Why do manlets even try
Why do manlets even try
Yeah but they never measure up.
What got buddy so heated anyway? Was some girl really just snickering at him and he lost his little mind?
he's 4ft11
it's ok to make fun of 5ft10 manlets but anyone below 5ft6 is just cruel
I need her thighs wrapped around my ears.
Post the video. I didn't saw it.
picking on manlets, how can you stoop so low
I was waiting for the bus the other day and a 5ft manlet was getting super angry because it was late.
The girl next to me instantly started laughing and making fun of him.
I did too.
Is it just me or does he look like a meth'd up version of Lee Syatt
was she also laughing at what a fucking loser you are relying on public transportation?
Public transport system is better for a big city in Europe because it's less expensive as I don't have to pay the carpark jew and it's actually quicker.
Also seethe harder manlet.
>mfw auto store was using a manlet in photos of a toolbox they were selling to try and make it look big
>Also seethe harder manlet.
I'm not a manlet. My black cock is probably taller than you eurofag.
And here it is btw
>Chest & Roller Cabinet Dimensions: 1002mm(W)x468mm(D)x1348mm(H)
I went to Europe for vacation and can confirm most of you are manlets I actually felt tall.
>born a manlet, probably teased about it his entire life
>some snarky millennial cunt at a bagel shop probably says something cunty or gives him a look and he finally snaps
not that hard to imagine
yeah but he claims to have a 6.75 inch cock. that must look HUGE on him
it's not like he was dealt the worst hand
He was actually the one who instigated it. Apparently he started being rude to the people who worked there, someone started filming him and then he had a tantrum
I saw a long interview on YouTube in which he said that he was sexually abused by an older boy as a child.
She looks like crap. That “lump all my hair on top of my head and roll with it” haircut is peak basicness.
“I don’t want to deal with it!” Then fucking cut it off lazy bitch, find some conviction.
I mean, of course they would say that.
she's just at a bagel shop and you expect hear to dress up in a ball room gown and full makeup? fuck off queer, i bet you look like shit all the time.
All lanklets will hang as soon as I find my step stool.
The worst is when that giant bald fuck just tackles him to the ground. Look at this guy dude, hes fucking tiny, what if he had killed him? Old busybody fucker proves his point right there.
>what if he had killed him?
I'd have laughed at the midge puddle.
>You're not God, or my father. Or my boss!
how is making fun of manlets acceptable if making fun of people with disabilities or making fun of people born with different skin color isn't. all of them are genetic
makes me think sometimes
Just a typical "protect all womyn" white knight
Women ultimately decide which uncontrollable characteristics are and aren't okay to make fun of. That's why there's no logic to it whatsoever.
It's ok to make fun of everyone, we've been doing this for centuries. Sorry, manlet, being small doesn't make you a harder target.
>not wanting the giantess experience in pic related
bad news