Good evening, I would just like to remind you all that this is the best Spider-man movie. Thank you for your time

Good evening, I would just like to remind you all that this is the best Spider-man movie. Thank you for your time.

Attached: Spider.jpg (1381x2048, 740K)

This is incorrect



Jfc those digits

Digits don't lie OP got BTFO

Based digits poster
Also nah, it was alright but it didn't beat the original trilogy, not even the third one


OP lost the movie is shit

How kino will Spidey 2099 be in the sequel?

Attached: 095.png (1156x718, 762K)

Not with that shitty animations and a rap soundtrack.

Why the fuck is this happening? Are we crossing into the digit-verse?

I can only assume that OP hasn't seen the Raimi movies

I watched them all in the cinema, I enjoyed this way more. It's one of the most enjoyable cape-shit movies in a long time.

I just finished watching this, great movie. One of the best if all time.

Oh, my mistake, you are just simply retarded.

Tom Holland and Ty Simpkins are relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss them relentlessly.


Raimi’s vision is still the best

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I don't remember this scene.

Do you guys only like the Raimi films because of your dank epic memes?

Won't speak for the whole board but I definitely enjoy the first two and the third is watchable


It's good, probably the only iteration of Miles that isn't complete shit.
Also, they made Gwen out to be extremely breedable. I can't go through a rewatch without stroking my brown cock off to her tight suit.

Attached: 1564407007276.gif (440x440, 3.19M)

They're good movies. I personally enjoy ItSV more because of the stylistic choices and tight plot/pacing though. But that's a lot easier to do with an animated superhero film than a live action one.

Not him but the Raimi were fucking terrible and youd ned to be actually retarded to think they're anything but shit

>the Raimi
gg retard

that frame rate shit is so gay. it was kind of okay in the lego movie and horrible everywhere else

they hated him because he spoke the truth

checked, I got used to the frame rate. The jungle monkey music wasn’t that annoying, only plays in a few scenes iirc

>probably the only iteration of Miles that isn't complete shit.
I found his fanboism kinda funny/endearing in the PS4 game desu.

>Playing any video game other than TF2
Go back

You're right, what's the competition even? Spider man 2?

Terra fuckers 2?

Team Fortress 2, brainlet

I don't watch the MCU but didn't Spiderman literally die in one of those Avengers movies? How come he's still alive again in Homecoming and this one? Or is it like Fast and Furious where every new movie is a prequel to one of the first movies?

Oh yeah, nearly forgot about that. Need to finish it sometime. His scenes were nice, they just felt out of place like the parts where you control MJ. Seems like they’re setting up a sequel where he’ll be the playable MC.

Spider-Man gets a pass cause he's basically a Toku hero.

fuck off, weeb

Yeah, his and MJ's parts were kinda annoying but you can go through them quite fast if you know the way at least. And the DLCs pretty much confirm that he'll be playable in a potential sequel.

Apparently he and all the other dead characters come back to life through the usage of time travel or some shit. I haven't seen Endgame, so I don't know how exactly it works.
Huh, interesting. Kind of wonder how it'll sell when the first one did so well.

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Better anime than anything that has come out of Japan in years.

I agree


Really should've done more with her in the movie. She was prime fapbait.

Nobody asked you gaywad

Spider-Verse is better than Endgame.

Guys I think it's trying to communicate

I agree OP it was great.

This is true but a lot of movies are better than Endgame. Even MCU movies.

ItSV was so good it had a callback to the Raimi films


In the intro you pleb

In spideys opening monologue where he talks about all the Raimi origin shit including his emo dance-off in 3