone away and still being unable to get laid.

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he's actually running at mach 7 in this picture


>dude just be good looking lmao

>These are the people who think shooting up a mall is okay because Hollywood put a black person in a movie

how can people possibly be this pathetic?

Because people have ingrained convictions that the world is a just place, shattering such a belief caused extremely bad psychological trauma for many people.

Your mind can decide whether someone is attractive or unattractive in about a tenth of a second. What’s more, you assign positive traits to attractive people and negative traits to unattractive people without even really knowing them. People invent on the spot rationalizations for everything they do in order to make it seem like they’re in the right, you dislike someone because they’re ugly but you realize that’s really shallow and it causes cognitive dissonance with other structural beliefs you hold, so you start inventing stories about these people (and again, you know nothing about the behaviors or personalities of these strangers): they must not shower, they must going around harassing or bothering people, they must have bad hygiene and smell bad, they must be stupid, they must be all of the things you think make someone bad.

Most people do not know they’re doing this, either. When you start catching yourself doing it, and realizing how hard it is to stop, you realize just how hopeless it is to even complain about this stuff. It’s such an ingrained behavior in people that even proving to them that they’re doing it doesn’t matter. If you’re ugly people are going to treat you worse or hold negative opinions about you that have no basis in reality, and there’s not anything you can do about it.

That's not the main issue. The main issue is being a naive emotionally unstable cuck who gets brainwashed by """"""ideologies""""""". Some of these losers like Brenton Tarrant or Tarantino or whatever, had already gotten laid, had a job, etc. But they still weren't immune to the brainwashing tactics.

>all women are whores, but also not a single woman on this planet is willing to touch me

what did they mean by this?

>to conclude, my life is shit because of my genetically determined physical traits
>now that im finished with my essay i guess ill just perpetually sit in my parent's basement and argue how all jews should be gased and how women would be provided to me by government in the 4th reich

That women will fuck all of the men they seem to be the best men (which makes them whores) and all women are willing to do this if the situation presents itself (meaning all women are whores). It doesn’t mean all men can get laid.

>now that im finished with my essay i guess ill just perpetually sit in my parent's basement and argue how all jews should be gased and how women would be provided to me by government in the 4th reich

Where did I say this? The irony is you’re doing exactly what I wrote about, assuming things you couldn’t possibly know about me and then using them to claim I’m a bad person who deserves to suffer. Is it not enough to respond to what I actually wrote, why do you feel the need to make things up?

>women are whores because they choose the most valuable mates
incel logic is endlessly amusing

Attached: lmao.jpg (640x559, 23K)

>3+ hours
oh no no no jannies quick clean it up!!

Devil's Advocate here, but ugly men do get laid. You know a story like that, everyone does. Like nigga just go outside on the street lmao.
The biggest issue isn't looks alone. It's what said bad looks can do to your own-self image and esteem. No one will magically be attracted to a self-loathing piece of shit. Maybe it's not fair, but good things don't happen easily in life.

>who deserves to suffer


No, because they choose dozens of men, being a whore means you sleep around a lot.

Also, what makes those men valuable in your mind? Because valuable in a woman’s mind means he’s capable of growing hair on his temples or he uses anabolic steroids. Is that what you picture when you think of a “valuable man”?

>all women are whores because they have standards


All of these people are probably communists.

imagine what this poster looks like lol

Reminder that if you won't fuck trannies you're a volcel

99% of radical incels are alt-right though. Not saying commies aren't fucked up, but let's be real.

>you could've chosen a truly valuable man like myself victoria, instead you chose a muscular jock with full head of hair. gamers RISE UP

Attached: f4b.jpg (500x743, 63K)

Imagine what your life is like when you’re wasting it on this forum losing an argument to me (who is an actual low status, ugly loser). Why are you wasting your life on the television and film board of an anime website being some above it all ironic schtick jackass? I’m actually ugly, I’ll admit it, but if you’re not why are you wasting your life talking to me?

Shit, time to buy a new pair of glasses. Thank god I've got a jaw otherwise I'd look exactly like one of those freaks.

Because I'm just speeding up your inevitable suicide while we shit on your grave afterwards, incel :^)

A valuable man is someone who understands that girls just wanna have fun. That's really all there is to it. Creating an emotional spark in some way.
Sometimes even a negative emotional spark is better than nothing at all. The number one thing that dries up a pussy is actually blandness and apathy. Ironically the default state of many young men.

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Incels aren't even real lmao.

Studies show right wing people are more attractive and have more sex.

Have sex.

Just be a good clown. :)

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post timestamped picture of your gf you larping /pol/cel

There's a difference between being right wing and being a radical.. anything. Just don't let politics or for that matter religion guide every single thing you do.
The poor fuckers in OP's pic ruined their own lives on the basis of someone's skin color/religion, when all of these people would've died at some point anyway. Don't become a suicide bomber.

Why dont you post your gay bf you shitskincel?

This nigger didn't lose his v-card until he was discovered and became a professional model in his mid to late twenties. You actually have no idea what you're talking about, you basement dwelling faggot.

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Source? Curious.

Adriana Lima too.

Start working out for fuck sake.
Get contacts or surgery, stop jacking off.
Get a better haircut, sit up straight.
Start saying what you actually think, or don't say anything at all.
I was proper "nice guy" lefty retard in my early twenties, and I had slept with 2 women at the time. I guess I've been a little lucky though being tall and having naturally broad shoulders.
But anyways, I started with eye-surgery, worked out like a motherfucker, groomed my beard, and I think most importantly I stopped agreeing with retarded opinions when I was in a group or otherwise, if people brought up something factually wrong I would state the actual fact, if it cost you that's night pussy or a group of friends, well then they're not your friends and the pussy was probably starfish material and smelled worse.
First time I started doing it I was literally sweating and shaking because I stood up for myself and what is right. Now it's like I've always done it.
I even got tinder, slept with maybe 20 girls, figured out that was pointless and gross, then started to actually figure out what I wanted out of life.
Fix. Your. Shit.

>nooo you can't just kill niggers and other brown subhumans thats illegal!

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your boogie man is imaginary.

There is no source, he simply says he wasn’t good with women until he was 21 or something

Enrique Iglesias too. Kind of hard to believe he waited so long when he could've done it much earlier.

Attached: iglesias.png (672x327, 25K)

>post face pic to group of friends
They were being nice you moron
You're ugly as fuck

>why they like an idelogy who value strenght
>and power ?
Where did any of them say any shit about valuing strength and power?
Did you forget they're not actually nazis, and that you just call them naizs because that's what you call everyone you don't like?

It was the same for me. Always knew I was attractive because I was told by multiple people, but was too autistic to initiate anything for a long time. Ended up losing my virginity at 26, during a period where I was struggling from what I think was porn induced erectile dysfunction.

He could've been a twink chad.

lmao have you been on Yea Forums?

>pseudo word salad
>proud over a meme
>tilted because even other lefties crop out that word shit

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this is why prostitution should not only be legalized but every male at the age of 18 should be force fucked by a whore, then there would be no alt-right and other stupid shit like this

no, just 4channel

Also government assigned qt gfs.

Not proper English. Can you even into passive voice, you fucking retard?
He's saying that white incels are impressionable faggots, susceptible to propaganda, which is not what "to propagandize" means.

Nice reading comprehension. When other boards mock Yea Forums as lowIQ this is exactly what they mean.

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ESL currynigger fuck off and stop pretending you can speak proper English. People GET propagandized. It’s a proper usage of the term.

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>Implying an author has any say over how their work is perceived
It's kind of like American Psycho turning out as a hero's journey rather than the directors intent of claiming it to be some take on toxic masculinity.

>Yea Forums

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>these creatures
el ogro de las americas...


It's a good thing I'm brown because I got glasses and wear my hair short.

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Why are mass shooters indistinguishable from the average white leftist?

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What films do they like?
needs to be updated

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They even control the continents

Attached: Снимок экрана_2019-08-05_18-40-45.png (444x429, 191K)

What in fuck hell does this thread have to do with Yea Forums? Has this site died so hard since 2012 that now the left has taken over it?

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if you haven't been outside of the rock you live under let me update you. Look at the mass shootings in america with the el paso shooting and those other places. All of them look exactly like that pic, and they were p much right wing af that hated race mixing etc

he is a foreigner. lives in the netherlands but born in poland and was probably angry because he is such a manlet. especially in the netherlands where all women are at least 6'. even that little girl who was a couple of years younger than him is the same size as the little faggot.

100% this and it's hilarious how incels keep feeling oppressed and want to be accepted.

Marvel movies.

>tfw this is literally me
How do I cope?

kys autist

Is there any proof these guy are incels or was this lazily put together throwing all of them under the bus

What side?
Yea Forums is the shithole that went from being self aware and laughing at itself to unironically thinking being an autistic neckbeard is a good thing.
You millennials all need to be drafted.
You act like manchildren and you pride yourselves on it?
Some dose of real life will do you good.

> The reason robots and incels may not make any progress
What progress?
These are the people who, when they are told how to improve say

These people deserve to suffer.

How about you stop comparing gang related shit to incels that hate society? A black person kills a black person, that's probably due to territory or some stupid shit between those two. A white person kills another white person, that's probably the same. A black person kills many people odds are he's doing a drive by. A white man kills many, odds are he's some loser fed up with society and wants to be special. If the white person lived in the ghetto he wouldn't go shoot up a random location, he'd shoot up some local gang. I'm sorry, but is any of this bizarre to you?

user asking the big question lasik is shit too too many side effects

So, the other one is good?

I don't believe any version is 100% safe. Eye complications are nightmare fuel why?

I am an incel cause I was born with social anxiety disorder

Because wearing glasses is a fucking pain in the ass and glasses are ugly as shit.

formerly new enemy

I’m an “incel” and I have never seen
>Nazi propaganda films
>Das Boot
>Passion of the Christ
>Kingdom of Heaven
>Alita: Battle Angel
>Anything anime/lolicon

dumb poster

We SNEED more fucking filters

Never. Mods, like 99% of the posters ITT, are pathetic white knight feminists.

>this is like when everyone was using nigger speak.
You mean now?

If you want to remove people who talk like this, just rangeban all of America.

Consider ortho k's they are contacts you wear when sleeping and when you wake up you don't need glasses. Ive never used them so be careful and do your own study on how safe but it seems promising. Or just wear contacts.

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t. Retards who don't know about 80\20 rule

I'm incapable of touching my eye ball.
I've tried for weeks but I just can't, my eye closes itself even when I hold the eyelid open.

Have your optometrist/ophthalmologist put it in for you. Anyone can learn. If you want to that is.

When did incel become the new cuck?
It's funny how the two biggest insult in recent years are based on sexual insecurity

>tfw you have glasses like these
What kind of glasses should I wear without looking like anincel or nu-male hipster? Contacts are too uncomfortable to use.

Try some on literally any but wireframes. Take photos so you can compare.

The chapo trap house fans has more of these facial stereotype including black males etc

I don't want to, i'm getting into the military, contacts would be almost as much of a hassle as glasses.