Are you excited for "Good Boys"?
Are you excited for "Good Boys"?
Other urls found in this thread:
how long does stephen have before he's "cancelled"?
he has a pretty sizable audience, they are not going to like this
Stefan's an odd duck.
Isn't he Jewish himself?
How sheltered was this Molyneux faggot that he hadn't seen porn by 6th grade?
hes old
you lads dont know what it was lieke
you played with sex toys in 6th grade?
lmao came to post this. Maybe it's a generational thing related to the internet.
My school gave everyone laptops starting in 4th grade. By the time I was in 6th grade I was shitposting on Yea Forums with my friends.
Not everyone was a porn addict back before the internet came and people started pretending it was normal.
Porn was supposed to be shameful
>/pol/ virgins are so sexless they think 13 year olds experimenting with sex and looking into stuff like porno is an OUTRAGEOUS CONSPIRACY PROPAGANDA
it's the fact that it's so mainstream and big budget that makes the movie weird
>he didnt use his moms vibrator on his young tight boypussy
Wow this really makes you think, about the movie.
Jacob Tremblay is insanely handsome.
What a cliche
makes me think you need to dilate & have sex
So liberals are the real Nazis?
>when normies learn about pattern recognition
Why does the white nationalist community have a problem with homosexuality and general sexual degeneracy? I've noticed a lot of white nationalists end up being exposed as homosexuals and vice-versa. For instance a gay porn actor recently revealed he was a white nationalist and got arrested for selling drugs (Cameron Diggs). Another prominent white nationalists (Kevin Alfred Strom) was convicted for molesting young boys.
Some food for thought:
>haha /pol/ you are virgins because you hate porn
Keep beating your meat bro, it's good for your brain
You're on Yea Forums dude, you can stop roleplaying.
I'm not sure if its because he's noticing things or he's just reacting to his audience but Stef has gotten pretty damn based and redpilled recently
>posting Stephanie Molyneux unironically
first off you don't hate porn, you fap to lolicon all the time and are a bunch of malformed degenerates
secondly being a virgin past the age of 18 isn't anything to be proud of and it isn't an active choice it's because you're gross and socially awkward
>haha you are gay
>so be a liberal and support sending trannies to read to children
This doesn't work bruh
Why does asking a question about far-left degeneracy make me jewish?
you're a virgin
all good people hate pedos
when did he claim the latter? Link it.
So why are you on the biggest pedo board outside of Yea Forums and Yea Forums?
>haha we aren't liberal faggots
Why does every far-right website have such a problem with pedos?
>Yea Forums
literally ALL pedo havens. Why is this? It's almost as if....
to sneedpost
to tell you you are pedos
Is gab still around? I thought that fell apart. And cripplechan is done, all the autists came back here.
the pedo spammers on this board are literally /your guys/ pal
Because you faggots post it for "teh lulz"
No nude kids in the right movie, pedophile
When did /pol/ turn into shrieking soccer moms?
watching porn doesn't make you a porn addict.
t. pedo pol spammer
>NO! Trannies reading to kids and pushing their agenda on them is good!
>it's good for kids to cut off their dick!
You guys are nuts
kek this guy is going into dangerous territory
Non yank here, how old is sixth grade? Year 6 here is like 11.
Like 12
The movie description says the characters are 12.
Where does it even say that that's what happens?
>oh no the children! how far society has fallen
>25 years ago a film came out about a group of 11-year olds skipping school to find a whore in the city and see some boobies
I'd found my dads porn by that age. Why are /pol/ soccer mums moaning about this?
Merely a coincidence
If you and your friends could get your hands on a dildo at that age, you obviously would wave it around and beat each other with it. Because that's what juvenile kids do
>Porn was supposed to be shameful
Yeah that's why they sold Playboys at gas stations
Huh? I'm just posting pics for fun. Is that a problem for you?
How is that weird? Because it makes your penis feel funny?
Because their sexual development was stunted as a result of girls ignoring them from an early age. They were content on continuing to play with dinosaurs and army men while their Chad classmates all grew up, hit puberty and started developing feelings for girls. They've been resentful of it ever since.
Because nazis are socialist swines, so of course they are degens with prolapsed assholes.
Also good job branding anyone who doesn't like drunk kids with dildoes up their asses being filmed by jewish director as nazis, Pakmanoid.
Does anyone have that long list of all the times Jews have been kicked out of a country?
>Jews led the fight to overthrow a militaristic bourgeois monarchy that got 1.8 million young German men killed for profit
wtf I love Jews now
To make a list.
Reminder that Playboy magazine is now being run by a gay man who is considering putting nude men with the women, who are now going to be even more diverse and reflect the different stories of women's lives. If you don't believe me, look it up.
>nazis called themselves socialists
>they wouldn't lie
Propaganda works so fucking well.
Was a Jew filming you at the time?
Your time will come.
I remember this one time at my friends house, we found his sisters dildo, it was massive and green, like a big ass cucumber, but man it stank like her rank fat pussy. We stuck it in his mouth while he played Halo and then he kicked us out.
Reminder that lenin was inspired by the germ, Marx, and was transported into Russia by the germ government.
Try it Nazi fat fuck.
yeah because conservative christian moral policing so well the first time
No, I was off school sick and had a mooch. I woudnt mind but it was french so there were a lot of zoom ins on hairy man chest.
This is a guy who made a whole cult around hating your family, I'd bet he had a lot of issues with his parents.
Before the kissing party the two white boys practice kissing with each other and come out as gay at the party. At the party the black kid makes out with a pretty blonde girl.
remember to dilate daily
Excuse me, that turned me into a misogynist incel, not a /pol/ puritan
I get what you're saying.
What will the Jews think of next, 4th graders playing with sex toys, porn, drugs and worse? The horror.
is there a link for the collection of all the pics?
>Jews were responsible for the Black Death
Do right wingers actually believe this?
Who here likes Sneed?
t. mad tranny
>Jews caused the Black Plague
This is a whole new level of right-wing retardation
Because they don't want to suffer the humiliation of being exposed to a film about 12 year olds who have more sexual experience than them.
Wait I thought that was a pic from Son of the Mask. My bad!
>We stuck it in his mouth while he played Halo and then he kicked us out.
lmao imagine getting butthurt over children's books.
I can imagine a pic related shrieking in a bookstore as all the normal people point and laugh
>new level
That theory has been around since the plague started
so being opposed to weakness = being offended by movies with bad words in them
Bane: For you!
ok, show some citation dated back to that time then
/pol/ thinks Jews are 300 IQ super geniuses with magic powers So yeah they can synthesize biological weapons in their 11th century laboratories
Dang, the Dayton shooter was a cutie, in a homely way
Are there any cute and funny up-and-coming actresses slated to star in this film?
>haha if I say a meme it doesn't mean I'm butthurt
kek calm down tranny
What? Isn't this the Shrek thread? Man there must be a Yea Forums glitch or something!
wow so many sources here!
Dayton shooter had multiple gfs and was the bull in a poly relationship. The incel community doesn't claim him.
Uh oh...someone's running out of pics!
Wow what strong evidence I was sorry for thinking you were a complete retard when clearly you're a logical genius.
It worked for thousands of years before the coming of the millenial. No one could have predicted a generation so useless, so devoid of value like that.
>subtle tranny posts
I hate you faggots so much. You ruined the LGB community. Kill yourselves.
They weren't kicked out of India. They migrated to Israel on their own volition
Google is your friend, I'm not here to spoon feed you about well poisoning and blood libel theories.
Source: The Simpsons Season 11 Episode 5
>hate zionism but yearn for an identical far right ethnostate
what did nazis mean by this?
when was the last time a shooter wearing round glasses?
call me crazy but im onto something deep
why are you so angry tranny? I thought tranny pride was a thing now
>Nevermind the overwhelming scientific evidence that points to the yersinia pestis bacterium carried by fleas, the Bubonic Plague was actually a result of Jews
I cannot wait to splatter the brains of every last Nazi faggot on earth.
>so mad he can't even argue his own points now just spam random shit
YIKES. This tranny's vagina is gonna explode.
They're mad, bros. What are we gonna do?
But seriously, who's the core audience for this movie? Non-meme answers btw.
>why aren't people watching porn like I am?
Grow up, faggot.
remember how nobody had premartial sex before 2000?
That rabbis not only understood germ theory 600 years ago but also weaponized it just makes me realize that stupid Europeans deserve to get genocided by the Jews
nothing gay about drag. Ok it's a little gay but it's better than tranny shit.
dilate? dilate.
What's up with jews and masturbation?
oooooh schizo fight
ah yeah, the usual cope out "just google it lol" because you know people gonna start laughing at your face when you reveal your "source" is some wack sites that has 200 viewers
funny how all these champions of the truth not willing to "educate" people about what really happened in the course of history
shut up nerd
Note the screaming /pol/ tranny ITT is just spamming some random pic every 60 seconds now. He's so mad lmao.
Bros I think I'm gonna join the JIDF now these guys' arguments are just way too convincing!
>Grow up, faggot.
Says the faggot offended by porn
How are those posts tranny in any way, shape or form?
>/pol/ tranny
kek that's like calling someone a nigger nazi
So do you have any evidence that jews did the black plague or not?
Imagine being a yid and having a folder full of things like this to spam everytime someone says mean things about your tribe of foreskineaters
it's a movie for people who like raunchy teen movies like superbad and American Pie that takes advantage of the fact that people actually like child actors now instead of hating them because of stuff like stranger things.
it's the hottest buzzword right now
remember the cuck days? feels like it was just yesterday
Most nazis were trannys mate.
Why are you replying to me you little faggot? Stop being so paranoid.
Culture warriors really are proof stupid people shouldnt take an interest in politics.
Thanks for posting evidence that nazis were leftists, with all the other evidence pointing to it.
That is the best you can come up with? Faggot.
Found it myself
it's just pics of polchads. Why are you ashamed of what you look like IRL?
So how much longer are you gonna have this little tantrum? Nobody is impressed friendo
Still not as many as
is the one with a hood and glasses a boy? If so he's a very cute boy.
How about when whites were expelled from every country in Africa?
Imagine unironically working for the JIDF. KEK!
Trannies have a very sick view of the world and one of the major aspects of that view is hypersexuality, they like to discuss things like baby boners and the first time they saw pre cum. Everything has to be sexualized because much if not all of their identity comes from their sexuality. When they encounter someone that isn't has hypersexual as they are they tend to panic because in their minds hypersexuality is the new normal and people who deviate from it are puritans or religious folk (trannies being deeply scared of religion in all forms), and they rightly fear condemnation. The idea that kids ARENT watching porn is foreign to them, because to them it's the most normal thing in the world. Have you ever seen that video floating around here of that tranny that is sitting with this legs behind his head masturbating while talking to what sounds like his fucking grandma? It's the most casual thing, and that is who these types of people are - completely confident in their sexuality to the point depravity.
tldr: kill yourselves trannies
And Asia
And South Africa
and Eastern Europe
baby fuck
it's awright
so no you're not finished then
alright carry on with the chimpout mate, but remember your breathing exercises
Very homophobic of you comrade, especially considering your whiteness. We will have to discuss your propensity for hate at the next democratic socialist caucus.
I started watching hardcore porn in 3rd grade
>muh tranny nazi spam
>this time it will convince Yea Forums how cool jews are!
You are a samefag that spams the same images everday whenever there is a wwII thread. You are mentally ill and you are not fooling anyone. Now go ahead and say im seething and cant handle the bantz. You are very predictable
kek, kill yourself bitch. I'm glad I got you to reply, will you reply again? CHOOSE
Humor back then was very simple.
A guy having a piano fall on him was peak comedy. Think back to when you were a kid. You probably thought gaga that had a guy in lady clothes was hilarious
What did you run out of nazi pics? Yikes, the JIDF isn't gonna like that. Are you even going to get a paycheck for this one?
>"The world is a vampire" - Stefan Molyneux
Why don’t you pol fags just have sex? It’s not that hard
*has sex*
Uh oh bros there's still no proof the holocaust happened...
Yes :) plz post cute girl cock
I don't care if you believe it. I'm just pointing out its not a new theory and you can easily google it yourself if youre interested.
They do it for free.
What does he hope to gain by publicly acting like a prissy bitch?
>he was 13 in 6th grade
I don't remember what we were talking about and I'm too lazy to scroll up to see it so all I can say is FUCK TRANNIES AND FUCK DRUMPF
he is on his last leg, that's why he changed tactics to target a different demographic
It's not strictly jewish. All the western religions have rules against this. It's just that you get more laughs with jewish mothers sperging out about their sons weakening the apron strings by discovering their own sexuality without parental permission. Philip Roth was especially good at turning a "dark shameful perversion" funny and halfway respectable.
Why is it always pic related
now post the other picture of the dozens of people who killed more than 4 people in the last 5 years and half of them are black.
It's a Bernie thing.
I found internet porn at that age, god 16 years masturbating at average 2 times a day. God, I've jerked it at least 5844 times.
This post is extremely Jewish.
all I can say is based and/or redpilled
Why couldn't it be "Good Girls" instead?
How much you wanna bet the /pol/ tranny chimping out ITT is pic related
Why not "good goys"?
Mere cohencidence.
>stealing the original version
That's the audience.
It is pretty weird how much they are sexualizing young kids these days. I mean, we've been sexualizing teenagers since the 50s, and I'm fine with that shit in general, but the ages they are getting to now are too young.
first off you didn't have sex.
Secondly if you did you'd be far less obsessed with jews/holo whatever stuff. Normal people don't get this deranged and hysterical.
>swede playing a ruskie
6th grade was when I was off regular pornography and exploring the more kinky stuff on the internet.
Sometimes I wonder what it would have been like to have a sheltered childhood.
haha, yeah...hilarious...
AHAHAHAHAHA, he was thirteen in the sixth grade, this is the most non-white post I red all day. No wonder comrades have to shill for lower SAT scores.
Back for more? Can I speak to your manager?
>It is pretty weird how much they are sexualizing young kids these days.
Yeah wish we could go back to the good ol' days.
how often do you angst about jews and shit? This shit ain;t healthy.
probably gonna spend time on twitter retweeting right wing meme instead
lmao the tranny is back for his second meltdown
The lack of sex in this post is disturbing
Some children have parents that care you piss drinking cretin.
>Be butthurt about jews
>get told repeatedly to "have sex"
>Think they're JIDF trying to trick me
>Can't stop thinking about jews 24/7
>The seething rage and obsession is affecting my physical health
>Doctor tells me to go out more
>had sex finally
>stopped being butthurt about jews.
>lack of butthurt reduced my autism and allowed me to make friends
>social connections from friends helped me get a job
>got enough money for gym membership and am not a fatass anymore
>Met a coworker and am now starting a family
I know people won't believe me, but it really works. Just try it!
Reminder that DeBuveau and the rest of communist cocksuckers fucked off from Europe to America after they failed to do away with age of consent laws in France.
>Sexual content, drugs and alcohol with children
I see you've been to one of Epstein's underage sex parties
How do we solve the incel problem?
the amount of resentment you have towards not having sex is very telling. You seem to channel all of that into an obsession over jews
oooh so scary!!!!
Wtf I just asked how much you think about Jews. Why didn’t you answer that btw
You lost the war, polcels....
yeah but see, you actually gotta have sex for it to work.
>Far right
Yeah you're a spastic
>Peso haven
Pedos from redit are the ones who keep posting cp
Jews aren't the reason you're still a virgin
>but the kikes didn't know that medicine was advanced enough to detect water poisoning
sounds legit
I started school the year I turned 7, so I turned 13 in 6th grade.
uhhh excuse me? Pic related would be swimming in pussy if it wasn't for the jews
So it's homophobic to insult Hitler now?
When are the leftcels going to prison for harassment?
So its one samefag spamming this thread with all the same nazi trannie shit he spams everyday on this board? And he is claiming that other anons itt are mentally ill. Yikes
But it's a undead 1000 y/o fairy? It's not even some vampire loli stuck in a grade schooler body, it's literally the different species.
Uuuh, get it through your skulls, incels. Sex with 6th graders I mean sex among 6th graders is fine hhahaa ok how do I modify my post oy vey
Yes. He's either just mentally ill or JIDF retard or both.
this also native Americans are stupid thinking people gave them infected blankets on purpose
If europeans knew the blankets were infected before germ theory they wouldn't have touched or transported them
they would have been dumped in a pit and burned
never nazi tranny posted till tonight, good to know it gave me lots of (you)'s
dilate ASAP
Stop raping kids, Abraham
None of you actually are going to see this unironically, right?
Protip: Seeing this to own teh /pol/tards epic style isn't a valid excuse.
Point it out all you want. That doesn't prove that they have a bunch of evil agendas.
Damn, jews and trannies get really angry over the suggestion you shouldn't sexualize children.
On the contrary, David. Please stop touching kids.
I have a lot of disposable income. Might buy 10 tickets but never see it just to spite the incels
/pol/ posters are literally pedos. Odd they accuse others. Is it some form of projection?
Sam Hyde your favorite "comedian" literally got kicked off the internet for being a pedo. Kevin Alfred Strom, leader of the Aryan Nation = pedo. Hitler, your patron saint....pedo!
Try again without using buzzwords.
Aaron, please....
I agree, Jews are akin to highly advanced aliens with impossibly advanced technologies and you're just a bunch of dumb animals.
dios mio pedro!
You are lying, and you are clearly a 4channel tourist. Ive seen you post the same images and use the same phrases multiple times over the last few days. You arent fooling anyone.
Also no one buys the muh tranny nazi bullshit you spam. They cant be both the ultimate evil while simultaniously being funny clowns. Make up your mind
He's about to get shoah'd.
Jews hate God, that's why they abuse all these kids. Nice try.
you will never be white
/pol/ is always reich
fake & gay
I never called them the ultimate evil. They are funny clowns tho, mostly just bumbling trannies idolized by obese incels.
Eventually Moly will start rants like Denise McAllister did and get too extreme with the Jew hating. Then he’ll get one hit piece after the other til his YouTube channel is taken down.
I believe at least 40% of nazi's were trans after this thread. Didn't believe it before.
Because Americans ruins everything, even National Socialism.
based and redpilled. fuck /pol/ and fuck nazies
And you'd watch them and mastrubate. because that's what people that think of kids doing that shit do.
It is weird because usually movies like this come from the indie circle and have a budget of a shoe string. It is odd to see a studio sink in 20 million for a this kind of R-rated movie.
damn, this shit thread is still going on
check this dubs though
Imagine believing propaganda from the winning side written by a specific group who is over represented in the lying media, who has a vested interest in smearing their favourite boogie man. Who they bring up whenever they want to silence opinions or criticism.
I noticed there are a bunch of ads of (((Seth Rogen))) promoting the film.
Jews are going full Wiemar again openly.
Don't worry I'll get em for you
>13 in 6th grade
>keeps posting the same Sargonite centrist pic
We all know why you have very little material, and meanwhile there's dozens of pics of 400-pound purple-haired leftists.
>more sex
have sex
He's a Zionist Jew who looks for any post badmouthing Jews and then starts spamming. He stays on Yea Forums and Yea Forums because /pol/ ran him off.
Its just fags, trannies and schizos from some discord trying to protect their "culture".
Dont forget to take your meds fags and attend to your support sessions, dont blame us when u shoot your brains out
Mossad runs a pedo ring along with several other rich kikes like (((Epstein))).
(((Hollywood))) is run by kikes from top to bottom and is notorious for being pedo a rapey. (((Harvey Weinstein))) ring a bell?
Fuck every kike ITT
Hating Jews doesn't make me a Nazi you dicksuckers. The real deal Nazis got BTFO almost 100 years ago, and modern Neo Nazis are almost all white trash or criminals. Still don't like Jews or niggaboos.
Wait, you posted soijack with that. Shouldn't you be posting a redneck wojack? Dumb filthy rednecks from stupid worthless flyover states are the ones that don't want to let us have cunny and naked children in our movies. Soijack is based and wants prime 6 year old vegana at all times.
Just helping you out, newfriend! I'm not as mean as these other guys. I've really evened out since I started drinking onions.
I mean, aside from the fact that they are sick freaks that shouldn’t be allowed near children, there was that picture from one of them with one of the kids on top of him
Wrong wojack
That seems oddly specific
You pass by modern neonazis on your way to work and market every day and don't even know it.
>Superbad but with 12 year olds
So is anyone going to talk about how weird it is from an actual viewer perspective?
Acting is going to be shit, dialogue will feel forced, and the sex stuff is going to feel a lot more weird.
It'll be easy. You heebz are all effeminate betas with mental and physical disorders from your Ahskenazi inbreeding.
Most of you don't even have guns, because gunshots are loud and spooky and hurt your fee-fees.
That antifa old man did the exact same thing like a month later
I read it in his voice kek
>having sex magically makes you stop hating your ethnic enemies
Doesn't explain why Muslims can shit-out 15 kids and still hate kikes.
>Acting is going to be shit
How Rude!
Exactly 20 years ago the kikes made American Pie, championing degeneracy among high schoolers. Now it's elementary students. What will it be next? Kindergartners having sex and doing drugs? Also why are there so many retards who can't see what's happening?
>Hollywood degeneracy/anti-white content: Jews
>Zionist entanglement in the Middle-East: Jews
>suppression of white ethnocentrist movements: Jews
>support for mass-immigration into white countries: Jews
Where's the lie?
Is the tranny discord really going with this? Yikesaroni
Guess this is a Christian conservative sexually suppressed board now zzz I’m sorry you guys didn’t get pussy until you were in your 20’s, unfortunately the best sex you will ever have had would have been the pussy you get in your tweens.
lol is this how /pol/ envisions itself
cry more tranny
so scary!!!!
let me guess, she "went to another school"?
more like killing the ones that are responsible for this filth
I fail to see how it's the Jews fault you're a virgin, which is the core problem here
Same school. Again I don't see how that's relevant to the easily documented Jewish spread of degeneracy though.
>Mossad runs a pedo ring
Also Weinstein never did anything pedophilic
>why are there so many retards who can't see what's happening?
I'm not sure why people can't seem to figure out that "shock value" is a progressive process. In the sense it takes more every time to shock a person. A man in a dress used to be the most shocking thing possible.
>omg I came in 10th grade...
>juice sexual degeneracies reeeeeee
Must have been you giving yourself a terrible handjob if your take away was
>I’m degenerate now for having sex
Kys emo cuck
This is understandable because when you get bored and are stuck in a shithole warzone all the time, maybe you want to emulate some aspects of life back home like women. Since you don't have them, you'd draw straws until someone had to put on a dress. You can bet that if any of this was found out by their superiors they'd probably be sent to auschwitz
Kids finding out about sex is like them learning Santa isn't real. It's a coming of age thing, if you normalise it then you're changing an unwritten rule that's existed for thousands of years.
What is your IQ? Be honest.
Either way in 2019 there's no excuse for not knowing about Jewish subversiveness, or to argue against it so strongly when it's so easy to see. I don't understand how people are so retarded.
stereotypes exist for a reason. It's not a coincidence everyone mocks you for a fat pathetic virgin.
So quit the LARP.
>I don't understand how people are so retarded.
They're just shills sent out by panicked libshits because they know they lose in any place with free speech.
>seething this much
damn son maybe you're not cut out for shilling on websites
there's no "subversion". It's angst produced by perpetual virginity and social awkwardness. This is what everyone has been trying to explain to you this whole thread but you're too obsessed with the jews for keeping you a virgin
You can think whatever you want, it doesn't change the fact that kikes are actively corrupting society. Stefan Molyneux doesn't seem fat and I doubt he's a virgin either, those aren't requirements to see what's happening.
You can't even debate it, all you can do is spam pictures and call people virgins. You honestly seem too stupid to debate.
>Santa bringing presents have existed for thousands of years
Pol in a nutshell
>muh IQ
Your white skin has lots of IQ
>blah blah blah blah I'm a virgin because of jews
give it a rest incel
The Good Goys
Yeah he was beaten half to death by his mother.
>t...this is a serious debate!
YIKES! Well, you fight on keyboard warrior lmao. I bet you're making a real difference crying about the evil jews to a bunch of fat spergs on a vietnamese knitting board.
Is that what state enforced assassinations are called now
>sidestepping the argument with a strawman
Leftypol in a nutshell
Fucking lmao.
Soon it will be a crime to mention peoples names.
Hope you're not white, cretin.
I'm not the one that's acting unhinged here. Say something about the Jews and you weirdos show up and start flinging shit everywhere. I wonder how people on the fence see that?
>gets completely shutdown in a debate
>I... I wasn't actually debating anything
Why does pervasive virginity translate into an obsession towards Jews? I see it a lot but don't get it.
Quoth the cumbrain
was mommy holding your hand 24/7
no wonder you turned into a creepy incel
>starts crying about jews keeping him a virgin and fat or w/e
>chimps out when others mock him for it
Yeah real life is a bitch like that. You keep thinking you're doing some great service wasting your time whining about the lizard illuminati on this shithole though. Maybe you'll cause another mass shooting and real people will hate you incels even more
>sidestepping the juice issue!!
There is no issue but the personal issues you have yet to deal with. You are a sorry excuse for a human being. A retarded virgin who didn’t get laid and became an emo edge lord hating people you never met. So the girl you crushed on got laid and it wasn’t with you, boohoo now kys polcuck.
bacteria which causes plague Yersinia pestis isn't spread from water
>all normal people are commies
>my hole; my access to holes
You're beyond pathetic, commie.
Look buddy not everyone had the same experience you had.
>Jews understood germ theory 600 years before anyone else and somehow kept it to themselves
why do you think they're the master race?
Jews are obsessed with sex so it makes sense
Dilate, retard.
>sidestep the issue a second time
are you even a real person?
I'm not a commie I hate both tranny nazi's and tranny commies. You both deserve the gas.
For me I just smoked a bunch of weed one day and started reading about the Rothschild's control of the international banking system, how they funded the Bolshevik revolution and whatnot. Some people are just naturally curious and just maybe the shit said about Jews is actually true.
This, pedophilephobes gtfo
most people enjoy sexual intercourse but it's such an impossible dream for you goblinos that you become bitter over it. And here we are?
le enlightened centrist of wisdom and fencesitting
The dayton shooter was one of you antifa commies, you retarded subhuman.
Yet neocucks are the only ones who have problems with women and sex etc. You are insane.
this butthurt samefag needs to dilate
Have sex you Nazi creep, we Jews will replace you
>all this projection from the commies
kys and make the world a better place
>are you even a real person
Yes, real people have sex, but you are a wizard Harry. You will also die alone a wizard lol
yeesh, all of this because you can't have sex.
I don't see the link between your social rejection and your obsession towards jews though. Do you blame them for how your life turned out?
I want every leftist gone from this country. I want you expelled to Africa. You're soulless human trash. Worthless, retarded cretins.
Nice, I want you to keep replying to me
I don't use neogaf so I'll take your word for it
>all this chapo spam from the retarded subhuman commies
You're trash.
Fuck off Nazi.
In todays society I'd see that as more of a virtue that you aren't a corrupted zombie-automaton
The problem is the moviemakers who are going to be getting off on filming boys playing with sextoys and getting boners.
>the real trannies are rightwingers
Do leftists ever not project? Go back to chapo, you soulless retards.
I'd like a world without you leftist vermin.
I blame the Jews for how every life has turned out, including yours. High cost of living, the 2008 financial crisis, all tracks back to the policies enacted by the Federal Reserve. Everyone in this thread would have houses bought and paid for if it weren't for the Jews, and regardless of anyone's sex lives, that's a fact.
>virgins don’t get laid
>spend their time reading conspiracy theories instead of fucking
>become retarded white supremacists crying about juice
>die a virgin
Society would be better and safer if we executed all virgins when they turn 18. Society obviously rejected them like animals reject a sick newborn. Society smelled their defective genes through their sweat or something, like when you can sense someone is a psychopath when you are near them, we all have a radar and women’s radar said that neocucks pol virgins are sick and therefore didn’t give them pussy. In the past most of these retards would have died early in war or catastrophic events but now with modern society they are unfortunately allowed to live for much longer because of all the aid they receive, it isn’t natural and to the sick fucks here, kill yourself, life won’t get better and you never even got to have peak sex, you are literally wasted potential and just a giant weight dragging the rest of society down with you.
I'm going to need you to back that up
>muh hole
>muh superiority due to access to this hole
You have the brain of a woman.
for anyone thinking the very obviously mad poster in this thread is just baiting, i happen to have known a deranged fat woman named ashley who typed just like this and she was never less than 100% earnest. in fact she was literally incapable of saying anything that didn't sound unhinged.
>all the chapo spam in this thread that the mods are ignoring
>all the worthless leftists kvelching
Lol you don’t even know the word neocuck baka only someone that frail, white and from neogag could be that retarded.
Is that Stefan Molyneux guy a virgin then? Since it's your explanation for everything he must me.
In all of the American countries, the whites stayed (except Haiti). They just cut ties to the government that oversaw them, like the US did to England.
As for Africa, most of those were voluntarily given back after WW1 and WW2.
Fuck commies. Go to hell, subhuman.
>6th graders playing with sex drugs alcohol and ((((worse)))) in a rated R tv show is good
fucking hang yourself you worthless kike
>Look at how hard we are, we beat up the lead singer of REM
Did they scream "What's the frequency Kenneth?" before they beat him up?
>noooooooooooooo!!!!!! people must be psychopaths for disagreeing with me!!! I must post another cherrypicked image of crossdressing nazis worth years of archive digging in order to totally btfo that incel!!!
There are better sites for you than Yea Forums
Leftists are literally pathetic in every way, huh?
Go back to chapo, cancer.
stef and enoch podcast when?
The 'have sex' meme hasn't been around for nearly that long.
He is a white guy making money of white virgins. It’s ironic because the so called “Jew” you cucks are always chasing around because they fuck with you over greed or something is right before your eyes all along with him and people like Alex Jones kkk and others. But you are too retarded to know you are getting played, worse, by your own “race” even lol
>very obviously mad poster
The guy that has spammed a hundred leftists-are-totally-not-the-side-with-the-trannies-pics?
>the eternal anglo calling anyone a warmonger
what the fuck happened to this board? first there was that thread full of atheist redditors and now this thread is filled with tranny kike worshippers
Gravesites for you buddy
having sex doesn't solve the clown world that has been created and it certainly doesn't solve jewish subversion
Why do all you commies think they have an extra 40 IQ? You're a retard with 70-80 points. Learn your place.
>nazis watch out!
I'm shaking in my boots
Chapo raid. 5-10 spamming commies.
The world would be better without you soulless, worthless leftists. Please kill yourself and make a contribution.
Because we do lol even worse you are retards that can’t get laid because you are repulsive creep shutins
Without leftist the world would end without anyone having sex and who would produce your favorite past time, cum eating cuckolds kek
So hating sex is cool now? God damn it's getting difficult to stay hip these days.
>more delusion
You're the dumbest people in the country. You don't have souls or brains.
I'm a 33 years old normie and I didn't see hard core porn until college. Not too long ago if you wanted that shit you had go into the wierd side of the road porn warehouse with all the creeps. Not everyone is a neckbeard like that. And whether you zoomer retards want to believe it or not life goes on without that stuff
Isn't not having children typically the type of values leftists uphold? Not to mention the cum eating and cuckolding, it's all the rage among leftists since forever
>80 iq ramblings about holes
Pathetic. Go back to chapo.
No, I just like to see pics of commie antifa getting blown out.
Lol pol have so little sex they keep secret folders on their computers with tons of dumb fakenews instead of pussy
>mommy don’t check hidden files reeeeeee she will find the swastikas!!
>funny clowns
The irony of a commie posting this. Poe's law.
>saw sex for first time after turning 18
Your parents sure did a number on you kek the thought of never having sex before 18 is seriously the most depressing thing ever, I pity you.
>more muh hole posting
go back to twitter
In reality left leaning men are pathetic and you know it instinctually. Imagine being a man who traffics in a sex in the city tier ideology.
>oh wow sex work is real work and more puerto ricans will fix this country right up. shave my balls btw
People were having real sex back then nerd
>you leftwingers
Leftwing is just a label you retards use. You are taking about majority of people who are mentally healthy well adjusted and who gets laid. Your so called white right wingers would rape your own in prison when given the chance lol nice group of wizards there buddy baka
Shut up boomer
>being called a nerd by a dude who didn’t even discover masturbation until he was kicked out of his parents house
Lmao I can’t even
>you need porn for sex
gas yourself.
Stefan is incredibly fucking based lately
wtf I want communism, open borders, socialism, which is just wealth transfer from white, middle class men to browns and women, censorship and antifa parades now
Thanks, comrade. I realize now that us marxist are right about everything.
> 11-12
Literal children. I grew up in a packed london school and probably first saw porn around 14.
Again, you do not need porn for sex or for masturbation. It's utterly irrelevant. How fucking fat are you?
Yeah, look at how he triggers the commies.
>Lmao I can’t even
oy vey
>keeps bringing porn up like it is the only thing that has sex
Dude I’m talking about fucking, you didn’t even fuck your self until you were an adult like how fucking retarded can you get kek you truly are a stereotype for the nazi cucks
>how fat are you
I’m not American lol
>If you don't look at pornography you can't think about sex
No wonder you guys all wear butt plugs and are confused about being straight. Youve been jewed son.
Let us know when you decide to shoot up a Walmart, ok cretin lol thank god I am not a virgin, the thought of being anything like you people is fucking nightmare material baka
Cool off shlomo.
are you tim wise
>you got laid and lost your virginity
>the Jews made it happen!
Wtf, I’m a Jew lover now, thanks crazy pale virgin user kek
This is incoherent
Same, except i remember the PSHE teachers in school telling everyone to jerk off non-stop from about age 11.
I think i might honestly try and remove my kids from those classes in time.
If the zoomers are all being exposed to this type of shit while at the same looking at social media for hours and hours every day does that mean there are going to be a bunch of unironic zoomer Nazis coming into the work force in the next few decades? I mean think about how fast all the tranny shit took off.
>this is incoherent
Only to a virgin lol
It's so fucking childish but I threw my head back and cackled at the last line.