Is it kino?
Is it kino?
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who is this humonculus
you're mom
Is this the Alita thread?
The writers just HAD to let the audience know that NIXON BAD about 5 or 6 times. It was kinda distracting.
The actual "horror" moments with the spooks weren't actually that scary. It was more about the body horror.
this scene was
Wait, do stormniggers think Nixon was a good President? Why? Just because he was Republican?
Here's sauce, BTW:
wtf is a nixon? this is a site for young people, grandpa. i dont need you to tell me how superior your nes was to my ps4
>nixon spies on a few people, gets impeached
>obongo spies on every body, gets nobel peace prize
whoa that's a lot of questions there, son.
He was actually woke on the Jews, going by his tape recordings. He also convinced China to fully abandon the Soviets and make an economic pact with the US (although it can be argued that over time we became too dependent on China).
He bombed Cambodia, which was good because they were helping the Vietnamese commies and getting away with it until then.
>b-b-but, he spied on Democrats, you can't do that, REEEEEEE!!!
Since when do lefties defend politicians keeping secrets? You turned against Wikileaks also because they reported bad things against Clinton.
>shitting on random presidents in an unrelated horror movie
rent free and cringe
Fuck off, at least with NES you could just put the game in and play. Didn’t have to wait six hours to download patches and never had to worry about having to buy the rest of the game via launch day DLC
Trump supporters automatically associate Nixon with Trump which is why they are so triggered by this.
>Dubya starts that whole mess and doesn’t even get mentioned in this post
Nixon was actually better and more intelligent than Trump. Trump is a full Zionist puppet, whereas Nixon openly talked about kikes controlling the media on his tapes.
How is Nixon a “random” President? If they’d shat on Millard Fillmore then maybe you’d have a point, but Nixon was one of the most significant public figures in modern history and had a massive impact on the cultural zeitgeist during the era in which the film is set.
what obama has done is far worse than nixon, if he is indeed involved with the russian hoax.
ayyy yo i bought one of dem nes minis n me n the boys were havin a blast hootn n hawlerin at dem old ass games lmao hey yo how's you play dem games when they's weres sooo bad lmao ayy we played zelda n muthafucka didn't give no directions n shit he says take dis brown ass sword lol ayy yo we'z shut dat shit down n plugged in ps4 shit was hella cash, yo
>Obama runs on a campaign of transparency, promises the American people to run a transparent, honest, accountable government.
>takes literal espionage and treason from a Good Samaritan to out the government’s invasive spy program
>Obama doesn’t even offer the dude a pardon or anything for shining a light on the US Government’s conniving schemes
Bush was a dishonest cocksucking retard. Obama was bush but a nigger, and you shitlibs love him
that's just because of the big head thing and the weird hair thing, and that thing where he's very obviously lying through his teeth at you at all times but simultaneously giving you this weird disconcerting smile where it's like he knows that you know that he's lying but he wants you to know that he knows that you know that he knows, basically all the time. Other than that there's not really any connection.
I learn a surprising amount from this board. Not him but, thank you user.
Because it's the current year (unironically). Nobody gives as shit about Nixon anymore. He was only demonized because there were only 3 news channels in the '60s, and they were all staffed by Democrats.
Him spying on DNC files is weaksauce compared to modern things politicians on both sides get away with. It was played-up because Jews wanted him out of power. All the Presidents that came after him were hyper-Zionist, because they didn't like how he made an alliance with China.
Good grief...
Nixon was pretty good in strict policy terms, he was just a garbage person.
>Ended Vietnam
>Opening up China
>Literally has the best environmental record of any president
>ABM Treaty
>Supported US aligned Israel during the Yom-Kippur War, ultimately leading to Egypt leaving the Soviet sphere of influence
>old white men have funny hair so they bad, lol
Leftist intellectuals.
>khmer rouge genociding it's own people but it's OK because they're maoist and China is our friend
>vietnam invades replaces khemer rouge with a Marxist leninist regime like the Vietnamese government
>US bombs new Cambodian gocernment
How is the US and China the good guys here?
Also it is somewhat messed up that the US abandoned Taiwan for economic reasons and to oppose a different flavor of communism
That’s not at all what he said
Thats basically how the books were. Adorable, goofy little story and poems accompanied by the purest nightmare fuel drawings.
oh shit they are making a Scary Stories movie??
It's already out tard.
>epic Vietnamese heroes replaced X form of communism with totally different and based form of true communism
>ignore the Soviet kill count and the gulags, m'kay
Commie bugmen killing each other
Hard to care about such an issue
I often bemoan the fact that stormniggers have basically reinvented all of Yea Forums in their image at this point, and while that is fucking gay, I also cannot imagine what it must be like to earnestly hold convictions that are so stupid and transparently repugnant that the only place they can be expressed openly is on an anonymous Lithuanian beat boxing forum. It must be very lonely.
>book filled with 19th/early 20th century folktales
>shoehorn irrelevant criticisms of Vietnam draft / President Nixon into movie based on said book
next time: Harold and the Purple Crayon movie about the Rape of Nanking
what the fuck is political shit doing in these kinds of movies?
Nixon spying on people has nothing on Obama, Bush, Clinton or Trump, who were guilty of supporting the same policy on American citizens under the guise of Patriot Act, which is still enforced today with no party willing to redact it. This not mentioning the terrible foreign wars and economic sanction towards foreign nations supported by these clowns that would make Nixon look like a sane saint in comparison.
even Chomsky thinks he was good
nixon was best friends with hoover and supported the whole "glowniggers spying on everyone in america" meme that has continued to this day
>I often bemoan the fact that stormniggers have basically reinvented all of Yea Forums in their image at this point
Well if Yea Forums is a total free speech environment, and you can't win arguments, and people here don't give a shit about your views, then maybe that just means you got BTFO'd, huh?
> so stupid
Tell me how being rationally egoistic is stupid? I thought you lefties were pure materialists. How is my will to power and acting in my own interests as a white male via ethnocentric organization not in my interest? Literally the vast majority of every other race, and nation does it. You kikes/cucks have just created a paradoxically Puritanical taboo against white males doing it.
You niggers are retarded.
I stated what the new government was to highlight that China opposed Soviet influence and that the US didn't do anything when the other communist government killed millions of people.
I also criticized the fact that the US under Nixon abandoned Taiwan, which was non-communist solely for shekels and to oppose Russia.
You don't support red flag laws and censoring social media to build profiles of citizens? What are you, one of those alt right Nazis?
-t., every Democrat running for President right now
Haven't seen it. Will download it when it comes out. The monsters look great but the framing story seems like a missed opportunity. Instead of making it about kids they and a book they should have used something else. Maybe ignore the book entirely and just tell the stories.
Me I think they should have gone there Trick R Treat route, not necessarily making it set on Halloween but a series of seemingly independent stories that coalesce, with the characters meeting each other etc. And keep the plots true to the original stories. Iirc that fat chick is from a story about a nightmare while staying at a hotel tower. They shouldn't have thrown her away as some random monster.
Holy bejeezus Yea Forums gets derailed easy as fuck LMAO
That would have been a much better route to take. The movie isn’t terrible, it was a lot better than I expected it to be, but they really had to work to get the stories themselves to fit the framework that they created. This would have been a perfect opportunity to introduce the anthology horror genre to a new, younger audience. The pale lady is probably the best example of the thing you’re talking about. It’s neat to see the illustration brought to life so faithfully, but you lose everything that made the story work by turning her into some kind of onryo type boogin’ chasing a kid through a hall.
mindblown, what if actually neolibs conspired against nixon?
>How is my will to power and acting in my own interests as a white male via ethnocentric organization not in my interest?
I don’t know, maybe it is. Go out and announce your desire for an ethnostate to your friends and co-workers (assuming your employed). Try your ideas in the court of public opinion. I’m interested to see how it plays out for you.
>Jews/leftists have installed a zeitgeist that attacks you for acting in your own interests, so just shut up an accept it
If your ideas are truly better than theirs then it should be no problem. There are fewer than 100 million Jews worldwide. You’re the “master race”. Man up and stop them this time.
We're in the process of it. Nationalist parties are becoming more popular in Europe, because they don't have such a strong cuck zeitgeist.
Zionist boomers dying + the left doubling-down on disenfranchising whites will create a vacuum for white ethnocentrism in the US, as well as less incentive for whites to defend Israel and Jewish power structures. This is why you kikes are trying to get beaners on board with globo-homo so you can try to use them as your next shield/food source.
>This is why you kikes
My mother is a Southern Baptist and my father is a Roman Catholic.
>father is Catholic
Maybe explains why you like to kiss Muslim nigger feet.
Oh no. My pride
Well, the influx of 3rd-worlders will start to take a toll on your material well-being in your lifetime, assuming you're not a trust fund baby who looks-down on white proles from his gated neighborhood tower.
>cant even play fortnite
I imagine my neighborhood is the sort of thing that keeps you up at night. It’s half Dominican half Hasidic. It’s fine.
>you cargo cult neighborhood with Jewish tax revenue is fine
Well yeah, but think national level, and long-time.
>>vietnam invades replaces khemer rouge with a Marxist leninist regime like the Vietnamese government
>>US bombs new Cambodian gocernment
That's the exact opposite of what happened. Cambodia's government was neutral. North Vietnam is the one who invaded their neutral country in 1970 because North Vietnam was allied with the Khmer Rouge (which had basically been created from scratch a few years prior by the PAVN) and wanted to install their ally in power, and because they wanted to use Cambodia as a logistical base. They occupied half the country, mauled the Cambodian army, turned the Rouge into an auxiliary branch, slaughtered a bunch of civilians, and handed their occupied territory over to the Khmer Rouge, resulting in them going from irrelevant to a tens of thousands strong regular force overnight. The Americans came in at the request of the Cambodian government and bombed the Rouge and North Vietnamese. This worked up until the Americans withdrew in '73, after which the North Vietnamese and Rouge overthrew the Cambodian government, putting Pol Pot in power.
It was after this that the Rouge and North Vietnam (now just Vietnam) had conflicts, as the suspension of their common enemy and Pol Pot's batshittery and ethnic nationalism / irredentism for ethnic Khmer lands in Vietnam led to a war in 1978. But that doesn't change that the Rouge taking over in the first place was pretty much 100% the doing of North Vietnam.
God this board is fucking illiterate.
What movie? No one knows what you are talking about
its that latest melissa mccarthy movie, the kitchen or whatever
I also haven’t seen it. My sister saw it and said it was alright but wasn’t ever scared. I do agree with most of your post. I think general audiences would feel cheated if they saw an anthology horror movie in theatres instead of one cohesive story. It’d be perfect for streaming.
>Well if Yea Forums is a total free speech environment, and you can't win arguments, and people here don't give a shit about your views, then maybe that just means you got BTFO'd, huh?
Win arguments. lol. Spamming insults isn't arguing. Which is why storm-weenies have trouble in /his/.
>dindu nuffin
CTR get out of my 4chin
That's Maisie Williams you retard.
you first, racist
Yes wh*te boi
Anyone else mad they pussyified the art in new editions?
please verify everything you read on Yea Forums
>/pol/tards ruining another thread about movies
Worse than bronies pre-/mlp/
Welcome to post-2016 Yea Forums/nnel
Blue check marks associate trump with nixon. Trump supporters associate Trump with Teddy Roosevelt.
Hollyjew never forgave him