I'll fuck you til you love me faggot

>i'll fuck you til you love me faggot
Who was in the wrong here?

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the man who refused his love

The little white reporter in gallery acting like a big man and then getting completely BTFO by Tyson.

Based Mike is never wrong.

>I'll never be happy. I believe I'll die alone. I would want it that way. I've been a loner all my life with my secrets and my pain. I'm really lost, but I'm trying to find myself. I'm really a sad, pathetic case. My whole life has been a waste. I've been a failure. I just want to escape.
It hurts bros

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Mike Tyson is a modern day poet. Also, I just heard that he spends $40,000 a month on weed.

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He sells the weed now.

Is this a real quote? Because that's fucking stupid if it is. He sounds like a little crybaby. He's a world famous boxer who was virtually unbeatable in his prime. He'll go down in history as one of the fastest, most ferocious heavyweights in boxing history.

He had fame, money, women, respect, fear, everything. He should be happy he got his 15 minutes and quit whining about it.

>Is this a real quote?
Yes, but it's from that user's diary, not Mike.

>One minute I'm robbing a dope house. Next minute I'm the youngest heavyweight champion of the world. I'm only 20, 19, with a lot of money. Who am I? What am I? I don't even know who I am. I'm just a dumb child who's being abused and robbed by lawyers. I'm just a dumb pugnacious fool. I'm just a fool who thinks he's someone. Then you tell me I should be responsible.
He's got a point desu

it was actually very intimidating

It also didn't last very long. He won the title in 86 and lost it in 90. Then he went to jail for 6 years in 92.

>Look at you...scared now, you ho.... scared like a little white pussy. Scared of the real man. I'll fuck you 'til you love me, faggot!"
how long would it take for tyson to mindbreak you?

>not murdering his pigeons in revenge

>He's a world famous boxer who was virtually unbeatable in his prime
His fights in his prime were to bums, a washed up Larry Holmes, and a light-heavyweight. He would have crumbled if he faced a real challenge.

He was 20 years old. TWENTY. YEARS. OLD. Tell me another one of your 'real challenge' heayvweight boxers who at the age of twenty would be able to put on stellar performances and become the youngest heavyweight champion of all time.

Even a bum like Gerry Cooney was more of a challenge to Larry Holmes than anyone Tyson faced.

A real champ like Foreman or Liston would have made Mike beg for mercy.

i need sauce on this pic

>implying liston wouldn't take a dive to pay off his debts

I think hes looking for meaning/purpose or something. his boxing legacy doesnt mean shit to him.

The man that molested him as a child

>i'll fuck you til you love me faggot
ironically the most masculine quote ever

Do you think Muhammed Ali in his prime could beat Tyson in his prime?

If you watch interviews with him, he's always talking about how he doesn't like violence or even boxing, and how he spent all of his career just terrified of letting everyone down and becoming a laughing stock. He's always been a sad kid looking for purpose and acceptance