Admit it

Keanu sucks.
He has no range and is a reddit tier celebrity.

Attached: 1560623174271.jpg (908x464, 286K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Asians are beta incels with small penises

>admit water is wet
okay? water is wet.

Yeah but he operates real good

Attached: Cm8CSe2.jpg (1193x638, 166K)

>No range
Dude literally plays either a stoner fuck, or a dude that can murder anyone.
I'm not Keanu dick rider, he's a dead meme as it is, but come on user. You're just talking out of your ass

True, but Kojima is a hack

hes good and we like him, and thats that

reddit has moved on from keanu. now they're obsessed with The Boys l

You were saying?

Attached: white-girl-dating-asian-guy.jpg (459x501, 36K)

based ricel

Is that why we get all your hottest girls while you're stuck with our subpar women?

Attached: 1547550070601.webm (853x480, 1.85M)

Mad that Chang stole your oneitis bud?

Attached: 1547549165792.webm (640x360, 1.89M)

after the whole #metoo shit the hover hand has become the chad thing to do you brainlet

Quite the opposite actually. We produce some of the best offspring with your women. You white guys however... well...

Attached: xfOhHG3.jpg (1300x812, 291K)

>Makes a thread trying to expose someone as a hack
>Compares him to a known hack in the thumbnail
Weird flex

Cool sample size statisticlet

Based r/asianmasculinity sperg

Show me successful hapa children that had white fathers then.
Oh wait, you can't because they're all trash.

Attached: This Kills The WMAF.png (557x543, 31K)

me on the left

Oh no

Attached: ethnic-preferences2_custom-2bcc84fb38b5ab6f7b614f933449fe2421d0eefd-s800-c85.png (800x821, 208K)

Attached: pls.jpg (269x188, 10K)

Oh no oh no!

Attached: 52827aa469bedd927760db2c-640-393.jpg (640x393, 34K)

elliot rodger wasn't really ugly. all he needed was to fake a little confidence and he could have easily been scoring 7's

>He's actually bragging about getting white women: the notorious dog fuckers

And you wonder why you gooks are the laughing stock of men

Attached: 1482207591437.jpg (827x1200, 224K)

He wasn't so bad when he was young in Matrix. Now, he doesn't even try, he had youtube-level actor skills in Knock Knock.

Make it stop!

Attached: kan-bun.w700.h467.jpg (700x467, 84K)

Kojima is based though.

Attached: 1488676514487.jpg (1400x2000, 1.68M)

No one cares Kojima. Go back to your pretentious Amazon simulator.

Attached: EAuzE_GXkAAoX_a.jpg (680x452, 60K)

asian incels laments are the best

Thanks for taking the average/bunk white females and leaving us the hot/successful ones for us to breed

Attached: newlyweds-race-earnings-pew.gif (590x875, 151K)

And he plays both of those roles very flat.

Clearly he's holding a cigarette in his left hand...

Will raise half black children?

yeah haha

Attached: 1543716569483.jpg (640x800, 130K)

They love him so much because he is so 1-note.

He's not the best actor, sure, but he's found a lot of his original charisma with his more recent movies and he's generally a nice dude. That's enough for a lot of people when tons of actors are pretentious, drama-filled queens.

of course because am/wf is practically non existent.

White Chad trumps Chang tho, women are whores. Asian women go for Incel whites because they are just happy to get some white sugar, while Chang has to be top tier to have a chance with white Stacy, so we are talking about two pretty samples here, you're comparing Chad Chang's to white incels, not really fair comparison.

Also, I don't really give a shit, just stating facts.

>he's generally a nice dude.
how reddit of him

I agree 100%. People called him the wall for years because he cannot act.

He's having a Nicholas Cage tier renaissance thanks to Redditors.

nice cherrypicking changlet

Attached: amwf.png (966x378, 426K)

>this thread

Attached: white_girls_asian_guys.webm (480x272, 1.71M)

Bigger than you apparently because your women are flocking to us

Attached: 1504554869889.jpg (612x612, 159K)

r/AsianMasculinity and whatever their opposite are, are unleashed, why are they so autistic ?
They all wishes they could be the Chad Kojimbo is.

>Not posting the full webm of said girls getting picked up by an asian dude

she understands the way of the buddha

Attached: Buddha-F2-750x498.jpg (750x498, 58K)

Why are you weird scizoids so obsessed with asian dudes? Not even Asian or nothing but it’s kinda creepy you think about them so much. Maybe try going out and look for a hobby?

Everywhere you go Asian women worship BWC.

Attached: Asia_app.webm (1000x562, 2.9M)

>t. zoomer that didn't grow up with bill and ted

Based r/asianmasculinity sperg


Attached: James Fields Life In Prison.jpg (753x427, 107K)

he has range and he stays with in it.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 26K)

>Matching with all the butt ugly asian girls
>Thinks he's chad

Attached: 1504554981280.jpg (1210x1227, 581K)

Looks like hes holding a cigarette in pic 1

>Somewhere out there is some jew is pouring gas on this spergy asian's anger and hoping whites will "own" him making a bunch of mentally ill (mixed race) kids
Not sure if this will work, but I appreciate the effort.

Attached: 1558661427342.jpg (1240x1198, 349K)

i think some people just like to fuck with mentally ill people

Attached: 1557523255364.jpg (900x444, 122K)

Asian guy sets up a Tinder in Poland (aka the country with the most "loyal" white women)

Attached: 1524706526289.png (400x711, 204K)

Can I just get a summary? Im not reading thru all that shit.

>sleep with whore
>make brain fucked kids
epic win my fellow whites

...and he gets flooded with polish thots wanting his "rice dick" haha

Attached: 1524706568035.png (400x711, 137K)

and ?

Attached: eligible white man on internet.jpg (600x738, 134K)

Getting mogged on the daily really fucked up western chinks mentally. Sad. You don't see this shit with any other group.

you just know she sat on his face

Attached: beautiful_white_men.webm (960x540, 2.64M)

dayum she THICC

>all these replies
pathetic ricecel

their buried asian genetics recall and yearn for the mongol superman

Attached: 01-Mongol_Empire_map-Astrokey44-Wikimedia-Commons.gif (752x591, 162K)

Being exotic is one hell of a plus points.

blacks once again btfo



Attached: VlLApPC.jpg (778x468, 57K)

Attached: 1558651219225.jpg (720x1490, 158K)

mongols fucked your shit up too, chinkoid

>jews flooding the thread now
Welp, no room left for actually talking about anything now.

So you admit defeat then

Attached: 1504554981281.png (507x645, 877K)

whats wrong with reddit?
>i cant use 2 different websites

>mixes races
>is overweight and a whore
It's almost as if there is a correlation

What's the matter poltard? Scared that even us supposedly inferior asian men are taking all your women?

Attached: 1502254981280.jpg (480x360, 18K)

I don't think a single white guy on earth is worried about asian men taking their women honestly.

u mad, ula bator

Knock Knock was awful except for Ana de Armas' breasts.

לא, אני לא חושב כך

Attached: D5DDZmGWsAEjZRY.jpg (1080x1041, 164K)

Whatever bro, I think the only times asian women are hot is when they have fat asses.

Defeat of what ? Chinks are ugly af still. The reason why most of you get matches are because you're exotic for native whites and so that they can cross out that " I fucked a _ guy once" Asians are non threatening that they don't invoke the same disgust compared to niggers only pity for the girls dating them lol.

So this is how you btfo the AMWF? With some tattooed cow?
Lmao, dude just castrate yourself and become a woman for Tyrone like we all know you want to.

Attached: 1504554981283.jpg (480x360, 11K)

Why do she-mongoloids hate he-mongoloids so much?

Attached: 1564770510591.jpg (1051x675, 246K)

so, you've never been to /pol

Attached: 1557553660987.png (922x988, 87K)

This woman is a screamer.

This is beautiful

Attached: Untitled-3.jpg (1078x855, 321K)

Pretty much how the average asian woman that white incels go after looks like

Wew, you're right. Do jews really think they can make two almost geographically separate races hate each other?

fuuuuck. Must be nice being a white guy in Asia.

Attached: 1558648277551.jpg (963x368, 64K)

let me guess, jamal, you like fried chicken too

Attached: 1545644149730.webm (608x1080, 2.81M)

>another race mixing psyop thread

Attached: 1556219825641.png (391x327, 246K)


fuuuuck. Must be nice being an asian guy in Europe.

Attached: German girls thinking Asian guy was in a kpop boy band_01.png (750x1334, 1.71M)

Sure bud, whatever you say. We're just an "exotic" fling. It's not like we don't literally breed your women
And even if we are just a fling, how does it feel, knowing you're having our sloppy seconds?

Attached: us2.jpg (1000x750, 197K)

אנו בתהליך של מירוץ עבדים חדש. שבח יהוה.

Dogs working together to drop her on her ass.

>it's an asianmasculinity thread

I haven't seen these in a while. I thought the guy disappeared, went the way of the Supreme Gentleman.

Attached: 1556938298323.gif (245x118, 403K)

BETA Anglo man vs Chinese BVLL.

Who wins?

Attached: stealing1.webm (1138x640, 2.85M)

>Incel goes to vietnam to fuck ladyboys
>Brags about it
The absolute state of white "men"

Attached: 1254981280.jpg (480x360, 12K)

Believe it or not, this is the work of one autist. He's a mod on /r/asianmasculinity on Reddit. There are screencaps and shit exposing him, it's hilarious shit.

Somebody leaked his pictures too and he's like a 5'5'' troglodyte with niggerlips.

Attached: 1561665699393.jpg (1004x1004, 252K)

He has seen the wonderment and now he Hungers.

Attached: 345343454.png (970x956, 1.05M)

I am annoyed by the fandom as well, but he has a cigarette in his hand. And she likely didn't cut a dick off to become a (she).[/spoiler}

lmao Koreaboo not even once.

Women are so fucking stupid, holy shit. That reminds me of average foreigners who go to Japan and people think they're Brad Pitt.
He hijacked my thread. I just wanted to talk about Keanu.

Deadpan is Keanu's shtick, so it doesn't matter. Always he doesn't touch thots because he's too redpilled.

goddam girls love mario

You mean ET? He's /r/hapas.

Attached: ET.jpg (2448x3264, 643K)

/pol/ on the right trying to pick up chicks

He slept with a transsexual and hung out with Marilyn Manson. He's not redpilled.

There's deadpan, and being a fucking fish.

If you are going to exclude Koreaboos from the daing pool, you can going to take up most teen White girls today since ... you know ... BTS is the biggest musical act in the West right now.

Attached: 1562891456823.webm (540x960, 1.64M)

No, that's a different thing entirely. I had the screencaps on my old PC's hard drive but I haven't installed it sadly.

If the actual scientific findings about race mixing don't convince you it's bad then specimens like this should.

It was based when it was just the one guy a few years ago. Now it's an army of incels who are genuinely insecure. White-Girl-With-Her-Asian-Boyfriend-Poster, please come back and teach these young bucks how to do it with class and style.

i think keanu just doesn't want to be #meetoo-ed, wich would be smart on his part


you mean, he's not schizophrenic?

take your meds, /pol

does markiplier count

What does that matter? He's made his money. His looks have transcended his ability. He's an old dude and he's in the back nine of his career but he's still getting roles. He's won.

Look at her bedroom walls, just poster after poster of kpop boy groups.

Attached: 1562890976111.png (750x991, 961K)

Imagine being so pathetic that you look at a woman that's attractive and you react like that. It must hurt being a race mixer.

I was responding to another user who used the term, you fucking interloping faggot.

No chaim, it's "/pol/" not "/pol" or anything different from the first thing I've shown. In an imageboard the slashes and capitalizations are part of a board's name. Welcome to the new job, by the way.

These k-pop chicks have no ass, it's pretty sad.

Koreaboo is a phase like goth. I've known girls into K-pop then dropping it once they mature.

>people lining up to take pictures of women in skin tight clothes and it's considered normal
Now I see why Japs hate Koreans.


Attached: 98479B06-2036-46B6-AC6E-AC5B733A5481.jpg (675x1200, 99K)

poor asian guys...

Attached: 1540735516294.png (1187x757, 230K)

The Japs would do it too if it weren't against the rules.

Well he's been pulling the same shit since the 90s. I think he's just a plain simpleton who isn't very smart or talented, but he keeps a low profile so all the deranged serotonin overloaded/deprived normies interpret his behavior as being a sign of intellect.

Who doesn't?

Yes, little Chaim wants to destroy host nation. We've all heard it before.

Do the cringy Asian masculinity r/ something, raid us again?
You ppl are pathetic.

Left is cuter

Not the r/asianmasculinity sperg, but if you walked around a mall in hongcouver, you'd be pretty weirded out by the amount of white girls holding hands with asian guys. Like I see it more than WMAF couples to be honest with you.

>poor asian guys...

Dont you mean asian-american guys? This is an Asian-American.

Attached: pajeet_indian_01_76aea78cb8beb3be58.jpg (801x1200, 135K)

didn't he say he did this to avoid metoo allegations?

Asian men get White girls like while White guys get barmaids from Penang Bikini Bar

Attached: 011a_edi.jpg (1080x1094, 244K)

why do teenaged girls do this

Attached: lol why.jpg (1920x1080, 342K)

Attached: 013_edi.jpg (792x633, 248K)

>asian jeremy renner

Attached: 012_edi.jpg (900x508, 96K)

Mister Goldberg please stop grandparents cry I am vomit

Attached: wbuaz1lw_400x400.jpg (400x400, 20K)

Is this true? I'm gonna have to have hapa kids with my asian wife so he can be a bossanova like this guy then.

nowadays chinks can be some of the wealthiest people on the planet (like 0,0001% of them).
that's why a few hot girls choose to date them, not because they are attracted by them

she understands the way of the Buddah

>not a ... but

sure dude okay

Kelly is cute tho

These threads always trigger me in weird ways. I'm happy for the guy in the picture, but you're not the guy in the picture. You're an incel and you're using his success to make yourself feel better. That's what triggers me, not him busting nuts inside of her pretty white pusy

unironically more alpha than slits

It's hilarious how much asian girls bend over backwards to try piss off their male counterparts by just going for white incels.
Meanwhile, AMWF relationships are just healthy and normal.

Attached: wedding_076.jpg (448x336, 26K)

Wrong species broken branch crazy eye please avoid my friends

Attached: wbuaz1lw_400x400.jpg (400x400, 28K)

You triggered the tigers. Apologize. Now we all have to look at their little photo collections

And yet white girls still get railed by us "gooks".
You can have our sloppy seconds my guy, no problem.

Attached: Just having some fun.jpg (1600x1200, 192K)

haha ikr

Attached: 1565313575558.jpg (817x1222, 233K)

This is easy to explain.

Hideo can go back to Japan where they don't give a fuck, Keanu has to go back to burgerland where the FBI might kick down his door and get dragged to a cell where he'll sleep in his own shit and piss because he touched an ass.

>a cute blonde girl was just hired at work
>find out her instagram
>look her up to see if she any bikini pictures
>scroll down
>see this

Attached: kwang-3.jpg (940x937, 328K)

My friends please do not posting distraction garbage work hard study 18 hours a day I finish 5000 differential equation only six years old

Attached: wbuaz1lw_400x400.jpg (400x400, 28K)

smells like ricecel in here, don't go shooting up schools guys


If you guys think white guys are more butthurt when it's black guys with their women

take a look at these kind of threads

there's always more seething in amwf threads.

Mmmm... much better.

Attached: gettyimages-115431274.jpg (640x923, 88K)

White incels take care of that for us when they see us with hot white girls

he says this when there have been mass shootings by wh*te incels in the last 2 weeks. lel at this disconnect with reality.

Uh, how to filter the jew / ricecels that keep posting the hornt pics of asian women?


Holy based tweets

>White incel resorts to racist character attacks because he can't prove whites are the superior race
Like pottery

The last line of John Wick 3 had me laughing in the theater.


He seems like a nice guy and can do action scenes, but he can not act at all.

get a tan

I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean, Schlomo. Did you just smash your keyboard and pick a post to reply to?

Yet they are the ones NOT being destroyed by invasions of niggers.

Not that guy, but it's from a parody account on twitter and it isn't mocking Asians. Everyone likes the character.

So you do what the jews want and advocate for race mixing that will make your kids have fucked brains? Weird choice.

Attached: Keanu-Reeves.jpg (615x651, 47K)

Lol you triggered the file unloadings

Damn, is Kojimo hitting THAT?

Can someone redpill me on r/asianmasculinity and r/hapa

>stop studying chang and spend more time with me
why are western girls so opposed to higher education

Attached: 1555850984052.jpg (956x1200, 271K)

Wrong species
I am not allow

Attached: wbuaz1lw_400x400.jpg (400x400, 28K)

go away pol

Attached: 1563722514432.png (444x638, 245K)

>leave preserving a white ethnostate to us

Attached: F1C9C724-4AC5-4712-ABBA-3C03B64E4473.jpg (451x262, 14K)

>ywn have a woman look at you like this
it hurts

Attached: 56765445675r.jpg (1280x720, 133K)

asians in the west aren't sexually desirable: reeing ensues

Is that guy turning into a tomato or...

but I want U chang.

Attached: 1541762688192.jpg (1080x1080, 111K)

I'm honestly not even trying to cause trouble here, but these guys look like the white equivalent of the average Asian I see. I'm aware that Asian Chads exist and I love them, but yeah...

did they first meet during the dracular movie?
they've had a long history

Fight me, faggot.

>WW1 Germany
>Starting the war
Weird how history don't be like that

Based Keanu not giving anyone ammunition for meetoo allegations

Kill me pls. I just want a skinny grill like her to hug fondly.

Attached: p3oxxqSI1d1wqyy5so111.png (760x696, 194K)

>"Winona, I am not interested in you, but we can still be friends."
>"W-w-w-will you please play legos with me"

>jeans butt
She's a hoebag.

why-noon-nah loves crack more than anything else


Attached: 1560388932233.jpg (680x383, 17K)

>As they are building mini houses out of legos. Winona jumps onto Keanu.

He doesn't touch women because Winona will find out

Attached: Dk7lSgzXgAE2fYQ.jpg (813x1200, 132K)

I wish that women's reproductive lifespan lasted as long as men's do without resulting in retardation.

Look at that BEAK

>Cherrypicking:the post

So this is what the actual Jewish girls look like? I can see why the IDF always has the white girl converts do the posing.

it does look that way from your post

Attached: 1514514504166.jpg (1203x1077, 596K)

i feel bad them
so bad id go over to their house to comfort them

Attached: 1535327991298.jpg (2730x4096, 1.33M)

Had a gf who looked like that but brunette and slightly shorter and I'm white.

I hate gooks and they're all ugly though, no idea why women want that.

Me on the left

>that outfit
>1 metric ton of makeup
>$50,000 in laser skin treatments
At least 500 different guys have already rubbed their dicks inside her.


Attached: 1553288106973.webm (608x1080, 2.98M)

The man is just trying not to get sued , and become the next Bill Cosby by some feminist nutbag for "touch-rapping" her. If you are an iconic male whos played an iconic superhero you can't be to careful. Guy on the right is a nobody,and not worth suing.

Attached: 1538156534759.jpg (1100x619, 62K)

Imagine wanting to fuck a drug whore like that. What kind of man are you; no dignity?


Attached: 1455646079985.jpg (592x394, 45K)

Jesus why don't they just start copulating right there and then

Haha what's his problem, amirite?

holy fuck amwf threads are always a trainwreck because white guys just cannot COP IT.
love how /pol/ is just one wmaf circlejerk but they can't handle the reverse. shame how beta white men have become.

Legit lol at this level of delusion

At least you're honest that you're a cumbrain.

I wonder if they are that mussy with each other or are they just taking the video to piss someone off?

Attached: RELATIONSHIPS-2.jpg (470x380, 71K)

I've unironically nailed the wife of a multimillionaire chinese dude multiple times
He's rich as fuck and I'm not even out of university yet and she still cheated on him with me

Kojima is a real man.

Attached: BAAGAA.jpg (2592x2696, 906K)

Lmao all this triggered chinks

No serious right wing people post on /pol/ anymore because very blatant psyop posts and glow in the dark posts flood your threads no matter what you do. Nobody that used to post on /pol/ when it was a serious board would advocate for racemixing.

Come on, at least try to make your story sound believable.

Attached: fug.png (517x480, 577K)

Yeah right, how godlike performance in knock knock is all you need to know

Truth is stranger than fiction sometimes
Didn't believe it until I saw her social media

That's just how marriages works in Chinese culture. Marriages are more of a convenience thing. He is probably banging a lot more women on the side.

Yeah I didn't believe it either. Unless you're some sort of legit Ivy League Chad who posts on fucking Yea Forums what the hell would a woman like that want with a university student?

Keep up the good fight, Incel!

Attached: pol btfo again.jpg (1280x720, 109K)

Asian women fetishize whiteness.

Beautiful women fuck literal dogs and criminals. His story might be far-fetched, but it's not totally unbelievable.

Why do people push this meme of Yea Forums being only for social retards? It's been like 15 years now and we're not exactly a secret club
There's some fag on Yea Forums who has been fucking his way around Asia for years now and posting pictures of a bunch of random women, literally have sex

cringe, fren

Attached: 1545564230151.jpg (1280x720, 88K)

bluepilled desu

t. white guy who's woke about the racial dynamics within the asian community and the self-hatred their women participate in

Full-fledged schizoid posting has commenced.
Man all Battle Stations.

Attached: 1555044139234.jpg (750x937, 117K)

She just wanted sex man idk
It's not fucking complicated, she's a woman like anyone else no matter how much her husband makes
If I had to guess she probably liked not being pedestalled like you're already doing right now

looks white tbqhwy. any other angles for confirmation?

Not thinking sex is a toy means I weigh 200 pounds and want to kill innocent people. Very compelling argument.

That's cute that the cat has his/her own backpack.



She did get a Tan though ;)

Be a good boy and take all your daily Lithium (fren).

Attached: self triggering retard detected.jpg (480x459, 70K)

Was it a disappointment when she stuck her cock deep in your asshole? Idk, man, idk sounds gay.

more cope

The same goes for Latinas. It's kind of creepy how they want white kids.

And get some help writing your numerals.

Attached: Adult Autism Protest May 25 2015 Legislature (2).jpg (550x368, 23K)

Dear fellow white people . . .
signed, Rabbi Lipshitz

white guys: Only disgusting whores fuck niggers. Blacks are low iq and brutish.

white guys: "muh dick"

i'm in a part of canada where there's zero latinas. i think i've met like two hispanic people in my life. shit tons of asian people though. it's pretty pathetic to see these pasty, nerdy white guys with asian women out of their league walking the streets. just weird clown world shit. me and my gf always point them out to each other and it's so common.

thanks rabbi

even more cope

Attached: 1565836309754.webm (1280x720, 1.43M)

Attached: legjobba.jpg (728x380, 48K)

keanu is smart and doesn't want to be charged for sexual harassment
kojima doesn't care because he isn't an americuck so he can't be charged for such things

Thank you rabbi, very cool.

I just don't get how you can even find this sort of woman charming. She's basically saying any white guy will do it for her. Isn't marriage about the vow?

Redditor here. Literally nobody on reddit talks about The Boys. Only reason i heard of it is redlettermedia.

We honestly need to clone Chad and Stacy Whites like Henry Cavill and Alexandria Daddario by the tens or hundreds of thousands so that the Henry Clones can bleach women and the Alex clones can be riced and blacked and we can turn our species into an aesthetic one.

Don't read to much into the kike message. It's only for cumbrains.

I think I know who they are. They have a youtube channel and she seems to be genuinely in love with him to the point of obsession. It's pretty bizarre but it's as real as it gets. Pretty sure it's a fetish thing but hey whatever floats her boat

who is that pure maiden next to Kojima?

Me on the top right

The virgin Keanu Reeves vs the Chad Jeff Bridges

Attached: 20190128-070fSxP1hmfVjXWS6Bz4.png (1280x840, 1.25M)

why are asian boys so pathetic and insecure? They're the ones spamming the board with interracial porn

Attached: pn3c5euetbg31.jpg (960x540, 75K)

I am not allow beautiful Chinese girls wrong species
ancestor sorrow grandparents sobbing broken branch

Attached: wbuaz1lw_400x400.jpg (400x400, 28K)

Isn't there a later post where she's disappointed because the child started to look more and more Asian?

Attached: 1558466612562.png (560x826, 246K)

>white men are the problem
literally every fucking time

Put down those stupid books chang and spend time with me.

Attached: 1565313554018.jpg (2400x3600, 1.11M)

kek, she said that she didn't actually care how the kid came out. The daughter did indeed get brown hair/eyes. It's always funny how non-whites don't know how recessive genes work.

I wouldn't bother unless you've got like a thousand pics like this saved. These aren't normal autists that you're dealing with. They're Asian.

Fucking love ricecels.

Attached: iy082ezf8m011.jpg (1080x808, 157K)

Keanu has a cig in his hand so he doesn’t want to burn the girl. Also he’s smart to never get me too’d.

No actors have range. 97% of actors just play themselves in every role with their little trademarks and draw audiences with their celebrity status. Keanu is just a really poor actor on top of that with an incredibly awkward and stiff way of moving like he’s got a severe pain in his back or needs to take an explosive shit easap, everyone pretending he’s this awesome action star after John Wick is just laughable.

who's this chick?

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I am not allow wrong species
bn hybrids steal show throw knife

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Keanu is smart enough to maintain plausible deniability. A picture of your hand wrapped around some thot may very well seal your doom.


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Come on chang spend time with me!

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gooks get literal bottom barrel british slags.
I'd unironically impregnate a tribal brazilian monkey before spilling seed into a jawlet, cock-eyed in-bred european white girl. Euros, gooks, niggers, all the same shit pot melting together.

A friend tried to convince me that Keanu was a better actor than Tom Cruise. While Tom Cruise isn't the greatest actor and they're both just action dudes at this point, Keanu is seriously shit. Seems like a cool guy but come on


How many fucking chinks did you trigger holy fuck

Since when is Yea Forums filled with these babypenis chinks

take meds now

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Whenever you see blacked porn threads or see the word "whiteboi" 99% its a seething beta /r/aznmasculinity chink.

A very sad asian individual inhabits this thread. Poor little yellow boy.

Reminder Keanu's pregnant girlfriend died with his baby tragically and he still manages to overcome depression and persevere. Get out of bed. And don't whine "but he's famous" to me. The guy rides the bus.

when can i get my qt gf, bros?

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>She got too much longer leg lol
Based leg Kojima

Will you guys please stop trying to hitch your wagon to Asian Chads'. I like them and we can be friends, but I want you to stop tarnishing them with your inceldom. It's like if Dylan Roof acted like he was just like Chris Hemsworth.

Haha. What are you even mumbling about, schizo?

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You just KNOW

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Margaret is cute. I went from not even knowing who she was a few months ago to seeing her in Death Stranding and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. I hope the success just continues for her.

That you're an incel and you're misrepresenting Asian people on this board.

jesus christ I had to come down here to find someone pointing out the cig in his hand

Are you the Leader of the Asians? Did you forget to remind everyone else?

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mormons are so creepy

I want to post alongside the Asian men in the pictures that you post, not you. They're cool. You aren't.

yes. Any straight man would fuck prime winona until her pussy bled


Okay. Because your opinion is very important to me (you schizo).

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Holy fuck you just outed chink spies on this board.

What you value obviously doesn't matter.

chink spies! never relax!
they will take the women
you were too afraid to approach

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these threads are hilarious

i think he was being ironic you shit for brains
fucking basement dwellers on here

Great legs on that QT.

Yeah. No shit, retard.

But I value your opinion, so I guess that means your opinions don't matter.

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No one famous, a model they used for one of the in-game items in Metal Gear Solid 5

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FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you got me

>Hey guys, look - I was only PrEtending to be retarded!

*blocks your path*

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Incels always worry about things they have no involvement in.

He was obviously being sarcastic. That's why I responded to him negatively. What's your excuse?

I'm responsible for all the AMWF spamming
I often reply to myself with WMAF spam
Ironically I'm actually white and I despise racemixing
I do it to stir the pot

Attached: asianman&whitegirlsexy.jpg (294x400, 29K)

i'm mixed but i'm STICC and pure
btw i'm not a girl

Bullshit. Based White girl with her Asian boyfriend poster has been around for years. It's only recently that a crop of genuinely insecure Asian incels have been posting this shit.

I know because I've been starting AMWF spam back in like 2014.
I'm not the sole contributer I'm sure of that much, but I have started quite a few "raids"

I also love gay sex. A big cock in my ass is a huge turn on for me.

That isn't me.

This is. But it is true that I love a huge hairy man dick up my asshole.

that's pretty funny
racemixers btfo