Name a better Sci Fi character

Name a better Sci Fi character.

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>not even the best on the show

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I'll admit, I only watched the pilot of Babylon 5, but one thing that really pissed me off was how this guy and his opposite number were diplomats far away from their home systems, but both acted like they had the commanding ability to call in armies at any given time, it was just so toothless. Maybe I'm remembering it wrong, this was years ago.



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>I only watched the pilot of Babylon 5
Theres your problem. probably one of the best written scfi shows out there. but only worth it if you watch it all. early season is also the weakest stuff

>"Ah, if it isn't our dear friend mr Garibaldi"

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Space Dracula is pretty good also.


imagine getting c*cked by Cpt. Sheridan

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in Londos case, the show does a pretty good job of justifying how he gets control of bigger and bigger armies through out the seasons.




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Based Mr. Lahey in space

Would you buy a car from this man?

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Watch it Chrissy, I ain't buyin' no fucking mulignan cars.

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I'd put his head on a spike

indeed they goddamn are

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Kill yourself reddit nigger

Ahhhhhhhhhhh mr morden

90s born queer shut the fuck up

How can I be a Chad like Sheridan? Is it possible to be as based as the one?

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No, but I'd buy a house from that man

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They murdered him

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he was a nigger


>Star Trek is cucked
>Star Wars is beyond cucked
Babylon 5 was our last best hope for a good show. It succeeded.

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they made a Farscape character a tranny retroactively, dont think they wont for Babylon 5

that picture saddens me with all the dead

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damn you're right, there's like 4 of them left

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based fellow Dukatfag

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he is forever tarnished by season 4, as is the show

spoo lol

fpbp, also the lizard guy was as good as molari, can't remember his fucking name.

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why didn't b5 catch as much attraction? my explanation is that the characters and races are too weird for normies. but, i wish that there were kino spin offs like star trek has.

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If you're referring to G'kar he's a Narn and isn't actually reptilian, they have more in common with felines and marsupials than reptiles.

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You're one of them faggot.
> i wish that there were kino spin offs
I wish you were dead.


Impossible to not hear this in his voice. I fucking love B5 so much, bros. The entire ensemble and almost all of the supporting are near-to-fucking-flawlessly written, and the delivery makes it even better. A consilience of writing and acting that matches anything in any medium. YES I'M ON MY KNEES SUCKING JMS OFF RIGHT NOW.

they also abandoned paris' and janeway's kids

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And since the whatever effect was obviously reversible, and the Emergency Medical Ham wouldn't be affected, it amounted to another shortcut home that Janeway passed up for no obvious reason.
Much like how the slipstream drive was unstable for long distances, but apparently fine for short trips, but nah, dismantle that fucker.
Also Bester was a great villain, especially for Garibaldi.

The BESTer

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Why was he so based?

He was a smug sonovabitch who knew how to get what he wants.

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Because he understood that he wasn't going to get a better life for telepaths just by wanting it really hard, or electing the right person into a system that hated telepaths.

>always thought the 'DS9 ripped off B5' thing was just a meme
>it was actually true

jazz jennings


How did Paramount get away with it?

Exactly. The understanding of ingroup preference rolled up into a character is always, and will always, be compelling as long as we remain human as we are, or at least reasonably low-error copy-based replicators. For power struggle narratives, if you mix that understanding with other varied, realistic goals and interests, loveable and hateable characters will just fall out of you if you're being sincere. Often times they'll be both.

Is it cold in here, or is it just me?

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