Henry Cavill and Dwayne Johnson may be Marvel bound for Kevin Feige's MCU

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>Interesting rumors have hit the net offering that both Henry Cavill and Dwayne Johnson may be Marvel bound for Kevin Feige's MCU.

>The rumors offer that Henry Cavill is being eyed to play US Agent, with Dwayne Johnson wanting to play Namor.

>According to the rumors (via YouTube), Henry Cavill as the US Agent is said to be an ex-Hydra agent that turns on the Red Skull in a huge Secret Wars movie that is being compared to The Avengers: Endgame.

>Regarding Dwayne Johnson as Namor, it is again said the character will be the villain of Black Panther 2, and that the reason for Johnson wanting to play Namor for Marvel and in the MCU is because The Rock is upset at DC for the budget on Black Adam. It's claimed that Johnson is in deep talks for the role with Feige.


Shut the fuck up soulless bug

>goes from playing Superman to playing a literal who
I hope he gets cast as Bond desu



Who the fuck cares

What are the chances Cavill plays Reed Richards?


nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo there are noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot

Henry could be Black Bolt, then we don't get to hear him talk.

>Quick we need a Samoan to play water man to counter DC's Samoan water man.

>it's "they're" ya seething DCfag

...and yes they are, it's being reported all over the place now. I personally told you DCucks that Rock quietly dropped out of Black Adam and would sign on as the MCU equivalent Sub-Mariner over a yr ago now. I was right about Affleck quitting. I was right about Cavill quitting.

I am right once again.

ha, I posted this on Yea Forums and they reported me to the mods calling me Ladder Bro (deleted my thread)
apparently that board is some kind of DC safespace where you can't say anything hurtful about DC lol

It was obvious The Rock was bailing out of Black Adam the moment he didn't cameo in Shazam to set up his film.

He agreed to play the role years ago, even named as a producer which is just formality for huge stars these days, but there has been no traction from DC to get this film made.

Plus the story fucking sucks. Hawkman? Really? There's no connected universe for DC anymore either, so that probably took a lot of shine off the project as well.

Meanwhile, Marvel who is in need of megastars to carry their connected universe probably told Dwayne he can play the same role, but instead of Hawkman, he gets to star alongside the X-Men, Fantastic 4, and all the New Avengers. Namor has connections to all three of those universes and will probably be the linchpin that ties them together.

Once again, Marvel has won and I cannot wait to see my boy The Rock vs Doctor Doom (Cavill).

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I guess at the MTV Movie Awards was when these rumors started swirling and Rock even teased it on his Twitter - I'd say it's a done deal

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Dwayne Johnson would be terrible as Namor. An Asian a to should get the role

Holy shit that is actually based as fuck
can't wait for all these capekinos

remember when jason momoa was considered a bad idea for aquabro?

Cavill is too based for that.
The Rock is a fucking joke and would certainly do something like that though. I hate the rock so fucking much

>Obviously fake “””rumor””” from a clickbait site with a literal misspelling in its url that is notorious for completely fake “””rumors””” and have never legitimately broken a story of any magnitude ever
LMAO, some MCUcks must be mighty upset that 3 of the next 4 superhero flicks are DC Kinos
Sounds based. Yea Forums, you say? I’ll check it out

the rock is made to be in these movies
superman joining the mcu would just be a kick in the balls to dc movies, he wants to be careful.

canvil should be playing Cable

Cavill would make a better Namor than the Rock

Luke Evans. Make it happen, Feige
I’ll bet you 5 ETH that neither happens

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Fuck Asians. You already got Shang Chi (and you shouldn't have even got that!). Just take your table scraps and be thankful, otherwise create an Asian character of your own that isn't shit so we can stop racewashing all these white characters. BONG!

to reddit

>I hate the rock so fucking much
he is a superstar wrestler making superstar movies, he is the most inoffensive human being who could possibly exist in the culture of celebrity. this is nonsense.



>Seven Bucks Productions / Dany Garcia wants to build up Henry Cavill (of course they do, Cavill is her/their client)

>Plans were (or were wanted) in place for more Henry Cavill as Superman and a Man of Steel 2, which would eventually have led to a movie with Dwayne Johnson as Black Adam

>Ben Affleck left the Batman role putting a big kink in the DCEU

>Justice League tanked, Superman and Cavill were treated very bad (mustache thing), which may have caused things to go sour between Cavill and WB (Cavill may have signed with Garcia after Justice League)

>WB doesn't feel they want or need to pay Cavill a big salary especially with Abrams coming on board

>McQuarrie and Cavill's Superman and Green Lantern pitch got shot down because of Abrams

>Cavill is out, with a younger actor than Robert Pattinson (age 33) becoming the new Superman

>Big plans were in place for Dwayne Johnson as Black Adam
Shazam! didn't do as well as hoped at the box office

>Assuming the rumor is true, WB cuts the Black Adam budget, possibly because of Shazam! It's also known WB is now moving toward doing cheaper DC films (Shazam!, Joker, Birds of Prey, etc.) instead of superhero flicks with huge budgets

>Adding everything up: No Henry Cavill Superman, no Superman vs Black Adam, Black Adam budget cut -- equals an unhappy Dwayne Johnson, Dany Garcia and Seven Bucks

>Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame are massive for Marvel, scoring over a billion dollars at the box office

>Dwayne Johnson takes notice and calls up Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige for a meeting

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i think the rock can play a cocky Namor, he has just to exaggerate his regular self

>Make Namor black
>All Atlanteans are black now
Could definitely see it happening

yeah we need more movies about lone men wandering the desolate climate of wherever searching for themselves metaphorically and very serious very very serious and miserable character studies that you can relate to.
get a fucking life.

>The Rock
pick one

I pick The Rock

You already got a ton of black clans in Wakanda, they're not gonna make Atlantis all black too, but they will fill the diversity quota (expect a lot of non-whites).

Of course you do
he's mixed not black

Really hope US Agent replaces Blacktain America and Civil War 2 is about US Agent's team vs Reed Richards' team

believe it, son

memes aside, since everyone agreed that Captain America made a better Superman than Superman... I can see Cavil seeing this as his only shot at redemption aka clean the stink of DC off of him

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The only thing that makes me believe any of this is that it's been confirmed Dwayne Johnson had a meeting with Feige recently. All will be known at D23 in a couple wknds. I hope it's true, no offense to Whack Adam.

No, Captain Britain.

Based chads coming to Marvel

Learn how to greentext you embarrassing summerfag

Whoa that's a whole bunch of literally who's. I'm so glad that capeshit is finally running out of nostalgia bait from 30 year old boomers' childhoods.

>that hairline
Probabbly just asking for bald tips. Shave it off.

The rock can't act. He just stands around bring likable. Rdj and Chris could actually dig down once and awhile and channel their characters. I don't see it.

It'll be a half assed marvel film with the rock cheesing it up.

Also Namor is kind of a prick. That's his whole personality. He's basically racist to surface dwellers and cucks Reed Richards. The rock can't pull that off. He either plays a doofus or a Mary Sue.

Namor is also a shit superhero.

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>Shang Chi

No, those are literal whos. Marvel is already scraping the bottom of the barrel with no name actors playing no name characters. Namor and US Agent are well known to comic fans and normies alike, and The Rock and Henry Cavill will be playing them.

It's a step up whether you hate it or not.

Do American people really just drink hard alcohol without mixers?

>Learn how to greentext you embarrassing summerfag


u are one stupid ass dumb motherfucker

yes why

suck my dick bitch ass pussy

lords of the long box is fuckboy

Yea Forums's mods are from /lgbt/ so I'm not surprised.

Well, they did start with Ironman and normalfags didn't care about him before Downey put on the mask.

who the fuck would believe cosmicbook news

Virgins always hate the Chads.

Dwayne Johnson needs to fuck right off, that guy has become a charisma void

i cant believe yall think this shit is real im shocked

What's up with this seething DCfag samefagging this thread over and over?

Is OP's sorced site known for gossip? Yes. But is this news all over the internet being reported everywhere? Also yes.

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fuck this bitch ass theread

>negging his own thread to bump it before it falls off the catalog

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scarlett got a nice booty good lord

>he's mixed not black
America everybody

>Dwayne Johnson Namor
Fuck that

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I was about to say he was good in Pain & Gain but that's from 2013.

>Cast Rock as Black Adam all the way back in 2014
>Do nothing for 5 years

Is DC literally retarded?

Who the fuck takes these douchebag photos?
Pathetic spoiled man children.

>Is DC literally retarded?

Is that even in question anymore? I'd love to discuss this on Yea Forums and get their educated input, but they're so sensitive and anti-marvel, if you ever criticize DC, they run to the mods to get your posts deleted, fucking pussies.

To your point, it's almost 2020, so let's make it an even 6 years they let Rock's tentpole film sit on the shelf. Then let's look at the script still being in the idea stages, pre production not started, howling it takes to cast the thing, and oh yeah, they haven't even locked in a fucking director yet (Jaume Collet-Serra is in talks, whoever the hell that is).

So add all that up, and you're not even starting principle filming until another 3 years. You literally have the biggest movie star on the planet agree to be some B-List character for you and you wait almost 10 years to do it?!

If Rock jumps ship, DC has nobody to blame but themselves and their retarded fanbase who would rather see a Harley Quinn spinoff and a Joker prequel than see The Rock save their shitty movie universe.

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absolutely based
capeshitters need to kys

>It was obvious The Rock was bailing out of Black Adam the moment he didn't cameo in Shazam to set up his film.
they literally making Black Adam as we speaking

>US Agent are well known to comic fans and normies alike
otherwise there would be thousands of video essays about how Evan's Cap is too brutal, kills people and not #MUH

hi, ladderbro, how are you doing?

>>According to the rumors (via YouTube)

Yes, and he is a terrible Aquaman.

Far From Home will not beat Aquaman

>a "literal who?" storyline is being compared to the largest grossing film in history


As if westerns or 80s action movies didn't target the same demographic you fucking faggot.

>Cavill is out, with a younger actor than Robert Pattinson (age 33) becoming the new Superman
This whole thread is fake. Nothing to see here.

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he said he won't play in any capeshit ever after he is not Man of Kino anymore.
So those rumors are prob bull, but I'd really like if US Agent was like in comics, i.e. brutal version of Cap except since Evans already killed people in movies I guess US Agent need to be even more edgier than that, except he won't because PG-13

I'd like him to play only one role.

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>he said he won't play in any capeshit ever after he is not Man of Kino anymore.
Exactly. After playing Superman there's really nowhere else to go with capeshit. Anything else would be inferior. I rather Cavill be cast as Bond instead.

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It would be stupid to spend $350 on a bottle of tequila just to mix it.

>Captain America made a better Superman than Superman
last time I checked Superman wasn't selfish irresponsible prick

last time I checked he was

>release a trailer for an experimental film by an auteur director that is met with incredible praise and excitement - and then re-edit that film into a jumbled mess that has no tonal resemblance to the trailer
>somehow still break box office records and win an oscar for it
>wait over 4 years to release a sequel
>fire/replace the architect of your cinematic universe who has broken several box office records and curated a passionate fanbase with the twat who ruined capeshit and was fired by your competitor for being an incompetent idiot
This isn't even mentioning how they fucked up Batman and Affleck. And the worst part is that they're not even being properly punished for it. Joker will do great and probably win another oscar. Pattinson's Batman will probably be great too.
It's like the people making the films are somehow managing to succeed despite having mentally unstable retards at the top

If you think the Rock can't be a prick who kicks sand in your face while taking your girlfriend, you haven't watched any of his WWF heel work. I think this is probably his pro wrestling senses telling I'm he needs a gimmick change from goofy Mary sue if he wants to lengthen his career.

Eternals are literal who's, but the characters their lore sets up are priceless.

Because even Marvel know their vagina collection couldn’t sell out a single cinema without some big name men, especially who the ones.

>It would be stupid to spend $350 on a bottle of tequila

Cavill would return to capeshit if he could be reed richards

I've never had Don Julio Real but it can't be better than three bottles of 1942.

Can I get a source on that?

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*Proceeds to fly Zod into a Nuclear Power Plant and then into a gas station, destroying it and then crashes into an IHOP*

always thought Chris Pine would be best Reed, Henry is acceptable

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you don't mix it you can drink a chaser if your baby taste buds can't handle it

lol Henry got MOGGED

Cavill's Geralt now. His contract will be a minimum of 3 seasons. He literally doesn't have time to be in marvel shit anymore

>henry cavill as mr fantastic
Didnt know i wanted that. Near perfect if he slimmed down a little

Pretty good