Why is Yea Forums not talking about this?its literally one of the best shows of recent times

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>S1 handsome boy Mads Nielsen dead

it's good, but season two feels like it's right on the edge of being too convoluted, and with the ending there's even more of a chance it will be

people were saying the same after season 1 ended.

I watched the first 2 episodes and it was really boring and generic

what tv shows do you like?

bone chilling tv shows

Needs to have more blacks, so unrealistic, can't believe this was filmed in the United States.

they have names?

there are hardly in any blacks in germany.

S1 is great for its theme and mysteries

S2 is not so great because apparently everyone time travels now

>english songs

there are german song too in this

Good show. Hopefully S3 can deliver, but I doubt it. Yea Forums talked about it a lot when it was still airing. Of course people aren't talking about it much now, it's been like two months...

best line in the series

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Whatever you say Satan.

Attached: john-wayne-gacy.jpg (449x333, 24K)

Yea Forums memed me into watching this garbage and it will be the last time I ever take your pleb's suggestions seriously.

Ah, self control is bad.

This show turned to utter shit the second half. Alternative universes. Fuck off with that shit

Is it actually? I pretty much disregard every Netflix original series as trash or is this the exception?

My sister forced me to watch this slog
It's shit

I just started rewatching this and literally in the first scene Michael has noose marks before hanging himself. What fucking twist are they setting us up here for?

Attached: noose marks S1E1.jpg (1910x907, 157K)

fucking brainlet

Attached: calendar.jpg (1823x581, 135K)

>Implying that trash can't be kino
I just watched Wu assassins and it was the greatest worst thing I've ever experienced.

I wish my sister would force me to do things...

I tried to force my sister to watch Dark but she stopped after a few minutes because she couldn't concentrate enough for the series.

If Dark is 3deep5u for some anons then we're all fucked

Probably because Yea Forums can't talk about things it might actually enjoy. If it's not raging about liberals, women, SJW, Jews, blacks, or muslims, it has nothing constructive to say.

it's not god-tier but it's worth watching

>it's not god-tier
Only if you don't speak Germon.

Did we ever find out why the photo was torn?

Attached: family photo Kahnwald.jpg (1920x1080, 176K)

Maybe they filmed the hanging scene first, so it might be a goof.
I mean, future Adam has a decidedly different eye color from present Adam and his mom doesn't even realize it, so...

It's a fucking close up on his neck. They want us to see it.
Adult Jonas and Adam Jonas have brown eyes which mean they come from a different timeline.

You Dumb? It's because Hannah Hates Ines and doesn't want her in the picture of her family.

Attached: 1544904423142.jpg (645x729, 81K)

I found out only moments later. It's just one of the many details I forgot.

Attached: family photo Kahnwald intact.png (1920x1080, 1.34M)

This is my waifu. Say something nice about her.

Attached: tomboy waifu.jpg (672x615, 54K)


uh oh

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this show is absolutely goat and anyone who says it's too compliicated is a pleb

Sic Mundus bros gn

What about those who complain it's too predictable?

tried watching this and didn't really enjoy it. not because of the time travel shenanigans but because all the characters are mean or unremarkable. are all germans like this?

Not really. It's called "dark" for a reason, tho.