What went wrong guys, there was so much potential
What went wrong guys, there was so much potential
Other urls found in this thread:
>change plot, lose diehard lorefags
>doesn't explain anything at all, lose casualfags
I basically had to explain everything to my friends who didn't play WoW or WC after the movie
Wrong? Isn't it the highest grossing video game movie?
Have you even seen the shit show of a movie ?
about 10 years too late, too much orc wank, human costumes look awful
This. Nobody wants to see a movie about niggers.
Why the FUCK didnt they go straight for the Arthas storyline?
Reminder there is a good chance that a rough cut of this was the last movie David Bowie saw before he died.
>there was so much potential
how? literally nobody thought this movie would be good other than the one autist who kept making threads about it here.
>Absolutely no description of anything, you're expected to know the universe just because
>Humans look awful in comparison to orcs -- WC humans are not reality humans. They're hench as fuck and probably 6'5 average height and weigh 300lbs lean
>Human armour doesn't sit right because it's stylised for bulked WC humans not real 5'8 manlets who have never worked out
>Not enough Gul'dan or orcs in general
>The human king is a garbage actor, I've hated him in literally everything he's done
All I can think of off the top of my head.
Forgot to mention one of the top military leaders looks homeless -- tramp hair, tramp physique, tramp attitude. This guy is meant to be the General Patton of Warcraft humanity.
They had that faggot from Vikings too, I'd only ever seen him in this and he was abysmal.
He had some sick scenes in Vikings
pic related
>dude let's cram two movies into one!
>dude remember [location]?!
they ruined lothars betrayal so hard
I will never forgive them for flanderizing granola
Everything should've been CGI. They shouldn't have it be outsourced to fucking chinks. Orcs talked and behaved like humans. Looked and written by Disney for capeshitters instead making it feel like WC1-2-3. In other words Blizztard don't know their own fucking games and playerbase anymore.
Could have fleshed out the world a little more, to be honest I thought it was fantastic even though I don't know much about warcraft
Khadgar actor was terrible too
There was something off about the human characters. Too young and cosplay-ish or something.
>What went wrong guys
nothing, it was kino
they were 5'4 manlets
CGI armor
it should be fully animated by blizzard
everything involving the humans sucked
he totally missed the feeling of the world
very noticeable CGI backgrounds
only the orcs looked good
also the guy from Vikings is a legitimately bad actor
no real idea driving the movie and they failed to capture the atmosphere of the games, instead making a fast paced headache inducing incomprehensible mess,
>HEY lets just throw a lot of random iconic locations and characters in there and just make the story completely retarded. People will be happy as long as they get to see their damn orcs in hyperrealistic 3d. Also lets cast a bunch of scrawny looking basedboys as demigod characters so the entire movie just feels like another one of those fanmade movies someone made with their nerdy friends with a greenscreen in their moms basement.
i forgot soi is filtered
>that one fag that desperately shilled this shit for months on end
Scarlet Monastery was kino
I like to imagine he wasn't on any kind of payroll and was just some hardcore autist doing it for free.
I've never played Warcraft and I followed it just fine, audiences are just retards.
It was realer than real life.
>handsome son killed
that was planned for the 4th or 5th movie
You just described a janny
they literally just needed an intro for 5 minutes explaining the lore and backstory and people would have not gotten confused
Never seen this movie, but I know
this dude is right
The warcraft lore is the backstory of warcraft 3. They got greedy and tried to make a cinematic universe instead of starting at the part where a good story was written
Honestly this. There must have been some strange cinematography and effects decisions because watching the movie always feels like I'm straining my eyes
should have just made it pure CGI, the live action characters looked fucking horrendous
Making orcs look like hulk, but keeping humans like male models; when in the game even peasants look like john cena or those wrestling dudes.
In reality, it was the complex story.
I'm pretty sure the general sentiment surrounding announcement was oh neat, so they'll make Avatar, but with Warcraft shit. And they really fucking should have. I'm not big on the lore but if you bust out some Troll and Night Elf QTs. You would have an audience. Overall they should have known not to lean too hard on the Orc angle after Warlords but I doubt anyone who worked on the movie looked into or cared about that dataset.
dude exposition lmao
Too much backstory crammed in one movie. I think the movie would've fared well if they focus on the Orc story line and leave the human story in the sequel. Guldan and the orcs origins are critical in the whole Warcraft storyline.
Dominic Cooper as Wrynn was shit. Also ditch everything with medivh and the tower. Rest is reasonable.
tbf i think the orc stuff was the best
Why didnt they just make the movie about a band of 40 adventurers raiding a dungeon for fat loot
you can see relative orc/human size in the mop and bfa cinematics, once that was messed up orcs are now throwing horses, it was really bad and certainly related to having orc fanboys like metzen as consultants
mixing cgi oversized orcs with normal actors
shit script
shit CGI at times
>starting the movie with the third installment of the series
yeah good idea....
Arthas's story is basically the only halfway decent storyline in the entire series