I cant stop eating bros. gonna make it on My 600-lb Life one day I guess

i cant stop eating bros. gonna make it on My 600-lb Life one day I guess

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proud of you, son

How does a NEET afford so much food?

don't feel bad user.

im fat too. doesn't stop me from fucking hot chicks on european vacations.

im kind of rich though

Fix your horrible emotional problems first

You’ll be dead before you’re 30 you fat piece of shit

do some drugs that are appetite suppressants
meth, tobacco, alcohol, coke

body horror fo real

Post tummy

i’m 6’0”, 140lbs is there any hope for me bros?

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Tax dollars.

Post boobies.

Lol fatass

neetbux aren't just a meme, it's unbelievable how much free money you can get from being autistic.

I'm 6'2" 225lbs
I was 190lbs just 3 months ago

it's all going downhill for me

just stop eating fatty. literally dont have to do anything aside from not eat.

how disgusting is your house?

>just stop shooting heroin, junkie. literally dont have to do anything aside from not do the one thing that allows you to control your psychological and emotional issues.

Holy shit you must look terrible now

>lost 100 lbs in around eight months on regular exercise, reformed diet, and a caloric deficit
>at my suggested BMI and have some really gross loose skin now
>weight training isn't doing a whole lot for it

curse of the mantits

I started at 300lbs, so I'm still down a bunch but I'm definitely bulking back up

Even if you lose weight, your skin will be disgusting. Keep eating.

Be at peace with your fatness user

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friendly reminder that hot chicks love getting fucked hard by fat rich guys

>control your psychological and emotional issues.
fuck off. stop making excuses so you can keep stuffing your fat face.

based faceless nasty male protag in a doujin poster

Inexpensive, shitty food actually packs on the calories.

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kek have some fucking willpower you waste of space

>Tfw eat butter on a spoon with nesquik on top

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How do you even come to that initial recipe

I like butter and I like nesquik

Is there anything better than a chicken strip basket?

tard. not only does alcohol not suppress appetite, if you drink without eating first, or drink without eating at all, you fuck over your liver/stomach/kidneys way faster

yeah, but like... I don't know, man. Doesn't sound too hot of an idea.

It's fairly tasty, the texture of butter with chocolate taste is kino

You'd be surprised how easy it is to leech off our overbloated welfare system, especially if you're non-white and/or female. It's ridiculous. No wonder Central Americans risk their lives traveling thousands of miles just for the gibs.

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>not only does alcohol not suppress appetite
t. never been on a bender

Come on, try it. It's really not bad

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>local store has a deal on giant jars of nutella for only 5 bucks each

It's over

kek, evening time in the US of Blubber and all the bloaters come out of the woodwork

yeah dude, been drinking 4-5 bottles of vodka a week for more than ten years, but i've never been on a bender
you sure nailed me you zoomer dipshit

Seriously, it's not bad. I eat it every day

>The Learning Channel
>learned the horrors of being a trannie and/or fat incel fuck
is TLC the only redpilled channel left bros?

plus 90 days

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Paul is so cool. Yesterday he was applying for jobs while wearing a bullet proof vest

>addiction is an excuse
Got any literature on that?

>have some fucking willpower

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this is mental illness tier user

>eat like shit
>job is hard labor so i just burn it off everyday

just get a job dude

I had fazolis today
Feel like a total pig


Lose 50 pounds in the next 30 minutes or we're done

Attached: loseweightfatty.png (324x213, 142K)


because butter is almost 100% fat, it barely has taste (eaten by itself).
you must be using it to escape from another reality, but I'm not schooled in psychology, it's just a guess.
if you get too big it's irreversible, I'm fat too but I drink zero calorie soda, have a right time to eat, I went to a nutricionist some years ago. for me its trouble being fat too but I try to police myself.
if you just go to a nutritionist medic is a big step.