How many jobs do you have, Yea Forums?

How many jobs do you have, Yea Forums?

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My folks say poor people are poor because they're stupid. Bring on the robot workers to replace all the braindead wageslaves they say.

I quit my job as a teacher and now I just doordash full time. I make 1000 a week off of fat people, it's amazing. Who the fuck cares about long term security or promotions and shit, we will all be dead in the next decade or so anyway

One job. My solution for my poverty is to end my life.

poor people are dumb so of course they haven't considered it

The real solution to poverty is ending racism and never criticizing blacks, a group that is perpetually extremely unprofitable for your nation.

We need more socialism because that money would totally go to poor whites and not be wasted on blacks!


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Kids born from rich parents need to fucking die

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its true
vocational school is cheap as shit and pays a livable wage
poor people 1- aren't educated on their options because society still thinks you need a 4 year degree to succeed and 2- they're lazy welfare leeches with no work ethic

i have 1 part time job for 10 years. And I want to quit everyday.

dat niggas nose look like a double barrel shotgun

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I still having hard considering vocational school instead of risking it with college. I consider becoming a tradie a sign of accepting failure and just settling.

>I still having hard considering
go with vocational

Props if you live in a state that has a minimum wage for drivers and you lie on your taxes

I believe he said something along the lines of ''you got a shitty job? That's your problem for not being smart enough to get a good one''

No but we do need some kind of rich tax though. My gf is a nanny for a bunch of rich cunts who just throw their money away buying tons of food they don't even eat and toys they dont even play wjth then they dont even pay for her gas when she drives almost 100 miles a day to take them to fucking christian acting camp. Fuck the wasteful rich, we could be paying for poor people not to die instead of them just throwing their money away.

Is that per month? What are people worried about again?

>My folks say poor people are poor because they're stupid
t. Dunning–Kruger effect

im sorry you feel that way
good luck brother

The never finishing college is really destroying my self esteem and mental health. I feel like I have failed myself and my parents.



Some people come back to college later. My sister left college after five years but came back to it in her late 20s. Now she's a teacher and helps kids in special education.

it wasn't that funny

Idk about a minimum wage but I make usually around 200 a day working 8 hours. As for taxes, I'm hoping mileage covers half of it and look up other things I can lie about and claim to make up the difference


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what are the plans for the inevitable global recession bros

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so you're saying she could help the guy you're replying to?

I work two jobs


>used to be poor from 1 to 30 years old
>tried my hardest to become "rich" from 20 to 20 years old
>succeeded just before I turned 31
>now I'm very hesitant to share my story to the same people struggling financially right now because I had to learn how to make money the hard way

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if thats true, save it maybe buy a house.

you sound like a dumb boomer

No, burgers count their pay per year despite getting paid and paying bills more often.

>tried my hardest to become "rich" from 20 to 30 years old

I really do not care aboot your made up story bro. Just enough to tell you to shut it.

That is because its shit. Ever thought of having more ambition and get a fun job rather than being on mom welfare?

Is it true that American student debt can never be wiped, even through bankruptcy? Do you have to keep paying it back even if you aren't working?

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>it's yet another chapocel seethe thread

This is the exact mentality that keeps you poor.

You're an idiot.

America's problem is literally the blacks.


Read rules for radicals. Jews have literally set blacks up to crash the US economy.


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lol you guys are truly fucked.

Why do people love jews so much?

2 paid internships, money's not great but I get to keep studying and maybe will get to publish a thing or two before they're over

How much do you make a year?

Can someone just tell me what job I should get? There's too many to choose from. I dont want to be NEET anymore.

After I get a house, I'm not gonna pay mine anymore. It will completely fuck your credit but at the point, I won't need any credit and I rather have my earned money instead of paying my money to a kike scheme that preys on naive kids.

You brag about making, but refuse to tell out of spite of making it easy for us because you had to go through hell to make it.


Not true.
t. live in the Southeast US

>Lol I made a ton of money and got rich, not gonna tell you how though ;)
If you weren't gonna say, don't mention it in the first place, no one cares. Hope you lose all your money in the coming recession

Yeah, bro just drive around delivering food until you get sick and can't afford medical bills because you're a contract worker and faggot republicans don't believe in universal healthcare because muh soshulism

Who wants to retire anyhow?

>It will completely fuck your credit but at the point
Holy shit, it's worse than I thought. Student debt/ loans doesn't affect credit rating in the UK. That is fucking shit hahaha

If your parents are willing to let you stay home a little longer I recommend just temping. Do some office gigs and some manual labor gigs and see what you can stand better. You'll be a file clerk and a gofer for a while, but it builds a resume and gets you known.

poorfags btfo

White people get more welfare than blacks, corporations get more welfare than people. Stop pretending you care about welfare amounts and just say you hate niggers and be done with it. You single issue brainlet.

>tfw $32,000 grocery fag and I'm above median

Europeans don't understand that poor in the US means blacks and other minorities

Even low income white people are pretty well off compared to most of the world

That's what (((You))) want us to believe.