Is Dogpill real or just meme? Any movies about this phenomena?
Is Dogpill real or just meme? Any movies about this phenomena?
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Much like the perfect woman for a man is a self cleaning sexbot the perfect man for a woman is basically a wealthy dog.
>takes orders
>doesn't talk back
>basically retarded
white women fuck dogs
shit movie
But I thought women liked dominant alpha males and dogs act like submissive betas. Cats act with amused mastery of alpha male.
I always feel extremely horny with my female dog
you never seen peanut butter kino?
>catfag has to instantly insecurely project as soon as dogs are mentioned
Ohhh nononono
Women like turning men into betas, they carry this out when they become mothers. Why do you think moms are always overbearing when it comes to sons. Mothers try to feminize them, try to make them resent their father, feed them lies about men and women, turn them into trannies, discourage them from playing sports and working out because of toxic masculinity and constantly feed them shit food. Mothers don’t love their sons, they just want some doormat taking care of them and giving them attention when they’re old hags
I can't wait for the Oscar bait film about an exasperated career woman and her relationship with the one creature who unconditionally loves her despite her faults. Pic related would be perfect for the part
Most moms would literally die for their kids, I’m sorry you have shitty parents
based and true
Caution: do not apply primate behaviors uncritically to humans as a default natural state.
With that out of the way, females only choose alpha male groups when they have to i.e. when there are other strong males that might kill their offspring. Female gorillas prefer multiple male groups, this confuses paternity and can negate male infanticide strategies in the same way that siding with a stronger but infanticidal male can deter other males from coming in and committing infanticide.
Most importantly how female primates form social groups, and how females and males go about their reproductive roles, depends almost entirely on how resources are distributed in their environments.
Of course, these are not definite rules and individuals can find unique solutions to their own resource problems.
Holy fucking projection batman!
incel cope
Cope, there’s a reason why every male raised by a single mom ends up being a criminal or some low test cuck stuck on pills. Guanratee you that every socially inept and depressed neet here on this site was raised by a single mother or came from a broken family
he might be a little extreme but if you completely discount what he says you're a blue pilled redditor
I love my mom but I am fully aware of the negative aspects of too much motherly influence
cringe post of the day
I was raised by mostly by a single mother but my Dad was also a spineless beta doormat which compounded it
If a pretty (white) girl has a dog, chances are she's taken the knot
yeah there’s a reason but not whatever shit you just spewed
not him but are you genuinely disputing the fact that being raised in a single mother household has terrible effects on the male psyche?
Most people here are just lazy underachievers who have no one to blame but themselves. In other words, failed normies.
now that eightchan's /zoo/ is gone where am I supposed to go for my knot kino?
literally learn to read
there's definitely an over representation of neets who were raised by a single mother. without a male role model in the household it's virtually impossible to develop a working model for how to behave and interact with life as a man. and if your entire childhood and adolescent you were scorned for every display of masculine behaviour you're going to enter adulthood and realise that everything is the inverse of how you were told to behave.
the feminised public education system doesn't help either
Sorry, YMS but dogfucking is not allowed anymore
I've seen this a billion times but what is it from
Think it was a contact lens commercial.
seventh heaven
Do you guys know any literal dog fucker in real life?
>Cats act with amused mastery of alpha male
God tier bait
I put catfags in my asshole
Give me a quick rundown about catgirls. A catgirl wants me to fuck her.
Dogs are alpha during sex.
They do like alpha males, stallions, but a prized horse must be broken and that is what they do: train, tame and tie down.
No but I've known a few women who've shown interest in doing it
Why do little girls molest their doggos?
Can confirm. I was great at school until my parents divorced when I was 12 then my mom makes me become homeschooled. It basically destroyed my life.
What about women who like cats?
He fucks dogs
you're really testing my nofap user
>But I thought women liked dominant alpha males and dogs act like submissive betas
Wrong. Women love aggresive dogs like pitbulls, rotts, etc. because they act like like assholes to everything but her.
They're usually pretty nice though they have a 32% chance of having a fuckton of stuffed animals
because they aren't allowed to fulfil their desire for older men
Do you ever wonder how many girls you fucked had dog semen in them at some time?
100% correct
Horse girls are beyond saving
this site do make it difficult for a man to keep he dick soft
>only animal ever domesticated by africans was oxen
can you imagine if they had there wherewithal for elephants or hippopotamuses?
Repeating, of course?
Ever wonder how many girls use hot doggy cum in food, like yogurt or something warm like a pot pie?
>ex gf had two dogs living with her illegally on a boat
>they have to be constantly walked
>BARK BARK BARK at everything
>tear up her stuff and she just cries that they were "anxious"
>have to carefully store and stow away everything because of this
>no discipline and they just do whatever they want
>when I sleepover I have physically fight them off the bed
>going on vacation for more than 3 hours? not without spending hunderds of dollars a night on a pet hotel because they can't just be checked in on by a friend
>find a dog friendly hotel but oh yeah you can't leave them alone in the room to go out
>gf is constantly in denial how much of a fucking hassle they are and makes moving to a new place nearly impossible
>I have one (1) cat
>has a smart flap catdoor so she goes in and out as she needs
>when I go out of town I just fill up a foodbowl and a few waterdishes and ask the neighbor to keep an extra bowl of water out if they can remember
dog owners are slaves
butt is way too big
Your (shit) girlfriend didn't know how to raise a dog, end of story.
>"legalize gay marriage? what's next? pedophilia? bestiality?"
>"don't be silly."
this is the most feminized post on Yea Forums currently.
whites had the horse, but only the upper class could truly "get to know" the animal... consequently their babies were born all fucked up from giant stretched out horse/queen sex
meanwhile peasant women who successfully bred with horses just gave birth to lesser races, like I think sicilians are 3% palomino
people used to marry 12 year olds though so I'm not sure what kind of point you're making. Those things existed way before gay marriage was legalized.
Based. Cats are kino pets
God, is there anything whinier than a catfag? We get it, you’re some schizo freak who can’t let other people enjoy things.
unlike cats who are largely similar no matter what dogs vary massively. there are shitty annoying breeds and god tier breeds. and quality of owner determines a lot.
a well trained labrador is a completely different animal to a pea brained small dog
Women do not know what they want. But they do love to complain anyway.
they sleep all day, eat whatever you put in a bowl, and sometimes amuse you
owning a cat is like having a NEET roommate who sometimes tells a good joke
Sounds comfy as fuck.
marriage has nothing to do with sex nor love.
Your whore ex gf was a motherfucking retard
god i wish i was that dog
but their penises are too small.
And they give you a brain parasite.
Can't forget that part.
the 2016 presidential election
That's actually pretty hot.
The chicks that are actually affectionate and ride, hold, or kiss the dogs are the best vids
I'm a dog person but they really are a nuisance to anybody who isn't the owner.
Is this why every catperson speaks like a schizo?
Dogs have and give the same thing. search it up, brah
I don't have any pets, toxo
You cannot get toxoplasmosis unless you literally eat your cat's shit, in which case you have far, far bigger problems than anything toxoplasmosis could ever do
Urban legend, faggot.
Must be an awful lot of people eating cat shit then since like a third of the population has it.
Also, that's clearly just the toxo speaking
I didn't say you did. Why so defensive?
Do you know what an Urban Legend is?
Then what is the point bringing up dogs?
I'm not praising dogs, I'm shitting on cats.
look at this dog though
What's up with this weird formatting? How mad is this seething faggot?
Did mommy hurt you, user?
which one
The Toxo rots their brain
who /smashed and slammed/ here?
>my cat is an alpha male because he bites me, gets his hair in my food, and doesn't react to me with any affection
Catfags act LITERALLY the same as women in abusive relationships. Pathetic. Stop watching anime and wearing panties under your cargo shorts you fat lonely sissy.
why are juicy guys always in the most faggoting stuff?
Fuck you
homosexual and interspecies