I like Sci-Fi, I like Boardroom Politics, and I liked L O S T. Should I give this a shot?
Worth Watching?
easily the best tv show ever made, not joking
Yeah, you'll love it.
not quite this but yeah this.
>easily the best tv show ever made
wouldn't go that far, it's more like the last great show of the TV golden age.
yes, watch bsg and then watch the expanse.
I watch it for Katee
is it awfully cheesy sci fi like star trek is?
It's great for the first two seasons, and then there's some more of it.
I didn't think the ending was that bad, but it blew it's load early.
No. It's a gritty survivalist show in space, and then it's a weird religious thing.
I still maintain that the ending is the most disappointing of all time, for me at least. I invested so much into this show when it was airing, and the ending was just shitting all over me and it just made me depressed. Watching it now you probably won't have the same experience, the ending isn't awful, at least the first half isn't, but after that it's just bad and aside from a few moments, just really, really poor writing. It's clear they didn't really have an overall plan for the show from the get go, even LOST felt like they had a better plan, and the LOST ending actually holds up quite well from a character story perspective, but I still cannot get myself to ever re-watch the BSG finale. I still haven't gotten to it ever again since it aired live over a decade ago. Meanwhile I've re-watched LOST like 6 times since it ended, but every single time I try to re-watch BSG I end it during season 3 or midway through 4.
not at all, i hate star trek and i like bsg a lot. watch the expanse too
Completely different tone. It's a depressing drama about the extinction of humankind.
The ending had some good character moments. Gaius finally dropping all of the pomposity, and just trying to do what little he can to help was nice. I don't know how I feel about the overall direction of the plot. I suppose it's fine.
i just hate the abandoning of the fleet, forcing the tie-in between our universe and the show's universe, the "let's all just give up our technology and fuck these primitive humans!" the "no cities," and all the other stupid "let's forget our history so we repeat the same mistakes again!" bullshit.
The only redeeming parts were the scenes between Roslin and Adama, Gaius, and Tyroll. Oh, and I completely forgot about Deus Ex Machina starbuck, as the final insult to my intelligence.
I can understand Adama just being done, and wanting to burn everything, but the lack of any objections from anyone was pretty unbelievable.
Yes. It starts off kinda slow but it gets into it after they get rid of all the formalities
Ronald D Moore does love religious deus ex machina
sci-fi plus boardroom politics = Inherit the Stars. It's a book though. Might be interesting read for you still.
That's one of the main issues I have too, we have 4 years of this show showing that the colonials have a lot of divides, both in religion, culture, politics, etc. and now suddenly, now that they're at Earth all of that goes away and they're all bowing to the Adama's ideas / commands about the future of their entire species.
But who was best girl?
Lee Adama's wife.
The Woman King
Friendly reminder that when Lee says they should ditch all their technology he should have been laughed at and blown the fuck out.
ok I don't like it either but it didn't come out of nowhere, remember when they found the 13th colony it was a nuclear wasteland, no-one wanted to go through all that all over again, although based on the ending they just delayed it by a few thousand years
Imagine if they hadnt fired the guy behind this from writing star trek voyager. VOY would have been so much better but no they had to axe him
he left because they wouldn't let him do any of the things that made bsg so good, like actual consequences and not a hard reset at the end of every episode
so was red dress caprica 6 god and was red tie baltar the devil, and was starbuck an angel like leobeen said?
no they were just all angels
>really poor writing
I think that's mainly due to the writer's strike that occurred in the middle of the series.
Gias Balthar did nothing wrong.
I imagine that whatever god exists in the BSG universe just loves singing that Monkey versus Robot song.
the bomb user, the bomb
>why yes, I do make tender love to, impregnate and marry asian robot girls, how could you tell?
i'm fucking dumb
Pretty damn close. It really is a great show.
damn straight
she has no tits and no ass but im insanely attracted to her. dont have yellow fever either.
no idea why. maybe because she seems the most human out of them?
She's someone's sex slave isn't she?
>no tits no ass
neither does tricia, doesn't matter they are just too cute
cute face + empathy generated for being the writers punching bag during season 3 + dat loyalty
yes mine
shit, meant season 2
It pretty much steals almost all of it's decent story beats from DS9.
A lot of filler and a disappointing last season but there's some great high points.
huh? like what?