Are you ready bros for the Eternal Derby.
Are you ready bros for the Eternal Derby
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redpill me on dinamo.
Mafia club with excellent football academy. Its president Zdravko Mamić is on the run hiding in Bosnia so Dinamo is no longer guaranteed league winner. Solid results in Europe last few years after being mickey mouse team.
post communism president-favorite club funded by the government, run by retard criminals, from the capital - no soul.
Fuck you bitch, you have everything thanks to Maminho.
>on the run hiding in Bosnia
Because they're ungrateful cunts, especially Modric.
looks like he stole a lot of money
Hahahaha stole money? Are you fuckin serious? He lifted Eduardo from slum to playing on Emirates in London, Modric from skinny ugly kid to ballon d'or and all of them disowned their football father.
He blackmailed players to sign contracts which allowed him to take lots of money from them and club among other things.
>mind of the easterner
Why do serbs love mafiosi so much?
serbs really love criminals
>He blackmailed players to sign contracts which allowed him to take lots of money from them and club among other things.
He didn't get anything from them you liar, you filthy scum and he deserved 1 billion for making not just Dudu and Modric world class players but 100's of the rest. They'll be NOTHING without Mamic, NOBODIES! He is the sole reason they got best transfers and Croatia had results they had.
You are traitors, Serbs and Bosnians love Mamic because he has SOUL, you are soulless little rats that used Mamic until he was good then your fitlhy criminal fans aided by corrupt politicians and lying media ran him out. Remember DINAMO IS NOTHING WITHOUT MAMIC you're still riding on Mamic's wave and it wont last long.
Pizda ti materina
literally what is serbian posters major malfunction?
>Serbs and Bosnians love Mamic because he has SOUL
This sums it all, croats are soulless shells, they couldn't handle Mamic and his banter.
why is a serb defending some corrupt croatian dude?
5 hours of pure unfiltered Mamic TRUTHPILLED kino
2% trolling
98% mental illness
and i am saying this as a schizo
They think millionaire criminal who snorts coke on his yacht is just like them because he swears and listens to turbo-folk.
born as serb
Retard, he spelled it out for you and you still ask questions.
Hajduk's stadium is so beautiful. why don't you guys play your NT games there instead of that Dinamo's monstruosity
FA was under control of aforementioned Mamić and his clique, they started to play there recently since Šuker was replaced and Mamić escaped the country.
Soul is siphoning money from a club you supposedly love with non existant managerial services lmao
Who should i go for and why?
damn you a right, it's beautiful. they probably play in the norf because the majority of the people live there
thank God for that because that stadium is LA CREATURA-tier. even Bolivia have better stadiums.
He’s that nigger loving Serb
Hajduk is most soul club in country, owned by fans and makes 60% of stadium attendance in the league
Dinamo is mafia
>bla bla bla mafia
is that why you guys threw flairs on the field sabotaging your own team in 2016?
why do some countries hate their own team so much?
my ćaća is a big Hajduk fan, and so is pretty much everyone in my family that cares about football, but one of my brothers went traitor and goes for Dinamo
tovari are the niggers of Croatia, they always do stupid shit
>funded by the government,
Vi mitomančine ste gori od ovog iz Srbije kojem je Mamić bog, za 20 godina ćete prodavat priče da je Plenki osobno sastavljao ekipu
Kako si retardiran, ovo je nestvarno.
Sta nije istina, francek je dinamo pretvorio u hrvatsku crvenu zvijezdu tj drzavni projekt. Nemilice su trpali drzavnu lovu u klub. Mamic je, jasno, krimos. Sto zelim reci? Da dinamo u zadnjih 30 god niti u jednom trenu nije bio normalan nogometni klub. Tuzno je sve to, suosjecam s pravim purgerima.
Ubijte se svi
Pusti ga vidiš da je maloljetan. Canjuga i Tuđman su doslovno preimenovali Dinamo u Croatia (lol) jer je Dinamo zvučalo "pre srpsko"
Ovako kako je proxy tovar napisao ispada da vlada i danas financira Dinamo
tj. država*, al isti kurac
Brale, danas ne, ALI ALI ALI ALI drzava je desetljece zmirila na maminha a svi znamo kakvo je to govno i kopile. Drzava ga je pustila da zbrise. A onda i njegovog brata takodjer. Pa onda kolindin rodzentan. Mislim, nismo djeca. Mamicu vise nije trebao 'prvotno akumulirani kapital' i poguranac od drzave kad je ranije iza sebe imao bandica i jer se dinamu poklopila dobra generacija koju je prodao za dobre pare. Nitko ne negira da je dinamova skola top topova, ali cijena te dinamove dominacije bila je prevelika... recimo, slucaj lokomotiva, pa sudacka hdz organizacija, pa ignoriranje splita (repka)... to je dovelo dotle da je je jednostavno postalo prevruce, podjele medju ljudima su postale bolesne. Nas je spasila rusija i dalic koji je inzistirao na poljudu. Sad je sve donekle normalno. Ali vidis koliko zlo moze nanijeti samo jedan beskrupulozni govnar i to vise ne smijemo dozvolit.
it's really exhausting for me to read this language. please talk english
>jer je Dinamo zvučalo "pre srpsko"
Tudjman kao Beogradjanin do smrti je bio guzobolan sto je Dinamo dobio ime nakon prvog Dinama u Jugoslaviji, Dinamo Pancevo.
Ko god ga je hteo iznervirati samo je pominjao grad Pancevo.
Jasno mi je sve, i Mamić i Lokomotiva i suđenje i sve ostalo je sramota, naravno da je lopovčina bila bog i batina kluba i da ga je država štitila iako je trebo trunit u zatvoru davnih dana, ja sam se samo osvrnio na ovaj dio o izvoru financiranja. Zamisli da je lova od transfera koju je klošar lopatama tovario iz kluba ostala u Dinamu i da se dalje ulagalo u razvoj kluba, pa bili bi normalan i ozbiljan europski klub dok si reko keks umjesto da se godinama sramotilo po Europi, dovodilo poltrone za trenere i sl.
o ne ne ne ne dinamo srpsko ime moje :(
Ovo je ljep gol
fred frize
Ala gusta. Ste skuzili transparent torcida kosova? Kek
>eternal derby
Do croaches really?
dude serbian club with two serb stars kalinic and livaja are calling dinamo serbs as a derogative name, they're based schizos
uzivajte u svoja dva partizanska kluba sta zive jedan preko drugoga jajare
spustila se gusta magla
who set off the flares this time?
torcida fags do this every game, doesnt matter if Hajduk is chasing the result you cant be assured that they will break the flow of the game in 70th minute
Srbin sam al svaka ćast ajdukovci. Druge braće nemamo
čupavo za dinamo, još dva derbija do kraja sa osjekom i hajdukom