Tfw got a 100 word essay on WW1 due tomorrow and haven’t even started


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>100 word
get off my board blatant underage

that's a tough one user


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Nigger, I could crap out 100 words on any topic without even trying. 100 words is a short paragraph. What kind of stupid, retarded, short-bus nigger are you that you can't even type out 100 words without outside help? If you're so damn stupid that writing 100 words is a huge challenge, then watching Paths of Glory or Lawrence of Arabia isn't going to help you out. You dumb chickenshit motherfucker. You want to know how easy writing 100 words is? This fucking post is 100 words long. Why don't you copy and paste it and turn it in to your teacher, you retarded fuck.

>all the newfags ITT

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>got a 10 word sentence due next year
Life is tough

>got a 10 year sentence due tomorrow
fuck boys...

lurk moar

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Epic post! Have some Reddit gold, stranger!

>"The Great War" was the direct result of both German hubris and British intransigence, pointlessly reluctant to relinquish their waning hold on the world's oceans as well as their influence over European affairs in the 20th Century. Had they not intervened with their tactless advice to Belgium to resist the German advance, what might have been a forgettable conflict of a few weeks costing France a few African colonies over the long term would not have turned into the conflagration it did, inevitably leading to an even worse struggle only a couple of decades later that would have enduring setbacks for the principle European parties even in the present era. What a bunch of faggots.

There. Now get back to shitposting.

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hei den
hei den reich
hei den
hei den reich

here's your essay.

The Krupp foundries wanted an excuse to sell weapons to both Germany and England. They had a retarded Serbian teenager shoot Archduke Ferdinand and this, for no visibly good reason, meant war between Germany, France, England, Austria, Russia and eventually America. The war ended when there were no more valiant young men to run into fields of machine guns.

The war was characterized by 18th century commanders using 19th century tactics against 20th century weapons; machine guns, cannons, poison gas and early aircraft dropping bombs. There has never been a good film made of this because it was not a glamorous endeavor.

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school hasnt even started yet

listen to dan carlin hardcore history on WW1 its really good.

Sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed.

>tfw gotta show up to class tomorrow to get a passing grade

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If you want a load of inaccuracies told for the sake of make an interesting narrative peppered with obnoxious pop culture references to further dumb down the material for capeshitters and other brainlets.


big if true