''''''kids'''''' show

''''''kids'''''' show

Attached: powerpuff girls.jpg (1280x720, 92K)

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I always wanted to bang Buttercup, she was the hottest by far.


if you don't let your underage kids have sex with as many boys as possible you're a fucking BIGOT!

Blossom = Bubbles > Buttercup

Blossom>>>>>>bubbles>>>>>>shit>>>>> buttercup

This. Buttercup is for closet gays.

bubbles > *

Attached: what was that.gif (270x480, 2.45M)

p l e b s

>bang Buttercup
Litteraly a pole smoker

Really bothers me that their eyes cover 80% of their face

all women are whores, don't forget it anons

reminds me of suzanne somers

Quit hording gifs and webms of a 15 year old girl on your drive, sicko.

I think you should find an ophthalmologist quickly

there're multiple mega folder grandpa

Attached: cutest bubbles.gif (280x500, 3.09M)

...wait, if they were created from a bunch of liquid shit, how could they possess navels if they never had a mother to gestate in utero?

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They turned into sluts.

the real question is if they have cunnies

The lipstick makes them look like fish.

>no purple octopus puppet

she has enough crap in her room already

people think this is cute

Attached: W981Xu3.jpg (517x329, 28K)

nah... only straight men
women, trannies and faggot don't find her cute.

Attached: good job champ.gif (301x536, 2.24M)

Blossom needs a serious cock pounding if you catch my drift.

Today I will remind them


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this has been debunked already

The revival was a terrible idea.

>by gawker

debunked is just another word for confirmed now days, especially if the "media" says it

Buttercup is the green, blossom the red and bubbles is blue right?

EVERYONE * everyone is a whore user.

Writers have ALWAYS written themselves into shows.why is this a big deal

Prove it.

Almost as much as with anime girls

Be more consistent with your capitalization and punctuation. I had to read that several times before I understood.

Well you didn't capitalize or use any punctuation in your post here so I wanted to stay on your level.
>inb4: it wasn't me!!!

I actually find that kinda cute

holy fucking shit thats pathetic

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-14 tv - ''''''kids'''''� (1184x141, 20K)


Attached: 1547261377125.webm (1280x720, 2.59M)

Putting yourself into kids show so that little girls can fantasize about you.

how come slade was so cool when deathstroke is such a shit character?


Becuase "deathstroke" sounds like something someone would joke about if a guy died whilst he was masturbating.
>guess that was the "death stroke"
But Slade sounds cool to say.
Like Slllaaaaaade!
Sla-lay-lay lay-lay-lay-laaaade!

>voiced by the writer of the episodes he appears in
>looks exactly like him
>similar name
Just accept that you're a pathetic manchild sexually attracted to children, Jake.

Because no other writer has ever self inserted as the love interest of a fucking three year old.

>round, big tits
>phat ass, curvy
>dick sucking lips
>sex eyes

Oh good Lord it's a kid's show

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These coincidences are starting to make me have uncomfortable thoughts.

>t. Jake Goldman

Post the infographic of that one writer for the later seasons that came on and inserted himself as a character and love interest for his cartoon waifu

Ron Perlman

Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt

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sex have

She's hittin the wall fast guess dating a 24 yo really took its toll