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Hey, weren’t you the caretaker here?
a tangerine
So what kind of cook was he again?
>Grady standing in front of the mirror
>Jack looking at the mirror
>People seriously think there isn't some moments of this being in his mind.
A nigger cook
Who the hell was Aneega Cooke, anyway?
>ghost of Grady literally unlocks the pantry door
>lololol it's all his mind
Based Kubrick
>i will never get to use the word anywhere in my career
how do i fix this?
>A poster
>A cunny... poster...
>After all, you are the janny of Yea Forums
>And the janny must do what needs to be done
this always btfo's the "all in his mind" fags
Become an actor and try for parts with nigger in the script
a what sir?
This was back when you could have a character say nigger and people wouldn't totally shit themselves. Now, ironically, after decades of trying to "take away the power" of the word, it's considered so vile and offensive that you'll almost never see it in any movie anymore outside of a Quentin Tarantino film.
I never said all of it was in his mind, now did I?
How was the bathroom Grady not real and the pantry Grady real when they were continuing from their previous conversation?