Are they right about this film?
Crazy Rich Asians
Pretty funny how supposed "race realist" wh*tes are all for miscegenation when they're the ones doing the cucking. Really makes you think
Can you blame them, white women are all left wing sluts that hate white men. They hate the concept of family, will feminize their sons, are prone to lie, are highly superficial, are diced to drugs and alchohol, and will cheat. Literally anything is better than a white slut
ching chong ching
Western born Asians are so pathetic
But then whites go for Asian women which leaves a bunch of sexless bitter ricecels. Your cope is another mans' cuckoldry.
>I'm an Asian man with a white man's penis
Unironically what did they mean by this?
No black leads? That's racist.
Based and non sequitur pilled
very big american penis
So smarr
hong kong belongs to china
From what I can tell the actual people in Honk Kong don't want you there.
Crazy Rich Asians takes place in Singapore.
Asian "men" should be exterminated.
Asian women are to be be taken by white cock, but sterilized to prevent the creation of more hapa monstrosities.
Its not a good asian movie unless it has Randall Park
he is under utilized, would they would give him some bigger role
but i guess he would be just end up a character actor for his entire career, which not necessary a bad thing but it feels a bit wasted
fuck.That is weird.
Little beta Asian manlets are seething right now my massive white dick can sense it
I like how this r/asianmasculinity shit is so desperate to explain Ken Jeong that they straight up insult their own penis sizes.
Aren't most of these butthurt Asian men hapas themselves? Shouldn't they be happy that she said they're beautiful?
Or is it literally as simple as "She said she wants to fuck a white man and not an asian man so asian woman bad".
Asian americans are so fucking insane. What's wrong with them?
They lost the coin toss. They could have been on the winning side and got a hot white partner themselves if they had been born female but they were born male.
They're not white enough for the Asian women who want white men(most of them) and not Asian enough for the few Asian women who do want to keep their Asian bloodline. It's just a shitty situation honestly, and I reckon they should try aiming for black women as those are probably their best chances.
It's the "American" problem.
Regular Armenians are fine, Armenian-Americans are insane attention whores.
Regular Italians are fine, Italian-Americans are insane attention whores.
Regular Africans are...not fine but tolerable, African-Americans are insane attention whores.
Regular Irish are fine, Irish-Americans are insane attention whores.
And so on.
So the problem is that they're American?
Asians are white
What I don't get about these Asian men is why, if they're having such a hard time getting a woman in America, they don't leave and go to Asia somewhere. I'm 100% sure women in Asia would find them much more interesting since they'd grown up in the USA or Europe or whatever. They'd be the cultured, high-status men they so desire to be. Instead, they stay in a country with a mix of races, where the situation is clearly fucked up for various reasons, and complain. I get it, it's their home. But that's life. If your situation is shit, leave that situation.
>regular Irish, Italians, Armenians are fine
Fuck no lol
Yes. Most of the world's problems can be sourced back to France deciding to intervene in an English civil war and carving off a nation of madmen.
>Pretty funny how supposed "race realist" wh*tes are all for miscegenation
No. Go away jew.
>just pack up your bags and leave the country you grew up in to go to another country where you don't speak the language to get pussy.
It's not Asian Americans, it's Asian American men. They make good money, work hard, but live in a culture that doesn't celebrate these qualities as much as other places. To get women you need to have money, but most of all you need to be cool. And to be cool, to a woman, you need to have a dangerous side, which means you need to be someone who breaks the rules sometimes. This goes against everything Asian cultures teach. They are taught to religiously follow rules, be good citizens, work hard, and keep their head down. So the women don't think they're interesting, and ignore them. The Asian American women on the other hand, they don't have any problem whatsoever. Women are women are women, and it doesn't matter that much how they behave as long as they're nice and reasonably good looking. They don't have to demonstrate bravery, or willingness to act out and break rules, they just have to be nice and smile. Look at Elliot Rodger for instance. His sister was a perfectly integrated part of society, and he was as he was.
Trips of truth.
Interesting how English, Scottish, Norwegian or German Americans just identify as "American".
why can't hapas just learn to live like steppeniggers and kidnap and force-marry the asian women they love so much?
>you need to be cool
In the US this means acting like a swaggering negro or Hispanic gangbanger. Not even white guys can compete anymore.
Not just to get pussy, but to have a place where the culture matches your own personality and values. And yeah, it sucks. I'm not saying it's ok. Western culture is shitty in this way, where good, hardworking men are looked down on as saps. But what are you going to do about it? Complain on the internet? Do a shooting? Or take your life in your own hands and find somewhere better?
Asian American women have many problems, they’re all insane lefties.
>it doesn’t matter how they behave as long as they’re reasonably good looking
That user is right though. Women are women. They don't need intelligence, charm, charisma, or a good personality to attract a mate. As long as they are reasonably attractive then will do well in the dating market.
I agree with this chart in so much as hating on Awkwafina is always morally justified
Wasn't this a Buzzfeed video too? She's a writer whose always fighting the "white male patriarchy" until this interview....
I wouldn't be surprised if all those 'yasss slay kween tear down the patriarchy' chicks who work at lifestyle website chicks exclusively date white guys.
>In the US this means acting like a swaggering negro or Hispanic gangbanger. Not even white guys can compete anymore.
Lol look at this confused chink.
Probably just more hyper aware of their parentage, more vocal than if you where just an ugly white or Asian guy. If your a good looking hapa you're not going to waste time talking about your looks online.
I too have noticed that asian-american women seem to be the most insane SJWs on the planet. Why?
I don't know any working for lifestyle websites but among the ones I know in other trendy or tech-affiliated industries they almost do exclusively. There are the occasional random Indian Chads who confirm their subcontinental Aryan status but outside of those outliers- All white guys.
Where does uncle Chan keep the penis?
/r/AsianMasculinity is the funniest shit ever.
>grow up in a Chinese household
>don't speak the language
Unlikely senpai
Asians copy what the white/jewish elites are doing but do it 2x better because of good work ethic. So when they see elite culture espousing SJW politics, they double down on it. Korean and Indians women are particularly ruthless I have found.
Jeong wore a plastic prosthetic for a nude scene in The Hangover, like mark walberf did in boogie nights. I think that’s what they’re referring to
Ruthless herd mentality with good work ethnic is a terrible combination.
They are surprisingly cunty. The men seem to be chill.
>performing slave morality for their own penises
Yeah, Indian and Asian guys seem pretty chill. I think Asian cultures are more matriarchal than outward appearances would suggest. Indian and East Asian men seem to let their women walk all over them yet they are supposedly from Patriarchal cultures. It's not so simple.
>performing slave morality for their own penises
Type that again in English, doc.
>As an Asian woman, you are morally obligated to not disrespect my tiny Asian penis, otherwise you're a race traitor.
>As an white woman, you are morally obligated to not disrespect my tiny white penis, otherwise you're a race traitor.
That's true tho.
Asians are disgusting
They really do look similar
If they want asian kino then watch asian cinema. This movie didnt even do well in asia because asians didnt care about it since it looked generic to them
Why does r/AsianMasculinity and r/Hapas think they speak on behalf of all Asians. Reddit is more of an echo chamber than Yea Forums imo
Funny? More like sad. Every time I lurk there I die inside.
We all know latinas are violent pain in the asses, and blacks have the most matriarchal culture on earth. White patriarchy created the most advancement and the happiest women, which is why a certain foreign tribe introduced feminism.
>be asian dog
>worship white skin so much you make naziboos look like leftists
>white is enough to get hired in china
>take selfies with white strangers in the street and buy them drinks
>see the white suit wearing business man as the epitome of success and sex appeal
>basically treat them better than you own mother
>be pissed when you're confronted to the cuckholding outcome your own race's culture enables on a daily basis
>a certain foreign tribe introduced feminism.
Feminism was 100% WASP. You look into the history of women's suffrage and women's rights, all mainstream Anglo power and influence.
Asians and whites will be outdone by the Jews the rate of shilling going on here, I should probably just find me a jewess and join the winning team
>it's another racemix psyop thread
Good lord, will it ever end?
All it takes is a (((rich donor))) going onto AspireIQ or another influencer platform and boom, 30,000 shills raiding your board in the name of (((anti-hate))) spouting things like this.
I saw that movie he sucked. She did too but that's not the point, he's ASS cheeks
how long til the /r/asianmasculinity incels show up?
The weird part is the ones that are paid to encourage the behavior on the end of the whites. Are those the glow in the darks that are the same ones trying to cause shootings on /pol/? I'm pretty sure those posters and the glowers on /pol/ are related.
>asian incels demanding sex from white women
>white incels demanding sex from asian women
>black BULLS fucking white women AND asian women
stay mad, cucks
Based and yellow pilled
they are busy posting bbc porn on /pol/
Absolutely not true at all. Some secret converted anglos probably helped J's spread 2nd gen feminism but the J media was absolutely spotlighting and growing the movement inorganically as hard as it would today.
>I am a slave to the jewish race mixing agenda
Who is the real cuckold here?
>fucking asians
So is he like whoopi?
Yeah, some protestant sects were pretty cucked (Shakers), but feminism didn't become out of control until Jews started showing up in large numbers.
All of Yea Forums is a demoralizing toilet bowl, to which sadly, they still have to stage the shootings to get places like infinitychan shut down
Expect the racebaiting, cuckposting, and trannyposting to go up exponentially now that they’ve cornered more retards here that they can work over, bit by bit.
asked an asian girl if she likes ping pong
and she said "how you know my grandfather?!"
Yea Forums has a home grown fetish for Japanese women. That's not shilling, just weebs being weebs.
Shootings are not staged, retard. Also, shills are contracted out these days. Some of the rich people among us could pay influencers to come to boards and do what we want them to just like J's do.
>2nd gen feminism
So you think it only got bad after second-wave feminism. That women voting was just fine.
Weebs will always be here fag
The entire cast of this film and that one with Keanu cameo are disgusting.
I don't know why, there's something asian-american that's just repulsing. How they look, act, even the fucking accent which is strange considering English should be their mother tongue at this point.
No weebs before all of this political agitprop here thought anime girls always meant Japanese, and really before race was ever brought up due to Jewish behavior it was never a topic of major discussion at all on Yea Forums.
It's the whole "trying too hard" thing. Thy want so very hard to be accepted by white society but they come off as cringey and forced.
Take for example Allie Wong. The stereotype of Asian people is that they are quiet. So she tries to "subvert" this stereotype by being as loud an obnoxious as possible. Crazy Rich Asians was just a feature length rant saying "SEE? WE ARE COOL".
/r9k/ & Yea Forums have always had yellow fever
i dont get the ken jeong comment
also this seems like its from one of those reddits where asian guys who fetishize white women try to pretend that asian girls are all selfhating sluts to deflect from their own obsession
lmao these threads are just..freaking weird to read from the perspective of a 2nd gen asian migrant who has actually successfully integrated into western society.
like yeah /r/asianmasculinity is cringe, but we're just going to ignore /WhiteMascuilintyGeneral/ on /pol/? or Yea Forums for that matter?
cognitive dissonance is pretty powerful.
maybe i'm just a normie
her name really is awkwafina? like the water bottle company?
This is a movie? I thought it was a TV show since it was spammed everywhere?
Her actual name is Nora, but her stage name is Awkwafina. She started out doing a lot of comedic rap, so if the name sounds bad, I'd assume it's because it was supposed to be. She only did acting later on, iirc.
Regardless of if it was deliberate, name still sucks.
singapore belongs underwater
are any of those actual Chinese people except for like 1 or 2 of them? the names mean dogshit and if they're any indication, those people are either Americans or HK-Chinese
Hollywood loves to pander to Asians, yet never takes fully Chinese (mainland) actors. It's like pandering to Africa and hiring Idris Elba
What are we going to do about my chili crab tho
>you'll never sissify a scrawny little hapa boy and fuck asian women in front of him
>hell fuck handsome asian men too just to really wind him up
My education at the racism and colonialism factory did not prepare me for this feel
Must be that.
I'm an asian myself and I hate these fucks. They're like those kids that went to school abroad and are completely obnoxious about it, except even worse.
idk man, im not asian but i can sorta get it. its more than her saying she wants to fuck a white guy, she's implying that an asian baby alone would be less beautiful than a half one. so if you already had a distant relationship with your parents(like if they were asian lets say), it might add to your seethe meter.
I can't imagine being an Asian in America. It must be the most horrible shit ever
>regular Asian people are hard-working and mostly reserved
>don't wan' no twabble attitude
>upstanding citizens
>Hollywood Asian people want to act all cool and shit on stereotypes, meaning they shit on hardworking Asians
>Hollywood Asians try to act like people from the ghetto to get some street cred
Fuck's sake, Asians can be weird but during my time in China, I met so many nice people to the point that I'd rather live over there because those people at least work hard and have some proper values and culture, even if they are quite conservative
Randall is a good looking dude desu.
>No, this can't be happening!
You and me. They lose their shit the minute their echo chamber worldviews are challenged too. Can't count how many times they resorted to name-calling instead of arguing.
Ladies and gentleman, this is what /pol/tards actually believe.
>been regularly flirting with a korean girl with similar interests to mine at local trivia nights
Should I make a move?
>never been to /pol/ because I have been a Yea Forums fag for years
>"m-m-muh /pol/!!!"
wanna try and form a coherent comment that actually contributes to the discussion? instead of explaining why I'm in the wrong, you're acting like a dimwit who only knows how to talk like some fedora-tipping retard
Not my problem
if she's an actual korean and not an american-born, do it. asian and slav girls are top-tier relationship material. US girls and central Euro girls are dogshit
Woah the blacksian on the right is beautiful
>likes trivia
>likes asians
so how bad is your aspergers?
Was this from /r/asianmasculinity or /r/hapas?
I love how the upper part is trivialising the entire thing. There are lots of flaws in Asian countries but them hating foreigners is fucking bullshit. You will find the same percentage of foreigner-hating people in Asia as in the rest of the world. It's just that Asians are more honest when it comes to that while in the West, people are more malicious about it. The Chinese and Japanese are fully aware of why they hate each other. Meanwhile, Americans will act like they have no idea why the rest of the world hates them
she's australian-born and speaks with a thick aussie accent, over the phone you'd think she was white.
the kind that makes you socially awkward, but doesn't give you the cool memory superpowers that people think of
What if I hate both and believe asian countries should remain homogenous?
I'm biased but the fuck do I know? If she's a nice person and you think she might not be a goddamn lunatic (which US and Aussie women) typically are, go for it
>if she's an actual korean
They're also shit and slav girls are one of the biggest gold diggers out there.
try /pol/
that's why you actually try to get to know the person before starting the relationship, you mongrel. Also, never settle for a Russian bitch. Croatians, Polish, and sometimes Bosnian girls are the way to go
Can you really blame us? White women are fucking terrible.
Based and anti-roastie pilled.
Not so fast, commie.
kek, that depiction of the Chinese women couldn't be more off from the truth. I love China but goddamn
>women are regularly either cuteish but not that pretty or put tons of make up on to the point where they even use whitening cream
>wear clothes that look like they were randomly selected but still kinda stylish
>no tits, no ass (which is fine in my eyes even though I love middle-sized tits and asses) because most girls, at least in the huge-as-fuck cities, are very skinny
The only places where you will find girls who look like the ones in your pic are clubs. Most of those girls had surgeries and have TONS of make-up on them. personality-wise though, you can find some solid girls over there though, even though they are shy as fuark
>visit Hong Kong two years ago
>love the city
>see the shit that's going down right now
some straight up movie scenario, goddamn. crazy shit, especially when the media is making panic by saying that something like the Tiananmen happening is possible
>no tits, no ass (which is fine in my eyes even though I love middle-sized tits and asses) because most girls, at least in the huge-as-fuck cities, are very skinny
>shy girls
Sounds amazing. Just what I like.
>Sounds amazing. Just what I like.
dude, don't underestimate the shyness. I love to socialise a lot but it was very awkward for me to talk to some Chinese girls because sometimes, you literally can't get through. I tried my luck during Christmas and asked one girl what her sexual experience was in front of some other people because we were talking about relationships, sex, etc.. she started giggling like a goddamn 5 year old and wasn't able to give a proper response because the subject was just too farfetched for her. I had these kind of encounters quite often for regular discussions where 24 year old women would start giggling like children. it's kinda crazy and really makes having proper conversations quite hard. The advantage though is that they aren't goddamn sluts that you see here in the West most of the time
>no tits, no ass
just fyi, there are quite a few girls who are decently built
>tfw I got quite a few pics from Chinese girls showing their cleavage, breasts etc
Yeahs, she said they're beautiful, but she still won't fuck him. That's why happas go Elliott Rodger, their moms are usually dumb whores that lust for white cock and justify it with this "happa babies are so beautiful!" thing because they think white genes will make their child better, but what actually happens is you get a mix of all the worst beta traits from both ethnicities with a tiny asian penis and no one wants to fuck it.
>dude, don't underestimate the shyness. I love to socialise a lot but it was very awkward for me to talk to some Chinese girls because sometimes, you literally can't get through
this, there was chink girl who came onto me at uni but I eventually just gave up on her because talking was just too fucking difficult, it was like a chore
>it was like a chore
so much this. I can only confirm that. after a while, it just feels tiring not being able to bring the same jokes I do with other people. it's also the cultural barrier I suppose but damn, it was hard even for me
what's worst is that I had a very good female Chinese friend who even picked me up at the airport when my semester abroad started whom I had tons of great conversations with, like daily. Then, one day she just implied that she had friends she had to break up the contact with and never texted me again (when I came back to my home country). I literally hate that lots of Chinese people can't address issues they have with someone because they always try to safe face
>one day she just implied that she had friends she had to break up the contact with
What do you mean? What does her having friends have to do with not texting you again?
>Chinese second gen roasty soaks in the wisdom of ivy league collages and goes back to China to dab on their entire social order since doing it the Murican way is superior
I'd be salty about the movie too if I was a chink.
It was pretty trash and the author seems like a big cunt.
I don't have a fucking clue. she said that she had some issue she was working out with her friends. I asked her what it was and she said that she has to break off the contact with some friends. I asked her which ones and why and she just started ignoring me out of nowhere. we were texting all the time and even met up like once a week when I was over there. It just made zero sense except for the fact that she had a boyfriend but she had a boyfriend for quite a long time so I still don't have an idea. Haven't talked to her in two years but I might text her and ask that hoe what the fuck happened
>dab on their entire social order since doing it the Murican way is superior
I honestly thought the Western social order was superior until I lived over there. I swear, not having the Western media over there alone was god-tier. Not seeing tons of degenerate shit was the best though. Sure, you see poor people doing poor shit but I think that's better than people from a more modern society being stupid and conceited.
mayos do it all the time dood
God, she's weird. You can tell she's fucking psycho
>It was pretty trash and the author seems like a big cunt.
Basically wrote the same book three times, not that I'll ever waste my time reading any of them. Can only imagine how stuck up he must be, the wiki section of family shows he was a turbo richfag growing up.
so will black women fuck white and asian incels then
>all this for women
God why could I have been born gay, so I don't have to deal with this shit
Once the initial honeymoon period starts to wane the cultural differences become increasingly obvious and drive a wedge between intercultural couples - this isn't just limited to interracial couples but obviously magnified. Something that is often overlooked, also, is that the cultural barrier is even greater between the two extended families, which leads to a lot of issues downstream. Something as simple as an extended family gathering with food and dance was once a reasonably common thing to do for people everywhere but atomization has reached such heights that the concept is totally foreign to people of the youngest generations.
Isn't the Hundred Acre Wood big enough for you, silly old bear?
What about the women who are into K-Pop? They want to fuck asians too.
Speak for yourself, copecel. Even /pol/ is teeming with "m-muh b-b-b-b-BASED east asian honorary aryan waifus" fetishists.
They shouldn't have added Ken Jeong & Harry w/bogus caption to the original, takes away from the point it wanted to make.
Charlie Wu is best boy
/pol/ are mutts themselves
this isnt true. these chinese women are the majority of humans in sydney.
Only (((Cosmopolitan))) would claim success is an illness but obesity isn't.