Why are wrestlers such terrible actors?

Why are wrestlers such terrible actors?

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Fuck you.

>broke Austins neck so Austin broke him

Quick rundown?

Fuck you op.

He was warned

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I only respect Canadian wrestlers

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lmao what happened?

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Owen Hart died after falling 78 feet

Is it gay that I was expecting them to kiss at the end?

Only 1 superstar value? Benoit was literally never a 1. He was a top tier mid-card. On a scale of 10 he was 4 at his lowest.

Fuck you for making this edgy post user. I'll be seeing you in wrestler's court for this.

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They suspended him at the top of the arena with wires and a harness, for like a stunt or grand entrance or something. Wire snaps and he falls and dies.

I'm not so sure they are. Jesse Ventura did pretty well as a movie actor, although I'm sure he was also aware of his own limits and saw the sense of not overshooting 'em. Then there's THUNDER LIPS.

Yes. Now go sit in the corner and think about what you've done.

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But the rock is the biggest actor right now

could be. says more about the general state of the industry than anything else tho

They have to do everything on the first take.

>Kevin Nash
>Summer of ‘92
There ya go

why is wrestling so gay?

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When a man touches his stiffening penis to another man's body it doubles both their masculinity, everyone knows that.

High test

>not sucking the testosterone out of your enemies dick and becoming even more manly and threatening

You literally get a boner from it. So yeah pretty gay.

if the guy in the red suit is straight that must have felt extremely uncomfortable.

why would a straight man bend over in front of a raging boner? think, stupid


he couldve survived if he didnt planted chest first on the ring post

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