>coming of age movie
>father can't control his daughter because she lives by her own rules
Post your favorite "coming of age" movies.
Coming of age movie
what is wrong with her body?
really bad shoops
Fuck off trolls
it was converted from a Tranny-6000 frame
I'm so glad I married her.
This shit is so fucking cringe.
weebs are beyond pathetic desu
I'm not allowed near any daughters. I can't even drive through school zones. I fucked my life up.
Lighten the load and try killing yourself.
I think your family will approve.
I will. FACT!!!
T-thank you f-for your service
I can recognize Sasha Grey's body in right pic
What's wrong with her face?
Unironically I would notice that pussy anywhere
Alita is for hugs, holding hand, cuddles, walking arm-in-arm, kisses on the check and all things otherwise pure and wholesome.
does she have robopubic hair? non lewd question
In the manga it's explained in detail that the original purpose of the Alita robots was as daughter replacements for couples who either can't have children or whose daughters have tragically died.
There was a surplus and over the years they became re-purposed for sex work in Iron City and became the most popular sex-bot. An homage was paid to this in the movie (pic related) but of course it is too risque for a PG kids movie.
That is the interchangeable groinal attachment where you plug in the Pussy Port™ (Pussy Port™ sold separately)
Is there a loli version?
One of alita androids changed his sex in manga.
Anything other than the off-the-shelf model is prohibitively expensive (full body replacement).
Standard model is somewhere between 13-15 year old which suits broader tastes. If you want to go much younger it's a custom job.
There is also a Penis Port™ available in a range of sizes.
How can one movie inspire so much cringe?
yeah its called the rope
Cringelita: Floppy Angel
What do you think about Alita(male)?
Have Sechs.
I hate how large his legs are compared to his torso
wat happen brah tellus
but wasn't that the body Dr. Waltz made for his actual daughter? Why would he give his daughter a sexbot body?
You want you kid de-gendered? That's fucked up to do to anybody. Like a human rights abuse. And you want to do that to your own kid?