Post a picture with more talent

Post a picture with more talent.

Attached: D01EHNyXQAEcuLy.jpg (900x1200, 139K)

Attached: anigif_sub-buzz-22941-1508273245-11.gif (450x309, 269K)

me on the left

someone post a picture of a tranny getting fucked in the ass

>Bull Burr

>We're about to save Western Civilization
>You in, bucko?

Attached: The conversation of these guys would be epic.png (749x744, 721K)

Wonder how much they tipped

>Collectivism is bad, goy

Attached: 1544740525089.jpg (960x960, 374K)

Of all of them, Sam Harris is the most insufferable

Finally a dinner table I wouldn't be bored to tears at

who's the fatty next to based jordan?

I'm sure you have a lot to talk about.


Attached: Michael-Jordan-Macaulay-Culkin-and-Michael-Jackson.jpg (599x866, 49K)

Attached: acfkqgilvj301.jpg (2000x1328, 255K)

you could have just posted a picture of mullen

Missing Sam Hyde, Milo, Sargon, Metokur, LS and Molymeme

Yeah but the other guys add to the overall aura and feel of the show too.

Attached: BJ-Penn.jpg (300x410, 14K)

Attached: Dano.jpg (1080x1440, 117K)

Adequate level of disrespect to say fpbp and close the thread


Attached: http___o.aolcdn.com_hss_storage_midas_4b5694b964ebe885230bb433f6f3ced_205516918_Screen+Shot+2017-07- (1028x675, 93K)

>Sam Hyde
Irrelevant faggot
Not as smart as he thinks he is
Black pilled beta fag
I hope you don't mean Lauren "if he's brown, I'm down" Southern
Too full of himself, but he's alright

In short, have sex

I tip my feathered fedora at you fellow intelectual. O' the respit that would be enlightened discourse in contrast of the simpleton masses.