Rise of Memewalker comes out in barely 3 months...

Rise of Memewalker comes out in barely 3 months, and there is absolutely NO MARKETING OR ADVERTISING! How shit is this movie?

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The only reason I haven't killed myself is to see if Star Wars will have a bigger suicide in December

Considering Disney is in full "I've made a huge mistake" mode when it comes to Star Wars, it'll be horrible. Rumor is they're even considering turning Galaxy's Edge into Aladdin land.

$100m making a film
$1b on marketing it
get $2b revenue.

$100m making a movie
$100m marketing
get $1.5 billion revenue

disney r so dumb!!!

>3 months
>No marketing

No shit. What fucking movie do you know of which gets marketing 3 moths before its theatrical release? Enjoy it while it lasts, because a couple of months from now you're gonna be seeing this shit everywhere from Youtube to cereal boxes. You won't be able to escape it.

Word is there is 24/7 panicked editing still going on.

Because Disney has learned to reel back with overmarketing these movies. When TFA and Rogue One came out it was impossible to avoid. I was massively hyped for Star Wars coming back but even I was getting sick of all the marketing everywhere. It was like living in North Korea.

Who's word?

Dude, trust me.


remember every ticket you buy for Jumanji makes Kathleen seethe

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After the last advertisment reel, the best they could do.
Release nothing tha could be used or misinterpreted. Than shortly before release make some advertisment that give haters or critics less time to react and critic. Till the hate train is going, normies will went to the movie and never heard the loud voice of criticism!
Clever Mouse!

Abd this

You clearly weren't around for the 90's.

Major plot elements havent even been finalized yet.

how come jujmanji has better biomes than nuwars


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>September, October, November, December.

That is four months you dumb fuck

I was born in '91 and remember the episode 1 hype vividly despite only being about 6. My older brother used to collect the little plastic statue things you got in Rise Crispies.

I'm waiting a week to see Jumanji just to help it in my small way beat TRoS

I saw a Vanity Fair cover last month

They wouldn't even know what to put on the cover yet. They can't decide which possible plot edit will be less harshly recieved by fans. They're sweating.

Jumanji is written by Lawrance Kasdan's son, weirdly.

It pleases me to know that no matter what they do, it's going to suck cock and be hated

>Rise of Memewalker comes out in barely 3 months, and there is absolutely NO MARKETING OR ADVERTISING!
but the obvious shill threads started almost two months ago

and it looked like episode 8 material.

Wait it seriously comes out in 3 months?

I always go to see the new SW opening weekend. Been a fan my whole life.

I didn't go see Solo, and I won't be going to see IX.

In a way I suppose I own Rian some thanks, he freed me. Even the prequels couldn't do it. He did it in one movie.

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They're probably still figuring out what to do with the movie. Don't want to release a trailer that's going to be 95% reshot in October.

people are going to see it regardless and it's going to make a shit ton of money. cry about it all you want but this is the truth.

you can't keep using that tired old line when everyone knows Solo bombed

JJ must have shot lots of terrible scenes again.

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please, this is a mainline movie that normies are already invested in rather than some spin off that people didn't want.

If you didnt drop it after tfa you're part of the problem faggot

It's going to make a billion regardless.

anyone invested in the nu trilogy after TLJ is a lobotomite
What is there to be invested in? Whether Kylo and Rey hook up? If the Emperor dies like a bitch again with or without a decent reason as to why he's back?


believe or not there are normies who actually like these movies. even if they don't they will still see it due to herd mentality like the MCU. You have to be crazy to think this movie is going to bomb.

I enjoyed TFA first time I saw it, it only gets bad after repeated viewings.

>franchise cost billions of dollars to buy
>TLJ ruined the series franchise for most of the fanbase
>merch isn't selling
>theme park is empty
The movie making the same as TLJ would still be a failure overall. I'm predicting around $0.9-1.1B

AHAHAHAHA the cope

1 billion WW would be an embarrassing dissapontment given the expectations on the IP.

If your not gonna watch it, stop viraling it here by talking about it at all

>and there is absolutely NO MARKETING OR ADVERTISING!
and that's a good thing

I don´t give a shit.

No marketing or advertising because they're busy floating "rumors" to see what takes off or gets a positive reaction so they can rejigger this trash heap into something at least watchable over the next few months.

that's not as dramatic as you think, lotr was still in editing and finishing vfx shots til about a week before the premier.

user, JJ rian and Igor ruined the series by killing off everyone and ruining everything else because they didn't want to py lucas a dime.

No one who wasn't on disney's payroll liked the force awakens user.

You know what this movie could use? Something sexy. ROTJ had slave Leia, AOTC had various Natalie outfits, what does this trilogy (actually all new stuff including Rogue and Solo) have? literally just this meme

guarantee there would be far FAR less culture war bullshit about these movies if any of the female characters ever showed any godamn skin. you wouldn't even need to change anything else about them. you gotta give viewers an outlet for their libido or else they will just spunk all over the movie.

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this board is so disconnected from reality it's crazy. a movie that costs 200-300 million to make and brings home a 1 billion dollars is a failure? lol what the hell are you on?

Sorry but I just can't imagine this movie being a bigger shitshow than The Last Jedi. They've already jumped the shark. I predict it will still be terrible but slightly better than TLJ.

There will be a shocking reveal that will disappoint everyone and that's what they dread coming.

1.It doesn't bring home 1 billion dollars.
2.The real money comes from the unbelievable shwag sales.
3.The sales for the shwag are so horrifyingly bad that it unironically killed toy's r us and put hasbro into serious debt.

user, the series was in the shitter with the force awakens. It's been bad and getting worse with each iteration.

No amount of TLJ RUINED THE SERIES IT WAS GOOD BEFORE THEN stuff is going to change history.

Name a single fuckable female member of the cast.

>user, JJ rian and Igor ruined the series by killing off everyone and ruining everything else because they didn't want to py lucas a dime.
This is so dumb and anyone who repeats this is a literal brainlet. Why would Disney even include the OT characters at all if this was a concern? They would have just started with brand new characters and ignored having Luke, Han, and Leia since the beginning.

$4 billion on acquiring a property that was guaranteed to make money
Billions and billions in investments because of said property that was guaranteed to make money

Property is mismanaged to the point of unprofitability in two movies
Billions in investments that were riding on the guaranteed, spectacular success of said property is wiped out

>mfw Disneyfags actually believe Star Wars isn't dead

we're on the planet where Disney spent $4 billion on the franchise and were starting from a huge deficit, then managed to massively devalue their own investment.

TLJ didn't ruin it, the sequels shouldn't have even been made. These movies are fundamentally broken to the core since they reuse the same conflict in the original trilogy. But I don't see Disney doing time travel or some shit like that, it's just too absurd

>user, the series was in the shitter with the force awakens.

TFA by itself made it almost impossible to rescue the series. it was just a question of how long before it became obvious to normies.

VF covers and spreads already released ages ago, grandpa.

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Driver is the only hot Jew I've ever seen.

Shirtless Kylo was sexy and a big hit. It was the slave-Leia of the ST. Keep crying, ugly fat waifufag. These movies aren't for you.

>the same board who had an ""insider""" predicting that Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood was going to be a massive bomb is telling me about supposed Disney Wars financial problems
>the same board that swore that Disney was buying Captain Marvel tickets is telling me that the new Star Wars movie is going to flop
I swear this board gets stupider and stupider everyday. What's worse is that people are actually starting to believe it.

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All people could talk about was sexy Kylo and the sexual tension between him and Rey. You would know about that if you ever ventured out of your incel echochamber.

>Shirtless Kylo was sexy and a big hit.
You're not getting paid enough to do this.

You went to tlj you're part of the problem reddit nigger

Same. I'm hoping this moving bombing will restore my faith in humanity and cause me to want to live again.

And you're not getting enough pussy or female attention (zero) to refute it.

I know it pisses you off that Rey is an ugly shit and you didn't get a sexy waifu, but you're just going to have to deal with it ugly loser. The hot one in this trilogy is Kylo and women (and men) are loving it.

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awww is the wittle incel mad again?

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lol I love how when Daisy revealed there was no more shirtless Kylo in IX the entire fucking audience just got super sad "aww mann". Like, genuine disappointment. Kylo and his crafted by the Gods chest is the only thing nu-fans care about.

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what are you talking about, with disney its always article after article, "leaked" photos after "leaked" photo, video after video. either youre living somewhere else, or youre a shill.

AHHAHAH the audience was so sad about it even Oscar tried to salvage it "it's because he's full-naked this time! dw guise pls see our movie!"

and Daisy sweating bullets later worrying she was going to get in trouble for spoiling it. wew

The proud victory celebration Disney and LFL envisioned when they started developing this trilogy is not coming. This is going to end much like HilIary's party on election night.

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Last night, I decided I would give The Last Jedi a chance. I had heard all the spoilers, heard about how shitty it was and why, but I tried to put all that out of my head. I wanted to give it a fair shake. I had been a huge Star Wars fan as a kid, back in the 90's, pre-prequel days. My 14 year old self would have shit himself knowing there was a Star Wars film out there he hadn't seen.

So, I fire it up and... ten minutes in and I'm bored. I start browsing Yea Forums and just have the netflix window open in the background. I make a few shitposts. I check my social media shit, and make a few shitposts. To show you how little I was interested, at one point I paused it to watch a Steve1989MREInfo review on a military ration... that I had already seen before. Yes, watching a guy chow down on shelf stable bread and rave about the gusset on the bottom of the thermo-stabilized retort pouch of Moroccan Lamb from a 2016 Australian CR1M was more interesting than Luke Skywalker, 400 year old princess Leia, and... the rest. You know, Whatsherface? And Medium Vader. And that black guy. And that purple haired lady. Was she in the last one? I don't know, I forget. Oh, and the droids. They were in the movie. And the Shiny Stormtrooper was too. You know, all your favorites.

There were 2 times in the whole movie that entertained me.
>When Snoke bonked Rey on the head with the lightsaber
>When Hux asked, "Do you think you got him?" to Kylo Ren.
Aside from those moments I was either groaning, rolling my eyes, or not giving a shit.

Anyone who says they are hyped for Rise of Skywalker is full of shit. I don't see how they could be. At this point, anyone still supporting Star Wars must be doing it with the hope that if the movies stay profitable, maybe then next guy who gets his hands on them can actually make a decent story.

Oh, and Rey looked fat as fuck.

Name a single thing that JJ Abrams has done where he made a conclusion.
Not even a satisfactory one.
Just a conclusion at all.
>Abrams is in control of the finale
>Expecting anything less than shit is beyond stupid

Wait, really.

I haven't seen a single lick of advertising aside from the trailers. No "making-of" videos being pushed out, production/cast interviews/commentary, no billboards or ads or anything

I'm sure itll ramp up but I had no idea it was coming out so soon.

>there is absolutely NO MARKETING OR ADVERTISING!
Why bother? It's not like there isn't constant threads on websites like this and several YouTube videos made about it every day.

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They will make sure they have the illusion of a victory no matter what

yeah that merchandise probably hasn't made them dick all, what a bunch of idiots

I think even Disney is aware of what's coming. I have a feeling merchandise production was cut by 80%.

>Wait, really
Kill yourself redditfag

>Galaxy's Edge into Aladdin land
Well when you have onions, make onions milk

Even if she wasn't fat her shoulders are too broad. This is why park and cosplay Reys are much more attractive.


I really pity the fans who take more than one viewing to see the new films for what they are.

>Another ugly, flesh-colored alien
What the fuck is wrong with the design staff of Nu-Wars, why are all of their alien designs like this? How hard is it just give an alien green skin?

>maybe then next guy who gets his hands on them can actually make a decent story

well user I have exciting news for you about that...

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park shills should be executed

He was a meme for toy collectors. His scene was cut from TFA.

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Why do toys still look like shit?

why did you let the shills lose Yea Forums? Who will pay them to shill Star Wars now?

At this point, I no longer give a shit about Star Wars. I fucking hated the prequels, but you know what? At least they were Lucas' vision. It was his story. Now all we have is shit written by committee. No one cares if it actually tells a good story, it's about putting out a message. Which in and of itself isn't bad, but there's no fucking soul to it.

>Name a single fuckable female member of the cast.
Rose's sister. Too bad she's dead.

I ain't shilling shit it's just a fact. Personally i don't want anyone to go to galaxies edge and nu-wars to fail so bad the EU becomes cannon again.


What daring! What outrageousness! What insolence! What arrogance! ... I salute you.

The A-wing pilot was pretty qt too, though she's also dead.

Ok honestly is still gonna make money.

Is not just the soiboys, npc people are already programmed to see disney films at this point.

Mine. I'm JJ Abrams. Iger butchered my original screenplay after those fucking slobs in the test audience responded negatively to it. I tried to clean up Rians festering cumstained shit log of a movie but my thought provoking fleshed out story didn't have enough zoom zooms and boom booms for the fat fucking Amerimutt audience to wheeze and clap at while they shovel nachos into their greasy gullets like real life dopplegangers of Jabba the Hutt so Iger has spent the last 6 months hiring one failed filmmaker after another to rewrite, reshoot, and reedit practically the whole thing.

I don't give a fuck though. I still got paid and my reputation can't be hurt by this. I just want all you pathetic goyim incels to know I had nothing to do with the failure that will be Episode IX so you can save your blood pressure and not seethe at me for killing your stupid child's franchise. And if you do I won't care. I'll read your pathetic 2000 word blog posts you hacked out at 4 am and laugh and go right back to doing rails of coke off some tight teenaged pussy because yes, every Jew here in Hollywood - including me, JJ Abrams - crack open underage goyim clam, and I don't give a shit if you know because you cuck faggots won't do anything about it. We killed Epstein, you think if any one of you finally grew a pair and came at us we wouldn't wipe you and your retarded inbred family out in hours? You're our slaves goyim. We own you.

Enjoy your fuckin lasersword movie.

kill yourself dumb fuck

>it only gets bad after repeated viewings.

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TFA is trash, doesn't matter how many times you watch it

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It's not going to bomb.

How the fuck can Disney make a theme park around Star Wars, and only make it ONE location, none of the original characters, and only have it to promote 9

This counts as advertising. You're a faggot

They included the OT characters for the same reason that they say a popular guy is coming to a party.
To get the losers to come
And once they paid the popular guy in money, weed, and the pussy of the hottest chick at the party he leaves leaving everyone at a losers house house, with jenga, and watered down punch.

The OT characters were there to both legetmize the new star trek and to kill them off and show the new characters being all sad adn shit about them leaving but catching the torch the hand off.

That's all.
The last skywalker film is disney KNOWING they fucked up huge and being willing to shill out anything they need to salvage this dumpster fire.

Based retard

That was true of TFA too. Colbert had an interview with JJ after they announced him coming back and was laughing remembering JJ calling him up all panicked just weeks before release. JJ didn't laugh and looked unhappy.

>needing to watch something twice to see what's wrong with it
And you're part of the problem. You gladly ate that shit up because of muh Falcon and Tie Fighters and got distracted from it. You didn't notice the trainwreck that was in front of you.
This is why I despise "reviewers" and "critics" especially the ones on YouTube and Rotten Tomatoes. It's also why I never trust first/early screening "reviews" on Twitter and social media.

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Is it wrong to not at all be excited for this movie

>episode 9
>making even a billion at this point
Top kek

>I paused it to watch a Steve1989MREInfo review on a military ration... that I had already seen before.
I have never seen the state of Star Wars expressed so accurately.

screencapped. Hope you enjoy your streak of being wrong :)

Just like I was when I said Solo would bomb right? ;)

nobody on here thought Solo would bomb though. They said TLJ would and that Solo would be a hit because it was about Han.

You've been fucking wrong about everything.

my dad is bob ayyyger

The one who championed a robosexual Lando?

I didn't even know there was gonna be a new Star Wars this year until this thread. Yikes.

Because the main trailer isn't out yet you stupid capeshit addled incel minded freak faggot

>nobody on here thought Solo would bomb though
Everyone knew that the solo movie and the retarded rogue one movie were going to bomb.

>Rumor is they're even considering turning Galaxy's Edge into Aladdin land.
the other star wars movies still exist retard, they're not scrapping galaxy's edge

Rogue One didn't bomb though.

Theyll retrofit it into OT land before they change the theme altogether


Also, one of my coworkers is a HUGE Star Wars fan. Has Lego Star Wars stuff on his desk, always has a stream of Star Wars: Battlefront going in a Window in the background while programming, reads the books, you know the type. He saw Solo and didn't even mention it the next day. When I asked him several weeks later if he'd seen it and how it was he just said "Eh."

His rep is fucked forever user.
Everyone has started connecting the dots.
And now SW.
There is a clear patter to his directing and writing style and it's obvious that TFA is all his.
Even more hilarious.
WB hired him to take over the DCEU.

>His rep is fucked forever user

Nah, everyone hates D&D and they literally failed their way up into Star Wars and a huge netflix deal.

Oh yeah.
It did.
They pulled a captain marvel.

user, the people at the top do not know what they are doing when it comes to this shit. Didn't you know?

They didn't fail their way up. They were hired by out of touch retards who don't know any better.

Those guys do not have any real credit left and the "any publicity is good publicity" thing only goes so far.

It didn't bomb. It literally was a financial success, I don't know what "pulled a Captain Marvel" even means, since Captain Marvel made its returns as well.

I have a theory that RLM was right about the time traveling and they did it as an excuse to bring the originals into star wars land.

You must live under a fucking rock of youtube tier underaged shit then faggot

People have been calling time travel for literally years.

No one is. I literally don't know a single person who is excited about it. I honestly bet the average normie doesn't even know it's coming out in four months.

>Have the ability to cast literally anyone
>cast the oddest looking fucking menagerie this side of a goddamn freakshow
>Have the ability to have any writing team
>hire the shrillist, most race and identity obsessed anti-white anti-male SJW's on the planet
>Have the ability to have anyone direct
>hire the guy who wrote LOST to set up the trilogy, then hire the guy who wrote and directed fucking 'Looper' and give him complete creative control and free reign
>Have the ability to have anyone make your game
>get EA to do it and put lootboxes in it



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They had one shot at making Infinity War/Endgame shekels with Star Wars and they fucking blew it because Rian JUSTson fucked it up so systematically. If they had listened to fans and fixed what was wrong with TFA and made a great movie, it would have made closer to TFA's gross whilst this one would be in Infinity War territory, but because they let KK fuck it up, they *lost* millions on Sòylo and will be lucky if this shit makes as much as TLJ.

*leans into mic* Wrong!

Don't you have cakes to steal, Lex?

They had Based Gwen but they fucking killed her twice without even showing us what she looked like. Should have gotten her ripped and had a scene where she's in work out gear

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>Disney making like action Princess Trainer

>a shitty lion king remake makes 1B with ease
>thinking SW won't make 1B with ease

They're still shooting parts of it.

I smell fresh pasta.

can't wait

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That's gotta be hell for the digital fx team.

i remember the first time i saw the phantom menace. i was so young and i wanted it to be good so badly that i convinced myself that it was good. but it wasnt good. and none of the movies that followed were good either.

It comes out in 4 months
4channel can’t count

I keep forgetting it's even coming.

Solo lost $100M
The only thing this movie has going for it is a December release date. There’s extremely little hype - look at trailer views - and zero momentum

and it will still make a billion dollars.

If this movie bombs, maybe we have a chance against those stinking Jews