You may only post in this thread if you are talller than Tom Cruise

You may only post in this thread if you are talller than Tom Cruise.

Attached: tom-cruise-9262645-1-402.jpg (1200x1200, 187K)

Other urls found in this thread:

how did this happen?

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He has scientology money

He's based

well that would include most of the population, not very restrictive.

*refrains from posting in thread*

Lmao im 16 cm taller than this insane old manlet

172cm here :^)

reporting in

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182cm alpha male reporting in.

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Collateral was pretty gud

Dany DeVito reporting

6"4' reporting.
How is the weather down here, manlets?

I'm 5'9" prince of manlets.

Feels good bros

>tfw shorter than tom cruise

Attached: ghostbusters.jpg (1674x2046, 463K)

6'4" lad here too but I'm a virgin lanklet so go figure

not taller but i like his movies and support them by seeing them in cinemas

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He used Colgate™

why are there so many chads at specifically 5'7?

i never see them cope unlike 5'9's

I'm the same height but I'll post anyway

5'7" reporting

5'8 and non virgin
finna be slaw

this, im a 5'7 manlet myself but whenever I'm on /fit/ seeing fellow manlets coping, they're always 5'9. always. Why? It should be better shouldn't it? Maybe, I think, that they're too tall to be considered "cute" as a shorter guy, yet are still too "tall" to be considered more attractive. Idk, odd.

I’m sorry but I’m not tall enough to post in this thread.

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5'9 is like the worst height somehow I really don't understand it

It’s called getting braces, like most people

5'9 is the most soul-crushing height. At 5'10, while still king of the manlets, your height isn't a major detraction from your attractiveness. But at 5'9, while most people won't be able to tell the difference immediately, that one inch weighs immensely on their minds: what if I had eaten better? Slept better? I definitely could have been taller. And that warps their psyche. 5'11 is similar in some regards, but not as severe.

Based 6'4 bros. How are you on this fine day?
Pick one

Being 5’9” is like having a 5 inch dick.
About 10% of girls can get off on it but even if it’s thick or has some upward twang on it, it’s still only 5 inches long and 90% of women will laugh at it.

Being on the cusp of disappointment is almost worse than being disappointing, like a 5 inch dick.

9 is a cursed number

most people can't afford cosmetic dentistry but nice fantasy

I'v never been told I'm not a manlet user, thank you, truly. Think I might have to go on a long hike through the desert now, look at the stars, find some peace. Thank you, based user.

Thoughts on Mummy?

>Free Dentistry until 18
Get fucked yanks

So uh, I'm just gonna pop over to the toy store and meet back here ok?

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Not so fast, mister Pacino!

i dont think he even cares
with millions in his bank account and that pretty face at the age of 50 he probably fucked more women than we all combined

it's gonna get crowded in here...

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t. not a manlet

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Who isn't?

I don’t get it. Why are they buddies?

but most people here aren't as based as cruise so what does it matter?

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Are you a woman by chance? These men have an understanding, the 6ft+ chads respect the 5'7 kings for not throwing a fit about their height and take the hand they are delt. Every inch between the two of them throws you into chaos, hatred and cope.


5’9” is literally perfectly average height
Average is, by definition, not short
You have autism, guys. This is autism

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keep coping 5'9 loser you wish you were 5'7

Nah, if I were 5’7” I’d probably wear lifts to make me 5’9”
Which is average height

Nice, I'm sick of having to read posts made by midgets.

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>world average definitely applies in my first world country guys cmon
Fucking cope mate. Unless you live in Asia, world average means notthing

So I'm a pepecopter?

6 "4 lanklet here bro. Older now but slayed about 100 women from 17 to 28 ...wived up now. Theres hope though. Lift and eat like a monster. I know thats the bullshit answer but i went from 145 to 185 or so and the difference was huge. 205 plus is when it gets easy. Im handsome but wierd looking too. Adrian Brody Esque. Anyway im drunk. Good luck.

Also i love tom cruise

Still brits have worst teeth

Thanks bro, I'm 22 now and just finished college so it's gonna be tough. I won't act like I had no opportunity to get laid at my uni but it was mostly short fat girls that hit on me so I wasn't feelin it. I'm already on that lifting train and have gone from 145 to 160 this year. I just don't even know what I'll do to get into dating now since I'm so inexperienced as it is and moving back in with my parents for the time being.

>tfw 1.68cm

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Just to enlighten you incels, the tall thing is a meme. My current gf is a 9/10 nympho slut and Im only 5'7". Best part is she cheated on her 6'1" bf with me for upto 3 weeks before she dumped his ass. Now I know the kind of modern liberal hyper promiscuos whore she is so Im gonna keep condoms handy and break this off within the month(getting bored tearing up the same cuny everyday) but man is it great when we go out and you can see the envious venomous look on the incel 6/10 men that walk by like "how'd he score that". I mostly ignore and grope my gf publicly or stick my tongue down her throat just to rub salt in their wounds and show them that even "manlets" can make it in this world.

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This is him at ~21 years old in The Outsiders, one of his first roles. He already had much better teeth in Risky Business which came out same year.

Imagine the Cruse without the church stuff behind
imagine him not only being the most powerful man in hollywood, but also redpilled, and going ham on TV and youtube, uncensored and untamed by being the spokesperson for some cult

Hello is this the gathering of chads?

He’s still said to be a very considerate and kind person on set. Haven’t read one bad remark about him from other celebrities or public, I think they use the fact that he’s a scientologist to vilify him, remember reading a screenshot from reddit and everyone was hating on him unjustifiably so

I don’t think they can comprehend someone being nice

I honestly like Tom, and he probably has to endure massive criticism because of all that church stuff
I see him as ReviewBrah now
his capacity to perform is unrivaled, and his mannerism is impeccable, so he basically gets a lot of hate in this world
once again, the church crap clearly does not help with his image at all, and it's a shame

He has a outstanding legacy, can’t bruise the cruise. I think this almost flawless background is what drives people to poke at him, could be some lack of trust for someone who is seemingly without flaw

Only fellow "perfect ten" 5'10s may reply to this post.

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Larping this hard. You're not even white

>how did this happen?

im one inch shorter than the cruise man



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im taller than tom and everyone else in this thread

Im taller than you

blow it out you ass

>tfw 5'2, when younger brother is 6'4
Kill me

based (if true)

how is that even possible

We accept the twink call and embrace our cuteness.

6’4 ubermensch, glad to see so many of you boys

Shortstuffs and lankies seem to live in different worlds and have little to do with each other except in trade. They both envy average heighters.

5'11" you just wear tall shoes and spike up your hair.

>5.11 in green
yeah, right
fucking manlets

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5'7'' is the King of the Manlets. they have our respect.

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No mommy milk

I don't follow your rules.

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17 cm master race

are you cute?

tfw 5'4" with a 5'9" brother sigh

reminder that 6'0 is still manlet tier nowadays,the cutoff is 6'3

so, literally every person on the planet

>tfw ideal 6'2" chadheight
now i just have to work on the rest

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No, 5’9” is average for America, as was clearly illustrated in my original post. The average global height for men is 171cm / 5 ft 7.3 inches
Please don’t be illiterate

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why is height discussion always a hot topic on imageboards

yes if you include boomers, zoomers are higher in general

5'6" here, fuck your rules.

people projecting their insecurities.
I'm fine being 5'8" with a 21cm cock

>global average

jesus fuck off

i'm 5'9/175cm in Norway, I'm always the shortest guy at the grocery store etc.

shouldn't be too difficult for most people in the world

i don't like this picture
i don't like it one bit

same but out of respect