Life is unfair

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he had like 2 strokes maybe that's the reason

I don't have any good memory of my life and I never had a stroke.

>I don't know
>can you repeat the question?


where am i

yeah strokes from doing a shit ton of cocaine


he still retired before 20 as a multimillionaire though

>had TWO strokes before age 30

The fuck?

He just wants to signalize to the Hollywood jews that he won't mention the diddling from those times, maybe they'll give him a job.

Look at him. Does he look like he has good genes?

they always exaggerate a medical condition every year on DWTS.

I know he had those strokes but I doubt he doesn't remember anything.

What causes someone to have 2 strokes by 30? Extreme HBP? drugs? genetics? acute injury?

How would you looksmax him?


I've smoked weed everyday of the past 10 years and can remember my entire childhood in vivid detail like a movie

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>I've smoked weed everyday of the past 10 years
I did this, my advice would be stop

It happens

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i'll consider it. but don't bet on it

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I didnt get diddled by kikes though

>haha i’m rich fuck you!
>boo hoo i have brains problems!

I thought he had brain damage from amateur racing crashes, not drugs

>earbugs taped to bandaids
>wearing makeup in the hospital

and here i am with nothing to show for it but a modest bank account and a fully functioning brain, what a schmuck

child actors all age really badly
he’s hideous

High speed car accident. They fuck you up forever if you survive it.

>yeah but not having strokes at 35 hasn’t been, have fun trying to remember the pin number to your fortune frankie

He just looks like an average dude. But yeah, child actors all have this scrawny, malnourished look when they get older. I dunno if it’s genetics or drug habits to cope with getting diddled by Executive Producer Moishe.


Tell me you're not this stupid.

What is it with all the actors and their strokes? Is this from too much cocaine?

seething white knight redditor
it was a publicity stunt


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>spends 5 years pouring her heart and soul into a charity to help people that experienced the same injuries she had
>for publicity

You're a special kind of stupid.


Do you actually have brain damage?
Holy shit

High stress coupled with 6 months to a year of every breakfast, lunch and dinner sourced out to fast food catering joints.

If you haven't figured out that this is a lie then you are retarded
He witnessed or was a part of or knew of something fucked up going on behind the scenes and wants to stay clear of all backlash
>oh I don't remember what horrible things were happening on set

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So the fucked up shit only happened during season 2 and there's not even (((rumors))) of anything happening?

>Multiple Storkes
>All the boys grew up to be manlets

There have been rumours about what was going on during Malcolm in the Middle. not saying bryan is a kiddy diddler, but producers probably did something that has fucked the kids up permanently, causing dewey's actor to take his own life...

Everyone still pretends dewey is alive... the kid is dead ffs. let him rest in peace

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Thought you were talking about Emilia, my bad

Isn't there rumors Dewey got fucked up from Malcom in the Middle

More likely due to his racing career. Even a relatively minor crash can fuck you up when you're doing 200mph.

Find a bad picture of Kurt Russell at any age.

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Why weren't we there for her, Yea Forums?

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There were rumours of her having one of the aneurysms, second I think, I'm surprised it didn't get spammed on Yea Forums with people making fun of her

What did the kikes do to this kid? Diddled then wiped him memory?

National Enquirer ran a story, she denied it at the time.

Seems like prime material for Yea Forums to hate on someone they already dislike


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Yea Forums is such cancer

thats a god send not remembering filming a stupid as fuck show. being able to forget all of jr high and high school would be marvelous for many people.

He's not dead, hes just been thoroughly MK'Ultra'd

>why, no
>I don't remember the years i was raped as a child
>sorry, can't identify any of the perpetrators
damn shame

>Yea Forums is such cancer

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>>Yea Forums is such cancer

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He's alive faggo

she honestly could have DIED bros.
D I E D dead.
The makeup she was wearing is just in the case embalmer didn’t know how to do natural eyelashes

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>racing career
Pissing around on a race track because you have too much money and a tiny dick doesn't constitute a "career"

Emilia legit almost died and she never cried about it on camera to complain about the UK government


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He was in car accidents and has a bad history of concussions.