Lena Dunham Explains Why She Flashed Brad Pitt Her Underwear

>"Was this part of the movie?" Jimmy Kimmel asked

>Shaking her head, Dunham replied, "Certainly no. That was between takes, [with] him trying to sort of chill and brush up on his lines. It made sense in the moment. We were talking about kewpie dolls. Do you guys know what a kewpie doll is? It's like an illustrated character of the 1920s. Someone asked, 'What's a kewpie doll?' And I said, 'Well, I can show you. I've got one right here on my side'...If you've got it illustrated on your body, who are you not to show this?"

>Wary of how things can be misconstrued—as the set photos inevitably were—Dunham was advised against recreating that moment with Kimmel. "My publicist actually asked me directly not to do it again on this show. She said, 'No matter what comes up out there..." she said with a devilish grin. Of course, that only made it more appealing: "I want to do it really bad right now!"

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Is Lena Dunham /ourstacy/?

Imagine being a talentless kike actress who gets away with anything even sexual harassment because of nepotism

Imagine pretending you care about sexual harassment just because you have some irrational jew hatred on the internet

God don't make me gag. She's not even a Becky.

disgusting child molesting fat pig whore

what the FUCK

This. She's a fucking Doris through and through.

have sex

How can you go on and on about sexism and harassment and metoo then do this kind of thing? The hypocrisy is just ridiculous

On leaving the USA for good if trump won 2016 election:

> “I know a lot of people have been threatening to do this, but I really will,” Girls’ Lena Dunham told a New York audience in 2016. “I know a lovely place in Vancouver and I can get my work done from there.”


That is being too kind. She's an absolute fucking Helga

He's gorgeous and has hundreds of millions of dollars. Of course she reverted to instinctual behavior around this super-alpha, and as soon as she calmed down out of his presence, it was back to bitching at men in general to make the little guys feel bad for saying "friendzoned".

>only famous through nepotism
>child molester
I can't think of a more loathsome human being.

>The hypocrisy is just ridiculous
yea, but she is a woman and on the left so the rules don't really apply to her

Dios mio

Based. She doesn't give any fucks. Old Yea Forums would have loved her. It's a shame /pol/eddit runs this board now.
>muh j00s
have sex

Are you implying this disgusting hambeast flashing her body isn't harrassment?


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She doesn't give a fuck about what incel newfags like you think, and that alone makes her based. Seethe harder.

>Old Yea Forums would have loved her.

She would have been called a cumdumpster and told to put a sharpie in her pooper while a bunch of "kill it with fire" and landwhale memes were spammed.


>Old Yea Forums would have loved her

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Of course it isn't. And you don't believe it is either. You're just a shit tier /pol/ level poster who wants to shit on somebody because of their sex, ethnicity or appearence.

cope more Dun-ham

Not everyone was an incel back in those days, newfag.
Not an argument.

Your claim is so wrong it doesn't need an argument.

Imagine white knighting Lena fucking Dunham

Based. Tell these Redditincels to fuck off.
Beggin ya, have sex.

Even incels would reject this hambeast.

You're fucking delusional m8

lrn2internet, kids

>not an argument

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what a disgusting goblin

>hurr I'm a l33t shitposter look at all these (you)s

She can score wayyyyyyyyyyy better than your average incel on Yea Forums. This cope from you is delicious though.

reddit spacing

> I was just pretending to be a retard!

>knowing what Reddit spacing is
Sounds like you need to go back.

Isn't that the purpose of this website, newfag? Odin, just how retarded are these Reddit tourists?

Paying for it doesn't count remember?

ok lets unpack this. women don't "score," that's a male thing. sweetheart you obviously don't understand sexual power dynamics which is frankly troubling considering it's 2019.

>no u
Get some new material or kill yourself

no shit?
She's a woman, they can all score pretty much at will.

Even a disgusting retard like Dunham.


You'd have to be some bottom-feeding loser to shack up with Dunham.

>muh reddit boogeyman
You're a fucking headcase

>she can score wayyyyyyyyyyy better than your average incel on Yea Forums. This cope from you is delicious though.

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I hope the person who finally saves the world from her films her isis style death. Decap maybe, head smash would be better.


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I hope she moves to Vancouver and gets hit by 16 year old Chinese kid driving a Ferrari.

That ham mammoth wouldn't even feel it.

as if this is the first time she's done this to someone

No, nobody is implying that. Do better.

huh interesting that it got you though isn't it

I wonder, what face is he making?

Jesus christ. The backstory makes it far more cringe than I originally thought. Fucking kewpie doll tattoos. Jesus fucking christ. Tarantino literally has brain damage for hiring her and subjecting everyone to her bullshit for a year while they filmed.

What a dumb fucking bitch, lol.

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Are you having a stroke?

>Tarantino literally has brain damage for hiring her
Probably got money for doing so


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Imagine if he did any of this shit to her

How the fuck is Lena Dunham still getting work? How the FUCK did she get a part in OUATIH, which seems to be the exact kind of film she'd vehemently protest against.


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you just know the person that typed this out is ugly as fuck

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Yeah but why would he?

Leo focusing on the conversation like his life depended on it

It's like Animal Farm: a pig on two legs decrying that they are above their own rules because they said so.

>my feet hurt
>wish I was at Scorsese's house
>that whale keeps hitting on the Chad

If I was Brad I would fuck her brains out all night long, ask her what she wants to do tomorrow when I pick her up, then ignore her socially and professionally for the rest of her life and laugh as she goes insane.

Honestly its true.

I heard when you make wizardhood you can summon her for sex, but there's a 98.9% chance you lose your powers afterwards. Is it worth it?

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If I were Brad I'd do the same thing but with a better looking woman because I was Brad-fucking-Pitt.

If I was Brad Pitt I would do it every woman alive and most cute traps.

Please explain to me how this crazy, hideous, and untalented person still has a career....

Fat pussy.


She is incapable of seeing it as hypocrisy. If anything she'd have done it just for the anger it'd cause in the people who she considers enemies. Granted she definitely did it because she wanted to kiss him, be seen kissing him, and knew she'd get away with it.

Thats not how you spell Maude.

Someone has to be defending her or she'd have killed herself by now.

>no pics posted of that mexican kid making the disgusted face at the limo
C'mon boys.

Based Leo.

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nothing irrational about it

Why is Brad so charming? There are lots of handsome men in Hollywood but Brad is just so charming

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That's more like it

>Pitt crossing arms, keeping his distance
lmao, really trying to stay off that #MeToo train.

charisma, doesn´t think too highly of himself

Brad look like he's about to re-enact Cliff brutality right then and there

Imagine being from reddit

Look at the sheer size of Brad’s feet. My God, what an absolute Chad.

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This probably blew Brad's mind. He'd probably never been exposed to a body that ugly in his entire life, he probably never even considered such a monstrosity possible. I imagine internally he reacted the way an average person would react if she had lifted her dress to reveal a tentacle or a black hole, but he's Brad Pitt so he just stood there and accepted it. "This is reality", he thought, "this exists in our hellscape if a reality and I've been tasked to bare witness of its presence. At least now when I next hear of Hollywood pedo rings and spirit cooking rituals I can stand my ground and say, 'I've seen worse'."

How about you do it yourself instead of whining about it you stupid useless faggot

How does one acquire a body that grotesque?

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I hate how you chapofags talk


Imagine if a man had dropped his pants in front of his female coworkers and said "check out my tattoo." He'd never work again.

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this movie is so forgetful i dont even know what character this bitch was

What would be the most optimistic response for Brad to give? Was he just like "oh ok"?


Imagine being Brad Pitt and having to film a movie with that pig

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Pitt deserves better than this shit

he's aging rapidly now and so is his demographic

Imagine the smell.

He probably just gave a weird laugh and sauntered off while she swooned. You think it's the first uggo to be so forward with him unprompted?

Men are still coveted after well into their 50s. Especially famous men who look after themselves. You think he’s not banging 21yo girls on the regular? Get real.

Why are her panties so low?

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old Yea Forums here

no we don't, we've hated her fat ugly unfunny ass for well over a decade now

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>that corpseflesh on her torso

Imagine being Lena Dunham, spending years whining about muh EBIL MEN and the PATRIARCHY! Believe Women!!! Catcalling is assault!
And then going and forcing a kiss on Pitt and trying to flash him while at work. There's nothing wrong with calling out hypocrites, if you don't they will never learn.

Basically Lena Dunham sexually assaulted Brad Pitt?

If Brad showed this 1/10 beached whale his penis she would be crying from the rooftops about how she was raped.
Why is this allowed?


Are those fucking scales?!

Lena needs to actually get #metoo'd. My vote is on Adam Driver being the first. She's disgusting and uses her wealth to make her feel pretty while demeaning others. She's basically a female Weinstein and she needs to be stopped. It's fucking gross and genuine sexual abuse.

The amount of hollywood elite who would make you "disappear from the business" for shitting on Dunham is unfathomable. It's the only reason she HASN'T gotten more publicity for her shitty, creepy actions.

Remember, this is what nepotism does to an industry. It allows freaks and creeps to do what they do best, while suppressing genuine talent and hard work from those who care and are passionate.

ANY industry.

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This made me loose my goddam appetite bby

she looks like that cunt Cassandra from the Bound2Burst pissing videos

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Dear Christ what an absolutely heinous and disgusting beast. She has no business being in the public eye.

Posture says he's definitely uncomfortable

Tiny Furniture was okay.
She needs to make more films, stop being lazy.

How did this goblin got famous in the first place?

>mfw Yea Forums doesn't know

same larpers who think Sarah Silverman is a fridge

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>get real
yeah, okay gramps
you and the all the nursing home pussy you get


Ok why don't people just make Goywood and run free to do their own thing? Oh WAIT, it's because they have no fucking talent or creativity. The niggers will screech about diversity and representation, goyim will bitch and moan about "muh liberal bias", "muh nepotism" but neither of them could EVER get their shit together for five seconds to build something of their own accord. They can only leech off of the foundations laid by better men.

>I wonder what Jen is doing?

>what was the NSDAP

back to /r9k/ faggots

Something no one's every fucking heard of because it was run by a bunch of no talent hacks

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Literal sexual harassment double standard at work here. I feel bad for Brad having to see that.

luois ck indulge his weird sex thing on someone bad
lena dh indulge his weird sex thing on someone fine

Girls was the worst show ever made

It was actually pretty useful for identifying otherwise passable NuMales, though. You just know that every guy who watched that show is a failure as a man

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Chad Pitt.. the man must have some serious restraint not to vomit.

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>Just make your own--
>Just make your own--
>Just make your own--

Dios mio

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Can someone explain the R0B0T terms for women to me?

>You just know that every guy who watched that show is a failure as a man
Very true

Trying this hard

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And now Brad has PTSD.



Imagine being Brad in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Lena Dunham, you fuckin' fine, all funny with your tattooed body and horrific androgynous monster silhouette. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Brad and have to stand there with your arms crossed while Lena Dunham flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she showed you her tattoo. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, LENA DUNHAM HAS TATS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin kewpie doll tattoo contort into types of eldritch horrors you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in South Africa. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "pederast (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the """beauty""" she worked so hard for with midnight fridge raids in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Arnold. You're not going to lose your future alimony case with Angelina over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

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fine hog you've got there, I'll pay you 400 gold pieces if you butcher her and deliver the meat to my estate

Nah man that's a Gertrude


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>you're Arnold
I think this mistake only helped it

ITT: ppl are hating on Lena Dunham when she was just protecting Margaret Qualley from creepy old pervert Brad Pitt


La goblina con escamas y piel muerta...

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Dios mío...Espíritu del Señor. Espíritu de Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, Santísima Trinidad, Virgen Inmaculada, ángeles, arcángeles y santos del paraíso, descended sobre mí. Fúndeme, Señor, lléname de ti. Expulsa de mi todas las fuerzas del mal, aniquílas, destrúyelas. Expulsa de mí los maleficos, la magia negra, el ogro de las tinieblas, el luz extinguido, el americano... Por favor, destruye la infestación diabólica; todo lo que es mal, pecado, envidia, celos y perfidia; la enfermedad física, psíquica, moral, espiritual y diabólica... destruye al monstruo, a la creatura... Quema a este mal en el infierno, para que nunca más me toquen a mí ni a ningun ser. Ordeno y mando con la fuerza de Dios omnipotente, en nombre de Jesucristo Salvador, por intermedio de la Virgen Inmaculada, a todos los espíritus inmundos, a inmediatamente, que me abandonen definitivamente y que se vayan al infierno eterno. El chupa-chupacabras no puede triunfar, el monstruo, el abominación... debe morir... Encadenado por San Miguel arcángel, por San Gabriel, por San Rafael, aplastado bajo el talón de la Virgen Santísima Inmaculada, aleja el aberración genetíca, al ogro de las Americas... Amén.

Hating Jews is the most rational thing any healthy minded non-NPC can feel. Everything wrong with the world originates from Jews

>no ass
>string thong

This nigga looks like Robert Redford

HAHHAHAHAHA first time reading that

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So she's a retard.

Hot white woman
Normal white woman
Weird white woman
ugly white woman
Fucking ugliest white woman

Remember a time when women could throw themselves at men and they wouldn't cuck themselves as SJWs, shrug it off like Elvis, and continue getting more pussy thrown at them.

Now we have a reactive mens right movement literally turning men into incels.

Kill yourselves anyone who thinks this isn't normal human behavior.

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Literally lipstick on a pig. Flatsos are god's greatest mistakes.

Saving this for cursed image threads

i would a helga with the force of a 1000 suns but not a lena

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it's true though. margaret qualley was a vulnerable young starstruck and naive actress on set. Lena Dunham was guiding her throughout the set while creepy Brad Pitt was trying to ram his old viagra-powered wrinkly dick inside of her

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I thought it would've been just because she's a gross bitch.


PE 2, nice

t. hambeast slampig

Wait so flashing someone isn't harassment?

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Oscar performance by Leo?

suck my dick shorty

Wait for her to try and stand up, see that goo fall to the floor

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>I was showing him my tattoo.
Love this defence. Best excuse to get a tattoo of manhattan on your junk, then walk around Central Park waiting for someone to ask you directions.
>"No officer, I was just showing her how to get to Union Square from here, If you've got it illustrated on your body, who are you not to show this?"

>he says while posting on Yea Forums, a jewish media worship board

>That "its fucking touching me" look

Is that her stomach? She looks like she's pregnant.

rent free


Yea, except Lena Dunham is the sexual predator here, shed interfere with Qualley, people knew it.

>It made sense in the moment. We were talking about kewpie dolls. Do you guys know what a kewpie doll is? It's like an illustrated character of the 1920s. Someone asked, 'What's a kewpie doll?' And I said, 'Well, I can show you. I've got one right here on my side'...If you've got it illustrated on your body, who are you not to show this?"
I'll tattoo obscure yet fascinating shit on my dong so that next time someone asks what so and so is, I can just show them my dick.

That guy must be a god at computer games.

Fucking kek

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She alone has meant i won't see it. I just cannot will myself to see her on screen. Shame as I wanted to see the film.

Brad can't catch a break.

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Lena is a disgusting goblin sister molestor, but I'm also gagging at the dicksucking Brad is getting. He's a hasbeen and probably has every STD under the sun. Only pathetic incels like you worship him, how great can he be?

this kills the korean

Is this punishment for buying/keeping third world children as pets?

>Only pathetic incels like you worship him, how great can he be?
He's Tyler fucking Duren! Dude masturbation is self improvement lmao!

No one ever liked ugly disgusting grills m8.

cringe city

goddamn this is why i am here

i wish she would flash, tease, sexually harass and ultimately rape me


>fat girl with no tits.
>stomach hidden by panties
>blue veins and cellulite literally painted over.

Full body make up, flattering angle and cloths that pull the gut in. Lmao.

She's only in like one scene btw, she barley days anything.

>And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Arnold.
kek. I'd love to see brad and arnold make a sextape

And she's doing it next to sexiest man alive and cute young girl.

who did she even play in the movie. i don't remember her.

>Something no one’s ever heard of

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The gypsy, also nice digits.

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Poor autism girl, having to hold hands with that abomination

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>that “”thing””
>a stacy


Old Yea Forums never would have fallen for this fucking Ham planet.

Get laid

Why is she dressed like a Mexican grandma?

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>Please explain to me how this crazy, hideous, and untalented person still has a career....
Well, you might be surprised to learn who she's related to!

Yeah, and OP is /ourchad/,

So she awkwardly brought up some obscure dolls that no one has ever heard of so she could pull up her dress and show him her ugly tattoo?

Mirrin dat ass

Jajaja El basedo de la magnifico

yeah brad's got a nice one

Who the fuck is Margaret? That ugly chick from the leftovers?


>Margaret Qualley on one hand
>Lena Dunham on the other
Truly the duality of man


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The skin and muscle tone of a literal corpse.

That's funny, coming from a Jew.



I wondered what looked familiar about that skin. Look at the belly. That's mottling.

All goes back to how gross jews are, and how they think it's funny/a turn-on to be the grossest, most fucked up person in the room and shove it right in everyone's face.

Where's the tattoo?

That's the most despicable thing about feminists and really women in general. They have all these bullshit requirements and judgments of men and how they must behave in order to not be sexist/creepy/evil/worthy of being jailed, but all that shit is disregarded if they find the man hot.

What's that yellowish spot on her leg?

You forgot to mention how bad Lena probably smells IRL

Everyone who encounters her from now on should go into the situation with a fake tattoo as a “conversation piece,” and angle the conversation around revealing it. See how long it takes her to scream harassment.

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>tfw only one opposable digit

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Is Lena Dunham is actually fucking disgusting, probably the ugliest person in hollywood, and I have no idea how she continues to be famous.

Why the fuck does her belly look like that. I've never seen a dead body in real life but if lena dunham lied down and stopped moving I'd be hard pressed to not call an ambulance to collect a corpse.
No seriously, why. Why does her disgusting gut look like it belongs to a 3 day old dead body. I hope there's something simply wrong with the lighting, if not that looks seriously unhealthy.

More importantly where does one get the confidence to undress in public when you look like that?

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I want to get a handjob from this guy

>Old Yea Forums

You weren't there, silly sausage

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Jewish nepotism

Isn't she lovely? I wonder what such a kosher cutie could possibly hate white men for

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I saw a lot of dead bodies IRL in med school, Lena doesn't just look like a corpse, she looks like a ROTTING corpse, literally an IRL zombie

jews are fucking foul

Do you have any ideas how that could happen? Like thoughts on what's wrong with this bitch? I'm quite pale, and in certain light could have slight redness discoloration in my skin, but that's not what this is. I've never seen something like this before

I've seen something similar in people with terminal cancer, hopefully that's what Lena has, other than that I'd say its caused by an incredibly shitty diet combined with an addiction to hard drugs, most likely opiates

he remembers what happened to Odell

get real

She looks fucking dead

Our Bertha

>"If you've got it illustrated on your body, who are you not to show this?"
Is she rally so autistic that she thinks having a tattoo is a valid excuse to run around exposing herself in public like some kind of preschooler?

She is actually disgusting. I would reject her and Im an ugly fat dude who hasnt had sex in like a year.

She looks like a washed up mother of 6 from 3 different Dads who still smokes a pack of cigs every day.

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>net worth of 12 milli vanilli's

You just know....

>replying "based" to your own post

Oh user...

you just know what? you know that she probably left her used tampons around the outside of his trailer like some some kind of sick cat?

Why is she purple?

No I meant you just know Brad puked right after this

wtf a humanoid slug
>there's no tattoo

how do I get hands like that

Margaret Qualley looks like an absolute babe here

Imagine having to be Brad Pitt here

Why does Lena Dunham do this to herself?

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The invitation to comparison doesn't work well for her.

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>I brought up kewpie dolls which I happen to have tattoos of on my vagina
>since he didn’t know what it was of course I had to show him!

>Old Yea Forums
>Yea Forums

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Qualley is a fine piece of ass. Nude scenes when?


So what tattoo was she showing off?

She's a Bernadette at best

fucking kek

>We were talking about kewpie dolls
Gee I wonder who brought it up


>whiteknighting lena dunham

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This is a subreddit.

one handed clap

I'd do a lot to become famous. Hell, i'd even suck some producers dick. But i wouldn't go anywhere near this disgusting cow.

she ran her own show for 6 seasons on HBO, she doesn't even need to worry about acting.