Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?
Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?
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Is this real?
Nice eyes.
Shame about everything else.
any nudes?
Why does everyone know who this girl is? I have no idea where she came from or what she does. Is she an actress?
I don't like adults using children as political toys.
who will play Isak in the inevitable film adaptation
>October 2019
I don't get it. It's not even close to October.
Some Swedish child who whines about how the world is like one degree hotter than it was a hundred years ago.
>this and not Hunger
It's such a shame what they did to the men's magazines. GQ, playboy, men's health, even rolling stone. Esquire especially, god what a fucking travesty. They're all about fags and minorities and white privileged and toxic masculinity, they're all written by women, and white men (the only demo that ever bought these magazines) obviously have dumped them completely
hunger is for pseuds
on what planet are these "nice eyes".
Swedish high school sperg who skips class every week to "protest" climate change. Media picked it up and is shilling her excessively, she even got to meet state leaders in person.
Nice of GQ to do a Down Syndrome awareness issue.
a slightly dejected but still qt goth grill so I can actually watch it
The placement is off but the coloring is quite attractive
They manufactured an artificial international activist but are so arrogant they didn't even bother to fake grassroots support
Yep, this meme is based
canthal tilt is pure kino, tbhwy
why are we taking childrens opinions seriously
>those cut marks
daddy loved her too much
Her fellow squarehead.
even with that much makeup on you can still see the fetal alcohol syndrome
because she's just a useful mouthpiece for powerful people
holy shit, imagine this body with this personality :3
I mean, is she wrong? We are fucking up the planet
That's both hilarious and accurate.
It's stupid because if I'm supposed to take her opinion seriously then why shouldn't I take any asshole who thinks global warming is fake seriously? Stick to telling us that scientists think global warming is happening and a bad thing.
Speak for yourself and the chinks faglord, I bike everywhere I can and have installed a 12MW solar array on my roof. I'm completely absolved of shitting up the planet here.
literally who?
Corporate planted activist. Ignore and live your life
you having a house is shitting up the planet
>At age 11, she became depressed and stopped talking. Later on she was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome[4], obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD)[4], and selective mutism
>To lower her family's carbon footprint, she insisted they become vegan and give up flying.[21] She said she persuaded her parents to give up eating meat by making them feel guilty. "I kept telling them that they were stealing our future."[22] Her mother also gave up her international career as an opera singer
She sounds like a swell person.
because leftist politics is infantile, they see no problem raising children up on pedestals like this
You breathing is shitting up the planet, white male.
is pretty much impossible to scientifically prove it
even worse, they're conveniently pinpointing a few specific industries as guilty without any proves whatsover, when meat production is by far the biggest responsible of contamination worldwide
you breathing is shitting up the planet, off yourself and save the rest of us!
This flash in the pan will be gone faster than the parkland kids. Nobody wants to be talked condescended by a chubby stank face little girl
Fucking retards, did I really have to do this for you?
They've been doing that for years. People refuse to believe them, refuse to elect lawmakers that will actually pass legislation that could help alleviate the problem.
At this point, I think people are just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. If it takes a 12 year old girl reminding a bunch of old politicians that the policies they pursue now will fuck up her future, why the hell not?
delet this. I have to see this retard face every day on the news. fuck this.
What reality have you been living in where people haven't drawn attention to how much pollution the meat industry causes?
She unironically got hotter
I don't claim to not be responsible for destroying the environment
>gibe soccer gf pls
Nothing is happening because doing anything meaningful would devastate corporate profits. If the government actually wanted to do something they just would.
A black, obese tranny.
is this considered pedophilia if i find this hot?
This is lynchian
Goblina would be perfect
Is this what Soros resorts to now? Some sami subhuman? He's got no creativity anymore.
Except she's being promoted by the same parties that fund the lobbies that ensure no meaningful future is possible for any generation.
meat comsumption will be the end of us
we as species have no need anymore to eat meat, we reached the point that we can get everything we need from vegetables and keep our planet in living conditions
but we are way too stupid and undisciplined to do it
>Gentleman’s Quarterly
>put a (literally) retarded schoolgirl on the cover
When were the men’s magazines finally taken over in the long march through the institutions?
she looks related to chris pontius
she is currenty traveling via boat to USA on a million dollar Yacht sponsored by the Rothschilds. Can't make this shit up.
(boat was renamed to Malizia II)
Plus with a 12MW solar array on the roof it's a very, very big house. :^)
No matter how many infusions of infant blood he gets, I think old age has turned him senile. Unfortunately, if you're ungodly rich, you can just keep hammering this shit without any consolation that what you're doing isn't helping anyone or making anyone's lives better.
wtf... she looks better than Margo
>China on its own produces nearly a third of the world's CO2 emissions
>But no, planes are the problem
she looks liek a nazi
That video was funny. I don't know who writes for Soph, but she has some funny stuff.
>you will never harvest Greta's organs and give Margot and eye transplant
>vaguely implying its some sort of luxury cruise, thus, she must be a hypocrite!
Source, faggot?
The link you supplied doesn't seem to be related.
I meant kW, 22 panels
Daddy America has to save the world. Again.
Eating meat is an essential part of being human. That’s why we have teeth for tearing meat. People who don’t eat meat are subhuman - usually scrawny and malnourished too.
Looks like Gillian Jacobs
Go away manlet subhuman, you've literally drank the vegan kool aid.
I only have sources in german sry
First owner was the team Gitana, founded in 2000 by the French banker Benjamin de Rothschild. The Gitana 16 was entrusted to the French professional sailor Sébastien Josse, who competed for the Vendée Globe 2016-2017. The boat was then stationed at the port of Lorient. 40 knots of wind and eight meters of waves caused considerable damage to the foils during the Vendée Globe, forcing Josse to give up in December 2016. At this time he was in third place. As a result, the boat was sold to the Stuttgart real estate entrepreneur Gerhard Senft. It is located in Monaco and has been repainted and renamed Malizia II.
Thats her end plan anyway?
Humans are predators, just because we can eat vegetables doesn't mean that's enough. Also the idea that it will be the end of us is laughable since beef is the only thing even close to moving the needle when it comes to emissions.
How is she going to these summits if she can't fly? Another fucking hypocrite leftist.
>The Sámi people are a Finno-Ugric people inhabiting Sápmi, which today encompasses large northern parts of Norway and Sweden, northern parts of Finland, and the Murmansk Oblast of Russia. The Sámi have historically been known in English as Lapps or Laplanders but the terms are considered derogatory today.
Isn't her whole "protest" just not going to school for a year and whining to the void? Also
>Thinks the world is going to end very soon due to climate change
>Advocates for ineffective rememeable energy like windmills and solar that rely on the wind blowing and the sun showing (and inefficient battery technology)
>Isn't saying anything about nuclear
She’s taking a boat.
Is she the most evil kid in the world right now?
Nuclear is non renewable and extremely deadly, /pol/tard
she said something pro nuclear but her green lefty community was immedeatly upset, so she revoked that statement.
Thunberg had written on the weekend, nuclear energy could be "a small part of a very large new carbon-free energy solution". It is a position that a considerable number of economic and energy experts have been advocating for years, but which is frowned upon by a majority of environmental activists.
On Wednesday, a correction in Thunberg's text was suddenly observed. Since then it says: "Personally I am against nuclear power. But according to the IPCC, it can be a small part of a huge new carbon-free energy solution. "What happened? Thunberg said in a commentary that she had made the "small change because some people - even newspapers - always put my words on the gold scale and omit parts of the sentences that I write".
(use translator or whatever)
>yes yes, keep watching climate related movies that depict incredible destruction happening in a ridiculously small amount of time so that you can be brainwashed into thinking you can stop it
How could I stay /fit/ without eating meat?
She isn't a leftist you fucking retard. She's another dumbfuck liberal that doesn't realize that consumer capitalism is what's murdering the planet and not average retards playing computer games.
The media picked up on ome out of thousands of kids that "protest" global warming and now she has this inflated sense of intelligence. The media knows people will lap it up because young people being more intelligent and active than older folks gets clicks.
Ultimately she's not important, but since the media has paraded her around she will remain in the zeitgeist way longer than she should.
She looks like the tranny from that assigned male webcomic, or tom holland with a wider jaw
she looks downsy
Why didn't they just pick Emily Feld? she was at one of these zoomers against climate change meme fests
It is the only viable clean energy source, /leftypol/. If the threat is imminent as people believe we should be throwing money at nuclear because it is the best option we have. Battery technology cannot store enough energy to power cities. Also Nuclear energy is not as deadly as you believe. Go back to shaking your first at the end of the world and praising the sun, I'm sure it will stop the apocalypse you believe in hippie faggot.
Well it's nice that she's considered it but sad that she falls for "environmentalists" fear mongering.
Poor nuclear.
Normies instantly relate it to weapons and radioactivity, environmentalists shoot it down because it devalues wind and solar, and big coal/gas hates it. Easily the most efficient and cleanest way to get a large amount of energy and so many people don't want it.
She would redpill men on the Cunny Question and Rosties would be jealous.
that too
Doesn't matter, though, because the government still throws money at it. My brother just took a massive government contracting job at Oak Ridge.
Also, not sure why I'm posting this here because fuck it, who cares, but Oak Ridge recently had a leak of heavily irradiated mercury that got into the water table. It was never reported, never on the news, and has been entirely covered up but the guy mentioned it to my brother when he was touring the facility for his second interview (only because my brother noticed the runoff and said something about it).
what always gets me is that these people refuse to acknowledge the best ways of reducing our footprint
its never china and india; even though if the western nations go zero emission today, we would still be on track to fucking the planet because of those two countries alone
its never africa with its out of control population and its shift to industrialization because of fucking china
no, its us, we gotta have less kids, even if 3rd worlders are shitting out kids at a faster rate than 1st world people
its never nuclear, its solar even if we get most of the panels from china, through mining precious metals that destroy the environment
they seem to choose the most arbitrary and least effective way of reducing our footprint instead of addressing the glaring issues the 3rd worlders have brought on
So a leftist then.
Because her publicist/handler is an employee of George Soros.
>liberals are leftists
Looks like an Oblivion character.
it's almost like they don't care either
To be fair India is doing a lot of research and development with Nuclear. Hopefully their research into Thorium bears fruits rather that poos.
>extremely deadly
So is climate change supposedly.
>non renewable
Depleted uranium can be used as fuel in some reactor designs so it can be. But also would you want uranium to be renewable? If the uranium supplies eventually run out then there is less material for nuclear weapons and I'm sure by then renewable technology would actually be effective.
good for india
thats why they have such a hard time convincing people, they come off as smug arrogant assholes
its always comes down to shaming people for living their lives
>oh you selfish man killing animals and eating meats how dare you!
>wow you use a car, you shit head you are killing this earth
>why dont you use a bike and go vegan
it always boils down to what you do individually as a person and shaming them for never doing enough
i have had it with these fucks for acting like because they went meatless and ride a bike, they personally are saving the earth
they have a savior complex that most people dont want to hear of and thats why its not working
Can't wait until she gets dabbed on by US president Donald J. Trump.
>She said she persuaded her parents to give up eating meat by making them feel guilty. "I kept telling them that they were stealing our future."
She's a psychopath. Kill her now.
>meat comsumption will be the end of us
>we as species have no need anymore to eat meat, we reached the point that we can get everything we need from vegetables and keep our planet in living conditions
>but we are way too stupid and undisciplined to do it
>i'd rather ruin our planet because i'm insecure and need to see myself as a predator by eating meat
I wanna stop the practice of eating meat so cows, chickens, and pigs go extinct
*eats meat*
What now JIDF?
>consumer capitalism
T. Breadtube gamer
a pumpkin
I wish I could have skipped school without people getting on my case about it when I was a teenager.
You want to save the earth? Reduce the population by 70% or more.
And start with all the niggers and sandniggers and chinks if you don't mind.
>we as species have no need anymore to eat meat
Sing it, brother.
The next recession is on its way cappie.
I'm a Stalinist, not an anarkiddie.
>muh overpopulaton
Read a book faggot
>Post fat spic/kike who's little more then white trash and has the abused blonde white girlfriend and trailer home to prove it.
Let's start with wastes of DNA like that and shills like you.
she's swedish, so don't be surprised if she already tasted the black or arab dick.
>okay this time for SURE
*stocks go up again*
Why not just buy when it goes down lolq
complains about meat when its more feasible to nuke china and africa
The earth is worth it right?
It's people who pollute. Less people=less pollute.
>I'm a Stalinist
b8 post
at least you’re a tankie, kind of like you guys
>I'm a Stalinist
Yet you're not pro depopulation
lazy trolling/extra stupid
its all so embarrassing
Capitalist economists readily admit that recessions are inevitable. Capitalism isn't just going to keep growing you brainlet.
It's fat fuck Westerners that pollute the most per capita you fucking retard. Africa has had the most population growth out of any continent yet contributes very little to emissions. Read a fucking book.
I don’t know who this is. Why does she look like she has the head of an 8 year old girl crudely photoshopped onto the body of a mid thirties man?
and what do you think will happen when they move to the 21st century shithead it aint gonna be like wakanda
Oh yeah watch this
*just doesn't have a recession*
Ha I found the secret to win
Nope, unironic as can be.
Economically progressive and socially conservative. The ultimate redpill.
>muh Stalin killed 8 trillion people
The Soviet population grew rapidly under Stalin. The only time it shrank was because of the war that Hitler started. Stalin was staunchly pro-natalist, he restricted abortion and gave women awards for having a large number of children. Stop buying into propaganda.
Not that guy but you are conflating carbon emissions with all pollution. I miss the days when the greenboy eco terrorist types cared about shit like dumping acid into oceans and trash islands. Nowadays people only talk about carbon emissions like it's the only thing killing the planet. Anyways carry on.
And what of the oilniggers and the chinks with their neon orange rivers?
>graph starts in 1950
My point is is that more people = more pollution. It's more complicated than that. We need to reduce waste and excess and invest in eco-friendly technologies to make 1st world lifestyles sustainable so that one day everyone can enjoy them.
I still care about that, my point was that the relationship between people and pollution is more complicated than "more people = more pollution."
What about them? Are they not allowed to develop their economies? Is that only reserved for high and mighty Western countries that consume all the shit they make?
>develop their economies
They pollute, they eat meat, they need to die so the earth can live. Right?
I just saved that one because I didn't feel like cutting out the table from the Wikipedia page. I ended up doing that. As you can see, the population grows consistently every census with the only drop being because of the genocidal Nazi invasion. Even in the chart you can see growth occurring under Stalin in the 3 years of his tenure that the chart shows.
No you fucking retard. My original point was that Thunberg is just another generic liberal that won't attack the root of the problem, consumer capitalism. Just 100 companies are responsible for 70% of all emissions. We can reduce emissions drastically and mitigate the effects of them by planting trees, implementing cleaner and less wasteful manufacturing processes, reducing unnecessary consumption, etc. We can have industrialization and a world that isn't dying, we just have to do things differently.
jesus christ its like staring at a plate
nah, fuck you nigger
The neo-libs that have undermined it. I miss the Classical Liberals like Alf Landon.
the world isn't dying anyway so that's some good news
That is an outright lie
Plastic pollution is talked about nearly as much carbon emissions
Alright, you'll end up in a gulag either way.
Liberalism is cancer. Read Domenico Losurdo.
It's probably not as catastrophic as hardcore climatetards like to make it out to be, but we really should start working on the problem user.
She's not Jewish. Literally 2/3rds of Swedish surnames end in berg and we're only like 0.3% Jewish who all vote for the far-right anyway.
I hate dum amerimutts so much
Marx is a meme, and your bitch ass isn't seizing anything.
I'm going to drive my giant inefficient truck to work tomorrow just for you, nigger faggot.
we can't destroy india and china they both have nukes
You'll get yours one day, bourg scum.
China is one of the only countries actually doing something that can realistically reduce emissions. They're investing heavily in new technologies like thorium reactors and lab-grown meat which could solve a lot of our problems with consumption.
ugly cunny
if things get serious we will just go full nuclear, problem solved.
Nuke australia
Problem solved
GQ was always for fags
Not in the media and not much relatively on twitter.
Post her feet.
This girl and everyone like her are sickening for one thing: they either omit knowledge of or are ignorant to the fact that the Earth has periodic cycles of warm and cold ages, and that they will occur regardless of human activity. That mankind has contributed to warming or not is moot; the planet has, and will continue, a geologic timescale of periodic heating and cooling.
I sense that this poster is food.....
>we as species have no need anymore to eat meat
how about needing to eat a delicious fucking meal instead of grass, you fucking hippie
Do you think people don’t talk about the meat industry’s contributions to climate change?
Answer me this, Yea Forums.
Would you eat human meat if the laws allowed it?
>+95% of scientists agree that anthropogenic climate change is real
Don’t cry, she’s on BitChute.
Winter is coming
Cry all you want retard, but in the end you’re going to be building that goddamn wall even if you believe in climate change.
And yet you do nothing. Killing yourself would be a start.
>China is one of the only countries actually doing something that can realistically reduce emissions. They're investing heavily in new technologies like thorium reactors and lab-grown meat which could solve a lot of our problems with consumption.
And do you think they're doing it out of the kindness of their hearts and saving the planet, or because they're trying to cash in on a market? Dumb commie.
>Just trust this unsourced wall of text!
>It couldn't possibly be because the Chinese have a vested interest in the earth not being destroyed, it's obviously some communist plot!
Right-wing retard logic everyone
call us when they actually reduce anything, talk is cheap.
>rich retard trying to save the planet
>has a carbon foot print the size of a small city
hopefully the seas take this mongol rape baby into davy jones locker
God i hate climate change retards. Climate change is real but all the hardcore activist can't help but continually fuck up. Hey you know who we should elevate for our activism, a 14 year old who knows nothing and an ex bartender who wrote her climate polemic 10 hours before it was due. Somehow this is the crisis of the age, so of course people furiously waste energy entertaining pointless action and indulging in altruistic narcissism. None of these people care they just want to assuage their guilt and foist the responsibility onto others, how many people whining about this shit will go without themselves? none. The number of people I've seen whine about climate change then talk about their airconditioning is hilarious. If this is such an issue you need pragmatic and informed action but of course people would rather impotently whine about how we'll only survive if all the poor people start eating bugs and we invest billions into ineffective solutions like energy efficient housing and solar.
It’s from the Center for Immigration Studies. A NON-PROFIT NON-PARTISAN OUTLET YOU FUCK.
climate change is another kike ploy to control economies
all you gentiles out there need to stop playing along with them like this
Where's the proof linking your unsourced wall of text with this supposedly non-partisan outlet?
This. The easiest way to expose these retards is to ask what their solution is. Watch them ramble on about nonsense and treat money as if it’s an infinite resource. Fucking degenerates.
do you have a citation for that greentext?
>That little girl's sail boat causes so much pollution its like a small city!
Oh you silly faggots.
Why do leftists believe in climate change and also support mass immigration?
Every time I see her face I wonder if she's inbred or retarded? Like seriously, if you saw her on the street you'd wonder.
Do you really expect Jewgle to let me look up that result? Why can’t you just refute their findings?
>100 corporations cause 70% of emissions
I swear, right-wingers become more unbelievably fucking retarded with each passing day.
Because that's how people take you seriously?
>slightly less "carbon emissions"
>thinks he made any difference
At least they provide people with an income and don’t fuck people over like the latter. Also, here’s a source you twat. I used DuckDuckGo
They are both ways to destroy non liberals
I mean without using steroids.
who do you thinks pays the corporations for things that they need. if you don't want emissions you should voluntarily stop buying new shoes, gasoline, internet etc.
I'm not that other user but if you think about it logically immigration and increased emissions makes sense. If you go from a country with 2T CO2 per person per year and move to a country with 10T CO2 per person per year, there will be an inevitable increase in emissions. The immigrants aren't themselves responsible though, it's a product of population growth.
That's a man baby!
Not any of those anons, but if you think logically being able to source your claims is important, and the numbers matter.
>Corporations don't fuck people over
Lol. Also, I checked out your "non-partisan" organization and it turns out that it was founded by a right-wing eugenicist. Its methods are flawed, but whatever. Even if all that shit is true, it's accounts for nothing compared to the massive emissions and pollution generated by corporations. You can't just blame muh immigrunts for an issue that results from the economic system that dominates the world. That's why it's fucking retarded to blame Jose the day laborer for climate change rather than the billionaire assholes that own private jets and 15 giant mansions and pay off politicians to shoot down environmental legislation. If you seriously think muh immigrunts are the main reason behind world environmental problems, you are an absolute fucking retard.
The point is is that we can have a similar level of comfort and luxury with far less waste and pollution. The bourg doesn't want to do that because it's more expensive and threatens to kill lucrative industries.
Possibly, but still immigrants are often poorer and consume less than native-born people so they still won't cause as much as a middle-class native person would.
Except for the acid dumped into the ocean by the Chinese when they mined the materials for either the panels or the batteries you use.
The only reason anyone payed attention is because of her face and facial expression. Any other child can make the same statements or more, and they're passed on by the media. She captivates an audience solely based on her persona. Publishers and producers just see ad $$$.
If only Republicans hadn't blocked Obama's attempts to subsidize American made solar panels, you wouldn't by default assume he had to have purchased Chinese ones. Dumb ass.
ahhaha typical fake intellectual cunt you believe strongly in your idea (not that strongly) but you'll let someone else make the sacrifice
What the fuck are you even talking about?
lib kikes get kid to say true thing but in retarded way to stupid corrupt president who has stupid nigger brained supporters that don’t know science or math and everyone pretends to be upset but really the planet will experience a sixth extinction event regardless if we do anything or not since it is far too late to reverse melting of the poles or loss of the amazon.
I am calling you a bitch
The rare earth metals come from china regardless of whether they are manufactured here or there. Dump ass.
Are you referencing cylindra?
Nobody is blaming just Jose the gardener your libshit, it’s the fucking horde of people like Jose. The fact that you can’t even acknowledge this just shows how dishonest you are.
>laughs in Solyndra
Well you're a braindead right-wing faggot.
You're blaming people like him. How you could just ignore the psychopathic neoliberal elite that regularly kill and repress people all over the world for profit and then blame migrant farm laborers for the world's problems is fucking beyond me.
>it's the evil repubs fault that chinese slave labor is so cheap
Yes. I am blaming a horde of MILLIONS OF PEOPLE LIKE HIM. It doesn’t matter if we got them in that situation, if they fuck us over then we will never be able to help them ever.
solar memenals don't do anything and cost as much carbon as they reduce
>the horde of people just like Jose who will produce as much pollution as the average american.
>producing as much pollution as the average american is actually really bad
>thus, immigrants are bad.
Seems like that final one should be something like:
>thus, americans need to produce less pollution
But you go ahead and be your dumb ass self. Faggot.