Apologize for saying the new Star Wars trilogy is uninspired

Apologize for saying the new Star Wars trilogy is uninspired.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>new armor on stormtroopoers
>everyone speculate on their role
>ends up doing nothing special in the film
it's all so tiresome.

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>it's like poetry, they rhyme

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Literally just red stormtroopers with extra lines.

not as pretty as orlando rey

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>new toys to mechandise
Fucking wow

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>paint stormtroopers red
>shills call it inspired
The absolute state


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i hate nu-disney so much

Those blasters look like something from Mass Effect. Though for all I know they could be based on some Kel-Tec piece of shit, modern guns all look the same.


Watching Disney fuck up Star Wars forever has brought me more entertainment and joy than most movies I've seen.

i like how they just merged the tor sith trooper design with a stormtrooper and dipped it in catsup

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it's like genre art. representing a minimum wage worker in trump's america


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Say what you want, but this design is amazing. It's something completely different from the non-red storm trooper.

>everyone speculate on their role
People say the big reveal is that they are Rey's clones. I should made this shit into pasta to copy/paste everytime someone ask the theory behind but fuck NuWars, post more Rey

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They'll be in the film for half a second before gearing up to do absolutely nothing of consequence or used in a terribly choreographed """"""""fight"""""" scene.

Fucking kill yourself.

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For me? It's this rey

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>tfw disneywars managed to be nothing more than a Dark Empire ripoff with even worse plot, somehow

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soul less

jj only managed to ape a new hope
rian devoted all of his time to trying to subvert our expectations and added nothing new to the setting
of course they ended up with an inferior product


>everyone speculate on their role
>ends up doing nothing special in the film

Man fucking this

It's almost as if this is how these movies were designed. They design a trailer and promotional materials, then they have writers look at that and write the movie with the most boring way you could use those elements as possible.


Commie stormtroopers?

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>>ends up doing nothing special in the film


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Rogue One at least made them look vaguely different in the armor etc. Why couldn't the main trilogy?

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>that "bang me after the shift" look

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Now they steal the look of the red comet from gundam?

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>paint them red for a power up
how else are you suppose to make them faster, stronger, more accurate

It's different, yet so similar.
Just like everything in the SW universe.

the Kel-tec resemblance is probably due to a low bore axis (characteristic of some of their better known stuff) and the things on the front looking like the tubes on their bullpup shotgun

this armor makes me cringe because I imagine dirt and grime getting in the grooves and what a pain in the ass it'd be to clean. Am I retarded if that's my biggest problem with them?

Just like knights of ren.

>new stormtrooper color way
>in any way creative
Yeah, I don't think so.

wonder what she did with her tax returns. booze probably

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>They're red now.

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>Dude let's take an OT design and stick a different color on it

The ST is so creatively bankrupt it hurts

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Uninspired? No, no, It's inspired alright. Inspired by commie politicult trash


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I don't care. The designs in these movies are just renewed every single movie so that they can make new toys to sell to autistic manchildren. Every single time, that's the main motivation for these design changes. Stop giving a fuck about Star Wars anyways, it's been shit for decades now and is only getting worse. Why would you even continue to care when there's essentially nothing redeeming about this universe anymore? There's no reason to care. Just fucking stop.

Gareth Edwards is a Star Wars oldfag. He gets the setting, unlike Abrams and Johnson.

The new Star Wars trilogy is uninspired.

as red as vaders eyes

I bet this shitpile makes three billions

I want a full size "Leather Bunny Rey" doll,
for a friend.

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all these reys are so cute. i just want to have a big reverse gangbang with all of them

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Sometimes I can't tell if she's attractive or hideous. What a strange looking human being. She probably is an alien.

>How do we show the galaxy that we are comically evil
>paint our troopers red :DDDDD
I guess it makes some sense since they are now lead by larping manchild

I need

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>Hasbro are pissed after last times, how do we sell action figures?
>red = badass

It's so shitty and in your face too, literally just full on red with lines. They could have given hints of rid and had a modicum of subtly about it. But obviously that is far beyond them

They look like someone 3d printed them at home

so unoriginal. youtube.com/watch?v=934jQZQy-VU

Imagine your park girls being this much better looking than the actual actress in your actual movies.

Where did you find this?

Looks like NeoGAF

So, Rian did the exact thing to JJ, that JJ did to George?
I'm honestly starting to think that Rian is just a deep cover double agent, a man who passionately loves Star Wars and is only there to tear down JJ's nu wars before it ever had a chance to really start and to get revenge for George. There are already rumors that Disney has brought George back on board for episode IX and we know for sure that almost all extended Star Wars projects were put on hold to figure out a new direction.

They already had a female bounty hunter in the prequels.

God please make Rise of Skywalker bomb. Dont let it end like Lion King remake

>giving a fuck what this literal who thinks



>being so far into shilling for Disney that you can't recognize names of the people you're supposed to defend

Don't get it twisted, little incel. Her character is garbage and anyone thinking she is relevant enough to know anything big is deluding themselves. She said she wasn't the lead just recently and was giddy at the fact that JJ even told her something like adding things in the script for IX

>"it's nice to be told things"

This dumb bitch didn't know shit and her opinion means jack.

She also mentioned that JJ decided to change Kira's name to Rey all on his own and then randomly told hero on set. Like she gets to have an opinion lmao get real she wishes all she can do is cry about the script after the fact.

yeah, so inspired indeed

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>being so deep into shilling that you have to cover your mistake by attacking who you're supposed to be defending while also trying too hard to pretend-hate women in order not to blow your cover

That's some reverse 10D Chess there


Yeah, your argument got shit on I know. Maybe next time you can post someone who Disney/LF actually gives a fuck about instead of the literal who LARPing as the lead.

You're a fucking JJ shill and you're sitting here trying to call me one? Get his penis nose out of your ass for once.

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Why did they stop using battle droids?
I get that clones were better than droids, but they're just using normal recruits now who aren't perfect soldiers like the clones.

For an authoritarian government droids seem like a fantastic choice. They are fearless and obedient with centralized control.

....Werent the Emperor's guards red?

>When your anti-Daisy Ridley act is too flimsy and you have to resort to calling other people JJ shills to hide that you're a Disney shill

What is the first order's tax policy?

i hate that they're too scared to change the helmet at all. or really change anything significant.

The actual fact is that RJ's movie is done and the upcoming one is by JJ. The more you defend him, the more you prove yourself to be a JJ shill.

Now introducing Jedi troops. Completely new design.

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easier to manage an empire with the actual people rather than some mysterious clones/droids that scare everyone. thats my guess, knowing no lore whatsoever.

>the fat ugly JJ shill in this thread think he's fooling anyone


The part that gave it away was when he pretended he didn't know who Daisy Ridley was.

All of you, stop right there!

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I'm was talking about you, dumbass. Posting a quote by literal who Ridley saying JJ wrote EP VIII and IX and then pretending you aren't a shill. JJ's movie is the one that still needs to sell tickets, so you defending him makes it obvious you are still spinning on his penis nose this very moment.

His movie would have been garbage, and it'll be a fucking miracle if IX turns out okay.

I love how you just changed color of one dude then said fuck it I'm not doing this twice and just flipped him around.
Disney levels of effort there

>I'm was talking about you, dumbass.

Sure you were, you dumb JJ shill.

The part that gave you away is when you pretended her or her words are relevant.

They're literally designed to sell to morons with minimal machine reworking in the factory to maximize profits.

Star Shit is the ultimate bug franchise.

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I love how you can't even argue against my post because it's true. I'll post it again for you, don't worry.

>JJ's movie is the one that still needs to sell tickets, so you defending him makes it obvious you are still spinning on his penis nose this very moment.

So why are you defending JJ when his movie still needs to sell tickets?

I don't defend JJ because that's your job.


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Yet I haven't defended JJ once in my posts and you are the one who posted a quote by some literal who starlet saying "muh precious JJ wrote VIII and IX" like his movies would have been any better.

This is how pathetic you are that you can only respond with the same one-line drooling autist response. Your IQ must be bot-tier.

Really the droids should be the top threat after the empire fell

Why are JJ shills so upset at that quote?

Ask yourself that.

>waaah my precious JJ should have made TLJ instead! Please see IX!

>Disney levels of effort there

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Beat me to it.

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Is that a vacuum cleaner bag?

Why would I need to ask myself that, you're the one defending JJ.

Wow, such new and original designs

Is The Rise of Skywalker the End of Evangelion of Star Wars?

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>I-i-i-i-i-i said d-d-d-d-directed, i-i-i-i-i-i didn't mean also write
How the mighty have fallen



Park Rey is actually in Orlando

>t. pathetic fat ugly virgin JJ shill

You earned this reply, troll

Based Sophie BTFOing soi wars

what's wrong with this? Looks good to me


big raysie didley

last jedi was the Red movie. the title was red. this one's title is blue so they actually should be blue. what the fuck are they doing red again for

no it's just a fucking real animal from earth (microscopic. look up tardigrade) with no modification at all

So much of those reviews are complete horseshit
>wow George Lucas, this boooring scene about politics is really fun for kids, where's the action?! Will kids really want to recreate this scene with action figures??
>wow George Lucas, this crazy lightsaber fight is sooo "fun," why is Star Wars trying to be fun, it should have deep slow moving lightsaber battles! What, is he just trying to sell toys to kids?!?
He has no idea what he wants from these movies

what exactly is the purpose of all these little squares on their suits?

It's hip to be square

Wait, doesn't the script have to be approved by the director? How would that solve anything?

/cfg/ when?

(((Merchandising))) rights


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Those blasters are all you need to look at to know this isn't Star Wars anymore

>he doesn't want tacticool blasters

Looks terrible. Bright red is always an awful color for infantry troops in any futuristic setting, both in space and on the ground. I can't think of a single planet in the SW universe where that bright red would be an effective camouflage, not Geonosis or Mustafar or Felucia or anything else with possible color similarity. A decent creator would recognize the ridiculousness of it and go back to the drawing board, but the current year SW creators don't care about shit like suspension of disbelief and believable appearances, nor are they old fans. And yes I know the Royal Guard in pic related were the same color, but they were just ceremonial guards, so that was perfectly acceptable.

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The new Star Wars trilogy is perfectly inspired. It's just that it's inspired by feminism, diversity and merchandising.

That looks pretty cool, why is it so hard for Disney to just hire someone who comes up with cool things?

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I found Rogue One to be a pretty uninteresting film, but at least you could see the care put into it. Compare the way the space/ground battle on and above Scarif looks to anything in the actual trilogy, it's so much better.

look completely different to me


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It's the third fucking picture that pops up in the results too, holy shit

I love Rey now

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I've been saying the most interesting way to interpret that mirror cave scene in TLJ was to make her a clone of an unknown template or a female sex clone of Palpatine.
Have been thinking about that possibility ever since Drew Struzan's TFA poster made it look like Rey had black sclera (even though that's not a Palpatine trait at all).
Not that I'll watch IX even if it turns out I'm right.

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Really? Space water bears?

>lowly theme park employee more attractive than millionaire movie actress

>Some fully clothed slag
>File deleted

actually i did the flipping first, then changed them

Read Dark Empire 1-3 recently, have always heard people talking about like it's some holy grail and features awesome Luke.
Turns out I listen to the wrong people. Apart from the Franco-Belgian inspired art, DE Luke is the exact opposite to TLJ Luke, which is aloof and unempathietic yet capable beyond compare.
If I ever learn we have Dark Empire to thank for Disney nabbing the plot and simply reversing operators, I'll... be cross, I guess. Because that'd be the kicker.

I sense something. A presence I have not felt since…

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Thier red

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Is that my horsefu crashing Söywars' run? Go Oli!

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>last jedi was the Red movie.
What's funny is that they never explained what was it about all the red in TLJ. It's just red because! There is no fucking meaning it's just aesthetic and meant to create discussion and speculation among nerds. That ugly red shit all over TLJ made no sense. However I think it's menstrual blood. These movies are made by old feminists harpies who think their menstrual blood is significant and they like to smear it all over Star Wars to mark their territory like disgusting hyenas

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Dark empire is one of the most derided pieces of EU fictions outside the Vong wars, though the EU has a very small but vocal fanbase. Unsurprisingly, George really liked the idea of Palpatine coming back as a clone and it was one of the EU stories he was slightly more positive towards. Weird shit.

>Dark empire is one of the most derided pieces of EU fictions outside the Vong wars
The fuck are you on, everybody likes Dark Empire

They already ripped Best Dracula off last movie.

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What's different:

>it's red

>it has those random ridges in the helmet and armour similar to the praetorian guard from TLJ

>It has the split in the middle to make the helmet look a little more like the second wave Clone Wars helmet while still retaining the overall look of the FO helmet

Other than that, it looks just like the FO trooper armour. From a distance you don't even notice the minor differences in the armour, so it just looks like a red FO trooper.

no, everyone hates Dark empire as a nonsensical followup in universe to the thrawn trilogy. I'd say 10% like the story. It had some ok art and cool new ships though most people give it shit for the WE'LL MAKE AN EVEN BIGGER SUPER WEAPON -syndrome. You are in the extreme minority, but that's okey, nobody can take your enjoyment away from you.

Just like they had that female droid at the beginning of TPM, but nevermind, that SJWbot in Solo was teh first one !

Weird, I read Lucas said that in his personal canon, Palpatine did not clone himself back to life, much less so twice over. So Palpatine returning would never have been a part of his Eps 7-9. Nice trips.

Well TC-14 didn't look feminine enough. Simply a typically demure protocol droid. L337 had that hip sway and attitude.

>slap bunny ears and a bow tie then claim it's a bunny outfit

Was this costume created ILM as well?

Woah. Who comes up with this stuff?

>Mon Calimari living on an arid planet

Yeah, a fish person would totally live somewhere like that

>red amour is bad for troops

So the bright, white armour that makes them stick out like sore thumbs is better?

That is not Mon Calamari that is Plo Koon's race

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You're retarded

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is that a book made by Disney?

>I'm gonna make that sheboon wagie bleed.

>He says while posting the picture and proving my point
Lmfao ok fag

>apparently hidden for 30 years waiting for Sheev
>use NuWars Armor only red and weapons
How ??? Let me guess this is because of those rumors that Lucas gets a cut everytime they use one of the old characters and a lower one if the change them a bit.

And I recall people calling him red Boba Fett.


it's like every Hollywood designer found tardigrades the same time and decided to try fit them in any production they were on.

Are you blind? Compare the two pics that you posted

They kinda look like the classic Cylons.

This gives me so much hope.
Nu-Wars must die.

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you should literally end it now

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1. im not the guy who posted the original pics.
2. plo koon is not a mon calamari calamari

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I guess you're blind AND retarded

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I'm the OP. Not sure why you went for this guy's obvious bait. Just reading clearly shows he's poorly trolling.

>Nu-wars writers disregard technical and narrative elements that would confer a greater sense of realism and immersion to the setting. Things like consistent hyperdrive physics and believable character motivations are tossed aside.

>Nu-Wars writers now make sure to include detailed descriptions of menstruation and nappy hair products, for the sake of realism.

There really is a kind of sick symmetry to how this is all falling apart. Poetic, even.

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>assumes that this black woman from a sci-fi series who is technically alien should have hair like black women on Earth

Talk about applying a stereotype

If Episode 9 doesn't come out number one at the box office, it's fucking over.

Although I suspect some bullshit to happen to conveniently save it, like how the Lion King remake is somehow supposedly now Disney's best grossing "animated" movie (beating Frozen). Something reeks to high hell about that IMO.

Will Chewie stand trial for murdering and eating a sentient being?

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>seemingly unassailable product brought down by hubris, incompetence and complete lack of peer review/QA
>it’s failure is defended to the death by an increasingly small group of idiots with mind shatteringly retarded excuses
>people ripping it to shreds is far more entertaining that actually consuming the product
It’s like getting on board the tortanic all over again

Unironically that just looks too hardcore and Vader-ish for the lame and child friendly tone of the new movies

Disney is doubly fucked with EpisodeIX.

Not only has enthusiasm for the franchise utterly tanked, but Lucasfilm is about to be *GUTTED* by the theater chains.

When TLJ came out, Disney strong-armed the theaters into taking a lower cut and running the movie on their main screens for extra weeks. The theaters agreed because it was guaranteed to be the season's blockbuster. Because it was Star Wars. Because it couldn't fail.

But it did.
The theater chains were left playing TLJ to empty seats for weeks.

Then "Ranger Solo" happened.

Any franchise-based negotiating leverage Disney once had with Star Wars is now gone. When IX comes out, they'll be forced to accept the theater's terms. That means taking less of a cut from ticket sales, making it all the more difficult to turn a profit. That also means Disney's tactic of buying up tickets to their own movies to inflate sales figures is going to be that much more painful.

Merry Christmas, Bob Iger.

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One can only hope.

I tried to rewatch the last jedi the other day, got about 1/4 of the way through. It's just fucking shit

At least they are trying something slightly new. This has nothing on the troopers in RO and Solo though. Whoever was in charge of those designs has it right.

Hilarious, I want to call them Red Solo Troops for now on.

Based daisy blowing the fuck out of Rian apologists

As much as I hate TLJ, it did not fail. Critics (agree with them or not) loved it and it made over a billion dollars, far more back than went into making it. Episode IX is gonna make bank whether it sucks or not. I'm going to see it only because I've seen the other two so I might as well see how this train wreck ends. I didn't see Solo because I didn't give a fuck about Han Solo before he met Luke and friends.

It was colossally front loaded, missed expectations by 600-800 million (depending on which figure Disney tried removing you believe) had practically fuck all legs and has killed the idea that Star Wars is something a theatre exec can clear their schedule and get the hookers can coke ready for.
It making a short term profit doesn’t preclude it from failing at its goal, which is to enable the growth any business needs.

This is also forgetting that with end game past, Disney can’t use marvel as a secondary battering ram until they prove the next phase is just admit profitable

Friendly reminder that RLM is contractually obligated to be cucked at all times for JJ's cock.

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>That wagie look

Me on the left corner.

>the only reason the Sith Troopers have lined armor is because people complained about the cheapness of these Praetorian Guards
>as if their shitty pop-up halloween shop aesthetic was all that was wrong with them

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>Star Wars' strength as an IP stayed intact from the first dry spell of mainline material from 1984-1999, three divisive prequels, and the second dry spell of 2006-2015 (so three goddamn decades of nothingness at best and scathing ridicule at worst)
>Disney manages to kill one of the largest entertainment empires in the world in a matter of four fucking years

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Careful, mean looking troops will give heart attacks to the soiboi audience.

>Yeah, a fish person would totally live somewhere like that
Holy shit, I didn't even see that. What sort of fucking retards is Disney hiring? Rofl.


Take a look at her. Take a hard good look at it. What do you ACTUALLY see in her compared to, say, a super model like Giselle or any of the other super models?

Is that the best ass you can get?
Do you stick on THAT ass? Come on admit it. She has a FAT ASS. Say it.

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>Too much Vader here, and I don't like that antenna.
>The helmet should either go lower or not curve that far outwards, it looks like 40K influence.
>The visor is poor design, only works with extremely small heads

They literally said letting JJ write is a mistake and he should only direct

If you wanted me to read it in his voice, good job

That's straight up bullshit. Mike and Rich put out a video a few weeks ago talking about how bad episode 9 is gonna be and how awful a writer JJ is , that it's gonna be even worse because they brought it the tool that wrote BvS and Justice League and that JJ saying "you know, fuck it" when it came to the writing is a huge concern for the quality of writing.

>they brought it the tool that wrote BvS and Justice League

i didnt believe it and thought they were kidding at first. the absolute state of star wars

tacticooling dates the movie too much and doesn't keep it timeless.

This. Plus it put blood in the water for the Star Wars brand. Prior to TLJ, competing studios were warry about screening concurrently with SW titles. But Jumanji 2 shattered that edifice.

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Seriously though, how did this happen? Other than Jews sticking together, why would Disney agree to letting the guy on this project? Were they in a coma when BvS and Justice League came out?

I hope Cinemas take a stand against Disney this time. Not much Disney can threaten them with either since Phase 4 Marvel is gonna be one last jedi after another

>Terrio was raised in a Catholic family in Staten Island.[4][5] He is of Italian, Irish,[6] and Acadian descent.
What the actual fuck? How does this guy get promoted to star wars after bombing hard twice in a row and not being jewish? Is he fucking KK or something?

Simon Pegg was humiliated by JJ Abrams.

>Rey is a metaphor for Star Wars' future.
>The Millennium Falcon is a metaphor for Star Wars' past.
>Unkar Plutt (played by Simon Pegg) represents the stereotypical hardcore longtime fan of star wars. A bloated, unpleasant and petty collector of junk (trivia and toys) from the wreckage of star destroyers.
>Plutt has possession of both the Falcon and Rey, yet does nothing with either. Their potential is wasted with him.
>Along comes Finn, who sweeps Rey up into a new adventure. Together, they take the Millennium Falcon and leave Unkar Plutt behind.

This was meant as a mocking jab at the hardcore SW fans (and Peggy) by JJ Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy. Did Simon Pegg, the fanboy-turned-actor, realize he was being cast as part of that joke? Maybe not initially, but it's become undeniable at this point.

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Would have been better PR wise just to accept that the TLJ was a mistake and remake it. Then again you could start with TFA because nothing in this trilogy was planned out or original to begin with

Not true. JJ had the whole trilogy planned out but told Johnson to do whatever he wanted with VII and so he nixed everything JJ had planned out. So because they couldn't bothered to just stick with the plan, they shot themselves in the foot and gotta do the operation themselves.

Disney's corporatism is getting out of control. why do we need twizzlers advertisements in fucking star wars?

big if true

Rian once tweeted that there was no outline. The bigger question is why the fuck is there a storygroup on payroll not noticing all these problems and inconsistencies. You dont even have to know the lore to see problem with the basic story structure

Did you that Coca Cola is now officially canon in star wars? Because they sell it at Disneyworlds Galaxies Edge

Rian is contradicting himself because he also tweeted he was told he there was an outline but he could disregard anything he wanted.

The story group doesn't care because they get to see all the "things liberals like to see" boxes get checked.

Increase number of women: Check

More women in positions of authority: Check

Man gets told off by a woman of a higher rank: Check

More women taking charge: Check

More shots of diversity among the humans: Check

Whether the story is good or not doesn't apply.

That sounds way too creative and intelligent for Abrams.

I seriously doubt that there was no outline considering that both TFA and TLJ are blatant rehashes of the OT.
TLJ's primary plot structure literally just ESB with the events mixed up a little bit and the vader/luke fight replaced with the RotJ throne room scenes.

>TLJ's primary plot structure literally just ESB
It's actually a Spaceballs remake.

Mudtroopers all over again.

I dont see the outline or a story building up to something meaningful connecting with the previous six movies and i doubt a random asspull in 9 can retroactively give it all meaning

The funniest part is how utterly they miss the cardinal rule of propaganda; you have to make people WANT to believe it.
Make Finn a reluctant badass, have Leia use a lightsaber, let Holdo show off some tactical genius, give Rey a personality, etc.
If I were in charge and really wanted to pander, I’d have a scene where we see Holdo’s quarters filled with art. Initially we assume it fits with her civilian clothing and eccentricity (which I’d add as her character instead of being a retarded harridan).
After Holdo’s moment of genius, Poe would astoundedly ask how she could have predicted their moves, and Holdo holds up a piece, then says
>one of my greatest enemies once said to learn about art, Captain. Once you learn a species’ art, you learn that species
This would double as a reveal of Snoke’s race and people

A shameless ripoff? Fuck yes, but after TFA that’s clearly what the audience wanted.

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He's being sarcastic, mongs

>I dont see the outline or a story building up to something meaningful connecting with the previous six movies
I think you're misinterpreting what is happening with nu-wars, friend. Disney's outline for the nu-equels is "Do a soft remake the franchise with updated characters and tone" hence why TFA and TLJ are blatant rehashes, while also totally missing the themes and feel of what made the originals popular. It's also why RJ's "subverted" star wars film is ESB backwards; that was him desperately trying to be the outrageous rebel auteur he set out to be when he made Brick.
The real tell will be whether they hold the course with RotS and do a remix of RotJ or whether they've balked at how the hoth ripoff was derided and have tried to cobble together some bullshit, so that Abrams can pretend that the trilogy is his own story.

I think they might be under the delusion that TLJ was hated for being different, rather than for being half ripoff and half self defeating and poorly thought out “subversion”
If anything I think they’ll double down even harder, and miss the point even harder than that.

The white armor is more of an iconic default armor setting, used for the space/naval and urban/techy scenarios throughout the movies where camouflage was rather pointless. Whenever they did specific planets the troopers generally had unique armor (Hoth troopers, Desert troopers, Jungle/Swamp troopers, Kashykk clones, Dark troopers, etc.). Now, the white armor wasn't perfect by any means, and they occasional use it on planets like Endor during the third OT, but yes... it's a hell of a lot better than the bright emergency red which is terrible in just about every scenario beyond a ceremonial. They should've just made the Sith troopers black and given them some short ceremonial cape or some nonsense like Boba Fett had in the OT to make them stand out.

They did black for rogue one, so they need a new design for the toys they're (not) going to sell this year.

If they did that and normies finally realized that it was a soft-reboot... well that would be the best christmas present ever.

I'm more excited to shitpost about this film on Yea Forums than actually see it

Stop you rebel scum!

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>JJ Abrams and his mystery box bullshit

They shit on his writing ability. And Mike repeating saying Abrams should direct not write. Hell back when The Force Awakens came out they called him very competent as in hell give you your corporate approved movie and people will be happy with it for a month until they forget it.

Most of the internet is in trainwreck-prep mode at this point. Whether you're a journalist, youtuber or lowly russian troll, RotSW failing is literally the best possible outcome. If you consider how much money disney is going to pump into positive press to push back against the negative fan reaction, well there's a lot of cash to be made for english major grads, at minimum.

just you, and me, and a couple of 'fuck off' spreadsheets.


Bring a medical capsule immediately!

Attached: medical troopers.jpg (1366x768, 214K)

thanks doc


Attached: Aliens Star Wars.jpg (3203x4320, 2.31M)

Thanks doc



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I wasn't born yet

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And then J J make a THIRD death star

Yeah, but the lines make them go faster.

Dumb quadsposter

>Rey's Pals
The two didn't meet even ONCE in the entire movie. WTF?

I wasn't born for another 10 years, faggot. And besides, the Death Star II was somewhat acceptable because you can agree with the fact that the Empire was still rich enough to afford building another superweapon as opposed to a splinter faction with unlimited resources creating a larger superweapon grafted into a fucking planet that can eat stars without melting.

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shame they didn´t cast Mike Stoklasa as Unkar Plutt, the irony would´ve been delicious

Disney finally got me to be completely unexcited for a Star Wars movie

>TLJ's primary plot structure literally just ESB
If you move the crait scene to the beginning, the story is beat-for-beat identical. There's a theory that suggests this was originally and was only changed halfway through production (Rian admits they made a massive rewrite halfway through filming in the documentary)

What godawful site is this from?

Hold on, let me check my DARPAnet emails

>not recognizing Kiwifarms

Choose your Sith Trooper.

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Why did they shill for TFA?

>shit trooper
That's shopped, r-right?

No, they are new troops stationed on the First Order word of Scaata, a new and original desert planet covered in alien shit

Most critics have no idea what they want. Otherwise RLM especially would be producers of more than Space Cop if they actually had an idea what they wanted.

What does the "story group" do? They don't maintain internal consistency. If they're another filter or group of editors, what do they filter based on?

Couldn't be worse than the real episode IX.

I do not have the years required – nor the desire to indulge you.

Attached: Kreia.png (220x342, 115K)

I’m not sure if I should mock you for being a newfag or mock you for being too stupid to realise it’s on the image.

You will MARVEL at my new soldiers!

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It was great for the Clone Emperor *Who deteriorated over time due to his mass force energy, hyper-aged him within a year* and the Imperial Civil war shit was kino.
I miss the Imperial Remnant.

I miss them

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They keep writers on message for Kathleen Kennedy. The idea that they are custodians of continuity and lore is utterly farcical.

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Lucasfilm storygroup? More like Lucasfilm soigroup, lol

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They're just Royal Guard in Stormtrooper armour

BvS made money too.

It was built almost entirely as bait to lure in the entire rebel fleet, it was a gotcha, "oh well just destroy the death star like last time and save the day". It's pottery because like the first time, the Empire would have succeeded if not for The Force/Main Characters