Why is she box office poison, Yea Forums?

Why is she box office poison, Yea Forums?

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Women are intimidated by youth and beauty.

the pedo grooming / god knows what else sourround her is so obvious, and normaals HATE pedophiles so they refuse to support this

She isn't, no one wants to see shitty American Godzilla movies anymore. Stop baiting.

Too old.

who are she

This tbqh my family. She was a cute cunny in s1 of ST and it was a massive success. Now that she's an old hag, nobody wants to see her anymore

men are intimidated by wooden acting

she looks like her iq is below 100

are you retarded?

she burned the coal
she paid the toll

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Its a girl.
That's a given.

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Drake is only half black

I assumed so, still would fuck her though.

What am I even doing in this thread? This girl is not my type.

girl knows how to lick ballsack

And half jew

Yeah, that's the classic QT millie that I liked.

She really isn't you seething roastie toastie. Her performances are usually very good for her age


>box office poison
>didnt start a single main role yet
>in fact started in a single full length movie in a supporting role

What did he mean by this?

She's only been in one movie.

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a roastie made this thread

Soft lips

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Millie will hit the wall and she'll only be known for that one Netflix show and nothing else. Guarantee her career is doomed to nosedive.

Winona is going to help her get roles

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Current Millie looks a lot like a girl I knew in high school that became a boy and I get a melancholy feeling every time I see her.
What could have been.

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Why does winona look so greasy?

Well she was sitting next to a goblin

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Wanna sniff those pits.

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Really makes me wink

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She can’t act. Kid is probably the worst actor in Stranger Things
She was worse in Godzilla

television actresses are mostly always shit

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Max is even worse.

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I'd kiss them both

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Did she finally get into Cavill’s pants? Also, this thot keeps liking every ig post of him

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Nice hair

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