>christianity bad
>america bad
>men bad
Christianity bad
Other urls found in this thread:
shh don't upset the capeshit shills
yep, it's reddit
>watching #metoo: the show
>christianity bad
Worthless in this day and age.
>america bad
This isn't the comic.
>men bad
Some women were also bad.
Christians worship a dead kike on a stick and let in niggers by the boat load. Fuck Christianity.
tv is really shilling this trash and I dont know why
yeah pretty much, op. Good to see you're finally understanding it.
based pagan
Dumbass takes
The only purpose of mainstreaming this shit is to make mainstream perception equal lefty ones
stop posting
yeah because all the liberal welcome in-ers are christian and all the cuckservative trumpers are hippie pagans
Christian cuckold: we gotta do missionary work in Nigeria and Somalia and then get them here!
>>christianity bad
>>america bad
>>men bad
this but unironically
>and then get them here!
they literally never say that
>call my takes "dumb ass"
>proceeds to post gibberish
Any show that bashes Christianty is fine with me. It makes the seething Christian's on here bash "Jewish writing," despite Christianity only existing due to said "Jewish writing."
>>america bad
this one isn't entirely wrong
Growing up and still being associated with several different christian communities through friends and their families, I can tell you that adopting black babies from africa is a Christian past-time, unfortunately.
Jesus and his followers stopped being jews when they stopped worshipping the volcano demons. Beelzebub, maloch, and the third one and started worshipping Yhweh the ancient jew god of war.
Lastly, the liberals and powers that be let in foreigners by the boatload as slaves and the media is HEAVILY gaslighting the population into thinking it's great and fighting against the government to allow it and even help it along.
Reminder the pope kisses nigger feet.
adoption is fine tho
the babies can assimilate and contribute to society
I thought you meant like opening the borders for refugee families or some shit
Wow, what a fresh take. Thank you, Jewish writers.
>liberal atheist cuck trying to make christians look bad
you're not fooling anyone, go back to watching your capeshit
jews killed christ idiot
Retarded understanding of Abrahamic religion
Christianity is a jewish invention meant to subjugate the white race.
God killed Christ, you idiot. Christianity was also founded on a JEWISH religion.
Continue to do your mental gymnastics, though. Maybe call me a JIDF. I'm an atheist, but you can calle me one if it makes you feel better.
Why do Jew influencers grift this alt-lite shit on here anymore? Everyone that still posts in Yea Forums is either far left of this, or smart enough to understand this is bullshit. You can't change racial differences without some sort of technology.
kek keep on with the mental gymnastics.
Perpetual reminder that if you identify with the particular strain of Christianity this show is denigrating you are a garbage person and are unironically the problem with everything today. Please kill yourself.
Without Christianity, white people are just hedonistic assholes
Stupid no substance reply
Lmao typical Christian retardation. Durrr we're all God's children and equal! The differences are only skin deep!
Niggers are a blight upon the entire human race.
Post the gif of homelander looking around and then leaving
reminder that if you enjoy this show you should also kill yourself, tranny
>/leftypol/ pretending to be /pol/
>dude what if the HEROES were the BAD GUYS?
ennis is a hack
You literally just claimed that I have no understanding of an Abrahamic religion without giving ANY further explanation, and then you have the gall to claim that my reply lacked substance?
Let's warm up for those mental gymnastics and explain how Christianity isn't steeped in Judaism! Come on, I know you can find some excuse.
Tv can't get enough cape shit it's like cocaine to them
>Blacks can assimilate just fine
you can raise a black baby to follow laws and work hard
I'm not saying a black baby raised by white parents is going to grow up to be thomas sowell
pushing race IQ is the same shit as saying "I'm a underachiever with high potential". you've failed at succeeding in life so you cling to some statistic that probably doesn't apply to your mediocre selves
Theys just like us mang neva hu't nobody no suh dey need mo money fo dem programs
>/leftypol/ still pretending to be /pol/
Rlm did a video on it so now it’s blowing up again
Read anything by James Flynn or Stephen Gould instead of isolating yourself into your faggot /pol/ bubble
The Deep is relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss him relentlessly.
What if the adopted black kid is one of the 100+ IQ ones
lmfao ya bro the people who are pro-mass immigration are definitely le ebil xtians
>>christianity bad
>>america bad
>>men bad
These things are true though.
>muh /leftypol/ boogieman
kiss each other
It's...almost....like rich communities have more crime because there's more stuff to steal?
>Christianity is bad
The show never says this in any way, though. I mean, ALL religion is bad outside of the sense of community is provides and the moral structures it pretends to uphold but the show never says it.
1-555-come on now
Okay, but only if he wants to.
>>america bad
Yes, America IS bad. Remember when Iceland tried to ban male circumcision? Guess which nation sent their rabbis to stop it and had politicians threatening Iceland that passing the bill would damage relations.
>OP insults leftist SJW show
>this angers some leftist söy redditor
>goes on a rant against christians while pretending to be /pol/
Reminder, when you speak the truth about some shitty reddit show or movie that some redditor enjoys they'll try to spin the narrative and say that "no, this show I enjoy is actually redpilled and right wing" just to fit in
mwa :x
Sure, except violent crime also includes physical attacks outside of those involved in property theft.
>The show never says this in any way, though
It doesn't have to. Christfags are so butthurt that any measure of criticism is considered a personal attack.
I would love to blow out Christianity every time one of these bitching threads pop up, but the mods are wishy washy on when they want to ban people.
The perfect show!
SEETHING christkike
imagine being this paranoid and delusional.
>Christians let in immigrants
no, just protestants
Holy shit you guys, this is actually based and redpilled when you think about it. I'm going to adopt a black baby straight from Africa rn
Most iconic shot of our generation.
>Christfags are so butthurt that any measure of criticism is considered a personal attack.
what about homosexuals
or muslims
or trannies
or feminists
or minorities
christianity is a punching bag compared to any of these groups
>just protestants
The Pope literally kissed Muslim nigger feet and shills for open borders constantly.
Most Protestants in the US vote for politicians that want closed borders. Catholics here are all either spics or New England libshits.
2bf its only the current pope that is pushing all this liberal shit
all the previous ones including benedict were at least slightly on the conservative spectrum
Christianity is fine just don't push that bullshit on other people.
imagine being such a brainlet capeshitter that you think Christianity=Catholicism
Criticize all of them; I could not give a fuck less. I just love the absolute SEETHING that the Christfags on here get into when their bullshit is criticized. They SEETHE over their nonsense belief system being challenged.
1.) God exists.
2.) God wants us to believe he exists.
3.) God is all knowing and all powerful.
4.) Therefore, God should prove to us that he exists.
This causes a meltdown for the Christfag. Mental gymnastics and asspulls abound. Obfuscation about "free will" inevitably occurs, even though the question is merely about proof and logic.
>no true Scotsman fallacy
Shut the fuck up, catholic
>N-not all christians!
Even so called hard preaching Baptists are happy cuckolds.
you seem to be the one having a meltdown right now
you even tagged the same post twice in your stupor
It was an accident and I am in mobile. Continue with your ad hominem attacks, though.
it's okay, have a söy latte and get back to watching your jewish propaganda capeshit show
Imagine having shit reading comprehension.
I was replying to an user who was attacking Protestants. Southern Baptists are basically the least-pozzed Christians in the Anglosphere.
do you ever have accidents in bed while you sleep sometimes
I do. do you?
No, because I am not five.
Christianity is bad.
America is bad.
Men are faggots for letting things get so bad.
its perfectly normal in the teen-young adult phase, user.
he's talking about the slave trade dumbass
Baptist preacher famous for his supposed 'bigotry' in USA marries white women to niggers:
I check neither of those boxes and that has nothing to do with the conversation at hand.
Continue on in your lame personal attacks because you lack an argument. I am sure you will get to a point eventually.
So... it's.. almost like... there's violent crime everywhere and for some reason violent crime rates are a little bit higher in rich communities than it is in poor communities.
Quick question, the seven are the top hero's, but there are like 200 other registered heroes.
So why did they hire starlight into the seven instead of promoting one of those already proven heroes?
True, that is redditty. I just like seeing based Homelander kill everyone be chad as fuck.
Fresh, young talent with a clean image.
Christianity is nothing like what's shown in this show, goy. Now pay up.
>I just like seeing based Homelander kill everyone be chad as fuck.
I mean, where’s the lie, OP?
It's obvious from reading your post that you haven't read the bible. You're either stupid or just trolling.
need to photoshop some equations
capeshitters can't read
What, you think the villain is actually evil? Are you a fag who actually like protagonisrs? Are you fucking gay?
You can’t seriously be advocating for Gould. Unless you’re studying the Cambrian explosion you should not be indulging his garbage. Also the Flynn effect isn’t as powerful as you might like to think.
Faggot, what are the first five books of the Bible based on?
I wouldn't even call this "mental gymnastics". You Christfags are so fucking lazy about your fake god and bullshit scriptures.
why is Yea Forums always so upset
>america bad isn't the comic
America literally starts a bullshit war on false pretenses and then President Not Dick Cheney and Vice President Not George Bush use it to enrich themselves and their illuminati masters.
Oh shit, that was real life too.
Pretending to be a LARPagan doesn't make your trolling less obvious.
>Pointing out whats inside the bible constitutes trolling
Based Christianity
>What, you think the villain is actually evil? Are you a fag who actually like protagonisrs? Are you fucking gay?
I was referring to the Mismeasure of Man. The Flynn effect has been holding up, even despite the growth of so-called "low-IQ" populations.
>christianity bad
Doesn't happen
>america bad
Doesn't happen
>men bad
Doesn't happen
Suck more cocks you massive faggot
>tv is really shilling this trash and I dont know why
It's Yea Forums nerds wanting to discuss their loser hobby.
>uses the same phrase "mental gymnastics" twice in a reply chain as two separate posters
Wowee I wonder if it's a troll or not
written by: jew
your anger is cute :3
Yea Forums is actually seething because the show is better than the comic
I don't know what a "LARPagan" is. I am an agnostic atheistic. I do not know that a god, or gods, exist, and I do not believe that they do either.
All I know is that the Christians on this board are literal retards who cannot defend their retarded religion. It would be so much better if they stopped bitching about the show so much. They literally just open themselves up for attack by doing so.
Not the immediate guy you replied to, but I used the term "mental gymnastics" because that's what it fucking is. It's quite evident in this thread, because Christians would rather argue anything other than the topic at hand.
I'm not reading your book about how you're not trolling. I hope you enjoy the dopamine you got from the other posters in here.
why doesn't homelander just take the world by force?
I know what you were referring to and I have the feeling you don’t keep up with the literature and likely are rephrasing things you heard in YouTube videos. Also, gwern.net
Christians BTFO your shit-flinging ancestors in their mud huts, vargnigger. How's it feel?
Boy, you must have a short attention span.
Still waiting for a sound argument from a Christfag. There has been nothing but non-sequiturs and personal attacks.
Come on, guys. You have to have something. Beg the question with one Thomas Aquinas' "proofs". Attack science. Where are the stock Christian apologetics in this thread? You fucks aren't even trying.
white people are getting owned by superior jews
Oh we're just deflecting with random shit to cope with our asshurt?
The diameter of the sun is 1.391 million km.
This shows all about Jewish influence corrupting the American vision wtf are you talking about
The Boys is only a rebuke of corporatism, we see how it poisons everything it touches, none of the things you mentioned are portrayed as inherently bad on their own.
Starlight is christian but still a good person.
what's the matter? upset that the superior jewish intellect is ruling over your people? hahaha
why does every thread turn political
>commit endless nepotism after getting some rich white dude to convert secretly and buy you your ethnostate
Wow, epic skills here. Surely millions of years of Jewish sage predictions went into this one off stroke of luck.
What point would there be in that? World conquest as a motivation for self-serving antagonists has never made sense. The only reason anybody would want to rule everyone as a tyrant is if they felt it was a humanitarian act to impart their order on the world. There's no reason for selfish, non-ideological people to want to rule because then you have to do boring shit to maintain your power instead of having fun.
Imagine this guy lecturing at king charlemagne calling him a faggot kike worshippers.
how are these birth rates going?
>the black guy is the main bad
yet you can't deal with the jewish menace
Hmm. The butthurt over being called a vargnigger is clearly palpable, but the retort style is essentially t*rkish. Hard to pinpoint.
Are LARP*gans and t*rkroaches breeding a shitposting hybrid? This does not bode well for our people.
it'd be easier to just take control than to keep the corporation afloat
christianity is bad, america is bad but so is everyone else, men are bad, men are good, women are bad, women are good
this, it's surprisingly pretty redpilled in it's over all sentiment
As soon as genetic engineering comes (and good lord is it coming) this shit ends because there won't be such large race IQ gaps anymore. At that point they won't want to emigrate from their home countries because they can take care of themselves. The only coping Israelis can do at that point is censor all of their hatred and espionage, and pray to their sleepy demon god that nobody notices all of the evil shit they've been up to for over 70 years.
go pray, incel
>mfw you are going to Hell
too late. Your people don't want to have sex and will get erased before that happens
I don't pray for dirty t*rks, buddy boy.
The show clearly shows how shitty the corporation women are, focused on their positions.
>living in a world of superpowered individuals and still believing that there's an invisible sky daddy who sends bad people to the bad place if they do bad things like kiss another boy
>mfw Jesus won't forgive blasphemy so that user is going to burn even if he cries for forgiveness
I guess you haven't looked too close at immigration over time? Even the most liberal rate of 2million/yr would mean to get 25% brown Europe would take another 40 years.
I don't see how superpowered individuals would make any difference one way or the other in this regard. Care to explain?
i cant believe a capeshit show triggers rightists so much
You're forgetting about genocide.
God was invented by humans as a way to hold power over other humans
Superpowers circumvent that need
> Starlight spends half the comic naked, fucking or sucking dick
> show Starlight doesn‘t even flash a tit
> only nude scene is a made for tv character flopping his dick
Come on, not even a hint of Maeve using muscle hunks as sextoys?
Nooope, gotta make her a lesbian with a bad relationship to her ex
How much did it hurt your ego to write that jews were better than roaches in order to LARP as one? Was it worth it for the epin troll, looking back?
But if god exists then that doesn't really follow.
you do understand they have been around for 50years and that entire time V has run with the line that they are chosen by god right? wait of course you don't you haven't even watched the show
All genocide rates in western world are very low despite propaganda. Something like only 2% of Europeans actually ever make a mixed kid, and even if they do the pairing usually ends and they move on. And if you're talking about outright violence then you're even dumber than you sound.
From my perspective, these two items are totally unrelated. Are you saying the priests would now say Superman will punish you after death instead of God, or to pray to Superman? How does it replace the concept of God?
You're the triggered one here. I'm just a basedboy who acknowledges jewish supremacy
Religion was invented as a way to hold power over other humans.
God and Gods and spirituality and mysticism is older then the mere concept of organized spirituality.
Wish we could go back to polythesism and see all things as spiritual in nature.
Monothesic religions has been a fucking dumpster fire and rife with abuse.
If God exists, why doesn't he intervene to protect His creation from superpowered miscreants?
*tips fedora*
>You're the triggered one here
This can't be happening! I'm in charge here!
Meaningless term.
The first two are correct though.
>And if you're talking about outright violence then you're even dumber than you sound.
Get btfo, nazi.
I'm a racist pol fuck but you're embarrassing.
why do you keep replying to me? call me nigger again, christcuck. hahaha
The same reason he doesn't intervene to protect His creation from non-superpowered miscreants.
Normal-powered people were raping, torturing and killing each other for tens of thousands of years. I don't see how a superpowered person changes things.
unable to comprehend that it lampoons and shows how shallow #metoo really is.
Why do you post here?
This Christian stuff didn't seem to be shitting on all of Christianity (surprising considering both Ennis and Rogen).
It was definitely shitting on how Christ worship has basically become celebrity worship though. Starlight complains about how the whole Christ expo thing has changed, and its selling t-shirts and expensive baptizations and all that bullshit, just like how being a superhero is just a 24/7 fake celebrity media stunt.
>The same reason he doesn't intervene to protect His creation from non-superpowered miscreants.
Because "god" is a human construct and does not exist?
>The same reason he doesn't intervene to protect His creation from non-superpowered miscreants.
Because he doesn't exist
that ntr ending left a bad taste in my mouth
He doesn't protect from anything else. Why them?
If I didn't enjoy poking at and enraging insane autistic incel people there'd be no reason to come here, would there?
>call me nigger again
But I discovered that you're a dirty roach sewer dweller kebab. That's far more revolting than a mere nigger. Hell, t*rks make niggers look downright attractive.
Or he doesn't appear to neckbeards :(
>friends talk about the boys
>its not a remake of pic related
Right, but the topic isn't whether or not God exists. The topic is about why superpowered humans would replace the concept of God and religion. I think that we can safely say now that it doesn't/wouldn't change anything.
Or maybe he ONLY appears to neckbeards
He's just not interested in ruling.
He gets off on being worshiped and loved by people publicly while actually being a psycho sadistic mass-killer and seeing just how much he can get away with without blowing his cover.
It's like his own version of a secret identity since he doesn't have a life outside of the hero stuff.
Or anybody else, because he is not real.
I really wish there was some media that actually reflects my values, but instead there's either alt-lite bullshit, the mass shooter stereotype for anyone further right than country is an idea alt-liteist brainlets, and then the lefty feel good characters.
if you're a christcuck on Yea Forums you are guaranteed to be an incel. Probably still in high school.
Maybe stop fapping so much?
Why did they replace Oh Father? What's the point in making an evil gay Christian supe when the comics had an evil pedophile Christian supe?
I fucked your mom in the ass, and she loved it.
>The topic is about why superpowered humans would replace the concept of God and religion.
Because they could very easily form cults of personality around themselves, duh
Monotheistic religions are plainly superior though, considering their complete domination of polytheistic ones.
this is correct, but it doesn't matter same as some anons whining about 'all men are bad' which is blatantly wrong too, they haven't even watched the show, just random webms at most
that's not a very christian thing to say. You're going to hell, bro.
Stop watching porn
its ok, god will forgive him
Jesus Christ was raped by a pack of Romans in the sweltering summer of 33AD.
I always wondered if it was just the same dirty t*rkroach subhuman who writes in this schizo style all day, or if it's typical of roaches in general. I've never met one except on Yea Forums. Are they all schizo? I can see why their neighbor countries all hate them.
And then he ressurrected and Rome converted to Christianity. Looks like he sure owned them, and then your Pagan ass too.
God doesn't care what is said or done to t*rkroaches, only other humans.
>Stop watching porn
Aren't you the one who posts interracial porn here every day?
Based and Christpilled.
atheists are a jewish psyop
>t-t*rkroach insulted my religion I must keep replying to defend the white race
Yikes and seethepilled.
>I'm not reading your book
like you didn't read the bible
heretic faggot
keep replying all you want. christianity is still cringe!
>mfw Jesus knows my joking ways and I prayed for you user
I love how upset you're getting that I don't put up with your shit, roach boy.
Isn't it about time you scurried off to spam some interracial porn? That's usually what you do after being sprayed with RAID.
I can spam blacked and make you seethe at the same time.
I suppose it wouldn't be Yea Forums without some incel cherry picking reasons to be triggered.
Christ pisses on mohammed a couple times a day to ease his pain while frying in hell, though. That's pretty based don't you think?
>Everyone that doesn't like lefty projection is overweight and a mass shooter
Brilliant take, schizo
christ is a cuck, though. There's no discussion about it.
Get a better messiah
>regards, the cum drinker
your people eat ass and go to church hahahahahha
Fine if you're not a liberal white.
Cringe and blue pilled.
The Arabs? Or do you mean the Jews? Surely, it was the Egyptians, maybe even the Romans? Ottomans? I bet it was the Dutch!
So you admit your sick obsession now. Interesting how much I've gotten you to confess, I feel like we've connected a bit.
You know, acknowledgement of a problem is the first step toward healing. I actually do hope you get help some day instead of doing this same pointless, unhealthy thing constantly.
Not that I've got my hopes up or anything though. In all likelihood you'll do this until you die.
>muh tribalism
At what point did you just completely stop appreciating the media you consume? Not everything needs to be reduced down to anger-inducing social dissatisfaction porn.
you're still a mad christcuck.
t*rks rape small boys in the ass on the mosque prayer floor though. Is that really better?
The NT is full of passages that are anti-Jew. Christianity was always anti-Jew. This whole "Christians are the friends of Jews" bullshit is relatively recent. Also, the inclusion of OT with the NT was politically motivated and the writers and protags of the NT wouldn't have approved at all.
I wouldn't be noticing it if it the lefties didn't put it into everything. Have a nice day.
*offers children to epstein*
can I get an amen?
tick tock christians
Atheist leftists and Jews do that.
Christians kept trying to expose it, but the (((media))) called them crazy.
but...it is
>hurrr durrr
More like
>Moralistic propaganda masquerading as grandstanding evangelism bad
>Corporation sliding into governmental sector bad
>Toxic masculinity and uncontested machismo bad
They don't, you're simply suffering from the effects of confirmation bias.
Yes, sweetie. I know the jews control the media with the help of christcucks
Keeping the responses short now so that you don't betray any more information about yourself? I can respect that.
Would someone tell me, what the fuck is toxic masculinity? On the same token, wouldn't that mean there is toxic femininity?
>>Toxic masculinity and uncontested machismo bad
What do you look like?
pic related
you're so retarded and angry that any kind of reply makes you go wild. Stop browsing the internet all day and deal with your emotional issues. Maybe then you will leave cuckstianity behind
Surely you have at least three pieces of evidence to back that up, right?
But he's standing in heaven pissing down on mohammed like niagara falls while mohammed burns and screams, doesn't seem very cucked to me.
*bombs you*
"they can come here legally!"
very smart christcuck. Very smart
If I've understood right, toxic masculinity is when, for example, a man wants to cry for whatever reason, but won't because crying usually doesn't fit a masculine image, therefore causing harm in pursuing masculine ideals, which in turn means this aspect of masculinity is toxic.
mfw I finally got to use the shit the uni is trying to shove down my throat
Why do you keep seething so hard at me merely replying to you? An interesting case. Most people love getting (You)s but it seems to enrage you.
You know you could always close the thread right? You don't need to stay if it makes you this upset.
>inbred sandnigs
mohammed isn't bombing anybody, what are you talking about? He's burning in hell with the other baby rapers.
expectations: subverted
culture: subverted
No you don't.
You're right, it's more like pic related.
Gross. Someone post the muslim inbreeding chart.
based user dabbing on discord trannies
Yikes. At least the turkroaches are a little less inbred than the other sandmonkeys.
>Starlight in no way hates Jesus or Christianity, but feels disgust at having to lie about her own past and feelings to support hate-fueled causes that have seeded their way into corrupting Christianity.
>Show praises American military might and weapon making, but is mostly geared towards being anti-big corporation for wanting to take control of America.
>Most of the protagonists are men, and the antagonists in general are the elite super heroes and their corporate parents, with most of the women being just as horrible or worse.
I'm going to say have sex and you're going to reply dilate even though you haven't had sex and I'm not a tranny.
Sorry, user. I'm a (you) addict like you and I'm going to bed rn.
I didn't mean any of that but you need to stop falling for shitty bait, it's kind of pathetic.
Toxic Masculinity is the practice of doing or not doing something based on how "masculine" that action is.
For example, bottling emotion or downplaying personal injury because "Men don't cry", and becoming incapable of relating to other human beings as a result. Basically overwriting your own personality with your perceived masculine ideal, to your own psychological detriment, and the possible detriment of those around you.
>On the same token, wouldn't that mean there is toxic femininity?
Yup! There totally is! And it's the same basic thing.
For example, trying to maintain a slim figure, so you develop bulimia.
Starlight is my wife
People in the US marry their cousins all the time though.
Quick honest question for you lefist drones.
What is your response to hyper-ethnocentric shitskins like: ?
(follow reply chain to see more)
You literally have no tools or rhetoric to fight them. You spend all your time screeching about white males being ebul, yet meanwhile shitskins are establishing ethnocentric power structures all around you. What's your endgame?
that's mostly a meme
Not according to the chart, copeboi.
It's actually illegal in the USA unlike inbred kebabmonkey town.
Most of the people in this thread were even born from such pairings.
>yet meanwhile shitskins are establishing ethnocentric power structures all around you.
They're not. That's false.
Boom, response made.
>admitting defeat
SEETHING just like mohammed!
That's a fake meme made-up by Jews because there's not much to insult rural whites over.
Even poor whites are more intelligent and less criminalistic than niggers.
I spend all my free time on Yea Forums telling people to kill niggers and jews and to have sex and dilate, doubly so now that cripplechan is kill
Good night roachie
>They're not. That's false.
Denial of reality is pretty common among scumbag liberals, that's for sure. They will be the death of us.
Epic burn, but seriously, how are you gonna prevent nonwhites from being ethnocentric without leftist landwhale feminists on your own team calling you raycis?
They're not even liberal.
They don't want whites to have freedom of speech. They don't want whites to be able to opt out of their social engineering. They support a statist bureaucracy enforcing their will on people.
Everyone knows that she was the captain of the varsity slut team, right?
All of those things are absolutely true.
If your feefees are hurt, GTFO faggot
How much longer before they start the civil war?
In my country we have active muslim persecutions amd constantly attack snd drive them off our borders. I would love to see France do this. I would like to see muslim-free France. When I grew up I saw France very differently than what it is. I didn't even know muslims existed there.
>Muslims enter country
>Muslims treated like shit
>Muslims continue to enter country and get mad at being treated like shit
>Muslims talk about retaliation for said shit treating
>men bad
Remind me how well that all-female team did on Survivor again.
50% of the population 90% of the crime
>"it's the French peoples' fault!"
>implying they don't get mountains of gibs
Sandniggers literally skip over countries like Italy and Hungary because they don't give enough gibs. Gotta get to them rich cuck countries.
I gotta ask, are you a woman? It's hard to believe that a grown man can be so cucked.
>Muslims treated like shit
>free healthcare
>free education
>free housing
>pussy natives, easy to bully
>wah wah its not enough, we also want to not see french or whites
Alpha as fuck.
There was never any compromise to begin with. There was never any way these people would be happy, no matter what. They should not have been allowed to move there, for both their sake and the French people's sake. The cultures are just too opposed.
I'm certain that user is baiting you and other christcucks for replies and it's working. I do the same thing. To answer your question, nonwhites are already ethnocentric, they never were not, its only whites who aren't. Women are all retarded, ideally and as a starting point white men should not be afraid to challenge what women say publicly or in private. Not in an autistic confrontational way but even just "Oh where did you hear that [stupid thing]?" "Whats that statistic from" that sort of thing. I do it at work with girls who know me and they usually stop and think or backtrack. Beyond that, I don't know, gas all the kikes? The damage has been done, most women are on an IV drip of dopamine from tinder and social media and barely use their brains.
I hate to say it Ahmed, but you're right.
Just murder the leftists so they will stop messing-up our gene pool.
The sad answer is it is too late for the West. Thankfully, China will brutally crush both Islam, Europe, feminism, etc.
Unfortunately the Chinese lack the creativity and type of intelligence to overcome the challenges of the 21st century.
Women run on rumors, gossip and emotion. Facts don't even factor in with them. There's no point in talking to them seriously.
Not that men are much better, but it's especially bad for women.
When I was a teenager I tried this with women and it didn't work. As soon as I stopped trying to speak to them like people, they started loving me and I started getting laid. I can't even remember the last time I had an important/serious conversation with a woman. It's been several years.
extremely based
Gibs me Dengist techno-fascism.
>Unfortunately the Chinese lack the creativity and type of intelligence to overcome the challenges of the 21st century.
Are you fucking retarded? The Chinese are leading innovation and research into AI, robotics, alternative energy, lab-grown meat, genetic engineering and shit tons more. Why don't you fucking read something instead of buying into stupid memes?
And what happens if the USA and Europe die or cut them off and they can no longer leech technology and steal IPs? 95% of their tech is built off of either willingly shared tech or industrial espionage.
Name one thing the Chinese are leading in, despite stealing everything they can for 5 decades and having 4 times as many people as the US.
>muh stolen technology
China has its own tech industry now you faggot. They never even stole technology, they gave the Western bourg an offer. The Western bourg can use cheap, efficient Chinese labor as long as they share the technology. The Western bourg accepted that offer. China used that to catch up to the West. Now China has developed its own homegrown tech industry and research base. Do you even read about any of the shit you go on about or do you just spout memes like an NPC retard?
Things that never happened for 200, Alex!
The right side of this pic looks like the stages of a nigger abandoning his family
Starlight being the whore that she is, and the show messaging to the audience it's okay she holds no Christian values as long as she thinks she's Christian is leftoid agitprop. If you can't understand that then you're just trolling or stupid.
>let me tell you French people what Muslims are like
>trust me I live in a 95% white suburb in Portland
>muh dick
>ayo hol up
I've been in this shithole for way too long but I still love that the contrarianism has swung around so hard over the last 15 years that Yea Forums is now defending both fundie christian faggots and corporate cocksuckers every single day. It's great.
Meh, it's easy for these writers to take shots at Christianity, because they know Christians won't do anything about it. Now if they had made fun of Islam, that would be impressive, but they won't, because they are cowards.
They won't take shots at Jews either, because they are Jews.
It's all the boomers and r/the_Donald immigrants who came since the election.
I've personally been watching it happen for 30 years you American liberal fag. Next you'll tell me the Mexicans aren't invading and replacing you, when you can't live in your western/southwestern states without speaking Spanish and you're 56% white and falling. Denial is a terrible coping method, it only makes things worse and worse. Fortunately we aren't as bad as you yet, but it will happen if we keep denying like you do.
>All religion is bad
It's the foundation for sustainable civilization. Humans devolve into tribes without it.
>god should behave how I demand him to or he doesn't exist!
Sure, but it's still much deeper than that. I swear if Reddit were hardcore christians this place would have (still) been an atheist hellhole.
it's all due to reddit (r/thedonald) refugees.
>naming the jew ever
Weird how reddit don't actually be like that ever
People that became Christian to be more contrarian are the worst posters on this site
We haven’t devolved into tribes anyway?
It was all the faggots that came from there who went to /pol/ and took le epic redpill and then spread /pol/ cancer all over the rest of the site
I was raised Christian and lurked here during my teenage edgy atheist phase, then reconverted but kept lurking for the past 8 years.
>be heugie
>gf dies due to black guy on the run
>harbor hate but also eventually learn that life goes on, vengeance isn't everything
>end up with a qt 3.14 super heroine waifu who loves you and rescues you from super prison
>be Butcher
>wife gets fucked by superman
>get told it was rape when it wasn't
>proceed to let nothing stand in the way of getting back at superman
>even if it means sacrificing the few friends you have
>learn that wife wasn't kidnapped or murdered or took her own life
>she's doing quite well in a comfy suburban house raising the child of gigachad
The absolute state of Butcher
>not being psyops and glow in the dark posts for 3 years now
okay faggot
Lol at this cuck seething like a maniac because OP pointed out propaganda in a kike show
of course father, your new jet isnt going to pay for itself!
he has already reeped the rewards of world domination without the constant need to assert dominance or handle domestic disputes, its what detaches him from humanity in the first place.
Where's the y-axis?