4 hours each

>4 hours each
Is it going to bore me to death?

Attached: lord-of-the-rings-trilogy.jpg (1452x701, 252K)

Yes. You should just not watch at all.

It's the best movie series of all time.

I wish I could see it for the first time again.

Don't watch the extended editions if you haven't seen them before.

Only if you are a zoomer and since you haven't seen this kino yet I'm gonna assume you are a zoomer.

Sure smells like zoomer

No way, unless you're a pleb. Just remember to eat, drink plenty of water and don't hold your piss (it can damage your kidneys).

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How have you not watched it, yet? Were you born in the 2000's?

What's up with Yea Forums and zoomer hating lmao?
Life is all about being YOUNG and cool, a generically handsome jock who lays with his virgin gf under the stars, seeing her priceless face as you first enter her pure pussy, moaning your name when her parents aren't home. Having a cool group of jock friends to hang out with...THAT is what life is all about

Sneaking out at night to lie with your virgin gf under the stars. Penetrating her for the first time. Seeing her face in the crowd at your HS football game. Having a huge group of jock friends. You never experienced any of that. It's over. You lost at life. Time to man up and become a provider. Time to downsize and save for retirement. Time to acknowledge that you were always destined for mediocrity. Welcome to hell. Welcome to life.


>he doesn't spend all day laying in bed watching lotr directors cuts eating pizza

fucking pathetic

Isn't it past your bedtime?

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How fucking old and fat are you holy shit.

Shut the fuck up, zoomer.

Seeing these in theatres were the best times of my life

When you were 15, watching porn and playing video games everyday, ATTRACTIVE males your age were already having sex.
Everything was happening behind your back and no one told you because you were deemed UNFIT to participate in such sexual activities.
It was over before it even began.

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long =/= boring. but yeah these movies are pretty bad anyway. in that amount of time you could watching Fanny And Alexander or The Beautiful Troublemaker, something actually worthwhile.

Yes, if you're a nigger. LoTR is a trilogy that only whites can I appreciate.

not even worth watching imo. too dated.

ok dude
t. 19 year old zoomer

>You will never see the battle of Helms Deep for the first time again
>You will never see the Fellowship escape Moria for the first time again
>You will never see the Rohirrim charge against the Orcs for the first time again
There is just no point anymore

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No thank you, i’ll take care of just me, myself and I.

The hobbit crying and complaining gets old.

watch the theatrical editions first
they are better movies
watch the extendeds after you have a love for the material

unironically this
